SN0211 : Simulation of Detector Performance and Analysis of the Physics Capabilities of STAR

Author(s):D. Cebra, B. Christie, J. Draper, W. Gong, M. Lisa, R. Mastroleo, J. Mitchell, S. Paganis, S. Pandey, L. Ray, K. Shestermanov, P
Date:Jun. 5, 1995
Abstract:Simulation results for the STAR time projection chamber (TPC), time-of-flight (TOF), and external time projection chamber (XTPC) detectors are presented and discussed which demonstrate their performance capabilities with respect to tracking, particle identification and charge identification. Integrated tracking performance for the combined silicon vertex tracker (SVT) and TPC is also discussed. Results of Monte Carlo simulation studies are presented for some of the physics issues addressed by STAR. These physics topics include: (1) global, event-by-event characterization of nucleus-nucleus central collisions, (2) jet production, (3) high $p_T$ particle production, (4) physics at high pseudorapidity ($\mid\! \eta \!\mid > 2$), and (5) two-particle correlation studies of source sizes. The results presented here are, of course, dependent on the current status of the simulation and analysis software for STAR. Significant improvements were made during 1994 in the TPC detector simulation software and the event reconstruction analysis software. The present results provide a reasonable, first estimation of the eventual performance and physics analysis capabilities of STAR using analysis modules and data structures which operate strictly within the STAR off-line analysis shell.