The standard types of kumacs are
UTIL kumacs - $STAR/kumacs/util
There are utility kumacs which setup default search paths for
kumacs, setup standardized directory structure for tables in
STAF, load libraries, read in default parameter files,
define global macros, input and output files, write
ntuples, etc.
PAM kumacs: - $STAR/pams/domain/kumac
each DOMAIN should have a create_tables_domain.kumac
with a different macro for each PAM --> to create the
output tables needed
each PAM in the domain should have an init_pam.kumac
and a run_pam.kumac
associated with it, with different macros for each
module in the PAM --> to initialize and run the PAM from
the chain kumac. The init pam should have a read, write and
init macro in it to write parameters to xdf file, read from file,
and to just initialize the table values (init).
CHAIN kumacs:
The chain kumacs run sets of PAMs in a domain and also sets
of PAMs in many domains. They use the utility kumacs and PAM
Domain Chain kumacs - $STAR/kumacs/domain
- execute chains of package kumacs in domain
BFC (BigFullChain) Chain kumacs - $STAR/kumacs/chain
- high level kumacs used for production
The BFC chain kumac in $STAR/kumacs/chain is the overall
steering/driving kumac for all simulation, reconstruction and
analysis packages in STAR.
Example BFC Chain kumacs
Example kumacs for post-DST analysis (for MDC)
$STAR/kumacs/dst/call_bfc_read_dst*.kumac and analyse_*.kumac