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Examples for running bfc.kumac
Offline computing tutorial Maintained by Turner

Some information about $STAR/kumacs/chain/call_bfc*.kumac
(I've cut things out of $STAR/kumacs/chain/README file)


* Use the kumacs listed below as examples - they are in $STAR/kumacs/chain
* 1. call_bfc_g2tin_to_dst.kumac
*   - read in g2t file
*   - do tpc,svt simulations
*   - do tpc & svt reconstruction
*   - do global reconstruction
*   - dst packages
*   - write output file
* 2. call_bfc_gstar_g2t.kumac
*   - read in event generator file (e.g. from hijing)
*   - run gstar
*   - run g2t
* 3. call_bfc_readfz_ftpc.kumac
*   - read in fz file
*   - run g2t
*   - run ftpc simulation
*   - write out xdf file containing full directories
* 4. call_bfc_readfz_full_year1.kumac
*   - read in fz file with year1 simulations
*   - run g2t
*   - run tpc & emc simulation
*   - tpc reconstruction
*   - global reconstruction
*   - dst packages
*   - write out xdf file with full directories
* 5. call_bfc_readfz_full_year2.kumac
*   - read in fz file with year2 simulations
*   - run g2t
*   - run tpc & svt & emc simulation
*   - tpc, svt reconstruction
*   - global reconstruction
*   - dst packages
*   - write out xdf file with full directories
* 6. call_bfc_readfz_to_dst_year1.kumac
*   - read in fz file with year1 simulations
*   - run g2t
*   - run tpc & emc simulation
*   - tpc reconstruction
*   - global reconstruction
*   - dst packages
*   - write out xdf file with dst directories
* 7. call_bfc_readfz_to_dst_year2.kumac
*   - read in fz file with year2 simulations
*   - run g2t
*   - run tpc & svt & emc simulation
*   - tpc, svt reconstruction
*   - global reconstruction
*   - dst packages
*   - write out xdf file with dst directories
* 8. call_bfc_reco.kumac                  
*  - read in simulated data file (thru tss & srs)
*  - run tpc & svt clustering
*  - run tpc & svt tracking
*  - run global packages
*  - run dst packages
*  - write xdf file containing full directories
* 9. call_bfc_reco_trk_ftpc.kumac              
*  - read in simulated data file (thru tss & srs)
*  - run tpc & svt clustering
*  - run tpc & svt tracking
*  - run ftpc slow sim, clustering, tracking
*  - write xdf file containing full directories
* 10. call_bfc_svt_fast_sim_tracker.kumac
*   - read in g2t file
*   - run svt sim
*   - run svt tracking
*   - write xdf file containing full directories
* 11. call_bfc_test_v0.kumac
*   - read in g2t test file with lots of V0's
*   - process thru whole chain to dst pkgs
*   - write out ntuple
*   - read back in ntuple and make plot and save to file
* 12. call_bfc_tpc_fast_sim_tracker.kumac
*   - read in g2t file
*   - run tpc fast sim 
*   - run tpc tracking
*   - write xdf file containing full directories
* 11. call_bfc_tpc_slow_sim_tracker.kumac
*   - read in g2t file
*   - run tpc slow sim & clustering
*   - run tpc tracking
*   - write xdf file containing full directories
* 13. call_bfc_txt_gstar_g2t.kumac
*   - read in text file
*   - run gstar
*   - run g2t
*   - write xdf file containing full directories
* 14. call_bfc_run_hijing.kumac
*    - must have hijev.inp in directory that you're running in
*       - get from $STAR/kumacs/gen directory
*    - run hijing
*    - write xdf file out
* 15. call_bfc_mdin_tpc_reco.kumac
*    - read in tpc minidaq data file
*    - reformat tpc minidaq data into standard format
*    - run tpc clustering code
*    - write xdf file containing full directories