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User Makers
User Maker must be inherited from StMaker (which in his turn inherited from TDataSet). Methods:
- The main method is Make() which usually must be overloaded by user. When user in his Make() calls StMaker::Make(), this triggers the call Make() of all subordinated Makers, and so on.
- Methods Init(),Clear(),Finish() could be overloaded too. All these methods also trigger calls to the same method of subordinated Makers, and so on.
- Method GetDataSet(“DataObjName”) returns pointer to Data object produced by another Maker.
- Method AddData, AddConst and AddGarb add user objects to maker subdirectories “.data”,”.const”,”.garb” respectively. After this user objects are accessible by other makers by GetDataSet(…);
- Method GetDataBase(“name”) returns pointer to Data Base object, already updated for given time stamp;