STAR Publications and Data
Found (400) STAR Publications
List of STAR Publications
Measurement of inclusive J/psi polarization in p+p collisions at sqrt{s} = 200 GeV by the STAR experiment Submitted Jul. 9, 2020 , published Nov. 20, 2020
Phys. Rev. D 102 (2020) 92009
e-Print Archives (2007.04732) : Abstract | PS | PDF
SLAC-Spires HEP: Entry
Journal article: Phys. Rev. D server
Data and figures (pub id: 336): click here
Beam-energy dependence of the directed flow of deuterons in Au+Au collisions
Submitted Jul. 9, 2020 , published Oct. 16, 2020
Phys. Rev. C 102 (2020) 44906
e-Print Archives (2007.04609) : Abstract | PS | PDF
SLAC-Spires HEP: Entry
Journal article: Phys. Rev. C server
Data and figures (pub id: 337): click here
Investigation of the linear and mode-coupled flow harmonics in Au+Au collisions at \sqrt{sNN} = 200 GeV
Submitted Jun. 25, 2020 , published Sep. 10, 2020
Phys. Lett. B 809 (2020) 135728
e-Print Archives (2006.13537) : Abstract | PS | PDF
SLAC-Spires HEP: Entry
Journal article: Phys. Lett. B server
Data and figures (pub id: 335): click here
Charge separation measurements in p(d)+Au and Au+Au collisions; implications for the chiral magnetic effect
Submitted Jun. 8, 2020
e-Print Archives (2006.04251) : Abstract | PS | PDF
Data and figures (pub id: 333): click here
Measurement of inclusive charged-particle jet production in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV
Submitted Jun. 3, 2020 , published Nov. 30, 2020
Phys. Rev. C 102 (2020) 54913
e-Print Archives (2006.00582) : Abstract | PS | PDF
SLAC-Spires HEP: Entry
Journal article: Phys. Rev. C server
Data and figures (pub id: 332): click here
Measurement of the central exclusive production of charged particle pairs in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 200$ GeV with the STAR detector at RHIC
Submitted Apr. 24, 2020 , published Jul. 28, 2020
JHEP 7 (2020) 178
e-Print Archives (2004.11078) : Abstract | PS | PDF
SLAC-Spires HEP: Entry
Journal article: JHEP server
Data and figures (pub id: 331): click here
Results on Total and Elastic Cross Sections in Proton-Proton Collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV
Submitted Mar. 30, 2020 , published Aug. 14, 2020
Phys. Lett. B 808 (2020) 135663
e-Print Archives (2003.12136) : Abstract | PS | PDF
SLAC-Spires HEP: Entry
Journal article: Phys. Lett. B server
Data and figures (pub id: 329): click here
Measurement of Groomed Jet Substructure Observables in pp Collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV with STAR
Submitted Mar. 4, 2020 , published Oct. 15, 2020
Phys. Lett. B 811 (2020) 135846
e-Print Archives (2003.02114) : Abstract | PS | PDF
SLAC-Spires HEP: Entry
Journal article: Phys. Lett. B server
Data and figures (pub id: 327): click here
Beam energy dependence of net-Lambda fluctuations measured by the STAR experiment at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
Submitted Jan. 17, 2020 , published Aug. 5, 2020
Phys. Rev. C 102 (2020) 24903
e-Print Archives (2001.06419) : Abstract | PS | PDF
SLAC-Spires HEP: Entry
Journal article: Phys. Rev. C server
Data and figures (pub id: 324): click here
The STAR Event Plane Detector
Submitted Jan. 8, 2020 , published Apr. 18, 2020
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 968 (2020) 163970
e-Print Archives (1912.05243) : Abstract | PS | PDF
Journal article: Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A server
Underlying event measurements in p+p collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV at RHIC
Submitted Dec. 17, 2019 , published Mar. 10, 2020
Phys. Rev. D 101 (2020) 52004
e-Print Archives (1912.08187) : Abstract | PS | PDF
SLAC-Spires HEP: Entry
Journal article: Phys. Rev. D server
Data and figures (pub id: 321): click here
Measurement of D0-meson + hadron two-dimensional angular correlations in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV
Submitted Nov. 27, 2019 , published Jul. 6, 2020
Phys. Rev. C 102 (2020) 14905
e-Print Archives (1911.12168) : Abstract | PS | PDF
SLAC-Spires HEP: Entry
Journal article: Phys. Rev. C server
Data and figures (pub id: 319): click here