STAR Protected
pp2pp weekly
Physics 1-189, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 02:00
1. Status and plan from ODU.
2. Status and plan from Cracow:
a) Elastic event analysis - Bogdan
b) Luminosity normalization - Janusz
3. The path forward, mainly how to determine the inefficiencies due to instrumental effects - All
4. Are we ready for a paper proposal on A_NN, A_SS? I think yes as it does not require a paper draft - Igor, Dima
5. Run 2013 preparation - Wlodek
6. Other, possibly: optimal conditions for small-t at 510 GeV, namely what would we ask C-AD for? Igor, Dima
Community: STAR
Password: elasticpp
Meeting Access Information:
- Meeting URL
- Password: elasticpp
- Phone Bridge
ID: 14 3369
Password: 5158
- USA (BNL, Upton, NY)
+1 631 344 6100
- Skype (tm) (World-wide)
Time | Talk | Presenter |
10:00 | ODU update (Ivan Koralt) ( 00:20 ) 1 file | Ivan Koralt |
10:40 | PMT inefficiency in 2009 ( 00:10 ) 0 files | Leszek Adamczyk |
16:00 | Some remarks on lumi ( 00:20 ) 1 file | Janusz Chwastowski |
pp2pp weekly
Physics 1-189, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 02:00
pp2pp weekly
Physics 1-189, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 02:00
pp2pp weekly
Physics 1-189, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 02:00
We will have our weekly meeting Wedensday, Oct. 3, 10 a.m. EST in 1-189 in Physics. Wlodek
Here are the topics:
2. Report from Krakow
3. Run 2013 - responsibilities, commitments, comments on timing of taking data early in the run.
4. Replies to referies all
5. Other - let me know
Title: pp2pp weekly
Community: STAR
Password: elasticpp
Meeting Access Information:
- Meeting URL
- Password: elasticpp
- Phone Bridge
ID: 14 3369
Password: 5158
- USA (BNL, Upton, NY)
+1 631 344 6100
- Skype (tm) (World-wide)
Time | Talk | Presenter |
11:00 | Replies to reviewers ( 00:20 ) 1 file | Kin Yip |
11:20 | Trigger for run 13 ( 00:20 ) 1 file | Wlodek |
pp2pp weekly
Physics 1-189, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 02:00
We will have our weekly meeting Wedensday, Oct. 10, 10 a.m. EST in 1-189 in Physics. Wlodek
2. GEANT4 of the beamline - Leszek
Title: pp2pp weekly
Community: STAR
Password: elasticpp
Meeting Access Information:
- Meeting URL
- Password: elasticpp
- Phone Bridge
ID: 14 3369
Password: 5158
- USA (BNL, Upton, NY)
+1 631 344 6100
- Skype (tm) (World-wide)
Time | Talk | Presenter |
09:00 | DNP2012_firstdraft ( 00:20 ) 1 file | |
10:20 | Status of the GEANT4 beam-line simulation ( 00:15 ) 1 file | Leszek Adamczyk |
pp2pp weekly
Physics 1-189, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 02:00
2. Towards finishing Ann Ass paper - ITEP.
Title: pp2pp weekly
Community: STAR
Password: elasticpp
Meeting Access Information:
- Meeting URL
- Password: elasticpp
- Phone Bridge
ID: 14 3369
Password: 5158
- USA (BNL, Upton, NY)
+1 631 344 6100
- Skype (tm) (World-wide)
Time | Talk | Presenter |
09:00 | DNP2012-draft2 ( 00:20 ) 1 file |
pp2pp weekly
Physics 1-189, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 02:00
Title: pp2pp weekly
Community: STAR
Password: elasticpp
Meeting Access Information:
- Meeting URL
- Password: elasticpp
- Phone Bridge
ID: 14 3369
Password: 5158
- USA (BNL, Upton, NY)
+1 631 344 6100
- Skype (tm) (World-wide)
Time | Talk | Presenter |
09:00 | A_NN andA_SS progress report ( 00:20 ) 4 files | Igor Alekseev |
pp2pp weekly
Physics 1-189, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 02:00
pp2pp weekly
Physics 1-189, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 02:00
pp2pp weekly
Physics 1-189, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 02:00
pp2pp weekly
Physics 1-189, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 02:00
pp2pp weekly
Physics 1-189, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 02:00
We will have our weekly meeting Wedensday, Sept. 5, 10 a.m. EST in 1-189 in Physics. Here are the topics:
1. Update on ANN, ASS - Igor
2. Update trigger bias - Rafal
3. Update from Cracow CEP and elastic analyses - Jacek, Janusz
4. Other… let us know
Community: STAR
Password: elasticpp
Meeting Access Information:
- Meeting URL
- Password: elasticpp
- Phone Bridge
ID: 14 3369
Password: 5158
+1 631 344 6100
- Skype (tm) (World-wide)
Time | Talk | Presenter |
10:00 | Study of elastic trigger bias in pp2pp run 2009 - UPDATE II ( 00:25 ) 1 file | Rafal Sikora |
pp2pp weekly
Physics 1-189, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 02:00
pp2pp weekly
Physics 1-189, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 02:00
We will have our weekly meeting Wedensday, Sept. 19, 10 a.m. EST in 1-189 in Physics. Wlodek
Here are the topics:
1. SPIN 2012 talk - DIma
2. Update - Krakow
3. Other… let us know
Title: pp2pp weekly
Community: STAR
Password: elasticpp
Meeting Access Information:
- Meeting URL
- Password: elasticpp
- Phone Bridge
ID: 14 3369
Password: 5158
- USA (BNL, Upton, NY)
+1 631 344 6100
- Skype (tm) (World-wide)
Time | Talk | Presenter |
09:00 | Improving results on transerve double spin asymmetries in the CNI region at STAR ( 00:20 ) 0 files | Dima Svirida |
pp2pp weekly
Physics 1-189, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 02:00
We will have our weekly meeting Wedensday, August 29, 10 a.m. EST in 1-189 in Physics. Here are the topics:
1. ITEP analysis update and path forward - Igor, Dima
2. Run 13 preparation - Wlodek + all
Hi Nu,
I will try to fit in the pp2pp run at the start of Run 13 if budget allows. ... But I will tell C-AD to proceed under the assumption that we will run pp2pp early in the run.
Community: STAR
Password: elasticpp
Meeting Access Information:
- Meeting URL
- Password: elasticpp
- Phone Bridge
ID: 14 3369
Password: 5158
+1 631 344 6100
- Skype (tm) (World-wide)
Time | Talk | Presenter |
09:00 | A_NN A_SS update ( 00:20 ) 1 file | Igor |
09:20 | Study of elastic trigger bias in pp2pp run 2009 - UPDATE ( 00:20 ) 1 file | Rafal Sikora |
Upsilon pp, dAu, AuAu Paper Documents
This page is for collecting the following documents related to the Upsilon pp (2009), dAu (2008) and AuAu (2010) paper:
FGT Event Display Progress Report
Attached is an early view of the FGT event display. This is showing every 10th strip.
They should all be in the proper location within the detector.
Coffee Break
Updated on Sun, 2012-08-05 20:02. Originally created by yfzhang on 2012-08-05 20:02.Reference
Talk time : 15:45, Duration : 00:20
Lunch Break
Updated on Sun, 2012-08-05 19:59. Originally created by yfzhang on 2012-08-05 19:54.Reference
Talk time : 12:20, Duration : 01:40