Midrapidity φ production in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 130 GeV
C. Adler et al., Phys. Rev. C. 65, 041901(R) (2002).

Fig.2: Tranverse mass distributions for different centralities

Only statistical errors are shown. Data measured for |y|<0.5.

Centrality mT - mφ [GeV/c] dN/(2 pi mT dmT dy) [c2/GeV2]
26-85% 0.15 0.131 +- 0.032
0.25 0.205 +- 0.033
0.35 0.133 +- 0.019
0.45 0.089 +- 0.031
0.55 0.041 +- 0.024
0.65 0.046 +- 0.017
0.75 0.049 +- 0.022
0.95 0.026 +- 0.015
11-26% 0.15 0.786 +- 0.162
0.25 0.558 +- 0.067
0.35 0.506 +- 0.099
0.45 0.374 +- 0.094
0.55 0.234 +- 0.092
0.65 0.128 +- 0.060
0.95 0.149+- 0.057
0-11% 0.15 1.157 +- 0.225
0.25 0.891 +- 0.132
0.35 0.822 +- 0.098
0.45 0.441 +- 0.075
0.55 0.345 +- 0.059
0.65 0.317 +- 0.059
0.75 0.284 +- 0.084
0.85 0.195 +- 0.087
0.95 0.194 +- 0.062

Table 1: Mid-rapidity exponential inverse slope parameter Tφ, dNφ/dy, and Nφ/Nh-.

Only statistical errors are shown. Systematic uncertainties on T are 12%, on dN/dy 12%, and on Nφ/Nh- 22%. Data measured for |y|<0.5.

Event Multiplicity 0-11 % 11-26 % 26-85 %
Tφ [MeV] 379 +- 50 369 +- 73 417 +- 75
dNφ/dy 5.73 +- 0.37 3.33 +- 0.38 0.98 +- 0.12
Nφ/Nh- 0.021 +- 0.001 0.019 +- 0.002 0.019 +- 0.002