STAR Protected
2009.05.12 Variable distributions after LDA at 70% efficiency
Cut optimization with Fisher's LDA classifier
For this post LDA results with Set1 and Set2 has been used
STAR Management Meeting
BNL, 50-Orange Room, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
EVO: Title: STAR Management Meeting // Community: STAR // Password: star
Phone Bridge: +1 626 395 2112 (CA) / +1 631 344 6100 (NY) // ID: 923509 // Password: 0952
Time: 11 AM - 12 PM EDT
* --===================================================================--*
1) MOU - Hank and All
2) STAR Regional Meeting at Rio / SQM09 - Olga
3) HF co-convener progress // BulkCorr co-covener
4) Run8 data analysis -Bedanga
5) Next Analysis Meeting (UTA) - Nu
6) Spin Task Force - Nu
* --====================================================================--*
Brief Summary: 0) Attendency: Bedanga, Bernd, Helen, Flemming, Nu, Jamie
1) MOU: restart the MOU process from the joint effort: management & Council. Form a joint committee.
2) Regional meeting at Rio: Sept. 25: rehearsal STAR SQM talks 7+2 / Sept. 26: RHIC physics and data analysis discussions
3) co-convener selection: move on in both HF and BulkCorr PWGs
4) Run8: (i) h+- issue, unknown sources, distoration; (ii) centrality issue. Need more ideas. Discuss next week.
5) Analysis meeting: UTA , week of January 11, 2010.
6_ Spin task force:
1) STAR TPC Review (key= star2009), June 4,5, BNL. Ron Settler (chair). Review report.
2) NPE Committee, H. Huang (chair)
3) STAR TOF Close Out Review, Aug. 10-11. Review report.
Future Meetings:
1) STAR FMS Review (draft agenda), Sept. 1-2, BNL, P. Jacobs (chair)
2) STAR-DoE HFT CD-1 review, postpond to Nov., BNL
3) STAR Regional meeting: Sept. 25-26, Rio, Brazil
4) SQM2009: Sept. 27-Oct. 2, Buzios, Brazil
5) STAR Collaboration meeting, Oct. 5-10, Berkeley
6) DNP 2009, Oct. 13 - 17, Waikoloa
Linearity Check in fixed ecalgeo.g
STAR Spin Task Force
, at 17:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
STAR Spin Task Force Meeting
2010 meetings:
- April 28, 2010, 01:00-02:00 PM (EST), EVO phone bridge: 631-344-6100 or 626-395-2112
- EVO-bridge: ID 1852509 / Password 9052
- EVO conference - Community STAR: STAR Spin Task Force / Password: starspin
- Proposed Next face-to-face meeting: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 at BNL
- Agenda:
- BUR Run 11/12 : ALL
- Writing updates: ALL
- 1 Executive Summary : Bernd (Ernst)
- 2 Theoretical framework : Ernst (Bernd)
- 3 RHIC polarized pp performance Stephan (Jim)
- 4 Gluon Polarization Program
- Inclusive jets : Carl
- Di-Jets : Jim / Bernd
- Photons : Alice
- 5 W boson Program : Bernd (Ernst)
- 6 Transverse Spin Program Steve
- Forward physics: Steve / Akio
- Mid-rapidity: Renee
- Lambda polarization: Qinghua
- 7 Summary and Outlook : Jim / Bernd (Ernst)
- April 14, 2010, 01:00-02:00 PM (EST), EVO phone bridge: 631-344-6100 or 626-395-2112
- EVO-bridge: ID 1808061 / Password 9052
- EVO conference - Community STAR: STAR Spin Task Force / Password: starspin
- Proposed Next face-to-face meeting: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 at BNL
- Agenda:
- BUR Run 11 Discussion : ALL
- Updates : ALL
- March 24, 2010, 01:00-02:00 PM (EST), EVO phone bridge: 631-344-6100 or 626-395-2112
- EVO-bridge: ID 1741382 / Password 9052
- EVO conference - Community STAR: STAR Spin Task Force / Password: starspin
- Reminder: Next face-to-face meeting: Sunday, March 28, 2010 at BNL
- Agenda:
- BUR Run 11 Discussion : ALL
- Updates : ALL
- March 10, 2010, 01:00-02:00 PM (EST), EVO phone bridge: 631-344-6100 or 626-395-2112
- EVO-bridge: ID 1701704 / Password 9052
- EVO conference - Community STAR: STAR Spin Task Force / Password: starspin
- Reminder: Next face-to-face meeting: Sunday, March 28, 2010 at BNL
- Agenda:
- BUR Run 11 Remarks (Assumptions / Constraints) : Bernd
- Drell-Yan program / Transverse program: Akio / Steve
- FMS rate estimates : Steve
- W projections : Bernd / Jan
- March 03, 2010, 01:00-02:00 PM (EST), EVO phone bridge: 631-344-6100 or 626-395-2112
- EVO-bridge: ID 1681240 / Password 9052
- EVO conference - Community STAR: STAR Spin Task Force / Password: starspin
- Reminder: Next face-to-face meeting: Sunday, March 28, 2010 at BNL
- Agenda:
- February 22, 2010, EVO phone bridge: 631-344-6100 or 626-395-2112
- EVO-bridge: 631-344-6100 or 626-395-2112 : ID 1649525 / Password 9052
- EVO conference - Community STAR: STAR Spin Task Force / Password: starspin
- Regular phone bridge: 2261 (09:00AM-10:30AM) / 6363 (10:30AM-06:00PM)
- Discussion on 300pb-1 trigger rate: Carl
- Preparation of global analysis input
- W projections: Bernd/Jan
- Delta G projections:
- Di-Jets: Bernd
- Inclusive Jets: Carl
- Status of transverse spin program: Short-term / Long-term: Steve
- Mid-rapidity transverse spin discussion: Renee
- Outline / Topics / Writing status
- 1 Executive Summary : Bernd (Ernst)
- 2 Theoretical framework : Ernst (Bernd)
- 3 RHIC polarized pp performance Stephan (Jim)
- 4 Gluon Polarization Program
- Inclusive jets : Carl
- Di-Jets : Jim / Bernd
- Photons : Alice
- 5 W boson Program : Bernd (Ernst)
- 6 Transverse Spin Program Steve
- Forward physics: Steve / Akio
- Mid-rapidity: Renee
- Lambda polarization: Qinghua
- 7 Summary and Outlook : Jim / Bernd (Ernst)
- February 10, 2010, 01:00-02:00 PM (EST), EVO phone bridge: 631-344-6100 or 626-395-2112
- EVO-bridge: 631-344-6100 or 626-395-2112 : ID 1622043 / Password 9052
- EVO conference - Community STAR: STAR Spin Task Force / Password: starspin
- Reminder: Next face-to-face meeting: Monday, February 22, 2010 at BNL
- Photon studies : Steve
- Preparation of globala analysis input
- Brief discussion of scenarios (UT Austin discussion) : Bernd
- W projections: Bernd
- Delta G projections: Carl/Jim
- Outline / Topics / Writing status
- 1 Executive Summary
- 2 Theoretical framework
- 3 RHIC polarized pp performance
- 4 Gluon Polarization Program
- Inclusive jets
- Di-Jets
- Photons
- 5 W boson Program
- 6 Transverse Spin Program
- 7 Summary and Outlook
- January 27, 2010, 01:00-02:00 PM (EST), EVO phone bridge: 631-344-6100 or 626-395-2112
- EVO-bridge: 631-344-6100 or 626-395-2112 : ID 1577019 / Password 9052
- EVO conference - Community STAR: STAR Spin Task Force / Password: starspin
- Deadlines:
- Spin Task Force Report: April 30, 2010 (Collect Material on chapters: March 15, 2010)
- BUR Run 11 Submission to S. Vigdor: June 01, 2010
- PAC Run 11: June 21-22, 2010
- Decadal Plan Submission to S. Vigdor: August 01, 2010
- Spin Task Force Report - Location of LATEX Material
- Chapter assignment
- Outline / Topics:
- 1 Executive Summary
- 2 Theoretical framework
- 3 RHIC polarized pp performance
- 4 Gluon Polarization Program
- Inclusive jets
- Di-Jets
- Photons
- 5 W boson Program
- 6 Transverse Spin Program
- 7 Summary and Outlook
2009 meetings:
- December 16, 2009, 12:00-02:00 PM (EST), EVO phone bridge: 631-344-6100 or 626-395-2112
- EVO-bridge: 631-344-6100 or 626-395-2112 : ID 1476679 / Password 9052
- EVO conference - Community STAR: STAR Spin Task Force / Password: starspin
- Agenda items: See Email list
- November 18, 2009, 01:00-02:00 PM (EST), EVO phone bridge: 631-344-6100 or 626-395-2112
- EVO-bridge: 631-344-6100 or 626-395-2112 : ID 1405682 / Password 9052
- EVO conference - Community STAR: STAR Spin Task Force / Password: starspin
- Talks at LBL Meeting:
- Transverse spin: Steve
- W program: Bernd
- delta G program: Renee
- November 11, 2009, 01:00-02:00 PM (EST), EVO phone bridge: 631-344-6100 or 626-395-2112
- EVO-bridge: 631-344-6100 or 626-395-2112 : ID 1385027 / Password 9052
- EVO conference - Community STAR: STAR Spin Task Force / Password: starspin
- Future STAR Spin program - RSC Meeting (Delta G / W / Transverse Spin): ALL
- November 04, 2009, 01:00-02:00 PM (EST), EVO phone bridge: 631-344-6100 or 626-395-2112
- EVO-bridge: 631-344-6100 or 626-395-2112 : ID 1362864 / Password 9052
- EVO conference - Community STAR: STAR Spin Task Force / Password: starspin
- Run 9 Inclusive Jet ALL projections - Posting of ALL uncertainties vs. pT: Carl
- Run 9 Inclusive Jets ALL systematics : Carl / Ernst
- Run 9 Di-Jet projections vs. M: Bernd
- Future STAR Spin program - RSC Meeting Statement (Delta G / W / Transverse Spin): ALL
- September 30, 2009, 01:00-02:00 PM (EDT), EVO phone bridge: 631-344-6100 or 626-395-2112
- EVO-bridge: 631-344-6100 or 626-395-2112 : ID 1265989 / Password 9052
- EVO conference - Community STAR: STAR Spin Task Force / Password: starspin
- Run 9 Inclusive Jet ALL projections : Carl
- Run 11 - DAQ / Trigger constraints : Carl
- Task list : Jim
- Collaboration talk, Tuesday, October 06, 2009 ("Update from Spin Task Force") : Ernst/ALL
- September 16, 2009, 01:00-02:00 PM (EDT), phone 617-452-5208
- Status of grid preparations and discussions with Werner : Bernd
- Run 11 Transverse Spin program (Status and Plans on Projections / Simulations) : Akio / Steve
- Discussion on AL Projections : ALL
- Discussion on ALL Projections (Hadrons / Jets) based on Run 9 data: ALL
- August 31, 2009, 01:00-02:00 PM (EDT), phone 631-344-6261
- Status of previous items : Bernd
- Discussion of delta G Run 9 ALL binning (Di-Jets/Jets/Hadrons): Jim
- Transverse spin program for Run 11 - Initial thoughts : Akio/Steve
- August 19, 2009, 01:00-02:00 PM (EDT), phone 617-452-2163
- Organizational matters:
- Meeting times : ALL
- Additional STAR Collaborators : ALL
- Physics:
- Scope of work for spin task force: Bernd
- Discussion : ALL
- Specific items:
- Status of W binning : Bernd
- Run 9 delta G impact : ALL
- Organizational matters:
Time | Talk | Presenter |
12:00 | Run 11 Transverse Spin program ( 00:20 ) 1 file | |
12:20 | Transverse Running ( 00:20 ) 0 files | |
12:40 | DeltaG_STAR.pdf ( 00:20 ) 1 file |
08 Aug
August 2009 posts
STAR Management Meeting
BNL, 50-Orange Room, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
EVO: Title: STAR Management Meeting // Community: STAR // Password: star
Phone Bridge: +1 626 395 2112 (CA) / +1 631 344 6100 (NY) // ID: 923497 // Password: 0952
Time: 11 AM - 12 PM EDT
* --===================================================================--*
1) QM09 Status - Nu/Bedanga
2) New co-convener for the HF PWG
3) FMS Review (draft agenda from P. Jacobs)
* --====================================================================--*
Brief Summary: 0) Attendency: Olga, Jerome, Bill, Flemming, Bedanga, Nu
1) HF PWG co-convener search: start the polling
2) HFT review pospond to Oct. 5-9 or Nov. 12-13.
3) TOF management team for operation: discuss with Geary. Deadline Sept.30th
4) MOU: involve Council asap
5) Collaboration meeting program: in progress: topical discussion: thermalization at RHIC / Run10 plan from PWGs / NPE task force report
1) STAR TPC Review (key= star2009), June 4,5, BNL. Ron Settler (chair). Review report.
2) NPE Committee, H. Huang (chair)
3) STAR TOF Close Out Review, Aug. 10-11. Review report.
Future Meetings:
1) STAR FMS Review (draft agenda), Sept. 1-2, BNL, P. Jacobs (chair)
2) STAR-DoE HFT CD-1 review, Sept. 10-11 or 14-15, BNL
3) STAR Regional meeting: Sept. 25-26, Rio, Brazil
4) SQM2009: Sept. 27-Oct. 2, Buzios, Brazil
5) STAR Collaboration meeting, Oct. 5-10, Berkeley
6) DNP 2009, Oct. 13 - 17, Waikoloa
STAR Management Meeting
BNL, 50-Orange Room, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
EVO: Title: STAR Management Meeting // Community: STAR // Password: star
Phone Bridge: +1 626 395 2112 (CA) / +1 631 344 6100 (NY) // ID: 923475 // Password: 0952
Time: 11 AM - 12 PM EDT
* --===================================================================--*
1) Run10 Plan from S. Vigdor: doc, pdf files.
Our response:
Dear Steve,
Thank you for the draft run10 plan. We discussed your plan today, and would like to point out that it differs substantially from the PAC
recommendation. I think if it is indeed realized, we will not be able to complete the goals of RHIC beam energy scan program in a timelyfashion. At some energies, we are not scheduled to take data at all in Run 10 or 11. I am afraid that if your plan is implemented we will fail to demonstrate our seriousness about the BES to our collaborators, for many of whom this BES has renewed excitement about RHIC program.
In the attached table, we lay out an alternative plan, as STAR’s response to your proposal, for both 25- and 30-cryo week scenarios.
We believe that this alternative is more in keeping with the priorities laid out in the PAC recommendations. I would like to
emphasize that a week or so test with 7.7 GeV Au+Au collisions is crucial for the BES program. There are a number of questions about
machine performance, such as rates and collimation, and experimental performance, such as triggering, backgrounds, and vertex spot size, for
which this test is vital. This test must be done in order to plan for the long 7.7 GeV run in Run 11.
I hope that we will have a chance to discuss further before you make a final decision on this important run.
STAR suggested run plan TABLE. (pdf file)
* --====================================================================--*
Brief Summary: 0) Attendency:
1) STAR TPC Review (key= star2009), June 4,5, BNL. Ron Settler (chair). Review report.
2) NPE Committee, H. Huang (chair)
Future Meetings:
1) STAR-DoE ToF Review, Aug. 10-11, BNL
2) STAR FMS Review, Sept. 1-2, BNL, P. Jacobs (chair)
3) STAR-DoE HFT CD-1 review, Sept. 10-11 or 14-15, BNL
4) STAR Regional meeting: Sept. 25-26, Rio, Brazil
5) SQM2009: Sept. 27-Oct. 2, Buzios, Brazil
6) STAR Collaboration meeting, Oct. 5-10, Berkeley
7) DNP 2009, Oct. 13 - 17, Waikoloa
Verify that the fast simulator sees all of the energy deposited in geant
Verififcation that the EEMC fast simulator sees the correct energy deposit registered by geant.
STAR Management Meeting
BNL, I-189 Conference room, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
EVO: Title: STAR Management Meeting // Community: STAR // Password: star
Phone Bridge: +1 626 395 2112 (CA) / +1 631 344 6100 (NY) // ID: 1154177 // Password: 0952
Time: 11am - 12noon EDT
* --===================================================================--*
1) Status: QM09 proceedings - Bedanga
2) RHIC S&T Review: more on upgrade management - Nu
3) AOB
* --====================================================================--*
Brief Summary: 0) Attendency: Bill, Jerome, Flemming, Jamie, Bedanga, Nu
1) Upgrade management: watching more closely on costs and schedule, meet DoE's.
2) Manpower/recourse for TPC: working in progress. Will need more effort to cover Run10.
3) Run10 preparation: Expect shift starts 2nd week of Dec. 2009. Olga will send a message to the council for author list of each institute.
4) QM09 proceedings: the organizers will be contacted to discuss the late submission of the two STAR jet-reconstruction proceegings.
5) No management meetings next two weeks. The next regular meeting will be on Aug. 20th.
1) STAR TPC Review (key= star2009), June 4,5, BNL. Ron Settler (chair). Review report.
2) NPE Committee, H. Huang (chair)
3) FMS Review, P. Jacobs (chair)
Future Meetings:
1) STAR-DoE ToF Review, Aug. 10-11, BNL
2) STAR FMS Review, Sept. 1-2, BNL
3) STAR-DoE HFT CD-1 review, Sept. 10-11 or 14-15, BNL
4) STAR Regional meeting: Sept. 25-26, Rio, Brazil
5) SQM2009: Sept. 27-Oct. 2, Buzios, Brazil
6) STAR Collaboration meeting, Oct. 5-10, Berkeley
7) DNP 2009, Oct. 13 - 17, Waikoloa
07 Jul
July 2009 posts
STAR Management Meeting (S&T Rehersal)
BNL, 50-I-189, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 02:00
EVO: Title: STAR Management Meeting // Community: STAR // Password: star
Phone Bridge: +1 626 395 2112 (CA) / +1 631 344 6100 (NY) // ID: 1132757 // Password: 0952
Time: 11am - 12noon EDT
* --===================================================================--*
1) Nu's Rehearsal, pdf file (~23 MB)
* --====================================================================--*
STAR Management Meeting
BNL, 50-Orange Room, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
EVO: Title: STAR Management Meeting // Community: STAR // Password: star
Phone Bridge: +1 626 395 2112 (CA) / +1 631 344 6100 (NY) // ID: 923442 // Password: 0952
Time: 11am - 12noon EDT
* --===================================================================--*
1) NPE and e-h Results, publications - Huan, Bedanga, ...
2) The next STAR Decadal Plan - Nu
3) AOB
* --====================================================================--*
Brief Summary: 0) Attendency: Olga, Jerome, Jamie, Flemming, Helen, Xin, Nu, Bedanga
1) NPE issues: (i) The management feels there more issues to be addressed by the task force. Based on the discussion and Huan's report at the last
Analysis Meeting, the management will send a note to the task force. A list of specific checks will be included in the note. (ii) WIll send a message to
Editor at PRL regarding STAR paper "Charmed hadron production at low transverse momentum in Au+Au collisions at RHIC" submitted on May
4th, 2008, 0805.0364. Inform the Editor that we are doing internal cross-checks and the process may take sometime to complete.
2) S&T review issues: (i) Timely funding and scheduling for R&D at RHIC. RHIC performance for polarized pp collisions, we will request 30 cryo-weeks for
future runs; (ii) TPC: operation team including software issue. Jim should be part of the solution; (iii) FTPC team: A student from India group (VECC),
with the help of Terry, J. Syboth and P. Syboth; (iv) Future upgrade scheduling and integrations.
3) QM09 Proceedigns: potential issues with the eta/s analysis (BulkCorr) and Jet reconstruction (JetCorr).
1) STAR TPC Review (key= star2009), June 4,5, BNL. Ron Settler (chair). Review report.
2) NPE Committee, H. Huang (chair)
Future Meetings:
1) BNL Science and Technology Review, July 22-24, BNL
2) STAR ToF Closeout Review, Aug. 10-11, BNL
3) STAR Regional meeting: Sept. 25-26, Rio, Brazil
4) SQM2009: Sept. 27-Oct. 2, Buzios, Brazil
5) STAR Collaboration meeting, Oct. 5-10, Berkeley
6) DNP 2009, Oct. 13 - 17, Waikoloa
Status of FMS Analysis
Updated on Thu, 2009-07-09 08:10 by lbland. Originally created by sichterm on 2009-07-05 19:26.Reference
Speaker : Les Bland
Talk time : 08:30, Duration : 00:20
Estimating Drell-Yan contribution from NLO calculation.
Using ToF - involvement in calibration, using data, coll. with TOF group
Updated on Fri, 2009-07-10 00:02 by ypandit. Originally created by nxu on 2009-07-02 16:12.Reference
Speaker : Declan and Yadav
Talk time : 09:30, Duration : 00:30
Reconstruction and simulation issues
1-189, internal, at 17:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
Previous meeting is available [node:14909, "here"].
- Review last meeting notes + Additional items thought of since the last meeting? * Reco/simu organization - thoughts? * Yuri: Cellular Automaton project & project description