CVS commits by zchang Last updated Mon Feb 24 00:16:01 2025
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Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities at Fri Mar 18 18:42:09 EDT 2016
   remove onbits0/offbits0 to match with what was in the database table
   StTriggerDefinition.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities at Fri Mar 18 18:49:39 EDT 2016
   updating trigger simulator for run12 analysis
   StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx (+) StTriggerSimuMaker.h (+) StTriggerSimuResult.cxx (+) StTriggerSimuResult.h (+) StVirtualTriggerSimu.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/Bemc at Fri Mar 18 18:49:39 EDT 2016
   updating trigger simulator for run12 analysis
   StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/Emc at Fri Mar 18 18:49:40 EDT 2016
   updating trigger simulator for run12 analysis
   StEmcTriggerSimu.cxx (+) StEmcTriggerSimu.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/StDSMUtilities at Fri Mar 18 18:49:40 EDT 2016
   updating trigger simulator for run12 analysis
   TriggerDefinition.hh (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/macros at Fri Mar 18 18:49:40 EDT 2016
   updating trigger simulator for run12 analysis
   read_trigger_definitions.C (+) read_trigger_thresholds.C (+) write_trigger_definitions.C (+) write_trigger_thresholds.C (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/macros at Fri Mar 18 19:27:53 EDT 2016
   sample macro to run trigger simulator
   RunTriggerSimu.C (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StBfcTriggerFilterMaker at Wed Apr 27 11:18:19 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 productionCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StPythiaEventMaker.cxx (+) StPythiaEventMaker.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StChargedPionAnalysisMaker at Wed Apr 27 11:18:31 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 productionCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StChargedPionHelpers.cxx (+) StChargedPionMaker.cxx (+) StChargedPionMaker.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StJetEvent at Wed Apr 27 11:18:32 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 productionCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StJetCandidate.cxx (+) StJetCandidate.h (+) StJetEvent.cxx (+) StJetEvent.h (+) StJetEventTypes.h (+) StJetParticle.h (+) StJetTower.h (+) StJetTrack.h (+) StJetVertex.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StJetSkimEvent at Wed Apr 27 11:18:32 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 productionCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StPythiaEvent.cxx (+) StPythiaEvent.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StLuminosityMaker at Wed Apr 27 11:18:32 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 productionCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StLuminosityMaker.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StMCAsymMaker at Wed Apr 27 11:18:32 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 productionCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StMCAsymMaker.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StSpinDbMaker at Wed Apr 27 11:18:32 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 productionCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StSpinDbMaker.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StTriggerFilterMaker at Wed Apr 27 11:18:32 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 productionCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StTriggerFilterMaker.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StTriggerStudyMaker at Wed Apr 27 11:18:32 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 productionCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StTriggerStudyMaker.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgo2011 at Wed Apr 27 11:18:33 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 productionCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   St2011WMaker.h (+) St2011WlumiMaker.h (+) St2011ZMaker.h (+) St2011pubMcMaker.h (+) St2011pubSpinMaker.h (+) St2011pubWanaMaker.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009 at Wed Apr 27 11:18:33 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 productionCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   St2009WMaker.h (+) St2009WjjMaker.h (+) St2009WlumiMaker.h (+) St2009ZMaker.h (+) St2009pubJSMaker.h (+) St2009pubMcMaker.h (+) St2009pubSpinMaker.h (+) St2009pubWanaMaker.h (+) StMcJetCalibMaker.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetFinder at Wed Apr 27 11:20:51 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 production with fastjet area calculationCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StFastJetPars.cxx (+) StFastJetPars.h (+) StProtoJet.cxx (+) StProtoJet.h (+) StjFastJet.cxx (+) StjFastJet.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetMaker at Wed Apr 27 11:22:49 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 production with off-cone axis underlying-event calculationsCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StAnaPars.h (+) StBET4pMaker.h (+) StJetMaker.h (+) StJetMaker2009.cxx (+) StJetMaker2009.h (+) StJetScratch.h (+) StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx (+) StJetSkimEventMaker.h (+) StjBEMCTowerMaker.h (+) StjMCParticleMaker.h (+) StjTPCTrackMaker.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetMaker/emulator at Wed Apr 27 11:23:06 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 production with off-cone axis underlying-event calculationsCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StjeTowerEnergyListToStMuTrackFourVecList.cxx (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetMaker/macros at Wed Apr 27 11:23:07 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 production with off-cone axis underlying-event calculationsCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StjBEMCTowerEnergyListMaker.C (+) StjMCAsymMaker.C (+) StjMCKinMaker.C (+) StjMCParticleListMaker.C (+) StjMuDstFileNameMaker.C (+) StjSimuBBCMaker.C (+) StjSpinMaker.C (+) StjTPCTrackListMaker.C (+) StjTrigger2005DataMaker.C (+) StjTrigger2005DataMaker2.C (+) StjTrigger2005MCMaker.C (+) StjTrigger2005MCMaker2.C (+) StjTrigger2006DataMaker.C (+) StjTrigger2006MCMaker.C (+) StjVertexMaker.C (+) StjWestBEMCTowerEnergyListMaker.C (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetMaker/mudst at Wed Apr 27 11:23:07 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 production with off-cone axis underlying-event calculationsCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StjEEMCMuDst.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetMaker/tracks at Wed Apr 27 11:23:07 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 production with off-cone axis underlying-event calculationsCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StjTrackList.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetMaker/tree at Wed Apr 27 11:23:08 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 production with off-cone axis underlying-event calculationsCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StjTreeIndex.h (+) StjTreeReader.cxx (+) StjTreeReader.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities at Wed Apr 27 11:24:53 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 productionCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StTriggerDefinition.h (+) StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx (+) StTriggerSimuMaker.h (+) StTriggerSimuResult.cxx (+) StTriggerSimuResult.h (+) StVirtualTriggerSimu.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/Bemc at Wed Apr 27 11:24:57 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 productionCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx (+) StBemcTriggerSimu.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/Emc at Wed Apr 27 11:24:58 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 productionCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StEmcTriggerSimu.cxx (+) StEmcTriggerSimu.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/L2Emulator/L2gammaAlgo at Wed Apr 27 11:24:58 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 productionCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   L2gammaAlgo.cxx (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/StDSMUtilities at Wed Apr 27 11:24:58 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 productionCVS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (+) (+) TCU.hh (+) TriggerDefinition.hh (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/macros at Wed Apr 27 11:24:58 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 productionCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   read_trigger_definitions.C (+) read_trigger_thresholds.C (+) write_trigger_definitions.C (+) write_trigger_thresholds.C (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetFinder at Wed Apr 27 12:09:42 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 produciton with fastjet area calculationsCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StFastJetAreaPars.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetFinder at Wed Apr 27 12:10:43 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 production with fastjet area calculationsCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StFastJetAreaPars.cxx (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetMaker at Wed Apr 27 12:15:25 EDT 2016
   SL13b embedding library for run12 pp500 production with off-axis cone underlying event calculationsCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StJetMaker2012.cxx (+) StJetMaker2012.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetMaker at Wed Apr 27 13:31:23 EDT 2016
   Region underlying event calculationsCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StUEMaker2009.cxx (+) StUEMaker2009.h (+) StBET4pMaker.h (+) StJetMaker.h (+) StJetScratch.h (+) StJetSkimEventMaker.h (+) StjBEMCTowerMaker.h (+) StjMCParticleMaker.h (+) StjTPCTrackMaker.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetMaker/emulator at Wed Apr 27 13:31:56 EDT 2016
   StjeTowerEnergyListToStMuTrackFourVecList.cxx (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetMaker/macros at Wed Apr 27 13:32:02 EDT 2016
   RunJetFinder2009pro_ue.C (+) RunJetFinder2012pro.C (+) StjBEMCTowerEnergyListMaker.C (+) StjMCAsymMaker.C (+) StjMCKinMaker.C (+) StjMCParticleListMaker.C (+) StjMuDstFileNameMaker.C (+) StjSimuBBCMaker.C (+) StjSpinMaker.C (+) StjTPCTrackListMaker.C (+) StjTrigger2005DataMaker.C (+) StjTrigger2005DataMaker2.C (+) StjTrigger2005MCMaker.C (+) StjTrigger2005MCMaker2.C (+) StjTrigger2006DataMaker.C (+) StjTrigger2006MCMaker.C (+) StjVertexMaker.C (+) StjWestBEMCTowerEnergyListMaker.C (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetMaker/mcparticles at Wed Apr 27 13:32:23 EDT 2016
   Regin underlying event calculationsCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StjAbstractMCParticleRegion.h (+) StjMCParticleRegion.cxx (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetMaker/mudst at Wed Apr 27 13:32:31 EDT 2016
   Regin underlying event calculationsCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StjEEMCMuDst.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetMaker/towers at Wed Apr 27 13:32:41 EDT 2016
   Regin underlying event calculationsCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StjTowerEnergyFraction.cxx (+) StjTowerEnergyFraction.h (+) StjTowerRegion.cxx (+) StjTowerRegion.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetMaker/tracks at Wed Apr 27 13:32:48 EDT 2016
   Regin underlying event calculationsCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StjAbstractTrack.h (+) StjAbstractTrackRegion.h (+) StjTrackPtFraction.cxx (+) StjTrackPtFraction.h (+) StjTrackRegion.cxx (+) StjTrackRegion.h (+) StjTrackList.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetMaker/tree at Wed Apr 27 13:32:53 EDT 2016
   Regin underlying event calculationsCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StjTreeIndex.h (+) StjTreeReader.cxx (+) StjTreeReader.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetMaker/towers at Wed Apr 27 13:38:28 EDT 2016
   Region underlying event calculationsCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   StjAbstractTower.h (+) StjAbstractTowerRegion.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StNNPDFAsymMaker at Wed Apr 27 13:45:28 EDT 2016
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StChargedPionAnalysisMaker at Wed Apr 27 13:47:49 EDT 2016
   StChargedPionHelpers.cxx (+) StChargedPionMaker.cxx (+) StChargedPionMaker.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StJetEvent at Wed Apr 27 13:47:49 EDT 2016
   StUeEvent.cxx (+) StUeEvent.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StJetSkimEvent at Wed Apr 27 13:47:50 EDT 2016
   StPythiaEvent.cxx (+) StPythiaEvent.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StLuminosityMaker at Wed Apr 27 13:47:50 EDT 2016
   StLuminosityMaker.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StMCAsymMaker at Wed Apr 27 13:47:50 EDT 2016
   StMCAsymMaker.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StNNPDFAsymMaker at Wed Apr 27 13:47:51 EDT 2016
   DSSV_gluon_update.F (+) (+) NNPDFDriver.h (+) StNNPDF.h (+) StNNPDFAsymMaker.cxx (+) StNNPDFAsymMaker.h (+) StNNPDFPythiaEventMaker.cxx (+) StNNPDFPythiaEventMaker.h (+) StPDFs.cxx (+) StPDFs.h (+) denom.F (+) (+) mstwpdf.h (+) num.F (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StSpinDbMaker at Wed Apr 27 13:47:52 EDT 2016
   StSpinDbMaker.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StTriggerFilterMaker at Wed Apr 27 13:47:52 EDT 2016
   StTriggerFilterMaker.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StTriggerStudyMaker at Wed Apr 27 13:47:52 EDT 2016
   StTriggerStudyMaker.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgo2011 at Wed Apr 27 13:47:53 EDT 2016
   St2011WMaker.h (+) St2011WlumiMaker.h (+) St2011ZMaker.h (+) St2011pubMcMaker.h (+) St2011pubSpinMaker.h (+) St2011pubWanaMaker.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009 at Wed Apr 27 13:47:53 EDT 2016
   St2009WMaker.h (+) St2009WjjMaker.h (+) St2009WlumiMaker.h (+) St2009ZMaker.h (+) St2009pubJSMaker.h (+) St2009pubMcMaker.h (+) St2009pubSpinMaker.h (+) St2009pubWanaMaker.h (+) StMcJetCalibMaker.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetMaker/mcparticles at Wed Apr 27 13:54:33 EDT 2016
   Region underlying event calculations
   StjMCParticleRegion.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StJetSkimEvent at Thu Dec 22 01:32:52 EST 2016
   bug fixing
   StPythiaEvent.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StNNPDFAsymMaker at Thu Dec 22 01:33:07 EST 2016
   bug fixing
   StNNPDFAsymMaker.cxx (+) StNNPDFPythiaEventMaker.cxx (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StBfcTriggerFilterMaker at Tue Apr 25 11:51:31 EDT 2017
   FMS simulation production requested by mriganka
   StPythiaEventMaker.cxx (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StBfcTriggerFilterMaker at Tue May 2 17:02:04 EDT 2017
   set runId and eventId from geant table instead of StEvent in getEvent() requested by mriganka for FMS productions
   StPythiaEventMaker.cxx (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetMaker at Mon May 22 15:31:03 EDT 2017
   Add FMS towers to jet maker
   StAnaPars.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetMaker at Mon May 22 15:31:22 EDT 2017
   Add FMS towers to jet maker
   StJetMaker2012.cxx (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetMaker/mudst at Mon May 22 15:35:01 EDT 2017
   Add FMS towers to jet maker, code developed by mriganka
   StjFMSMuDst.cxx (+) StjFMSMuDst.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetMaker/towers at Mon May 22 15:36:06 EDT 2017
   Add FMS towers to jet maker, code developped by mriganka
   StjFMS.cxx (+) StjFMS.h (+) StjFMSNull.cxx (+) StjFMSNull.h (+) StjFMSTree.cxx (+) StjFMSTree.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetMaker/macros at Mon May 22 15:45:27 EDT 2017
   New macro with the option of adding FMS towers available
   RunJetFinder2012pro.C (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetMaker/mudst at Tue May 23 14:32:15 EDT 2017
   assign detector by using enumeration StDetectorId defined in StEvent/StEnumerations.h
   StjBEMCMuDst.cxx (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetMaker/macros at Tue May 23 15:08:50 EDT 2017
   add FMS modules
   RunJetFinder2012pro.C (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities at Fri Jun 9 16:11:25 EDT 2017
   Add pointer guard for trigger definition and trigger threshold tables, the pointers can not be null
   StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities at Thu Dec 28 16:14:45 EST 2017
   switch database server from to
   StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities at Fri Dec 29 11:54:07 EST 2017
   remove direct query to STAR database server in InitRun(int), users need to make sure that the trigger simulator retrives correct run number
   StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/macros at Sun Feb 25 22:20:56 EST 2018
   update db server name
   getBeginTime.C (+) read_trigger_definitions.C (+) read_trigger_thresholds.C (+) write_trigger_definitions.C (+) write_trigger_thresholds.C (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/macros at Wed Aug 29 11:51:11 EDT 2018
   fix typo in StEmcADCtoEMaker
   read_trigger_definitions.C (+) read_trigger_thresholds.C (+) write_trigger_definitions.C (+) write_trigger_thresholds.C (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Wed Aug 29 15:40:49 EDT 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot at Wed Aug 29 23:51:13 EDT 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StMyJetPool at Wed Aug 29 23:51:36 EDT 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StMyJetPool/StMyDef at Wed Aug 29 23:52:45 EDT 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StMyJetPool/StMyJet at Wed Aug 29 23:52:53 EDT 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StMyJetPool/StMyJetSpin at Wed Aug 29 23:53:01 EDT 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StMyJetPool/StMyDef at Wed Aug 29 23:55:09 EDT 2018
   inclusive jet analysis code
   MyDef.h (+) MyDefLinkDef.h (+) MyFun.cxx (+) MyFun.h (+) funcUtilities.cxx (+) funcUtilities.h (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StMyJetPool/StMyJet at Wed Aug 29 23:55:10 EDT 2018
   inclusive jet analysis code
   MyJet.cxx (+) MyJet.h (+) Reader.cxx (+) Reader.h (+) ReaderPythia.cxx (+) ReaderPythia.h (+) ReaderRun.cxx (+) ReaderRun.h (+) ReaderVirtual.h (+) trgUtilities.cxx (+) trgUtilities.h (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StMyJetPool/StMyJetSpin at Wed Aug 29 23:55:10 EDT 2018
   inclusive jet analysis code
   MyEventQA.cxx (+) MyEventQA.h (+) MyJetAsym.cxx (+) MyJetAsym.h (+) MyJetCrs.cxx (+) MyJetCrs.h (+) MyJetMC.cxx (+) MyJetMC.h (+) MyJetPtAsym.cxx (+) MyJetPtAsym.h (+) MyJetQA.cxx (+) MyJetQA.h (+) MyJetSpin.cxx (+) MyJetSpin.h (+) MyJetSpinLinkDef.h (+) MyJetSum.cxx (+) MyJetSum.h (+) MyTrigQA.cxx (+) MyTrigQA.h (+) TrigID.h (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StSpinPool at Wed Aug 29 23:59:24 EDT 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StSpinPool/StJetEvent at Thu Aug 30 00:01:28 EDT 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StSpinPool/StJetSkimEvent at Thu Aug 30 00:01:45 EDT 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StSpinPool/StUeEvent at Thu Aug 30 00:01:54 EDT 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StSpinPool/StJetEvent at Thu Aug 30 00:02:59 EDT 2018
   load standard jet event
   StJetCandidate.cxx (+) StJetCandidate.h (+) StJetElement.h (+) StJetEvent.cxx (+) StJetEvent.h (+) StJetEventTypes.h (+) StJetParticle.h (+) StJetTower.h (+) StJetTrack.h (+) StJetVertex.h (+) StUeEvent.cxx (+) StUeEvent.h (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StSpinPool/StJetSkimEvent at Thu Aug 30 00:02:59 EDT 2018
   load standard jet event
   StJetSkimEvent.cxx (+) StJetSkimEvent.h (+) StPythiaEvent.cxx (+) StPythiaEvent.h (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StSpinPool/StUeEvent at Thu Aug 30 00:03:00 EDT 2018
   load standard jet event
   StUeEventLinkDef.h (+) StUeJet.h (+) StUeOffAxisCones.h (+) StUeOffAxisConesEvent.h (+) StUeOffAxisConesJet.h (+) StUeVertex.h (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Thu Aug 30 00:04:29 EDT 2018
   add macros
   cmbMC.C (+) cmbPythia.C (+) readMyJetMc.C (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/fudge at Thu Aug 30 10:47:58 EDT 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/analyze_logs at Thu Aug 30 10:48:10 EDT 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Thu Aug 30 10:55:04 EDT 2018
   add macros/script
   ptbin.list (+) readMyJet.C (+) readMyJetUe.C (+) readRunAsym.C (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/analyze_logs at Thu Aug 30 10:55:04 EDT 2018
   add macros/script
   getCrsFromText.C (+) (+) (+) (+) (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/fudge at Thu Aug 30 10:55:04 EDT 2018
   add macros/script
   fudge.ptbin.list.text.full.rebin.5.txt (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StMyHistUtil at Thu Aug 30 11:26:21 EDT 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StMyHistUtil at Thu Aug 30 11:28:00 EDT 2018
   add hist utilities
   histLinkDef.h (+) histUtilities.cxx (+) histUtilities.h (+) myDef.h (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StSpinPool/StNNPDFAsymMaker at Fri Aug 31 11:12:05 EDT 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Fri Aug 31 11:14:36 EDT 2018
   embedding macros
   GenerateVertex.C (+) RunJetFinder2012emb.C (+) RunJetFinder2012pro.C (+) RunJetFinderOnPythia.C (+) bfcMixer_Jet.C (+) cmbTrig.C (+) getFinal.C (+) getTriggerBiasCmb.C (+) plotFigures.C (+) plotFinal.C (+) plotFinalNLO.C (+) plotFinalXt.C (+) printHist.C (+) ptStat.h (+) readMyJetPythia.C (+) readPythiaEventPt.C (+) simJetRequest.kumac (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StSpinPool/StNNPDFAsymMaker at Fri Aug 31 11:14:37 EDT 2018
   embedding macros
   DSSV_gluon_update.F (+) (+) NNPDFDriver.h (+) StNNPDF.h (+) StNNPDFAsymMaker.cxx (+) StNNPDFAsymMaker.h (+) StNNPDFPythiaEventMaker.cxx (+) StNNPDFPythiaEventMaker.h (+) StPDFs.cxx (+) StPDFs.h (+) denom.F (+) (+) mstwpdf.h (+) num.F (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StSpinPool/StJetSkimEvent at Fri Aug 31 11:22:32 EDT 2018
   clear out NNPDF values in Clear(Option_t* option)
   StPythiaEvent.h (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Mon Sep 3 18:43:47 EDT 2018
   add README file
   README (+) Style.C (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Fri Sep 28 16:54:37 EDT 2018
   "remove askTrigger lines"
   RunJetFinder2012pro.C (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Mon Oct 1 14:48:28 EDT 2018
   instruction for code QA (+) README (+) RunJetFinder2012pro.C (+) readMyJet.C (+) readRunAsym.C (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StMyJetPool/StMyJetSpin at Mon Oct 1 14:48:28 EDT 2018
   instruction for code QA
   MyEventQA.h (+) MyJetCrs.h (+) MyJetMC.h (+) MyJetQA.h (+) MyJetSpin.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/Emc at Mon Oct 1 16:22:00 EDT 2018
   let emc201 run for years beyond 2013 using the default em201 algorithm (run9 algorithm), and remove redundant lines (for 2009 algorithm) in the 2013 algorithm
   StEmcTriggerSimu.cxx (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/pol_run at Wed Oct 17 11:04:50 EDT 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/rel_vpdx_lists at Wed Oct 17 11:05:06 EDT 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/bad_bunches at Wed Oct 17 11:05:15 EDT 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Wed Oct 17 11:06:16 EDT 2018
   add the run list file, bad bunches, relative luminosity and polarization files (+) (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/bad_bunches at Wed Oct 17 11:08:36 EDT 2018
   add bad bunches, relative luminosity and polarization files, run-by-run
   13077064.dat (+) 13077066.dat (+) 13077067.dat (+) 13077068.dat (+) 13077069.dat (+) 13077070.dat (+) 13077073.dat (+) 13077075.dat (+) 13077076.dat (+) 13077078.dat (+) 13077081.dat (+) 13078001.dat (+) 13078002.dat (+) 13078003.dat (+) 13078004.dat (+) 13078006.dat (+) 13078007.dat (+) 13078009.dat (+) 13078011.dat (+) 13078012.dat (+) 13078014.dat (+) 13078028.dat (+) 13078035.dat (+) 13078036.dat (+) 13078037.dat (+) 13078039.dat (+) 13078040.dat (+) 13078042.dat (+) 13078043.dat (+) 13078045.dat (+) 13078050.dat (+) 13078051.dat (+) 13078052.dat (+) 13078054.dat (+) 13078055.dat (+) 13078057.dat (+) 13078058.dat (+) 13078063.dat (+) 13078070.dat (+) 13079031.dat (+) 13079032.dat (+) 13079033.dat (+) 13079034.dat (+) 13079035.dat (+) 13079036.dat (+) 13079037.dat (+) 13079038.dat (+) 13079044.dat (+) 13079073.dat (+) 13079074.dat (+) 13079075.dat (+) 13079076.dat (+) 13079077.dat (+) 13079079.dat (+) 13080001.dat (+) 13080002.dat (+) 13080003.dat (+) 13080004.dat (+) 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(+) 13091042.dat (+) 13091043.dat (+) 13091044.dat (+) 13091045.dat (+) 13091050.dat (+) 13091051.dat (+) 13092005.dat (+) 13092006.dat (+) 13092007.dat (+) 13092008.dat (+) 13092036.dat (+) 13092037.dat (+) 13092038.dat (+) 13092039.dat (+) 13092040.dat (+) 13092042.dat (+) 13092044.dat (+) 13092045.dat (+) 13092046.dat (+) 13093015.dat (+) 13093017.dat (+) 13093018.dat (+) 13093020.dat (+) 13093023.dat (+) 13093024.dat (+) 13093025.dat (+) 13093029.dat (+) 13093030.dat (+) 13093034.dat (+) 13093035.dat (+) 13093036.dat (+) 13093037.dat (+) 13093038.dat (+) 13093044.dat (+) 13093045.dat (+) 13093046.dat (+) 13094001.dat (+) 13094003.dat (+) 13094004.dat (+) 13094005.dat (+) 13094007.dat (+) 13094008.dat (+) 13094009.dat (+) 13094010.dat (+) 13094011.dat (+) 13094013.dat (+) 13094014.dat (+) 13094015.dat (+) 13094016.dat (+) 13094017.dat (+) 13094018.dat (+) 13094020.dat (+) 13094021.dat (+) 13094045.dat (+) 13094050.dat (+) 13094052.dat (+) 13094053.dat (+) 13094054.dat (+) 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13109018.dat (+) 13109025.dat (+) 13109026.dat (+) 13109027.dat (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/pol_run at Wed Oct 17 11:09:19 EDT 2018
   add bad bunches, relative luminosity and polarization files, run-by-run
   0.pol.dat (+) 0.pol.err.dat (+) 13077066.pol.dat (+) 13077066.pol.err.dat (+) 13077067.pol.dat (+) 13077067.pol.err.dat (+) 13077068.pol.dat (+) 13077068.pol.err.dat (+) 13077069.pol.dat (+) 13077069.pol.err.dat (+) 13077070.pol.dat (+) 13077070.pol.err.dat (+) 13077073.pol.dat (+) 13077073.pol.err.dat (+) 13077075.pol.dat (+) 13077075.pol.err.dat (+) 13077076.pol.dat (+) 13077076.pol.err.dat (+) 13077078.pol.dat (+) 13077078.pol.err.dat (+) 13077081.pol.dat (+) 13077081.pol.err.dat (+) 13078001.pol.dat (+) 13078001.pol.err.dat (+) 13078002.pol.dat (+) 13078002.pol.err.dat (+) 13078003.pol.dat (+) 13078003.pol.err.dat (+) 13078004.pol.dat (+) 13078004.pol.err.dat (+) 13078006.pol.dat (+) 13078006.pol.err.dat (+) 13078007.pol.dat (+) 13078007.pol.err.dat (+) 13078009.pol.dat (+) 13078009.pol.err.dat (+) 13078011.pol.dat (+) 13078011.pol.err.dat (+) 13078012.pol.dat (+) 13078012.pol.err.dat (+) 13078014.pol.dat (+) 13078014.pol.err.dat (+) 13078028.pol.dat (+) 13078028.pol.err.dat (+) 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Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/rel_vpdx_lists at Wed Oct 17 11:09:51 EDT 2018
   add bad bunches, relative luminosity and polarization files, run-by-run
   13077064.rel.dat (+) 13077066.rel.dat (+) 13077067.rel.dat (+) 13077068.rel.dat (+) 13077069.rel.dat (+) 13077070.rel.dat (+) 13077073.rel.dat (+) 13077075.rel.dat (+) 13077076.rel.dat (+) 13077078.rel.dat (+) 13077081.rel.dat (+) 13078001.rel.dat (+) 13078002.rel.dat (+) 13078003.rel.dat (+) 13078004.rel.dat (+) 13078006.rel.dat (+) 13078007.rel.dat (+) 13078009.rel.dat (+) 13078011.rel.dat (+) 13078012.rel.dat (+) 13078014.rel.dat (+) 13078028.rel.dat (+) 13078035.rel.dat (+) 13078036.rel.dat (+) 13078037.rel.dat (+) 13078039.rel.dat (+) 13078040.rel.dat (+) 13078042.rel.dat (+) 13078043.rel.dat (+) 13078045.rel.dat (+) 13078050.rel.dat (+) 13078051.rel.dat (+) 13078052.rel.dat (+) 13078054.rel.dat (+) 13078055.rel.dat (+) 13078057.rel.dat (+) 13078058.rel.dat (+) 13078063.rel.dat (+) 13078070.rel.dat (+) 13079031.rel.dat (+) 13079032.rel.dat (+) 13079033.rel.dat (+) 13079034.rel.dat (+) 13079035.rel.dat (+) 13079036.rel.dat (+) 13079037.rel.dat (+) 13079038.rel.dat (+) 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13094083.rel.dat (+) 13094089.rel.dat (+) 13094091.rel.dat (+) 13095001.rel.dat (+) 13095002.rel.dat (+) 13095003.rel.dat (+) 13095004.rel.dat (+) 13095005.rel.dat (+) 13095006.rel.dat (+) 13095008.rel.dat (+) 13095009.rel.dat (+) 13095012.rel.dat (+) 13095013.rel.dat (+) 13095014.rel.dat (+) 13095015.rel.dat (+) 13095016.rel.dat (+) 13095017.rel.dat (+) 13095043.rel.dat (+) 13095045.rel.dat (+) 13095046.rel.dat (+) 13095048.rel.dat (+) 13095049.rel.dat (+) 13096001.rel.dat (+) 13096002.rel.dat (+) 13096003.rel.dat (+) 13096004.rel.dat (+) 13096005.rel.dat (+) 13096006.rel.dat (+) 13096060.rel.dat (+) 13096061.rel.dat (+) 13096062.rel.dat (+) 13096063.rel.dat (+) 13096064.rel.dat (+) 13096065.rel.dat (+) 13096066.rel.dat (+) 13096069.rel.dat (+) 13096070.rel.dat (+) 13097001.rel.dat (+) 13097002.rel.dat (+) 13097003.rel.dat (+) 13097004.rel.dat (+) 13097005.rel.dat (+) 13097006.rel.dat (+) 13097007.rel.dat (+) 13097021.rel.dat (+) 13097022.rel.dat (+) 13097023.rel.dat (+) 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13100060.rel.dat (+) 13101001.rel.dat (+) 13101002.rel.dat (+) 13101003.rel.dat (+) 13101004.rel.dat (+) 13101005.rel.dat (+) 13101006.rel.dat (+) 13101007.rel.dat (+) 13101013.rel.dat (+) 13101015.rel.dat (+) 13101021.rel.dat (+) 13101024.rel.dat (+) 13101026.rel.dat (+) 13101027.rel.dat (+) 13101040.rel.dat (+) 13101041.rel.dat (+) 13101042.rel.dat (+) 13101043.rel.dat (+) 13101044.rel.dat (+) 13101045.rel.dat (+) 13101046.rel.dat (+) 13101047.rel.dat (+) 13101048.rel.dat (+) 13101049.rel.dat (+) 13101050.rel.dat (+) 13103003.rel.dat (+) 13103004.rel.dat (+) 13103011.rel.dat (+) 13103013.rel.dat (+) 13103014.rel.dat (+) 13103015.rel.dat (+) 13103016.rel.dat (+) 13103017.rel.dat (+) 13104003.rel.dat (+) 13104004.rel.dat (+) 13104008.rel.dat (+) 13104011.rel.dat (+) 13104012.rel.dat (+) 13104013.rel.dat (+) 13104014.rel.dat (+) 13104019.rel.dat (+) 13104044.rel.dat (+) 13104045.rel.dat (+) 13104046.rel.dat (+) 13104047.rel.dat (+) 13104050.rel.dat (+) 13104051.rel.dat (+) 13104052.rel.dat (+) 13104054.rel.dat (+) 13104056.rel.dat (+) 13104057.rel.dat (+) 13104058.rel.dat (+) 13104059.rel.dat (+) 13104060.rel.dat (+) 13104061.rel.dat (+) 13104062.rel.dat (+) 13104063.rel.dat (+) 13105006.rel.dat (+) 13105007.rel.dat (+) 13105008.rel.dat (+) 13105009.rel.dat (+) 13105010.rel.dat (+) 13105011.rel.dat (+) 13105012.rel.dat (+) 13105014.rel.dat (+) 13105015.rel.dat (+) 13105016.rel.dat (+) 13105017.rel.dat (+) 13105018.rel.dat (+) 13105022.rel.dat (+) 13105038.rel.dat (+) 13105039.rel.dat (+) 13105040.rel.dat (+) 13105041.rel.dat (+) 13106064.rel.dat (+) 13106069.rel.dat (+) 13106071.rel.dat (+) 13106072.rel.dat (+) 13106073.rel.dat (+) 13106074.rel.dat (+) 13106075.rel.dat (+) 13106076.rel.dat (+) 13107001.rel.dat (+) 13107002.rel.dat (+) 13107003.rel.dat (+) 13107015.rel.dat (+) 13107016.rel.dat (+) 13107017.rel.dat (+) 13107019.rel.dat (+) 13107021.rel.dat (+) 13107024.rel.dat (+) 13107025.rel.dat (+) 13107026.rel.dat (+) 13107027.rel.dat (+) 13107028.rel.dat (+) 13107029.rel.dat (+) 13107030.rel.dat (+) 13107031.rel.dat (+) 13107032.rel.dat (+) 13107033.rel.dat (+) 13107034.rel.dat (+) 13107059.rel.dat (+) 13107060.rel.dat (+) 13107062.rel.dat (+) 13108001.rel.dat (+) 13108002.rel.dat (+) 13108008.rel.dat (+) 13108009.rel.dat (+) 13108010.rel.dat (+) 13108011.rel.dat (+) 13108012.rel.dat (+) 13108013.rel.dat (+) 13108016.rel.dat (+) 13108025.rel.dat (+) 13108026.rel.dat (+) 13108028.rel.dat (+) 13108029.rel.dat (+) 13108031.rel.dat (+) 13108032.rel.dat (+) 13108033.rel.dat (+) 13108034.rel.dat (+) 13108040.rel.dat (+) 13108046.rel.dat (+) 13108050.rel.dat (+) 13108070.rel.dat (+) 13108071.rel.dat (+) 13108072.rel.dat (+) 13108073.rel.dat (+) 13108074.rel.dat (+) 13108079.rel.dat (+) 13109014.rel.dat (+) 13109015.rel.dat (+) 13109016.rel.dat (+) 13109017.rel.dat (+) 13109018.rel.dat (+) 13109025.rel.dat (+) 13109026.rel.dat (+) 13109027.rel.dat (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/public at Wed Oct 17 11:20:15 EDT 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/public/pdfs at Wed Oct 17 11:20:21 EDT 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/public/pdfs/NNPDF23_nlo_as_0119 at Wed Oct 17 11:20:56 EDT 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/public/pdfs/NNPDFpol11_100 at Wed Oct 17 11:21:39 EDT 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/public/pdfs at Wed Oct 17 11:22:00 EDT 2018
   add pdfs
   DSSV_GLUON_UPDATE.NLO (+) mstw2008nlo.00.dat (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/public/pdfs/NNPDF23_nlo_as_0119 at Wed Oct 17 11:22:00 EDT 2018
   add pdfs (+) NNPDF23_nlo_as_0119_0000.dat (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/public/pdfs/NNPDFpol11_100 at Wed Oct 17 11:22:09 EDT 2018
   add pdfs (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0000.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0001.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0002.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0003.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0004.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0005.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0006.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0007.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0008.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0009.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0010.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0011.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0012.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0013.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0014.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0015.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0016.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0017.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0018.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0019.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0020.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0021.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0022.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0023.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0024.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0025.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0026.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0027.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0028.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0029.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0030.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0031.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0032.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0033.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0034.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0035.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0036.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0037.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0038.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0039.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0040.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0041.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0042.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0043.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0044.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0045.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0046.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0047.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0048.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0049.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0050.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0051.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0052.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0053.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0054.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0055.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0056.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0057.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0058.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0059.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0060.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0061.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0062.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0063.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0064.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0065.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0066.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0067.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0068.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0069.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0070.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0071.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0072.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0073.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0074.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0075.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0076.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0077.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0078.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0079.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0080.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0081.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0082.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0083.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0084.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0085.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0086.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0087.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0088.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0089.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0090.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0091.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0092.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0093.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0094.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0095.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0096.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0097.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0098.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0099.dat (+) NNPDFpol11_100_0100.dat (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Tue Nov 20 17:39:32 EST 2018
   update to combine jet spectrum and calculate trigger bias uncertainty
   cmbJet.C (+) plotTrgBiasCmb.C (+) README (+) cmbMC.C (+) cmbPythia.C (+) cmbTrig.C (+) getFinal.C (+) getTriggerBiasCmb.C (+) printHist.C (+) readMyJetMc.C (+) readRunAsym.C (+) (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StMyHistUtil at Tue Nov 20 17:39:34 EST 2018
   update to combine jet spectrum and calculate trigger bias uncertainty
   histLinkDef.h (+) histUtilities.cxx (+) histUtilities.h (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StMyJetPool/StMyJetSpin at Tue Nov 20 17:39:34 EST 2018
   update to combine jet spectrum and calculate trigger bias uncertainty
   MyJetAsym.h (+) MyJetMC.cxx (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Tue Nov 20 17:44:07 EST 2018
   script to get systematics (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/Dijets at Tue Dec 4 22:26:10 EST 2018
   Dijet Analysis Code - Part 1
   Calc_aLL.C (+) DijetHistoMaker.C (+) DijetTreeMaker.C (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/lists_jets at Fri Dec 14 16:36:31 EST 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/lists_pythiajets at Fri Dec 14 16:46:13 EST 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Fri Dec 14 16:49:22 EST 2018
   add file list
   cmbTrig.C (+) readMyJetMc.C (+) (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StMyJetPool/StMyJetSpin at Fri Dec 14 16:49:23 EST 2018
   add file list
   MyEventQA.h (+) MyJetAsym.h (+) MyJetCrs.h (+) MyJetMC.h (+) MyJetQA.h (+) MyJetSpin.h (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/lists_jets at Fri Dec 14 16:49:33 EST 2018
   add file list
   13077067.list (+) 13077068.list (+) 13077069.list (+) 13077073.list (+) 13077075.list (+) 13077076.list (+) 13077078.list (+) 13077081.list (+) 13078009.list (+) 13078011.list (+) 13078012.list (+) 13078014.list (+) 13078035.list (+) 13078036.list (+) 13078039.list (+) 13078040.list (+) 13078042.list (+) 13078045.list (+) 13078050.list (+) 13078051.list (+) 13078052.list (+) 13078054.list (+) 13078055.list (+) 13078057.list (+) 13078058.list (+) 13078063.list (+) 13078070.list (+) 13079038.list (+) 13079073.list (+) 13079074.list (+) 13079075.list (+) 13079076.list (+) 13079077.list (+) 13079079.list (+) 13080001.list (+) 13080002.list (+) 13080003.list (+) 13080004.list (+) 13080005.list (+) 13080011.list (+) 13080013.list (+) 13080014.list (+) 13080015.list (+) 13080090.list (+) 13080091.list (+) 13080092.list (+) 13080093.list (+) 13080094.list (+) 13080095.list (+) 13080096.list (+) 13080097.list (+) 13080098.list (+) 13080099.list (+) 13081001.list (+) 13081004.list (+) 13081005.list (+) 13081007.list (+) 13082001.list (+) 13082003.list (+) 13082004.list (+) 13082005.list (+) 13082006.list (+) 13082007.list (+) 13082008.list (+) 13082009.list (+) 13082010.list (+) 13082011.list (+) 13083068.list (+) 13083070.list (+) 13083073.list (+) 13083074.list (+) 13083076.list (+) 13083081.list (+) 13083082.list (+) 13083084.list (+) 13084001.list (+) 13084007.list (+) 13084008.list (+) 13084024.list (+) 13084027.list (+) 13084028.list (+) 13084032.list (+) 13084034.list (+) 13084035.list (+) 13084036.list (+) 13084037.list (+) 13084038.list (+) 13084039.list (+) 13084040.list (+) 13084041.list (+) 13085004.list (+) 13085005.list (+) 13085006.list (+) 13085008.list (+) 13085009.list (+) 13085010.list (+) 13085011.list (+) 13085030.list (+) 13085033.list (+) 13085047.list (+) 13086070.list (+) 13086071.list (+) 13086072.list (+) 13086073.list (+) 13086078.list (+) 13086079.list (+) 13086080.list (+) 13086081.list (+) 13086082.list (+) 13086083.list (+) 13086085.list (+) 13086087.list (+) 13086088.list (+) 13087012.list (+) 13087013.list (+) 13090021.list (+) 13090022.list (+) 13090023.list (+) 13090037.list (+) 13090038.list (+) 13090040.list (+) 13090043.list (+) 13090048.list (+) 13090049.list (+) 13091005.list (+) 13091009.list (+) 13091011.list (+) 13091024.list (+) 13091025.list (+) 13091027.list (+) 13091033.list (+) 13091034.list (+) 13091035.list (+) 13091036.list (+) 13091037.list (+) 13091038.list (+) 13091041.list (+) 13091042.list (+) 13091043.list (+) 13091044.list (+) 13091045.list (+) 13092006.list (+) 13092007.list (+) 13092008.list (+) 13092044.list (+) 13092045.list (+) 13092046.list (+) 13093018.list (+) 13093020.list (+) 13093023.list (+) 13093024.list (+) 13093029.list (+) 13093030.list (+) 13093034.list (+) 13093035.list (+) 13093036.list (+) 13093037.list (+) 13093038.list (+) 13093046.list (+) 13094001.list (+) 13094003.list (+) 13094004.list (+) 13094005.list (+) 13094007.list (+) 13094008.list (+) 13094009.list (+) 13094011.list (+) 13094013.list (+) 13094014.list (+) 13094015.list (+) 13094016.list (+) 13094017.list (+) 13094018.list (+) 13094045.list (+) 13094050.list (+) 13094052.list (+) 13094054.list (+) 13094089.list (+) 13095001.list (+) 13095002.list (+) 13095003.list (+) 13095004.list (+) 13095008.list (+) 13095009.list (+) 13095012.list (+) 13095013.list (+) 13095014.list (+) 13095015.list (+) 13095016.list (+) 13095017.list (+) 13095049.list (+) 13096001.list (+) 13096002.list (+) 13096003.list (+) 13096004.list (+) 13096005.list (+) 13096006.list (+) 13096062.list (+) 13096063.list (+) 13096064.list (+) 13096065.list (+) 13096066.list (+) 13096069.list (+) 13096070.list (+) 13097001.list (+) 13097002.list (+) 13097003.list (+) 13097004.list (+) 13097005.list (+) 13097006.list (+) 13097007.list (+) 13097023.list (+) 13097024.list (+) 13097026.list (+) 13097027.list (+) 13097028.list (+) 13097029.list (+) 13097032.list (+) 13097033.list (+) 13097034.list (+) 13097035.list (+) 13097036.list (+) 13097037.list (+) 13097038.list (+) 13097039.list (+) 13100004.list (+) 13100005.list (+) 13100006.list (+) 13100008.list (+) 13100010.list (+) 13100011.list (+) 13100012.list (+) 13100013.list (+) 13100014.list (+) 13100015.list (+) 13100027.list (+) 13100029.list (+) 13100030.list (+) 13100031.list (+) 13100032.list (+) 13100033.list (+) 13100034.list (+) 13100035.list (+) 13100037.list (+) 13100038.list (+) 13100040.list (+) 13100042.list (+) 13100054.list (+) 13100055.list (+) 13100056.list (+) 13100057.list (+) 13100059.list (+) 13100060.list (+) 13101001.list (+) 13101002.list (+) 13101003.list (+) 13101004.list (+) 13101005.list (+) 13101006.list (+) 13101007.list (+) 13101013.list (+) 13101015.list (+) 13101021.list (+) 13101024.list (+) 13101026.list (+) 13101027.list (+) 13101040.list (+) 13101041.list (+) 13101042.list (+) 13101043.list (+) 13101044.list (+) 13101045.list (+) 13101046.list (+) 13101047.list (+) 13101048.list (+) 13101049.list (+) 13101050.list (+) 13103011.list (+) 13103013.list (+) 13103014.list (+) 13103015.list (+) 13103016.list (+) 13103017.list (+) 13104003.list (+) 13104004.list (+) 13104008.list (+) 13104011.list (+) 13104012.list (+) 13104013.list (+) 13104014.list (+) 13104019.list (+) 13104044.list (+) 13104054.list (+) 13104056.list (+) 13104057.list (+) 13104058.list (+) 13104059.list (+) 13104060.list (+) 13104061.list (+) 13104062.list (+) 13105006.list (+) 13105007.list (+) 13105008.list (+) 13105009.list (+) 13105010.list (+) 13105011.list (+) 13105012.list (+) 13105014.list (+) 13105015.list (+) 13105016.list (+) 13105017.list (+) 13105018.list (+) 13105022.list (+) 13105040.list (+) 13105041.list (+) 13106064.list (+) 13106069.list (+) 13106071.list (+) 13106072.list (+) 13106073.list (+) 13106074.list (+) 13106075.list (+) 13106076.list (+) 13107001.list (+) 13107002.list (+) 13107003.list (+) 13107017.list (+) 13107019.list (+) 13107024.list (+) 13107025.list (+) 13107026.list (+) 13107027.list (+) 13107028.list (+) 13107029.list (+) 13107030.list (+) 13107032.list (+) 13107033.list (+) 13107059.list (+) 13107060.list (+) 13107062.list (+) 13108001.list (+) 13108008.list (+) 13108009.list (+) 13108011.list (+) 13108012.list (+) 13108013.list (+) 13108026.list (+) 13108028.list (+) 13108029.list (+) 13108031.list (+) 13108033.list (+) 13108040.list (+) 13108050.list (+) 13108079.list (+) 13109015.list (+) 13109016.list (+) 13109025.list (+) 13109026.list (+) 13109027.list (+) pt11_15.jets.list (+) pt15_20.jets.list (+) pt20_25.jets.list (+) pt25_35.jets.list (+) pt2_3.jets.list (+) pt35_45.jets.list (+) pt3_4.jets.list (+) pt45_55.jets.list (+) pt4_5.jets.list (+) pt55_-1.jets.list (+) pt5_7.jets.list (+) pt7_9.jets.list (+) pt9_11.jets.list (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/lists_pythiajets at Fri Dec 14 16:49:36 EST 2018
   add file list
   pt11_15.jets.list (+) pt15_20.jets.list (+) pt20_25.jets.list (+) pt25_35.jets.list (+) pt2_3.jets.list (+) pt35_45.jets.list (+) pt3_4.jets.list (+) pt45_55.jets.list (+) pt4_5.jets.list (+) pt55_-1.jets.list (+) pt5_7.jets.list (+) pt7_9.jets.list (+) pt9_11.jets.list (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Fri Dec 14 16:51:29 EST 2018
   add tune shift output shift (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StPythiaPool at Fri Dec 14 17:06:20 EST 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StPythiaPool/StPythiaJet at Fri Dec 14 17:06:37 EST 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StPythiaPool/StPythiaJetHist at Fri Dec 14 17:06:37 EST 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StPythiaPool/StPythiaJetReader at Fri Dec 14 17:06:37 EST 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StPythiaPool/StPythiaRecord at Fri Dec 14 17:06:37 EST 2018
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Sat Dec 15 20:16:56 EST 2018
   update scripts and code to calculate PYTHIA tune uncertainty
   AddFilesPythia.C (+) (+) GetFudgeFactorPythia.C (+) RunPythia.C (+) (+) readjets_pythia.C (+) (+) cmbTrig.C (+) getFinal.C (+) getTriggerBiasCmb.C (+) readMyJetMc.C (+) (+) (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StPythiaPool/StPythiaJet at Sat Dec 15 20:16:57 EST 2018
   update scripts and code to calculate PYTHIA tune uncertainty
   StJetVector.h (+) StPythiaJetCandidate.cxx (+) StPythiaJetCandidate.h (+) StPythiaJetEvent.cxx (+) StPythiaJetEvent.h (+) StPythiaJetLinkDef.h (+) StPythiaJetMaker.cxx (+) StPythiaJetMaker.h (+) StPythiaJetParticle.h (+) StPythiaJetStatusCut.h (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StPythiaPool/StPythiaJetHist at Sat Dec 15 20:16:58 EST 2018
   update scripts and code to calculate PYTHIA tune uncertainty
   defPythia.cxx (+) defPythia.h (+) histPythia.cxx (+) histPythia.h (+) histResponse.cxx (+) histResponse.h (+) pythiaLinkDef.h (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StPythiaPool/StPythiaJetReader at Sat Dec 15 20:16:58 EST 2018
   update scripts and code to calculate PYTHIA tune uncertainty
   readPythia.cxx (+) readPythia.h (+) utilPythia.cxx (+) utilPythia.h (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StPythiaPool/StPythiaRecord at Sat Dec 15 20:16:59 EST 2018
   update scripts and code to calculate PYTHIA tune uncertainty
   StPythiaRecordLinkDef.h (+) StPythiaRecordMaker.cxx (+) StPythiaRecordMaker.h (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Sat Dec 15 20:21:58 EST 2018
   calculate fudge factors
   GetFudgeFactor.C (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Mon Dec 17 15:58:26 EST 2018
   with UE systematic rootfile
   ue.syst.root (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/AnalysisNote at Wed Mar 6 01:04:45 EST 2019
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/AnalysisNote at Wed Mar 6 01:05:24 EST 2019
   add analysis note
   AnalysisNoteV1.pdf (+) Constructing_the_correlation_matrix.pdf (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/AnalysisNote at Sat Mar 9 18:59:11 EST 2019
   Dijet Analysis Note
   Suvarna_AnalysisNote_Final.pdf (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Wed May 1 12:05:51 EDT 2019
   add code to calculate correlation matrix
   readMyJetCorr.C (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StMyJetPool/StMyDef at Wed May 1 12:05:51 EDT 2019
   add code to calculate correlation matrix
   MyDef.h (+) MyDefLinkDef.h (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StMyJetPool/StMyJet at Wed May 1 12:05:52 EDT 2019
   add code to calculate correlation matrix
   ReaderCorr.cxx (+) ReaderCorr.h (+) StMyDiJet.cxx (+) StMyDiJet.h (+) StMyDiJetCut.h (+) StMyJetCut.h (+) MyJet.cxx (+) MyJet.h (+) Reader.cxx (+) trgUtilities.cxx (+) trgUtilities.h (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StMyJetPool/StMyJetSpin at Wed May 1 12:05:53 EDT 2019
   add code to calculate correlation matrix
   MyJetCorr.cxx (+) MyJetCorr.h (+) MyJetDj.cxx (+) MyJetDj.h (+) MyJetInc.cxx (+) MyJetInc.h (+) MyJetMC.cxx (+) MyJetMC.h (+) MyJetSpinLinkDef.h (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Wed May 1 13:14:38 EDT 2019
   code to calculate final correlation matrix
   calculateCorr.C (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Wed May 1 13:16:30 EDT 2019
   code to calculate final correlation matrix
   dijetText.C (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Fri May 17 09:47:01 EDT 2019
   fix bugs in calculateCorr.C
   calculateCorr.C (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/Bemc at Tue May 21 15:27:14 EDT 2019
   make changes for the trigger simulator to only use 2013 algorithms for that year, not for later years, later years still use 2009 algorithms
   StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/Eemc at Tue May 21 15:27:14 EDT 2019
   make changes for the trigger simulator to only use 2013 algorithms for that year, not for later years, later years still use 2009 algorithms
   StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Wed May 22 14:17:50 EDT 2019
   update on correlation matrix calculation
   calculateCorr.C (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/lists_dj_split at Wed May 22 17:42:26 EDT 2019
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Wed May 22 18:29:38 EDT 2019
   code to calculate correlation matrix
   RunList.txt (+) cmbCorr.C (+) common.v2.list (+) corr.xml (+) getDijet.C (+) plot.trgBias.i.v2.root (+) pt.syst.i.v2.root (+) (+) (+) (+) readMyJetCorr.C (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/lists_dj_split at Wed May 22 18:38:58 EDT 2019
   code to calculate correlation matrix
   13077067.0.list (+) 13077067.1.list (+) 13077067.2.list (+) 13077068.0.list (+) 13077068.1.list (+) 13077068.2.list (+) 13077069.0.list (+) 13077069.1.list (+) 13077069.2.list (+) 13077073.0.list (+) 13077073.1.list (+) 13077073.2.list (+) 13077076.0.list (+) 13077076.1.list (+) 13077076.2.list (+) 13077078.0.list (+) 13077078.1.list (+) 13077078.2.list (+) 13077081.0.list (+) 13077081.1.list (+) 13077081.2.list (+) 13078009.0.list (+) 13078009.1.list (+) 13078009.2.list (+) 13078011.0.list (+) 13078011.1.list (+) 13078011.2.list (+) 13078012.0.list (+) 13078012.1.list (+) 13078012.2.list (+) 13078014.0.list (+) 13078014.1.list (+) 13078014.2.list (+) 13078035.0.list (+) 13078035.1.list (+) 13078035.2.list (+) 13078036.0.list (+) 13078036.1.list (+) 13078036.2.list (+) 13078039.0.list (+) 13078039.1.list (+) 13078039.2.list (+) 13078040.0.list (+) 13078040.1.list (+) 13078040.2.list (+) 13078042.0.list (+) 13078042.1.list (+) 13078042.2.list (+) 13078045.0.list (+) 13078045.1.list 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(+) 13106072.2.list (+) 13106073.0.list (+) 13106073.1.list (+) 13106073.2.list (+) 13106074.0.list (+) 13106074.1.list (+) 13106074.2.list (+) 13106075.0.list (+) 13106075.1.list (+) 13106075.2.list (+) 13106076.0.list (+) 13106076.1.list (+) 13106076.2.list (+) 13107001.0.list (+) 13107001.1.list (+) 13107001.2.list (+) 13107002.0.list (+) 13107002.1.list (+) 13107002.2.list (+) 13107003.0.list (+) 13107003.1.list (+) 13107003.2.list (+) 13107017.0.list (+) 13107017.1.list (+) 13107017.2.list (+) 13107019.0.list (+) 13107019.1.list (+) 13107019.2.list (+) 13107024.0.list (+) 13107024.1.list (+) 13107024.2.list (+) 13107025.0.list (+) 13107025.1.list (+) 13107025.2.list (+) 13107026.0.list (+) 13107026.1.list (+) 13107026.2.list (+) 13107027.0.list (+) 13107027.1.list (+) 13107027.2.list (+) 13107028.0.list (+) 13107028.1.list (+) 13107028.2.list (+) 13107029.0.list (+) 13107029.1.list (+) 13107029.2.list (+) 13107030.0.list (+) 13107030.1.list (+) 13107030.2.list (+) 13107032.0.list (+) 13107032.1.list (+) 13107032.2.list (+) 13107033.0.list (+) 13107033.1.list (+) 13107033.2.list (+) 13107059.0.list (+) 13107059.1.list (+) 13107059.2.list (+) 13107060.0.list (+) 13107060.1.list (+) 13107060.2.list (+) 13107062.0.list (+) 13107062.1.list (+) 13107062.2.list (+) 13108001.0.list (+) 13108001.1.list (+) 13108001.2.list (+) 13108008.0.list (+) 13108008.1.list (+) 13108008.2.list (+) 13108009.0.list (+) 13108009.1.list (+) 13108009.2.list (+) 13108011.0.list (+) 13108011.1.list (+) 13108011.2.list (+) 13108012.0.list (+) 13108012.1.list (+) 13108012.2.list (+) 13108013.0.list (+) 13108013.1.list (+) 13108013.2.list (+) 13108026.0.list (+) 13108026.1.list (+) 13108026.2.list (+) 13108028.0.list (+) 13108028.1.list (+) 13108028.2.list (+) 13108029.0.list (+) 13108029.1.list (+) 13108029.2.list (+) 13108031.0.list (+) 13108031.1.list (+) 13108031.2.list (+) 13108033.0.list (+) 13108033.1.list (+) 13108033.2.list (+) 13108040.0.list (+) 13108040.1.list (+) 13108040.2.list (+) 13108050.0.list (+) 13108050.1.list (+) 13108050.2.list (+) 13108079.0.list (+) 13108079.1.list (+) 13108079.2.list (+) 13109015.0.list (+) 13109015.1.list (+) 13109015.2.list (+) 13109016.0.list (+) 13109016.1.list (+) 13109016.2.list (+) 13109025.0.list (+) 13109025.1.list (+) 13109025.2.list (+) 13109026.0.list (+) 13109026.1.list (+) 13109026.2.list (+) 13109027.0.list (+) 13109027.1.list (+) 13109027.2.list (+) filelist.c (+) (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Wed May 22 18:50:00 EDT 2019
   code to calculate correlation matrix
   calculateCorr.C (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Thu May 23 11:28:01 EDT 2019
   upload file list for correlation matrix
   try.corr.list (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Thu May 23 14:03:23 EDT 2019
   update to correlation matrix calculation
   sumDijet.C (+) (+) no (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StSpinPool/StUeEvent at Thu May 23 14:03:23 EDT 2019
   update to correlation matrix calculation
   StUeEventLinkDef.h (+) StUeOffAxisConesEvent.h (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Thu May 23 14:14:58 EDT 2019
   update to correlation matrix calculation (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Fri May 24 15:14:49 EDT 2019
   update to correlation matrix calculation
   calculateCorr.C (+) corr.xml (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Fri May 24 15:46:45 EDT 2019
   updates (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Fri May 24 16:05:00 EDT 2019
   updates (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Fri May 24 17:04:59 EDT 2019
   calculateCorr.C (+) (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Fri May 24 18:12:16 EDT 2019
   calculateCorr.C (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Fri May 24 18:22:01 EDT 2019
   calculateCorrp.C (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/nnpdf_pol at Mon May 27 19:55:24 EDT 2019
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/nnpdf_unp at Mon May 27 20:00:56 EDT 2019
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Mon May 27 20:16:55 EDT 2019
   update for plotting
   dssv.asym.txt (+) dssv.asym.xt.txt (+) nnpdf1.1.asym.txt (+) nnpdf1.1.asym.xt.txt (+) plotFinalXt.C (+) (+) no (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StMyHistUtil at Mon May 27 20:16:56 EDT 2019
   update for plotting
   histLinkDef.h (+) histUtilities.cxx (+) histUtilities.h (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/nnpdf_pol at Mon May 27 20:17:07 EDT 2019
   update for plotting
   POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-0.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-1.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-10.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-100.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-11.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-12.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-13.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-14.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-15.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-16.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-17.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-18.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-19.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-2.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-20.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-21.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-22.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-23.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-24.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-25.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-26.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-27.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-28.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-29.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-3.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-30.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-31.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-32.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-33.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-34.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-35.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-36.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-37.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-38.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-39.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-4.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-40.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-41.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-42.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-43.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-44.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-45.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-46.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-47.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-48.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-49.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-5.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-50.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-51.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-52.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-53.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-54.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-55.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-56.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-57.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-58.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-59.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-6.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-60.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-61.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-62.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-63.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-64.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-65.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-66.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-67.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-68.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-69.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-7.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-70.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-71.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-72.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-73.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-74.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-75.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-76.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-77.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-78.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-79.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-8.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-80.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-81.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-82.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-83.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-84.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-85.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-86.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-87.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-88.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-89.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-9.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-90.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-91.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-92.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-93.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-94.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-95.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-96.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-97.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-98.RES (+) POL-JET-NNPDFpol11-99.RES (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/nnpdf_unp at Mon May 27 20:17:09 EDT 2019
   update for plotting
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Mon May 27 20:18:39 EDT 2019
   update for plotting
   plotFinalNew.C (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Mon May 27 20:24:11 EDT 2019
   update for plotting
   plotFiguresMac.C (+) no (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Mon May 27 22:22:22 EDT 2019
   updates for plotting
   cmbTrig.C (+) getTriggerBiasCmb.C (+) plotFiguresMac.C (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/StRoot/StMyHistUtil at Mon May 27 22:22:22 EDT 2019
   updates for plotting
   histLinkDef.h (+) histUtilities.cxx (+) histUtilities.h (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Mon May 27 23:04:47 EDT 2019
   code for pythia study
   CmbPtBinsPythia.C (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Sun Jul 21 10:22:18 EDT 2019
   code for reweight NNPDF replica
   reweightNNPDF.C (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Sun Jul 21 10:23:08 EDT 2019
   code for reweight NNPDF replica
   run12.correlation.root (+) calculateCorr.C (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/res at Sun Jul 21 10:32:52 EDT 2019
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/dijet_nlo at Sun Jul 21 10:33:02 EDT 2019
   Directory /afs/ added to the repository
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704 at Sun Jul 21 10:35:41 EDT 2019
   code for reweight NNPDF replica
   replica_100gr_replica_100Data.txt (+) replica_10gr_replica_10Data.txt (+) replica_11gr_replica_11Data.txt (+) replica_12gr_replica_12Data.txt (+) replica_13gr_replica_13Data.txt (+) replica_14gr_replica_14Data.txt (+) replica_15gr_replica_15Data.txt (+) replica_16gr_replica_16Data.txt (+) replica_17gr_replica_17Data.txt (+) replica_18gr_replica_18Data.txt (+) replica_19gr_replica_19Data.txt (+) replica_1gr_replica_1Data.txt (+) replica_20gr_replica_20Data.txt (+) replica_21gr_replica_21Data.txt (+) replica_22gr_replica_22Data.txt (+) replica_23gr_replica_23Data.txt (+) replica_24gr_replica_24Data.txt (+) replica_25gr_replica_25Data.txt (+) replica_26gr_replica_26Data.txt (+) replica_27gr_replica_27Data.txt (+) replica_28gr_replica_28Data.txt (+) replica_29gr_replica_29Data.txt (+) replica_2gr_replica_2Data.txt (+) replica_30gr_replica_30Data.txt (+) replica_31gr_replica_31Data.txt (+) replica_32gr_replica_32Data.txt (+) replica_33gr_replica_33Data.txt (+) replica_34gr_replica_34Data.txt (+) replica_35gr_replica_35Data.txt (+) replica_36gr_replica_36Data.txt (+) replica_37gr_replica_37Data.txt (+) replica_38gr_replica_38Data.txt (+) replica_39gr_replica_39Data.txt (+) replica_3gr_replica_3Data.txt (+) replica_40gr_replica_40Data.txt (+) replica_41gr_replica_41Data.txt (+) replica_42gr_replica_42Data.txt (+) replica_43gr_replica_43Data.txt (+) replica_44gr_replica_44Data.txt (+) replica_45gr_replica_45Data.txt (+) replica_46gr_replica_46Data.txt (+) replica_47gr_replica_47Data.txt (+) replica_48gr_replica_48Data.txt (+) replica_49gr_replica_49Data.txt (+) replica_4gr_replica_4Data.txt (+) replica_50gr_replica_50Data.txt (+) replica_51gr_replica_51Data.txt (+) replica_52gr_replica_52Data.txt (+) replica_53gr_replica_53Data.txt (+) replica_54gr_replica_54Data.txt (+) replica_55gr_replica_55Data.txt (+) replica_56gr_replica_56Data.txt (+) replica_57gr_replica_57Data.txt (+) replica_58gr_replica_58Data.txt (+) replica_59gr_replica_59Data.txt (+) replica_5gr_replica_5Data.txt (+) replica_60gr_replica_60Data.txt (+) replica_61gr_replica_61Data.txt (+) replica_62gr_replica_62Data.txt (+) replica_63gr_replica_63Data.txt (+) replica_64gr_replica_64Data.txt (+) replica_65gr_replica_65Data.txt (+) replica_66gr_replica_66Data.txt (+) replica_67gr_replica_67Data.txt (+) replica_68gr_replica_68Data.txt (+) replica_69gr_replica_69Data.txt (+) replica_6gr_replica_6Data.txt (+) replica_70gr_replica_70Data.txt (+) replica_71gr_replica_71Data.txt (+) replica_72gr_replica_72Data.txt (+) replica_73gr_replica_73Data.txt (+) replica_74gr_replica_74Data.txt (+) replica_75gr_replica_75Data.txt (+) replica_76gr_replica_76Data.txt (+) replica_77gr_replica_77Data.txt (+) replica_78gr_replica_78Data.txt (+) replica_79gr_replica_79Data.txt (+) replica_7gr_replica_7Data.txt (+) replica_80gr_replica_80Data.txt (+) replica_81gr_replica_81Data.txt (+) replica_82gr_replica_82Data.txt (+) replica_83gr_replica_83Data.txt (+) replica_84gr_replica_84Data.txt (+) replica_85gr_replica_85Data.txt (+) replica_86gr_replica_86Data.txt (+) replica_87gr_replica_87Data.txt (+) replica_88gr_replica_88Data.txt (+) replica_89gr_replica_89Data.txt (+) replica_8gr_replica_8Data.txt (+) replica_90gr_replica_90Data.txt (+) replica_91gr_replica_91Data.txt (+) replica_92gr_replica_92Data.txt (+) replica_93gr_replica_93Data.txt (+) replica_94gr_replica_94Data.txt (+) replica_95gr_replica_95Data.txt (+) replica_96gr_replica_96Data.txt (+) replica_97gr_replica_97Data.txt (+) replica_98gr_replica_98Data.txt (+) replica_99gr_replica_99Data.txt (+) replica_9gr_replica_9Data.txt (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/dijet_nlo at Sun Jul 21 10:36:50 EDT 2019
   code for reweight NNPDF replica
   dijet_all0_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all0_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all0_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all0_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all100_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all100_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all100_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all100_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all10_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all10_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all10_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all10_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all11_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all11_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all11_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all11_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all12_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all12_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all12_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all12_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all13_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all13_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all13_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all13_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all14_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all14_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all14_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all14_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all15_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all15_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all15_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all15_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all16_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all16_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all16_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all16_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all17_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all17_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all17_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all17_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all18_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all18_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all18_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all18_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all19_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all19_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all19_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all19_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all1_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all1_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all1_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all1_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all20_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all20_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all20_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all20_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all21_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all21_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all21_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all21_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all22_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all22_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all22_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all22_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all23_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all23_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all23_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all23_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all24_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all24_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all24_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all24_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all25_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all25_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all25_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all25_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all26_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all26_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all26_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all26_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all27_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all27_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all27_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all27_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all28_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all28_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all28_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all28_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all29_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all29_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all29_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all29_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all2_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all2_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all2_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all2_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all30_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all30_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all30_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all30_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all31_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all31_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all31_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all31_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all32_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all32_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all32_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all32_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all33_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all33_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all33_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all33_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all34_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all34_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all34_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all34_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all35_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all35_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all35_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all35_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all36_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all36_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all36_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all36_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all37_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all37_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all37_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all37_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all38_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all38_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all38_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all38_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all39_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all39_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all39_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all39_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all3_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all3_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all3_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all3_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all40_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all40_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all40_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all40_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all41_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all41_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all41_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all41_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all42_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all42_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all42_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all42_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all43_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all43_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all43_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all43_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all44_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all44_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all44_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all44_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all45_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all45_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all45_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all45_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all46_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all46_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all46_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all46_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all47_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all47_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all47_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all47_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all48_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all48_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all48_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all48_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all49_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all49_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all49_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all49_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all4_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all4_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all4_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all4_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all50_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all50_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all50_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all50_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all51_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all51_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all51_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all51_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all52_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all52_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all52_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all52_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all53_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all53_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all53_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all53_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all54_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all54_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all54_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all54_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all55_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all55_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all55_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all55_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all56_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all56_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all56_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all56_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all57_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all57_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all57_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all57_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all58_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all58_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all58_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all58_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all59_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all59_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all59_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all59_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all5_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all5_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all5_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all5_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all60_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all60_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all60_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all60_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all61_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all61_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all61_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all61_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all62_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all62_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all62_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all62_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all63_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all63_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all63_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all63_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all64_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all64_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all64_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all64_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all65_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all65_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all65_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all65_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all66_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all66_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all66_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all66_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all67_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all67_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all67_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all67_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all68_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all68_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all68_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all68_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all69_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all69_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all69_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all69_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all6_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all6_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all6_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all6_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all70_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all70_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all70_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all70_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all71_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all71_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all71_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all71_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all72_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all72_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all72_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all72_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all73_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all73_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all73_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all73_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all74_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all74_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all74_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all74_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all75_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all75_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all75_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all75_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all76_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all76_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all76_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all76_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all77_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all77_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all77_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all77_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all78_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all78_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all78_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all78_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all79_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all79_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all79_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all79_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all7_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all7_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all7_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all7_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all80_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all80_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all80_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all80_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all81_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all81_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all81_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all81_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all82_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all82_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all82_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all82_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all83_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all83_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all83_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all83_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all84_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all84_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all84_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all84_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all85_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all85_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all85_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all85_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all86_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all86_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all86_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all86_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all87_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all87_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all87_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all87_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all88_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all88_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all88_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all88_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all89_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all89_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all89_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all89_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all8_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all8_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all8_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all8_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all90_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all90_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all90_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all90_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all91_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all91_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all91_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all91_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all92_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all92_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all92_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all92_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all93_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all93_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all93_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all93_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all94_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all94_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all94_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all94_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all95_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all95_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all95_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all95_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all96_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all96_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all96_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all96_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all97_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all97_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all97_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all97_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all98_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all98_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all98_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all98_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all99_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all99_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all99_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all99_bin4.txt (+) dijet_all9_bin1.txt (+) dijet_all9_bin2.txt (+) dijet_all9_bin3.txt (+) dijet_all9_bin4.txt (+)
Commit to offline/paper/psn0704/res at Sun Jul 21 10:37:07 EDT 2019
   code for reweight NNPDF replica
   nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep0.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep1.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep10.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep100.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep11.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep12.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep13.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep14.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep15.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep16.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep17.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep18.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep19.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep2.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep20.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep21.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep22.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep23.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep24.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep25.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep26.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep27.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep28.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep29.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep3.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep30.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep31.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep32.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep33.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep34.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep35.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep36.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep37.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep38.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep39.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep4.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep40.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep41.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep42.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep43.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep44.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep45.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep46.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep47.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep48.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep49.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep5.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep50.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep51.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep52.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep53.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep54.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep55.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep56.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep57.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep58.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep59.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep6.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep60.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep61.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep62.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep63.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep64.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep65.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep66.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep67.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep68.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep69.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep7.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep70.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep71.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep72.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep73.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep74.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep75.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep76.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep77.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep78.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep79.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep8.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep80.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep81.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep82.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep83.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep84.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep85.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep86.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep87.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep88.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep89.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep9.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep90.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep91.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep92.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep93.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep94.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep95.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep96.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep97.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep98.txt (+) nnpdfpol11_xfx_rep99.txt (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetMaker/macros at Fri Jan 3 11:08:32 EST 2020
   disable bbc option for trigger simulator
   RunJetFinder2012pro.C (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/StDSMUtilities/y2013 at Mon Jan 13 15:41:21 EST 2020
   removing old run13 dsm algo files
   no (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities at Mon Jan 13 15:45:47 EST 2020
   removing old run13 dsm algo files
   StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/Bemc at Mon Jan 13 15:45:49 EST 2020
   removing old run13 dsm algo files
   StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx (+) StBemcTriggerSimu.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/Eemc at Mon Jan 13 15:45:51 EST 2020
   removing old run13 dsm algo files
   EEfeeTP.h (+) EEfeeTPTree.cxx (+) EEfeeTPTree.h (+) StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx (+) StEemcTriggerSimu.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/Emc at Mon Jan 13 15:45:52 EST 2020
   removing old run13 dsm algo files
   StEmcTriggerSimu.cxx (+) StEmcTriggerSimu.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/StDSMUtilities at Mon Jan 13 15:45:55 EST 2020
   removing old run13 dsm algo files (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) DSMLayer_B001_2009.hh (+) (+) DSMLayer_B101_2009.hh (+) (+) DSMLayer_E001_2009.hh (+) (+) DSMLayer_E101_2009.hh (+) (+) DSMLayer_EM201_2009.hh (+) (+) DSMLayer_LD301_2009.hh (+) StDSM2009Utilities.hh (+) sumTriggerPatchChannels.hh (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/StDSMUtilities/y2013 at Mon Jan 13 15:45:59 EST 2020
   removing old run13 dsm algo files
   no (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/StDSMUtilities at Mon Jan 13 15:51:09 EST 2020
   updating trigger simulator to accomodate run13 pp, run14 UPC and run15 pp dsm algorithms (+) DSMAlgo_BC101_2013.hh (+) (+) DSMAlgo_BC101_2014_b.hh (+) (+) DSMAlgo_BC101_2015.hh (+) (+) DSMAlgo_BE001_2014_b.hh (+) (+) DSMAlgo_BE001_2015.hh (+) (+) DSMAlgo_BE003_2014_b.hh (+) (+) DSMAlgo_BE003_2015.hh (+) (+) DSMAlgo_BW001_2014_b.hh (+) (+) DSMAlgo_BW001_2015.hh (+) (+) DSMAlgo_BW003_2014_b.hh (+) (+) DSMAlgo_BW003_2015.hh (+) (+) DSMAlgo_EE101_2013.hh (+) (+) DSMAlgo_EE102_2013.hh (+) (+) DSMAlgo_EM201_2013.hh (+) (+) DSMAlgo_EM201_2013_a.hh (+) (+) DSMAlgo_EM201_2014_b.hh (+) (+) DSMAlgo_EM201_2015.hh (+) (+) DSMLayer_B001_2014_B.hh (+) (+) DSMLayer_B001_2015.hh (+) (+) DSMLayer_B101_2013.hh (+) (+) DSMLayer_B101_2014_B.hh (+) (+) DSMLayer_B101_2015.hh (+) (+) DSMLayer_E101_2013.hh (+) (+) DSMLayer_EM201_2013.hh (+) (+) DSMLayer_EM201_2013_A.hh (+) (+) DSMLayer_EM201_2014_B.hh (+) (+) DSMLayer_EM201_2015.hh (+) StDSMLayer.hh (+) bits.hh (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/macros at Mon Jan 13 16:14:20 EST 2020
   an example macro to trigger simulator on run15 pp data
   RunTriggerSimu2015.C (+)
Commit to StRoot/StJetMaker at Sun Apr 5 19:04:12 EDT 2020
   fill L2Result when only present in MuDst files
   StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities at Sat Apr 11 23:56:25 EDT 2020
   Add EMC DSM algorithm for the 2017 pp run
   StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx (+) StTriggerSimuMaker.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/Bemc at Sat Apr 11 23:56:25 EDT 2020
   Add EMC DSM algorithm for the 2017 pp run
   StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/Eemc at Sat Apr 11 23:56:25 EDT 2020
   Add EMC DSM algorithm for the 2017 pp run
   StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/Emc at Sat Apr 11 23:56:25 EDT 2020
   Add EMC DSM algorithm for the 2017 pp run
   StEmcTriggerSimu.cxx (+) StEmcTriggerSimu.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/StDSMUtilities at Sat Apr 11 23:56:26 EDT 2020
   Add EMC DSM algorithm for the 2017 pp run (+) DSMAlgo_EE001_2017.hh (+) (+) DSMAlgo_EE002_2017.hh (+) (+) DSMAlgo_EE101_2017.hh (+) (+) DSMAlgo_EE102_2017.hh (+) (+) DSMAlgo_EM201_2017.hh (+) (+) DSMLayer_E001_2017.hh (+) (+) DSMLayer_E101_2017.hh (+) (+) DSMLayer_EM201_2017.hh (+) sum_eemc_http.hh (+) (+) DSMAlgo_EM201_2015.hh (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) StDSM2009Utilities.hh (+) (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/Eemc at Wed Apr 22 22:14:45 EDT 2020
   uncomment lines regarding load EEMC FEE mask
   StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx (+)
Commit to StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/StDSMUtilities at Sun May 17 01:51:37 EDT 2020
   Update with additional registers to be compatible with 2015 pAu run (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StJetEvent at Fri Nov 20 15:55:43 EST 2020
   update unixTime in StJetEvent to return correct unixTime
   StJetEvent.h (+)
Commit to StRoot/StSpinPool/StJetSkimEvent at Sun Nov 22 22:34:21 EST 2020
   update unixTime in StJetSkimEvent to return correct unixTime
   StJetSkimEvent.h (+)

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CVS commits by zchang Last updated Mon Feb 24 00:16:01 2025
Commits since Thu Jan 7 11:06:06 EST 2016