Calling a FORtran subroutine from ROOT
Updated on Thu, 2009-07-09 08:56 by testadmin. Originally created by fine on 2008-06-09 15:11. Under:To use the fortran subroutine from ROOT C++ macro you are advised to use STAR build env as follows
Let's assume you need to call the subroutine:
How to use FORtran from a ROOT macro
Updated on Thu, 2009-07-09 08:54 by testadmin. Originally created by fine on 2008-06-09 14:21. Under:Conditions:To use the Fortran subroutines and functions 3 pre-conditions have to be met:
Online Linux pool
Updated on Thu, 2012-03-15 14:29. Originally created by wbetts on 2008-06-03 13:59. Under:March 15, 2012:
How to determine what is happening in slow or stuck processes?
Updated on Thu, 2008-05-22 09:52 by testadmin. Originally created by jeromel on 2008-05-22 07:23. Under:This tutorial is very specific to the cases where you have a process running (batch typically) and one of two conditions below is happening and you do not know why (but eventually, would like too :
Updated on Mon, 2008-05-12 13:08 by testadmin. Originally created by jeromel on 2008-05-12 13:01. Under:The pages in this tree relates to the Infrastructure sub-group of the S&C team.
Ongoing activities
Internal projects and sub-systems task lists
Updated on Mon, 2008-03-31 09:40 by testadmin. Originally created by jeromel on 2008-03-31 09:40. Under:The pages in this section will related to storage and contain statistics, testings and other useful information (some historical).
Accessing the World Wide Web from inside BNL
Updated on Sat, 2008-03-29 09:33 by testadmin. Originally created by jeromel on 2008-03-29 09:31. Under:BNL Wireless or internal network are proxied network. Proxy is used to
Production path name convention
Updated on Tue, 2011-11-22 10:30. Originally created by jeromel on 2008-03-24 15:28. Under:Production path for real data
Production path for real data inherites some parts from raw data pathes and has edditional information related to trigger set, magnatic field and production
SpaceCharge in dAu
Updated on Fri, 2010-04-09 10:27. Originally created by genevb on 2008-03-12 10:56. Under:In Run VIII, dAu data was acquired at high enough luminosities to worry about SpaceCharge (it was ignored previously in the Run III dAu data (2003)).
Updated on Thu, 2011-07-28 11:25. Originally created by didenko on 2008-02-19 12:05. Under:STAR SOFTWARE NEWS July 27, 2011 --------------------- The present release assignment: SL05a (SL05a) ROOT_LEVEL 4.00.04 AuAu200, productionMinBias SL05c (
Filtered Simulations For The Development of Electron/Hadron Discrimination Algorithms
Updated on Mon, 2008-01-28 20:58. Originally created by betan on 2008-01-22 13:15. Under:Critical to the upcoming flavor physics at STAR is efficient electron identification in the endcap, particularly amongst the dominant charged hadron/meson background. The development of such dis
Filtering PYTHIA Events In Starsim
Updated on Mon, 2008-01-28 21:15. Originally created by betan on 2008-01-16 11:48. Under:Within the STAR framework, simulation files are created with the command starsim which runs both PYTHIA and GEANT. Unfortunately, this means that there is no straightforward way to filt
a Overview (Jan, later Ross)
Updated on Wed, 2008-08-20 09:08. Originally created by balewski on 2008-01-14 10:43. Under:Graph illustrates the key changes in L2 processing scheme allowing for fast event abortion. Jan
L2 documentation
Updated on Wed, 2009-02-25 16:31. Originally created by balewski on 2008-01-14 10:42. Under:.
Existing Framework For FGT Simulations
Updated on Mon, 2008-01-28 21:16. Originally created by betan on 2008-01-09 23:12. Under:With the completion of the FGT hardware review, focus must now be made on the creation and implementation of efficient analysis algorithms.
Updated on Fri, 2011-06-10 11:34. Originally created by jeromel on 2008-01-08 14:34. Under:This is note is for STAR users only. External visitors of our Web pages do not need to accept cookies.