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Monday February 22, 2021
Start: 2021-02-22 10:00
Start: 2021-02-22 11:00
End: 2021-02-22 12:00
Tuesday February 23, 2021
Start: 2021-02-23 08:30


* update of all subsystems, integration,slowcontrol and software     All
* alignment discussion planned for Match 2nd       All

Start: 2021-02-23 10:00
End: 2021-02-23 11:00
Wednesday February 24, 2021
Start: 2021-02-24 08:30

1. Production status;
2. Electronics status;

Start: 2021-02-24 09:30
End: 2021-02-24 11:00
Start: 2021-02-24 09:30
End: 2021-02-24 10:00
Start: 2021-02-24 12:00
End: 2021-02-24 13:00
Start: 2021-02-24 14:00
End: 2021-02-24 15:00
Start: 2021-02-24 15:00


- the west laser had a LV power supply with a bad fuse. Alexie got an access fand fixed in < 1 hour

Thursday February 25, 2021
Start: 2021-02-25 10:00
Start: 2021-02-25 10:00
End: 2021-02-25 11:30
Start: 2021-02-25 10:30
End: 2021-02-25 13:30
Start: 2021-02-25 11:30

Friday February 26, 2021
Start: 2021-02-26 09:30
1) Paper preview: Probing the gluonic structure in deuteron using d+Au ultra-peripheral collisions
Start: 2021-02-26 12:00
End: 2021-02-26 13:00
Monday March 01, 2021
Start: 2021-03-01 09:00

March 1 - March 12,  2021
CTU Prague, Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Start: 2021-03-01 10:00
Start: 2021-03-01 11:00
End: 2021-03-01 12:00
Tuesday March 02, 2021

March 1 - March 12,  2021
CTU Prague, Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Start: 2021-03-02 08:30


* update of all subsystems, integration,slowcontrol and software     All

Start: 2021-03-02 10:00
End: 2021-03-02 11:00
Wednesday March 03, 2021

March 1 - March 12,  2021
CTU Prague, Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Start: 2021-03-03 08:30

1. Production status;
2. Electronics status;

Start: 2021-03-03 09:30
End: 2021-03-03 10:00
Start: 2021-03-03 09:30
End: 2021-03-03 11:00
Start: 2021-03-03 14:00
End: 2021-03-03 15:00
Start: 2021-03-03 15:00
Thursday March 04, 2021

March 1 - March 12,  2021
CTU Prague, Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Start: 2021-03-04 10:00
End: 2021-03-04 11:30
Start: 2021-03-04 10:00
Start: 2021-03-04 10:30
End: 2021-03-04 13:30
Start: 2021-03-04 11:30

Friday March 05, 2021

March 1 - March 12,  2021
CTU Prague, Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Start: 2021-03-05 09:30
Start: 2021-03-05 12:00
End: 2021-03-05 13:00
Saturday March 06, 2021

March 1 - March 12,  2021
CTU Prague, Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Sunday March 07, 2021

March 1 - March 12,  2021
CTU Prague, Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Monday March 08, 2021

March 1 - March 12,  2021
CTU Prague, Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Start: 2021-03-08 10:00
Start: 2021-03-08 11:00
End: 2021-03-08 12:00
Tuesday March 09, 2021

March 1 - March 12,  2021
CTU Prague, Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Start: 2021-03-09 10:00
End: 2021-03-09 11:00

Meeting minutes:

Wednesday March 10, 2021

March 1 - March 12,  2021
CTU Prague, Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Start: 2021-03-10 08:30

1. Production status;

Start: 2021-03-10 09:30
End: 2021-03-10 11:00
Start: 2021-03-10 09:30
End: 2021-03-10 10:00
Start: 2021-03-10 14:00
End: 2021-03-10 15:00
Start: 2021-03-10 15:00


No issue with TPC hardware
-Have adjusted methan content to make Vdrift more constatnt; there were several period in Feb with variations.

Thursday March 11, 2021

March 1 - March 12,  2021
CTU Prague, Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Start: 2021-03-11 10:00
End: 2021-03-11 11:30
Start: 2021-03-11 10:30
End: 2021-03-11 13:30
Start: 2021-03-11 11:30
Friday March 12, 2021
Start: 2021-03-01 09:00
End: 2021-03-12 19:00

March 1 - March 12,  2021
CTU Prague, Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Start: 2021-03-12 09:30
Start: 2021-03-12 12:00
End: 2021-03-12 13:00
Monday March 15, 2021
Start: 2021-03-15 10:00
Start: 2021-03-15 11:00
End: 2021-03-15 12:00
Tuesday March 16, 2021
Start: 2021-03-16 08:30


* update of all subsystems, integration, slowcontrol, software and documentation  All
* alignment of the tracking system and all detectors  ALL

Start: 2021-03-16 10:00
End: 2021-03-16 11:00
Wednesday March 17, 2021
Start: 2021-03-17 08:30

1. Production status;

Start: 2021-03-17 09:30
End: 2021-03-17 11:00
Start: 2021-03-17 09:30
End: 2021-03-17 10:00
Start: 2021-03-17 12:00
End: 2021-03-17 13:00
Start: 2021-03-17 14:00
End: 2021-03-17 15:00
Start: 2021-03-17 15:00

- hardware status
- operations
- software
  - cluster quantization
  -update on test productions

Thursday March 18, 2021
Start: 2021-03-18 10:00
End: 2021-03-18 11:30
Start: 2021-03-18 10:30
End: 2021-03-18 13:30
Start: 2021-03-18 11:30

Friday March 19, 2021
Start: 2021-03-19 09:30
1) Paper preview: Longitudinal double-spin asymmetry for inclusive jet and dijet production in polarized proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=510$ GeV
Start: 2021-03-19 12:00
End: 2021-03-19 13:00
Monday March 22, 2021
Start: 2021-03-22 10:00
Start: 2021-03-22 11:00
End: 2021-03-22 12:00
Tuesday March 23, 2021
Start: 2021-03-23 08:30


* update of all subsystems, integration, slowcontrol, software and documentation  All

Start: 2021-03-23 10:00
End: 2021-03-23 11:00


1. Yuri has done a transfer of 7.7GeV data to disk space leased by PAC that we can use for the studies at /gpfs01/star/pwg_tasks/TF_TrkEff

Wednesday March 24, 2021
Start: 2021-03-24 08:30

1. Production status;

Start: 2021-03-24 09:30
End: 2021-03-24 11:00
Start: 2021-03-24 12:00
End: 2021-03-24 13:00
Start: 2021-03-24 14:00
End: 2021-03-24 15:00
Start: 2021-03-24 15:00

- hardware status
- operations
- software
 - big events
 - update on test productions
