STAR Protected

QA of full embedding production - with weight

QA of full embedding production - no weight

Non-photoninc electrons in central U+U collisions - abstract for EPS-HEP

QA of embeddig test samples - with weight

QA of embeddig test samples - without weight

RP_CPT2 rate plot

 The attached plot is courtesy of Jeff and shows the rate of RP_CPT2 for the run Friday morning around 10.30-11.30 during Paul's shift

HFT Embedding meeting

2015-04-23 15:00
2015-04-23 18:30
America/New York
Thursday, 23 April 2015
BNL - Room 1-224 in Physcis 510, at 19:00 (GMT), duration : 03:30
 Title: Embedding Meeting - BNL

Community: STAR

SeeVoghRN Application

Mobile App :  Meeting ID: 727 3995   or  Link:

- Phone Bridge

ID: 727 3995

Eastern Daylight Time (-0400)

Start 2015-04-23  13:30

End   2015-04-23  21:00


Japan Standard Time (+0900)

Start 2015-04-24  02:30

End   2015-04-24  10:00


India Standard Time (+0530)

Start 2015-04-23  23:00

End   2015-04-24  06:30


Central European Summer Time (+0200)

Start 2015-04-23  19:30

End   2015-04-24  03:00


Pacific Daylight Time (-0700)

Start 2015-04-23  10:30

End   2015-04-23  18:00



SeeVogh Research Network Phone Bridge Telephone Numbers:


- USA (Caltech, Pasadena, CA)

+1 626 395 2112


- Slovakia (UPJS, Kosice)

+421 55 234 2420


- Italy (INFN, several cities)

Enter '4000' to access the EVO bridge


- Germany (DESY, Hamburg)

+49 40 8998 1340


- USA (BNL, Upton, NY)

+1 631 344 6100


- United Kingdom (Janet, UK)


University of Edinburgh     +44 131 474 4520


- Australia (ARCS)


Adelaide  08 8463 1011

Brisbane  07 3139 0705

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Dial '2' at the prompt


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+33 144 27 81 50

15:00Brief Overview [Problem, Issues] ( 00:20 ) 1 fileMM
15:20Method Outline ( 00:20 ) 1 fileAQ
15:40Maker structure/calls/examples ( 00:20 ) 0 filesAQ
16:00QA tests/issues to address ( 00:20 ) 1 fileAQ+Embedd. coordinator
16:20Subsystem usage/modification/implementatiion ( 00:20 ) 0 filesAQ+Subsystems
16:40Roundtable on timelines/codes/who ( 01:20 ) 0 files


 Vertex Position Detector (VPD)

Procedural Notes and Run Operations

Proceedings - Measurements of electrons from heavy flavor decays at the STAR experiment

NPE in central UU collisions - update

Project overview

Speaker : F.Videbæk

Talk time : 09:05, Duration : 00:45


iTPC internal review

2015-02-05 08:30
America/New York
Thursday, 5 February 2015
ITD conference room, BNL, at 13:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00
Meeting Title:
STAR iTPC internal Review

Meeting Title:
Thursday February 5, 2015 8:30 a.m. EST / 8 hrs


To join or start the meeting, go to:

Connecting directly from a room system?
1) Dial: or
2) Enter Meeting ID: 417232582

Just want to dial in? (
1) +1 408 740 7256 
+1 888 240 2560 (US Toll Free)
+1 408 317 9253 (Alternate Number)
2) Enter Meeting ID: 417232582

Attachment consists of 
a) agenda, charge and instructions
b) comments from review commitee (1-21-15)

There was an insertion tooling review on December 17

The schedule for installation prepared by ralph Brown is attached to the agenda

08:30executive session ( 00:20 ) 0 files
09:00Welcome ( 00:05 ) 2 filesZhangbu Xu
09:05Project overview ( 00:45 ) 2 filesF.Videbæk
09:50MWPC production plan and resources ( 00:20 ) 1 fileQinghua Xu (Shandong U.)
10:10break ( 00:15 ) 0 files
10:25Physics Case ( 00:40 ) 1 fileDan Cebra
11:10Sector mechanics ( 00:40 ) 2 filesJim Thomas
11:50Electronics ( 00:40 ) 1 fileTonko Ljubicic
12:30break for lunch -- executive lunch ( 01:00 ) 0 files
13:30TPC operations ( 00:15 ) 1 fileAlexei Lebedev
13:45Tracking-simulation ( 00:20 ) 1 fileIrakli Chakaberia
14:05insertion tool and integration ( 00:20 ) 2 filesRahul Sharma
14:25executive session ( 01:00 ) 0 files
15:25Discussion and closeout ( 00:20 ) 0 files

Non-photonic electrons at the STAR experiment - poster

Comparison of TPC super-sectors alignments

This blog entry is to collect all comparison plots of the different super-sectors alignments. 

STAR Management Meeting

2014-12-05 10:00
2014-12-05 11:30
America/New York
Friday, 5 December 2014
BlueJeans Meeting, BNL room 1-189, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 01:30

1) BlueJeans meeting

2) run14 production preparation
   a) 14.5GeV
   b) status of tracking and preparation

3) abstract submission strategy: (STC chair: Olga)

4) run16 discussions
    pp500 vs AuAu62

5) S&T review action items

6) User facility database

Relative errors of NPE yield in central 5% UU collisions

STAR Management Meeting

2014-11-21 10:00
2014-11-21 11:30
America/New York
Friday, 21 November 2014
SeeVogh# 100 7671, BNL room 1-189, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 01:30

1) 14.5 GeV production 

2) fixed target position in run15 and beyond 

3) geometry and progress on run15 Au+Au 200GeV toward production 

4) computing plan (action item for DOE S&T review) 
    Michael Ernst requested a meeting next week 

5) SeeVogh vs BlueJeans  
     ask PHENIX and ITD 
6) other items: 
 detector readiness for run15 (FPS, RP and FMS?) 



Update on NPE spectra in central UU collisions

KCSF Proceedings - Upsilon production at the STAR experiment

Non-Photonic Electrons in STAR Experiment