The energy dependence of pt angular correlations inferred from mean-pt fluctuation scale dependence in heavy ion collisions at the SPS and RHIC
J. Adams et al., J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 34 (2007) 451-465
Figure 3, Left Panel
CERES data x1000 (GeV/c)
delta-eta |
Dsigma(pt:n) 17.3 GeV |
Dsigma(pt:n) 12.3 GeV |
0.05 | 1.15 | 1.0 |
0.1 | 2.65 | 2.25 |
0.2 | 3.38 | 3.53 |
0.3 | 4.4 | 3.45 |
0.4 | 4.9 | 4.1 |
0.5 | 5.1 | 3.9 |
0.6 | 5.7 | 3.8 |
0.7 | 6.15 | 4.2 |
0.8 | 6.25 | 4.15 |
STAR data (GeV/c)
Histogram errors are discussed in Sec. VI.
delta-eta |
Dsigma(pt:n) 200 GeV |
Dsigma(pt:n) 130 GeV |
Dsigma(pt:n) 62.4 GeV |
Dsigma(pt:n) 19.6 GeV |
0.0625 | 0.00629205 | 0.00750395 | 0.00470876 | 0.00159211 |
0.191667 | 0.0108696 | 0.0118751 | 0.00937173 | 0.00347393 |
0.320833 | 0.0158052 | 0.0169096 | 0.0128502 | 0.00510305 |
0.45 | 0.020679 | 0.0201683 | 0.0167924 | 0.00630614 |
0.579167 | 0.0262057 | 0.024499 | 0.0203588 | 0.00786799 |
0.708333 | 0.0304489 | 0.0279289 | 0.0241427 | 0.00922711 |
0.8375 | 0.0351916 | 0.0336564 | 0.0282481 | 0.00983262 |
0.966667 | 0.0412361 | 0.0368056 | 0.0311015 | 0.0101938 |
1.09583 | 0.0456599 | 0.0413552 | 0.0349885 | 0.0113403 |
1.225 | 0.0496499 | 0.0446441 | 0.0390313 | 0.0130312 |
1.35417 | 0.0544271 | 0.0496146 | 0.0426616 | 0.0132207 |
1.48333 | 0.0587897 | 0.0530203 | 0.0467859 | 0.0142878 |
1.6125 | 0.0633314 | 0.0565076 | 0.0501267 | 0.0150318 |
1.74167 | 0.067186 | 0.0604658 | 0.0536966 | 0.0156083 |
1.87083 | 0.0724389 | 0.0651359 | 0.0568177 | 0.0157575 |
2.0 | 0.077516 | 0.0674797 | 0.0596428 | 0.0163592 |
Figure 3, Right Panel
Nonzero errors in centrality parameter nu discussed in text.
Errors in Dsigma(pt:n) are +/- 0.0014 for the 62.4, 130 and 200 GeV data.
Errors for the 19.6 GeV data are: +/- 0.3 for nu, +/- 0.004 for Dsigma(pt:n)
200 GeV data
Dsigma(pt:n) (GeV/c) |
0.0260456 |
0.0337438 |
0.0412166 |
0.0492801 |
0.0600904 |
0.0678156 |
0.0780543 |
0.0809589 |
0.0813762 |
0.0788331 |
0.078141 |
130 GeV data
Dsigma(pt:n) (GeV/c) |
0.0335078 |
0.045173 |
0.057861 |
0.0665367 |
0.0702586 |
0.0697289 |
62.4 GeV data
Dsigma(pt:n) (GeV/c) |
0.0218436 |
0.0270056 |
0.0340004 |
0.0400101 |
0.0478776 |
0.0543933 |
0.0582136 |
0.0609843 |
0.0600631 |
0.0597148 |
0.0585387 |
19.6 GeV data
Dsigma(pt:n) (GeV/c) |
0.0144745 |
0.0177546 |
0.0301519 |
0.0179825 |
Figure 4, Left Panel
Errors in r.m.s. fluctuations are +/- 0.002 (GeV/c).
sqrt{sNN} (GeV) |
uncorrected (GeV/c) |
corrected (GeV/c) |
12.6 | 0.0063 | 0.0033 |
17.8 | 0.011 | 0.008 |
20 | 0.018 | 0.015 |
62 | 0.044 | 0.041 |
130 | --- | 0.052 |
200 | --- | 0.057 |
Figure 4, Right Panel
Units for Dsigma(pt:n) and errors are GeV/c.
sqrt{sNN} (GeV) |
quench on |
error |
quench off |
error |
jets on |
error |
19 | 0.0182692 | 0.001 | 0.0173077 | 0.001 | 0.017 | 0.001 |
62.4 | 0.0205357 | 0.002 | 0.0241379 | 0.002 | 0.0086 | 0.0015 |
200 | 0.025 | 0.0025 | 0.0383333 | 0.003 | 0.0086 | 0.0015 |