Physics Working Group

STAR HBT phone meeting

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
10:30HQ06 - pp vs heavy-ions ( 00:10 ) 0 filesZbigniew Chajecki (OSU)
10:40non-femtoscopic correlations in PYTHIA ( 00:10 ) 0 filesZbigniew Chajecki (OSU)

STAR HBT phone meeting

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
15:30New results for pion-kaon correlation functions ( 00:10 ) 0 filesAdam Kisiel (Warsaw University of Technology)
15:40Proton-proton study ( 00:10 ) 0 filesHania Gos (Warsaw University Of Technology, SUBATECH)
15:50sys errors cu200 due to FMH ( 00:10 ) 0 filesdebasish das (VECC)

high pT parallel session

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
  • 1-1.30 : eta meson in d+Au, Naomi van der Kolk
  • 1.30-2:00 : pi-zero in p+p, d+Au, Martijn Russcher
  • 2:00-2:20 : progress on pi0 clustering, Ahmed Hamed (via phone and only if available)
  • 2:20-2:45 break
  • 2:45-3:15 : Conversion pi0 and gammas, Alexander Wetzler
  • 3:15-3:45: d+Au correlations, Federica Benedosso

Heavy flavor PWG phone meeting

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
13:00Hot Quarks (Jan 13) and SQM (Jan 15) talks ( 00:10 ) 0 files(all)
13:10electron v2 analysis update ( 00:10 ) 1 filewjdong
13:20Discussion on triggers for next run ( 00:10 ) 0 filesAll

Strangeness PWG Meeting : 510-486-7333

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
16:10(SQM) First Measurements of the Multi-Strange Baryon Resonance Xi*(1530) in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV in STAR ( 00:10 ) 0 filesRichard Witt (Yale University)
16:20(Hot Quarks) What Can We Learn from Mt-scaling? ( 00:10 ) 0 filesRichard Witt (Yale University)
16:30Matt Lamont - abstracts ( 00:10 ) 0 filesMatt Lamont (Yale University)

Physics Working Group

Physics Working Group internal information

PWG Convenor Meeting

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
12:00Topic 1 ( 00:10 ) 0 filesTBC

Spin PWG

Spin Physics Working Group pages

This is a feed of Drupal items targeting the "Spin" Audience.

High pT

High Pt is a focus activity group of Jet-like correlations PWG

 For further details see the protected area:


Spectra PWG is now part of the Light Flavor Spectra PWG


Strangeness (PWG pre-2008) is part of the Light flavor Spectra PWG

Physics Working Group


The primary physics task of STAR is to study the formation and characteristics of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP), a state of matter believed to exist at sufficiently high energy densities.