Software and Computing
Agenda question: what do you think of the use of icon images and text for accessing printer friendly version and other features?
* I prefer text only and have no problem with the default
* I like both icons and text, it helps navigation
* I would prefer to see only icons (with mouse-over pop-up explaination)
* No preference (none of the choices make the options more visible or clearer)
Run 11 preparation meeting #2
1-189, at 19:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
Attendees: Jeff L., Jérôme L., Wayne B., Gene V.B., Leve H., Dmitry A.
jevp : the new online QA package
- Deployment intended before run starts
- Will run concurrently with OnlinePlots package on the evp.starp machine
- That machine is believed, at this point, to be sufficiently up to the task
- Will run concurrently with OnlinePlots package on the evp.starp machine
- Infrastructure ready at 90% (old adage: last 10% takes 90% of the time)
- Using QtRoot
- New architecture has 3 components
- server: repository for plots
- builder: stand-alone process for reading event pool, filling hists, and ships plots of them to the server in a ROOT container class (StJEvpPlotSet)
- StJevpPlotSet contains the histograms, plus lines and texts, and axis scales
- display: it asks the server for the plots it wants to present at any given time (and tabs); not the content of other plots
- All components communicate over ethernet and can be on separate machines
- Multiple builder instances will all read the same files simultaneously
- Suggestion to possibly leverage other available online nodes
- Would need to mount evp.starp: /a
- Won't pursue until a need is shown
- Deployed all existing plots to server (999 exactly!)
- Divided into 17 builders: generic, daq, hlt, l3, each subsystem
- Main features:
- Easily configured plotting
- There is an xml configuration file, plus an editor for managing the xml file
- Hierarchy of tabs and plots easily changed (directory-like arrangement)
- Top level is shift, HLT, other expert sets
- Same plot can be in more than one place
- Control over rows and columns, log scaling (part of plot definition, but over-ridable in the configuration), plot maxima and minima (setting can span multiple plots)
- Display comes up with shift histograms by default
- Reference histogram capability
- Clicking on a hist brings up the data and reference histograms (and possible old references)
- This page allows one to set the data as the reference along with a comment
- Discussion of expanding this capability for automated analysis and alerts
- Analytic comparisons be done in the builder (that's where the analysis happens)
- Suggestions to keep this in mind as programming continues
- Easily configured plotting
- Future Planned Features:
- Conditional suppression of unwanted plots
- Distinction between not-in-run, and broken
- Some plots shown only if some state exists
- Fast trigger stream: possible send all trigger data (not DAQ data) to the event pool
- Monitors from within the package (e.g. how long does each builder take)
- Needs to be coordinated in the server
- Conditional suppression of unwanted plots
- Additional To-Do tasks:
- Run stop/start isn't well-coordinated yet (when to clear histograms for start of a new run; codes need more understanding of state)
- Basic shift histogram group needs to be set-up
- Plan: present a set of plots to the trigger board for feedback & input
- Need testing with real data for each subsystem for possible code-copying mistakes
- Need extended operation testing (e.g. does it have memory leaks? eventually crashes?)
- Already some concerns about ownership of objects in the plotting code (an issue we had with the OnlinePlots package)
- Plan to run display component locally on rts01
- Needs STAR environment to do so
- Interest in a second display screen
- Interest in upgrading rts01 hardware
- Wayne agreed to spec out new hardware
- Plan to learn as we go (from problems during the Run) of what are the optimal ways to present data which make the problem(s) evident
- Plan for now is to demo the jevp package in 3 weeks time
Other discussion topics:
- Rotations of DBs done for new year, but not all hyperlinks have been rotated
- Online disk space usage needs: users need to be polled (e.g. spin QA programs and data), and who the users are needs to be determined
- Solaris phase out: systems (slow controls and trigger) are not in S&C control; admins need to be convinced that support is gone and catastrophes loom (e.g. ITD can disconnect machines from the network)
- Switch to using dbbak for daily DB backups not yet done
- DB flush planned for Monday, and that should be it until online daemons start up (awaits EPICS ramp up)
- Jérôme mentioned workflow tests are in order for QA-RunLog-ShiftLog interconnections
- Discussion of RTS/ShiftLeader status editing/updating (continued post-meeting):
- Conclusion seemed to be that the current set-up is what is needed, but that edits/updates should be in the hands of shift leaders. This policy should be made very clear and known.
Sector 20 field lines near padrow 21
Sector 20 has a dead anode region (20-5) over padrows 14-20, and partially over padrow 21.
Sti accounting dead TPC regions
As discussed in RT ticket 2030, Sti has apparently not properly taken into account dead TPC regions.
Run 10 QA review
This attached PDF is for the You do not have access to view this node.
Run 11 preparation meeting #1
1-189, EVO, at 20:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
For guidance, our flagship projects for Year 10 from last year included: * Online storage / central storage * Revamping the online network * Auto-calib and Auto-QA projects * New online plots * Try to make good on code in CVS We would need to hear about - QA (online and offline) - assume Gene will compile a summary - Online tools ShiftSignup, RunLog, ShiftLog - Dmitry & Leve - Production requests during yhe run - Lidia - DB issues if any remaining - Dmitry - Storage and other issues - Wayne As first action items, we will also need as every year to (a) poll users for storage requirements online and (b) be sure all DB back-end supporting all tools are rotated and ready (and all links / generic names are as well for Run 11). If you need storage space online and have a opinion, please voice it especially if need diverge from past year's.
Disabling sector 20
Hits on global tracks, from processing the first 30 events of one AuAu200 file in DEV on Nov. 4, 2010:
Software and Computing phone meeting
1-189, EVO, at 16:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
Time | Talk | Presenter |
12:00 | Calibration status for run 10, 200 GeV ( 00:20 ) 0 files | Grant Webb (UKY) |
12:20 | Library readiness ( 00:20 ) 0 files | Lidia Didenko (BNL) |
12:40 | AOB ( 00:20 ) 1 file | All (All) |
New table for tilted, shifted TPC HV planes
This is a proposal for a new database table to be used in handling distortions in the TPC due to shifted or tilted TPV HV planes. The planes include:
DB efficiency in 24 hour stress tests
Following the 24 hour stress tests shown in the "Follow-up #4" section of Jerome's blog entry: Effect of stream data on database performance, a 2010 study, I looked a little further into the information I had regarding the DB ef