SN0262 : On Fast Simulator

Author(s):K.S. Medved, P.A. Nevski, W.B.Christie
Date:Sep. 30, 1996
Abstract:Large numbers of simulated events are necessary for opimization of the STAR detector and for planning the future data analysis. Due to the high event multiplicity and sophisticated detector geometry, the requirements for the computational time become a major problem for mass production of simulated events.
The Fast Simulator for electromagnetic calorimeters is considered as a possible solution of this problem. In this paper, experience on the creation of a prototype of a Fast Simulator for EEMC is summarized. Using standard techniques, good agreement between Fast Simulator results and GEANT calculations was achieved. The computational technique is described in detail, and simplifications and assumptions are explained.
Also, the magnitude of possible acceleration of GEANT simulations due to EMC Fast Simulator is estimated. It is found that for the simulations with full STAR geometry, the maximum possible gain is only 2.2 times. It is pointed out that a EMC Fast Simulator, probably, is not able to reduce seriously the simulation CPU time, so other approaches should be studied.
Keywords:electromagnetic calorimeter GEANT simulations fast simulator hadronic showers