
2010.09.08 First look at the official EEMC gamma filtered production

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Invariant Mass fits


In order to calculate the yield of the Upsilon (1S+2S+3S) state, we need to be able to subtract out the contribution from Drell Yan (DY) and the b-bbar continuum.  This is difficult because th

Invariant Mass


0-60% Centrality

From ntuple generated on 5/25/2010.  Macro MacroUpsAAInvMassMakeHistosFromTree06012010.C is attached.

NmbAA calculation


NmbAA = #upsilon minbias events in the given centrality bin

upsilon minbias trigger ID 200611

HLT Review Page - Common Content

This page can be used for common content for the HLT review, Summer 2010.


12:2010/AUG/17 QM&Paper proposal HF priority reevaluation



HF embedding priority (31.8.2010 update)




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2010/10/03 Meeting Minutes


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Summary for the gamma filtered simulation request

Generate Monte-Carlo events for

HF PWG QM2011 analysis topics

Random list of collected topics for HF PWG QM2011 (as 10.8.2010)


Gang Wang:  NPE v2 and possible NPE-h correlation
based on 200 GeV data

2010.08.09 PyTune comparison with gamma candidates from dijets: Perugia0 vs. Pro-PT0

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2010.07.23 PyTune comparison with photon candidates: Perugia0 vs. Pro-PT0

Near-side strange correlations paper

This is a group to post material/discuss Near-side strange correlations paper

Near-side di-hadron correlations using strange and multi-strange mesons and baryons --



2010.07.22 Run 6 EEMC gamma-filtered simulation request

2010.07.20 EEMC simulation spreadsheet: prompt photons and QCD (Updated)

10: 2010/JUL/20 Updated HF embedding list



HF embedding priority list