Reading selected branches from the MuDst
In order to speed up your analysis, you can switch on and off branches
of the MuDst. The largest branches in the microDst are those holding
the primary and global tracks. For p+p events, the Emc branches are
generally the largest chunk.
The most convenient and robust (i.e. backward compatible etc) way to
control the branch status is by calling StMuDstMaker::SetStatus(char*
branchName, Int_t status). Setting the status to 0 means that it will
not be read. For convenience, the branches are grouped into blocks with
similar origin, that can be switched ona nd off together:
All data
The general event information
from StMuEvent and all the tracks
The strangeness barnches (V0s,
kinks, Xi and corresponding MC info)
The calorimeter branches (Endcap
and barrel, towers and SMDs)
The Pmd branches (both planes)
TOF branches
EZtree branches. These are
special branches that are not in the normal MuDst
A more fine-grained control is also possible, by using directly the
array names. An exhaustive list can be found in StArrays.cxx
(choose the most recent version). The most common ones to switch will
probably be 'GlobalTracks' and 'PrimaryTracks'.
Example 1: Read only primary tracks
In order to only read primary tracks in your macro, insert the
following code after instantiating then StMuDstMaker (mudst_mk is the
pointer to your mudst_mk):
Important notes:
- You need to have the MuEvent branch switched on for StMuDstMaker
to work, because the StChain wants to know the event number.
- The other branches will not be read, so if you try to use
information from them, you will get zeroes (or even junk, but I think
that's unlikely). It is up to you to make sure that you're not missing
- The primary tracks also hold teh global DCA, so if the DCA of the
global track is the only global track information you use, this is the
way to go.
A working example of this can be found in $STAR/StRoot/macros/mudst/readPrimaries.C