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How to Check in changed/new module to CVS
Offline computing tutorial Maintained by Kathy Turner and Torre Wenaus

  1. I assume you've already created/edited your module, compiled it & tested it in your area (see previous tutorial pages).

  2. check into CVS, eg.
    > cd ~/workdir/StRoot/StTrsMaker
    > cvs update (and reconcile your changes with any made by others)
    > cvs ci -m "message"
    Be sure you include a commit message that is fully descriptive of the changes you are making. See the CVS tutorial for more info.

  3. If you find you don't have authorization to commit into the area (the message you get if you don't have authorization is that you have 'insufficient karma'; the 'good' message that means you are authorized is that your 'personal karma overrides environmental karma') get the package owner to request to the STAR software librarian, Lidia Didenko, that you be given 'karma'.

  4. A few hours after you checked into CVS, please check the files in dev to make sure that the new obj,dep,lib files have the correct dates!!! That way we'll know that it got built correctly. If there's a problem with this, contact the STAR librarian.
           stardev  (the dev version is where your changes will appear)
           The files you need to check are:
            or equivalently $STAR_PATH/dev/dep/... if you're not in dev.

    Now you need to test that the code you checked into CVS works properly (sometimes you might forget to check it all in, or libraries didn't get built properly, or your changes conflict with other material in dev). Go to the next tutorial (Test CVS version of your Module) for instructions.