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How does the input XML looks like ?
XXX wants to execute a root macro on all the MuDST with minbias trigger and collision deuteron-Gold at 200 GeV, production P04id, ReversedFullField
The output of our macro will be a root file containing a histogram, we will move it to a specific location when done
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<job maxFilesPerProcess="25" >
root4star -b -q /star/u/XXX/Analysis/dAuTest/runFromMuDst.C\(\"$FILELIST\",\"$SCRATCH/MyAnalysisdAu_MinBias.$JOBID.root\",2E5)</command>
<output fromScratch="*.root" toURL="file:/star/data02/pwg/XXX/work/dAu/"/>
<stdout URL="file:/star/u/XXX/Analysis/dAu/MyAnalysisdAu_MinBias.$JOBID.out"/>
<stderr URL="file:/star/u/XXX/Analysis/dAu/MyAnalysisdAu_MinBias.$JOBID.out"/>
<input URL=",filetype=daq_reco_MuDst,storage!=hpss,trgsetupname=dAuMinBias,magscale=ReversedFullField" nFiles="all"/>