STAR Theses
Found (363) STAR Theses
List of STAR Theses
John Meier, Creighton UniversityDevelopment of a Slow Controls Alternate Data Acquisition Interface for the Solenoidal Tracker at RHIC (STAR)
Masters thesis, 1996 (English) | Thesis file(s): PDF
Jeffrey Gross, Creighton UniversityDevelopment of a Distributed Control System for the Solenoidal Tracker at RHIC (STAR)
Masters thesis, 1995 (English) | Thesis file(s): PDF
Xaver Bittl, Max-Planck-Institut fuer PhysikUntersuchung einer Gas-Mikrostreifenkammer für das Auslesen einer hochauflösenden Spurendriftkammer (TPC)
Diploma thesis, 1997 (German) | Thesis file(s): PS
Rainer Marstaller, Max-Planck-Institut fuer PhysikBau und Test einer hochauflösenden, gebogenen Proportionalkammer zum Auslesen einer Spurendriftkammer (TPC) mit radialem Driftfeld
Diploma thesis, 1998 (German) | Thesis file(s):
Clemens Adler, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS)
Bau und Test eines Null-Grad-Kalorimeters für RHICÄ
Diploma thesis, 1998 (German) | Thesis file(s): PS
Jens Berger, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS)
Messung von Lepton Paaren aus Meson-Zerfällen in den Hadronexperimenten NA49 und STAR
Diploma thesis, 1998 (German) | Thesis file(s): PS| PDF
Quinn Jones, Creighton University
Development of an Online Data Transfer Link Between the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and STAR
Masters thesis, 1998 (English) | Thesis file(s):
Jie Lin, Creighton UniversitySystem Test for STAR Slow Controls
Masters thesis, 1999 (English) | Thesis file(s): PDF
Walter Pinganaud, SUBATECHContributions au développement du détecteur au silicium à micropistes de l'expérience STAR au RHIC
Ph.D. thesis, 2000 (French) | Thesis file(s): PS
Fabrice Retiere, SUBATECH
Étude des processus d'émission des pions dans les collisions Pb+Pb à 17.3 AGeV, et son prolongement aux collisions Au+Au à 200 AGeV, à travers la caractérisation des détecteurs au silicium à micropist
Ph.D. thesis, 2000 (French) | Thesis file(s): PDF