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1 // is a part of the PYTHIA event generator.
2 // Copyright (C) 2012 Torbjorn Sjostrand.
3 // PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL version 2, see COPYING for details.
4 // Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
6 // Function definitions (not found in the header) for the
7 // DecayChannel, ParticleDataEntry and ParticleData classes.
9 #include "ParticleData.h"
10 #include "StandardModel.h"
11 #include "SusyResonanceWidths.h"
13 // Allow string and character manipulation.
14 #include <cctype>
16 namespace Pythia8 {
18 //==========================================================================
20 // DecayChannel class.
21 // This class holds info on a single decay channel.
23 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 // Check whether id1 occurs anywhere in product list.
27 bool DecayChannel::contains(int id1) const {
29  bool found1 = false;
30  for (int i = 0; i < nProd; ++i) if (prod[i] == id1) found1 = true;
31  return found1;
33 }
35 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 // Check whether id1 and id2 occur anywhere in product list.
38 // iF ID1 == ID2 then two copies of this particle must be present.
40 bool DecayChannel::contains(int id1, int id2) const {
42  bool found1 = false;
43  bool found2 = false;
44  for (int i = 0; i < nProd; ++i) {
45  if (!found1 && prod[i] == id1) {found1 = true; continue;}
46  if (!found2 && prod[i] == id2) {found2 = true; continue;}
47  }
48  return found1 && found2;
50 }
52 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
54 // Check whether id1, id2 and id3 occur anywhere in product list.
55 // iF ID1 == ID2 then two copies of this particle must be present, etc.
57 bool DecayChannel::contains(int id1, int id2, int id3) const {
59  bool found1 = false;
60  bool found2 = false;
61  bool found3 = false;
62  for (int i = 0; i < nProd; ++i) {
63  if (!found1 && prod[i] == id1) {found1 = true; continue;}
64  if (!found2 && prod[i] == id2) {found2 = true; continue;}
65  if (!found3 && prod[i] == id3) {found3 = true; continue;}
66  }
67  return found1 && found2 && found3;
69 }
71 //==========================================================================
73 // ParticleDataEntry class.
74 // This class holds info on a single particle species.
76 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
78 // Constants: could be changed here if desired, but normally should not.
79 // These are of technical nature, as described for each.
81 // A particle is invisible if it has neither strong nor electric charge,
82 // and is not made up of constituents that have it. Only relevant for
83 // long-lived particles. This list may need to be extended.
84 const int ParticleDataEntry::INVISIBLENUMBER = 50;
85 const int ParticleDataEntry::INVISIBLETABLE[50] = { 12, 14, 16, 18, 23, 25,
86  32, 33, 35, 36, 39, 41, 1000012, 1000014, 1000016, 1000018, 1000022,
87  1000023, 1000025, 1000035, 1000045, 1000039, 2000012, 2000014, 2000016,
88  2000018, 4900012, 4900014, 4900016, 4900021, 4900022, 4900101, 4900102,
89  4900103, 4900104, 4900105, 4900106, 4900107, 4900108, 4900111, 4900113,
90  4900211, 4900213, 4900991, 5000039, 5100039, 9900012, 9900014, 9900016,
91  9900023 };
93 // Particles with a read-in tau0 (in mm/c) below this mayDecay by default.
94 const double ParticleDataEntry::MAXTAU0FORDECAY = 1000.;
96 // Particles with a read-in m0 above this isResonance by default.
97 const double ParticleDataEntry::MINMASSRESONANCE = 20.;
99 // Narrow states are assigned nominal mass.
100 const double ParticleDataEntry::NARROWMASS = 1e-6;
102 // Constituent quark masses (d, u, s, c, b, -, -, -, g).
103 const double ParticleDataEntry::CONSTITUENTMASSTABLE[10]
104  = {0., 0.325, 0.325, 0.50, 1.60, 5.00, 0., 0., 0., 0.7};
106 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
108 // Destructor: delete any ResonanceWidths object.
110 ParticleDataEntry::~ParticleDataEntry() {
111  if (resonancePtr != 0) delete resonancePtr;
112 }
114 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
116 // Set initial default values for some quantities.
118 void ParticleDataEntry::setDefaults() {
120  // A particle is a resonance if it is heavy enough.
121  isResonanceSave = (m0Save > MINMASSRESONANCE);
123  // A particle may decay if it is shortlived enough.
124  mayDecaySave = (tau0Save < MAXTAU0FORDECAY);
126  // A particle by default has no external decays.
127  doExternalDecaySave = false;
129  // A particle is invisible if in current table of such.
130  isVisibleSave = true;
131  for (int i = 0; i < INVISIBLENUMBER; ++i)
132  if (idSave == INVISIBLETABLE[i]) isVisibleSave = false;
134  // Normally a resonance should not have width forced to fixed value.
135  doForceWidthSave = false;
137  // Set up constituent masses.
138  setConstituentMass();
140  // No Breit-Wigner mass selection before initialized.
141  modeBWnow = 0;
143 }
145 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
147 // Find out if a particle is a hadron.
148 // Only covers normal hadrons, not e.g. R-hadrons.
150 bool ParticleDataEntry::isHadron() const {
152  if (idSave <= 100 || (idSave >= 1000000 && idSave <= 9000000)
153  || idSave >= 9900000) return false;
154  if (idSave == 130 || idSave == 310) return true;
155  if (idSave%10 == 0 || (idSave/10)%10 == 0 || (idSave/100)%10 == 0)
156  return false;
157  return true;
159 }
161 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
163 // Find out if a particle is a meson.
164 // Only covers normal hadrons, not e.g. R-hadrons.
166 bool ParticleDataEntry::isMeson() const {
168  if (idSave <= 100 || (idSave >= 1000000 && idSave <= 9000000)
169  || idSave >= 9900000) return false;
170  if (idSave == 130 || idSave == 310) return true;
171  if (idSave%10 == 0 || (idSave/10)%10 == 0 || (idSave/100)%10 == 0
172  || (idSave/1000)%10 != 0) return false;
173  return true;
175 }
177 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
179 // Find out if a particle is a baryon.
180 // Only covers normal hadrons, not e.g. R-hadrons.
182 bool ParticleDataEntry::isBaryon() const {
184  if (idSave <= 1000 || (idSave >= 1000000 && idSave <= 9000000)
185  || idSave >= 9900000) return false;
186  if (idSave%10 == 0 || (idSave/10)%10 == 0 || (idSave/100)%10 == 0
187  || (idSave/1000)%10 == 0) return false;
188  return true;
191 }
193 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
195 // Extract the heaviest (= largest id) quark in a hadron.
197 int ParticleDataEntry::heaviestQuark(int idIn) const {
199  if (!isHadron()) return 0;
200  int hQ = 0;
202  // Meson.
203  if ( (idSave/1000)%10 == 0 ) {
204  hQ = (idSave/100)%10;
205  if (idSave == 130) hQ = 3;
206  if (hQ%2 == 1) hQ = -hQ;
208  // Baryon.
209  } else hQ = (idSave/1000)%10;
211  // Done.
212  return (idIn > 0) ? hQ : -hQ;
214 }
216 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
218 // Calculate three times baryon number, i.e. net quark - antiquark number.
220 int ParticleDataEntry::baryonNumberType(int idIn) const {
222  // Quarks.
223  if (isQuark()) return (idIn > 0) ? 1 : -1;
225  // Diquarks
226  if (isDiquark()) return (idIn > 0) ? 2 : -2;
228  // Baryons.
229  if (isBaryon()) return (idIn > 0) ? 3 : -3;
231  // Done.
232  return 0;
234 }
236 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
238 // Prepare the Breit-Wigner mass selection by precalculating
239 // frequently-used expressions.
241 void ParticleDataEntry::initBWmass() {
243  // Find Breit-Wigner mode for current particle.
244  modeBWnow = particleDataPtr->modeBreitWigner;
245  if ( mWidthSave < NARROWMASS || (mMaxSave > mMinSave
246  && mMaxSave - mMinSave < NARROWMASS) ) modeBWnow = 0;
247  if (modeBWnow == 0) return;
249  // Find atan expressions to be used in random mass selection.
250  if (modeBWnow < 3) {
251  atanLow = atan( 2. * (mMinSave - m0Save) / mWidthSave );
252  double atanHigh = (mMaxSave > mMinSave)
253  ? atan( 2. * (mMaxSave - m0Save) / mWidthSave ) : 0.5 * M_PI;
254  atanDif = atanHigh - atanLow;
255  } else {
256  atanLow = atan( (pow2(mMinSave) - pow2(m0Save))
257  / (m0Save * mWidthSave) );
258  double atanHigh = (mMaxSave > mMinSave)
259  ? atan( (pow2(mMaxSave) - pow2(m0Save)) / (m0Save * mWidthSave) )
260  : 0.5 * M_PI;
261  atanDif = atanHigh - atanLow;
262  }
264  // Done if no threshold factor.
265  if (modeBWnow%2 == 1) return;
267  // Find average mass threshold for threshold-factor correction.
268  double bRatSum = 0.;
269  double mThrSum = 0;
270  for (int i = 0; i < int(channels.size()); ++i)
271  if (channels[i].onMode() >= 0) {
272  bRatSum += channels[i].bRatio();
273  double mChannelSum = 0.;
274  for (int j = 0; j < channels[i].multiplicity(); ++j)
275  mChannelSum += particleDataPtr->m0( channels[i].product(j) );
276  mThrSum += channels[i].bRatio() * mChannelSum;
277  }
278  mThr = (bRatSum == 0.) ? 0. : mThrSum / bRatSum;
280  // Switch off Breit-Wigner if very close to threshold.
281  if (mThr + NARROWMASS > m0Save) {
282  ostringstream osWarn;
283  osWarn << "for id = " << idSave;
284  particleDataPtr->infoPtr->errorMsg("Warning in ParticleDataEntry::"
285  "initBWmass: switching off width", osWarn.str(), true);
286  modeBWnow = 0;
287  }
289 }
291 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
293 // Function to give mass of a particle, either at the nominal value
294 // or picked according to a (linear or quadratic) Breit-Wigner.
296 double ParticleDataEntry::mass() {
298  // Nominal value.
299  if (modeBWnow == 0) return m0Save;
300  double mNow, m2Now;
302  // Mass according to a Breit-Wigner linear in m.
303  if (modeBWnow == 1) {
304  mNow = m0Save + 0.5 * mWidthSave
305  * tan( atanLow + atanDif * particleDataPtr->rndmPtr->flat() );
307  // Ditto, but make Gamma proportional to sqrt(m^2 - m_threshold^2).
308  } else if (modeBWnow == 2) {
309  double mWidthNow, fixBW, runBW;
310  double m0ThrS = m0Save*m0Save - mThr*mThr;
311  do {
312  mNow = m0Save + 0.5 * mWidthSave
313  * tan( atanLow + atanDif * particleDataPtr->rndmPtr->flat() );
314  mWidthNow = mWidthSave * sqrtpos( (mNow*mNow - mThr*mThr) / m0ThrS );
315  fixBW = mWidthSave / (pow2(mNow - m0Save) + pow2(0.5 * mWidthSave));
316  runBW = mWidthNow / (pow2(mNow - m0Save) + pow2(0.5 * mWidthNow));
317  } while (runBW < particleDataPtr->rndmPtr->flat()
318  * particleDataPtr->maxEnhanceBW * fixBW);
320  // Mass according to a Breit-Wigner quadratic in m.
321  } else if (modeBWnow == 3) {
322  m2Now = m0Save*m0Save + m0Save * mWidthSave
323  * tan( atanLow + atanDif * particleDataPtr->rndmPtr->flat() );
324  mNow = sqrtpos( m2Now);
326  // Ditto, but m_0 Gamma_0 -> m Gamma(m) with threshold factor as above.
327  } else {
328  double mwNow, fixBW, runBW;
329  double m2Ref = m0Save * m0Save;
330  double mwRef = m0Save * mWidthSave;
331  double m2Thr = mThr * mThr;
332  do {
333  m2Now = m2Ref + mwRef * tan( atanLow + atanDif
334  * particleDataPtr->rndmPtr->flat() );
335  mNow = sqrtpos( m2Now);
336  mwNow = mNow * mWidthSave
337  * sqrtpos( (m2Now - m2Thr) / (m2Ref - m2Thr) );
338  fixBW = mwRef / (pow2(m2Now - m2Ref) + pow2(mwRef));
339  runBW = mwNow / (pow2(m2Now - m2Ref) + pow2(mwNow));
340  } while (runBW < particleDataPtr->rndmPtr->flat()
341  * particleDataPtr->maxEnhanceBW * fixBW);
342  }
344  // Done.
345  return mNow;
346 }
348 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
350 // Function to calculate running mass at given mass scale.
352 double ParticleDataEntry::mRun(double mHat) {
354  // Except for six quarks return nominal mass.
355  if (idSave > 6) return m0Save;
356  double mQRun = particleDataPtr->mQRun[idSave];
357  double Lam5 = particleDataPtr->Lambda5Run;
359  // For d, u, s quarks start running at 2 GeV (RPP 2006 p. 505).
360  if (idSave < 4) return mQRun * pow ( log(2. / Lam5)
361  / log(max(2., mHat) / Lam5), 12./23.);
363  // For c, b and t quarks start running at respective mass.
364  return mQRun * pow ( log(mQRun / Lam5)
365  / log(max(mQRun, mHat) / Lam5), 12./23.);
367 }
369 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
371 // Rescale all branching ratios to assure normalization to unity.
373 void ParticleDataEntry::rescaleBR(double newSumBR) {
375  // Sum up branching ratios. Find rescaling factor. Rescale.
376  double oldSumBR = 0.;
377  for ( int i = 0; i < int(channels.size()); ++ i)
378  oldSumBR += channels[i].bRatio();
379  double rescaleFactor = newSumBR / oldSumBR;
380  for ( int i = 0; i < int(channels.size()); ++ i)
381  channels[i].rescaleBR(rescaleFactor);
383 }
385 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
387 // Prepare to pick a decay channel.
389 bool ParticleDataEntry::preparePick(int idSgn, double mHat, int idInFlav) {
391  // Reset sum of allowed widths/branching ratios.
392  currentBRSum = 0.;
394  // For resonances the widths are calculated dynamically.
395  if (resonancePtr != 0) {
396  resonancePtr->widthStore(idSgn, mHat, idInFlav);
397  for (int i = 0; i < int(channels.size()); ++i)
398  currentBRSum += channels[i].currentBR();
400  // Else use normal fixed branching ratios.
401  } else {
402  int onMode;
403  double currentBRNow;
404  for (int i = 0; i < int(channels.size()); ++i) {
405  onMode = channels[i].onMode();
406  currentBRNow = 0.;
407  if ( idSgn > 0 && (onMode == 1 || onMode == 2) )
408  currentBRNow = channels[i].bRatio();
409  else if ( idSgn < 0 && (onMode == 1 || onMode == 3) )
410  currentBRNow = channels[i].bRatio();
411  channels[i].currentBR(currentBRNow);
412  currentBRSum += currentBRNow;
413  }
414  }
416  // Failure if no channels found with positive branching ratios.
417  return (currentBRSum > 0.);
419 }
421 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
423 // Pick a decay channel according to branching ratios from preparePick.
425 DecayChannel& ParticleDataEntry::pickChannel() {
427  // Find channel in table.
428  int size = channels.size();
429  double rndmBR = currentBRSum * particleDataPtr->rndmPtr->flat();
430  int i = -1;
431  do rndmBR -= channels[++i].currentBR();
432  while (rndmBR > 0. && i < size);
434  // Emergency if no channel found. Done.
435  if (i == size) i = 0;
436  return channels[i];
438 }
440 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
442 // Access methods stored in ResonanceWidths. Could have been
443 // inline in .h, except for problems with forward declarations.
445 void ParticleDataEntry::setResonancePtr(
446  ResonanceWidths* resonancePtrIn) {
447  if (resonancePtr == resonancePtrIn) return;
448  if (resonancePtr != 0) delete resonancePtr;
449  resonancePtr = resonancePtrIn;
450 }
452 void ParticleDataEntry::resInit(Info* infoPtrIn, Settings* settingsPtrIn,
453  ParticleData* particleDataPtrIn, Couplings* couplingsPtrIn) {
454  if (resonancePtr != 0) resonancePtr->init(infoPtrIn, settingsPtrIn,
455  particleDataPtrIn, couplingsPtrIn);
456 }
458 double ParticleDataEntry::resWidth(int idSgn, double mHat, int idIn,
459  bool openOnly, bool setBR) {
460  return (resonancePtr != 0) ? resonancePtr->width( idSgn, mHat,
461  idIn, openOnly, setBR) : 0.;
462 }
464 double ParticleDataEntry::resWidthOpen(int idSgn, double mHat, int idIn) {
465  return (resonancePtr != 0) ? resonancePtr->widthOpen( idSgn, mHat, idIn)
466  : 0.;
467 }
469 double ParticleDataEntry::resWidthStore(int idSgn, double mHat, int idIn) {
470  return (resonancePtr != 0) ? resonancePtr->widthStore( idSgn, mHat, idIn)
471  : 0.;
472 }
474 double ParticleDataEntry::resOpenFrac(int idSgn) {
475  return (resonancePtr != 0) ? resonancePtr->openFrac(idSgn) : 1.;
476 }
478 double ParticleDataEntry::resWidthRescaleFactor() {
479  return (resonancePtr != 0) ? resonancePtr->widthRescaleFactor() : 1.;
480 }
482 double ParticleDataEntry::resWidthChan(double mHat, int idAbs1,
483  int idAbs2) {
484  return (resonancePtr != 0) ? resonancePtr->widthChan( mHat, idAbs1,
485  idAbs2) : 0.;
486 }
488 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
490 // Constituent masses for (d, u, s, c, b) quarks and diquarks.
491 // Hardcoded in CONSTITUENTMASSTABLE so that they are not overwritten
492 // by mistake, and separated from the "normal" masses.
493 // Called both by setDefaults and setM0 so kept as separate method.
495 void ParticleDataEntry::setConstituentMass() {
497  // Equate with the normal masses as default guess.
498  constituentMassSave = m0Save;
500  // Quark masses trivial. Also gluon mass.
501  if (idSave < 6) constituentMassSave = CONSTITUENTMASSTABLE[idSave];
502  if (idSave == 21) constituentMassSave = CONSTITUENTMASSTABLE[9];
504  // Diquarks as simple sum of constituent quarks.
505  if (idSave > 1000 && idSave < 10000 && (idSave/10)%10 == 0) {
506  int id1 = idSave/1000;
507  int id2 = (idSave/100)%10;
508  if (id1 <6 && id2 < 6) constituentMassSave
510  }
512 }
514 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
516 // Convert string to lowercase for case-insensitive comparisons.
518 string ParticleDataEntry::toLower(const string& nameConv) {
520  string temp(nameConv);
521  for (int i = 0; i < int(temp.length()); ++i)
522  temp[i] = std::tolower(temp[i]);
523  return temp;
525 }
527 //==========================================================================
529 // ParticleData class.
530 // This class holds a map of all ParticleDataEntries,
531 // each entry containing info on a particle species.
533 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
535 // Get data to be distributed among particles during setup.
536 // Note: this routine is called twice. Firstly from init(...), but
537 // the data should not be used at that point, so is likely overkill.
538 // Secondly, from initWidths, after user has had time to change.
540 void ParticleData::initCommon() {
542  // Mass generation: fixed mass or linear/quadratic Breit-Wigner.
543  modeBreitWigner = settingsPtr->mode("ParticleData:modeBreitWigner");
545  // Maximum tail enhancement when adding threshold factor to Breit-Wigner.
546  maxEnhanceBW = settingsPtr->parm("ParticleData:maxEnhanceBW");
548  // Find initial MSbar masses for five light flavours.
549  mQRun[1] = settingsPtr->parm("ParticleData:mdRun");
550  mQRun[2] = settingsPtr->parm("ParticleData:muRun");
551  mQRun[3] = settingsPtr->parm("ParticleData:msRun");
552  mQRun[4] = settingsPtr->parm("ParticleData:mcRun");
553  mQRun[5] = settingsPtr->parm("ParticleData:mbRun");
554  mQRun[6] = settingsPtr->parm("ParticleData:mtRun");
556  // Find Lambda5 value to use in running of MSbar masses.
557  double alphaSvalue = settingsPtr->parm("ParticleData:alphaSvalueMRun");
558  AlphaStrong alphaS;
559  alphaS.init( alphaSvalue, 1);
560  Lambda5Run = alphaS.Lambda5();
562 }
564 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
566 // Initialize pointer for particles to the full database, the Breit-Wigners
567 // of normal hadrons and the ResonanceWidths of resonances. For the latter
568 // the order of initialization is essential to get secondary widths right.
570 void ParticleData::initWidths( vector<ResonanceWidths*> resonancePtrs) {
572  // Initialize some common data.
573  initCommon();
575  // Pointer to database and Breit-Wigner mass initialization for each
576  // particle.
577  ResonanceWidths* resonancePtr = 0;
578  for (map<int, ParticleDataEntry>::iterator pdtEntry = pdt.begin();
579  pdtEntry != pdt.end(); ++pdtEntry) {
580  ParticleDataEntry& pdtNow = pdtEntry->second;
581  pdtNow.initPtr( this);
582  pdtNow.initBWmass();
584  // Remove any existing resonances.
585  resonancePtr = pdtNow.getResonancePtr();
586  if (resonancePtr != 0) pdtNow.setResonancePtr(0);
587  }
589  // Begin set up new resonance objects.
590  // Z0, W+- and top are almost always needed.
591  resonancePtr = new ResonanceGmZ(23);
592  setResonancePtr( 23, resonancePtr);
593  resonancePtr = new ResonanceW(24);
594  setResonancePtr( 24, resonancePtr);
595  resonancePtr = new ResonanceTop(6);
596  setResonancePtr( 6, resonancePtr);
598  // Higgs in SM.
599  if (!settingsPtr->flag("Higgs:useBSM")) {
600  resonancePtr = new ResonanceH(0, 25);
601  setResonancePtr( 25, resonancePtr);
603  // Higgses in BSM.
604  } else {
605  resonancePtr = new ResonanceH(1, 25);
606  setResonancePtr( 25, resonancePtr);
607  resonancePtr = new ResonanceH(2, 35);
608  setResonancePtr( 35, resonancePtr);
609  resonancePtr = new ResonanceH(3, 36);
610  setResonancePtr( 36, resonancePtr);
611  resonancePtr = new ResonanceHchg(37);
612  setResonancePtr( 37, resonancePtr);
613  }
615  // A fourth generation: b', t', tau', nu'_tau.
616  resonancePtr = new ResonanceFour(7);
617  setResonancePtr( 7, resonancePtr);
618  resonancePtr = new ResonanceFour(8);
619  setResonancePtr( 8, resonancePtr);
620  resonancePtr = new ResonanceFour(17);
621  setResonancePtr( 17, resonancePtr);
622  resonancePtr = new ResonanceFour(18);
623  setResonancePtr( 18, resonancePtr);
625  // New gauge bosons: Z', W', R.
626  resonancePtr = new ResonanceZprime(32);
627  setResonancePtr( 32, resonancePtr);
628  resonancePtr = new ResonanceWprime(34);
629  setResonancePtr( 34, resonancePtr);
630  resonancePtr = new ResonanceRhorizontal(41);
631  setResonancePtr( 41, resonancePtr);
633  // A leptoquark.
634  resonancePtr = new ResonanceLeptoquark(42);
635  setResonancePtr( 42, resonancePtr);
637  // Supersymmetry
638  // - Squarks
639  for(int i = 1; i < 7; i++){
640  resonancePtr = new ResonanceSquark(1000000 + i);
641  setResonancePtr( 1000000 + i, resonancePtr);
642  resonancePtr = new ResonanceSquark(2000000 + i);
643  setResonancePtr( 2000000 + i, resonancePtr);
644  }
646  // - Sleptons and sneutrinos
647  for(int i = 1; i < 7; i++){
648  resonancePtr = new ResonanceSlepton(1000010 + i);
649  setResonancePtr( 1000010 + i, resonancePtr);
650  resonancePtr = new ResonanceSlepton(2000010 + i);
651  setResonancePtr( 2000010 + i, resonancePtr);
652  }
654  // - Gluino
655  resonancePtr = new ResonanceGluino(1000021);
656  setResonancePtr( 1000021, resonancePtr);
658  // - Charginos
659  resonancePtr = new ResonanceChar(1000024);
660  setResonancePtr( 1000024, resonancePtr);
661  resonancePtr = new ResonanceChar(1000037);
662  setResonancePtr( 1000037, resonancePtr);
664  // - Neutralinos
665  resonancePtr = new ResonanceNeut(1000022);
666  setResonancePtr( 1000022, resonancePtr);
667  resonancePtr = new ResonanceNeut(1000023);
668  setResonancePtr( 1000023, resonancePtr);
669  resonancePtr = new ResonanceNeut(1000025);
670  setResonancePtr( 1000025, resonancePtr);
671  resonancePtr = new ResonanceNeut(1000035);
672  setResonancePtr( 1000035, resonancePtr);
673  resonancePtr = new ResonanceNeut(1000045);
674  setResonancePtr( 1000045, resonancePtr);
676  // Excited quarks and leptons.
677  for (int i = 1; i < 7; ++i) {
678  resonancePtr = new ResonanceExcited(4000000 + i);
679  setResonancePtr( 4000000 + i, resonancePtr);
680  }
681  for (int i = 11; i < 17; ++i) {
682  resonancePtr = new ResonanceExcited(4000000 + i);
683  setResonancePtr( 4000000 + i, resonancePtr);
684  }
686  // An excited graviton/gluon in extra-dimensional scenarios.
687  resonancePtr = new ResonanceGraviton(5100039);
688  setResonancePtr( 5100039, resonancePtr);
689  resonancePtr = new ResonanceKKgluon(5100021);
690  setResonancePtr( 5100021, resonancePtr);
692  // A left-right-symmetric scenario with new righthanded neutrinos,
693  // righthanded gauge bosons and doubly charged Higgses.
694  resonancePtr = new ResonanceNuRight(9900012);
695  setResonancePtr( 9900012, resonancePtr);
696  resonancePtr = new ResonanceNuRight(9900014);
697  setResonancePtr( 9900014, resonancePtr);
698  resonancePtr = new ResonanceNuRight(9900016);
699  setResonancePtr( 9900016, resonancePtr);
700  resonancePtr = new ResonanceZRight(9900023);
701  setResonancePtr( 9900023, resonancePtr);
702  resonancePtr = new ResonanceWRight(9900024);
703  setResonancePtr( 9900024, resonancePtr);
704  resonancePtr = new ResonanceHchgchgLeft(9900041);
705  setResonancePtr( 9900041, resonancePtr);
706  resonancePtr = new ResonanceHchgchgRight(9900042);
707  setResonancePtr( 9900042, resonancePtr);
709  // Attach user-defined external resonances and do basic initialization.
710  for (int i = 0; i < int(resonancePtrs.size()); ++i) {
711  int idNow = resonancePtrs[i]->id();
712  resonancePtrs[i]->initBasic(idNow);
713  setResonancePtr( idNow, resonancePtrs[i]);
714  }
716  // Set up lists to order resonances in ascending mass.
717  vector<int> idOrdered;
718  vector<double> m0Ordered;
720  // Put Z0 and W+- first, since known to be SM and often off-shell.
721  idOrdered.push_back(23);
722  m0Ordered.push_back(m0(23));
723  idOrdered.push_back(24);
724  m0Ordered.push_back(m0(24));
726  // Loop through particle table to find resonances.
727  for (map<int, ParticleDataEntry>::iterator pdtEntry = pdt.begin();
728  pdtEntry != pdt.end(); ++pdtEntry) {
729  ParticleDataEntry& pdtNow = pdtEntry->second;
730  int idNow =;
732  // Set up a simple default object for uninitialized resonances.
733  if (pdtNow.isResonance() && pdtNow.getResonancePtr() == 0) {
734  resonancePtr = new ResonanceGeneric(idNow);
735  setResonancePtr( idNow, resonancePtr);
736  }
738  // Insert resonances in ascending mass, to respect decay hierarchies.
739  if (pdtNow.getResonancePtr() != 0 && idNow != 23 && idNow != 24) {
740  double m0Now = pdtNow.m0();
741  idOrdered.push_back(idNow);
742  m0Ordered.push_back(m0Now);
743  for (int i = int(idOrdered.size()) - 2; i > 1; --i) {
744  if (m0Ordered[i] < m0Now) break;
745  swap( idOrdered[i], idOrdered[i + 1]);
746  swap( m0Ordered[i], m0Ordered[i + 1]);
747  }
748  }
749  }
751  // Initialize the resonances in ascending mass order.
752  for (int i = 0; i < int(idOrdered.size()); ++i) resInit( idOrdered[i]);
754 }
756 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
758 // Read in database from specific XML file (which may refer to others).
760 bool ParticleData::readXML(string inFile, bool reset) {
762  // Normally reset whole database before beginning.
763  if (reset) {pdt.clear(); isInit = false;}
765  // List of files to be checked.
766  vector<string> files;
767  files.push_back(inFile);
769  // Loop over files. Open them for read.
770  for (int i = 0; i < int(files.size()); ++i) {
771  const char* cstring = files[i].c_str();
772  ifstream is(cstring);
774  // Check that instream is OK.
775  if (!is.good()) {
776  infoPtr->errorMsg("Error in ParticleData::readXML:"
777  " did not find file", files[i]);
778  return false;
779  }
781  // Read in one line at a time.
782  particlePtr = 0;
783  string line;
784  while ( getline(is, line) ) {
786  // Get first word of a line.
787  istringstream getfirst(line);
788  string word1;
789  getfirst >> word1;
791  // Check for occurence of a particle. Add any continuation lines.
792  if (word1 == "<particle") {
793  while (line.find(">") == string::npos) {
794  string addLine;
795  getline(is, addLine);
796  line += addLine;
797  }
799  // Read in particle properties.
800  int idTmp = intAttributeValue( line, "id");
801  string nameTmp = attributeValue( line, "name");
802  string antiNameTmp = attributeValue( line, "antiName");
803  if (antiNameTmp == "") antiNameTmp = "void";
804  int spinTypeTmp = intAttributeValue( line, "spinType");
805  int chargeTypeTmp = intAttributeValue( line, "chargeType");
806  int colTypeTmp = intAttributeValue( line, "colType");
807  double m0Tmp = doubleAttributeValue( line, "m0");
808  double mWidthTmp = doubleAttributeValue( line, "mWidth");
809  double mMinTmp = doubleAttributeValue( line, "mMin");
810  double mMaxTmp = doubleAttributeValue( line, "mMax");
811  double tau0Tmp = doubleAttributeValue( line, "tau0");
813  // Erase if particle already exists.
814  if (isParticle(idTmp)) pdt.erase(idTmp);
816  // Store new particle. Save pointer, to be used for decay channels.
817  addParticle( idTmp, nameTmp, antiNameTmp, spinTypeTmp, chargeTypeTmp,
818  colTypeTmp, m0Tmp, mWidthTmp, mMinTmp, mMaxTmp, tau0Tmp);
819  particlePtr = particleDataEntryPtr(idTmp);
821  // Check for occurence of a decay channel. Add any continuation lines.
822  } else if (word1 == "<channel") {
823  while (line.find(">") == string::npos) {
824  string addLine;
825  getline(is, addLine);
826  line += addLine;
827  }
829  // Read in channel properties - products so far only as a string.
830  int onMode = intAttributeValue( line, "onMode");
831  double bRatio = doubleAttributeValue( line, "bRatio");
832  int meMode = intAttributeValue( line, "meMode");
833  string products = attributeValue( line, "products");
835  // Read in decay products from stream. Must have at least one.
836  istringstream prodStream(products);
837  int prod0 = 0; int prod1 = 0; int prod2 = 0; int prod3 = 0;
838  int prod4 = 0; int prod5 = 0; int prod6 = 0; int prod7 = 0;
839  prodStream >> prod0 >> prod1 >> prod2 >> prod3 >> prod4 >> prod5
840  >> prod6 >> prod7;
841  if (prod0 == 0) {
842  infoPtr->errorMsg("Error in ParticleData::readXML:"
843  " incomplete decay channel", line);
844  return false;
845  }
847  // Store new channel (if particle already known).
848  if (particlePtr == 0) {
849  infoPtr->errorMsg("Error in ParticleData::readXML:"
850  " orphan decay channel", line);
851  return false;
852  }
853  particlePtr->addChannel(onMode, bRatio, meMode, prod0, prod1,
854  prod2, prod3, prod4, prod5, prod6, prod7);
856  // Check for occurence of a file also to be read.
857  } else if (word1 == "<file") {
858  string file = attributeValue(line, "name");
859  if (file == "") {
860  infoPtr->errorMsg("Warning in ParticleData::readXML:"
861  " skip unrecognized file name", line);
862  } else files.push_back(file);
863  }
865  // End of loop over lines in input file and loop over files.
866  };
867  };
869  // All particle data at this stage defines baseline original.
870  if (reset) for (map<int, ParticleDataEntry>::iterator pdtEntry
871  = pdt.begin(); pdtEntry != pdt.end(); ++pdtEntry) {
872  particlePtr = &pdtEntry->second;
873  particlePtr->setHasChanged(false);
874  }
876  // Done.
877  isInit = true;
878  return true;
880 }
882 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
884 // Print out complete database in numerical order as an XML file.
886 void ParticleData::listXML(string outFile) {
888  // Convert file name to ofstream.
889  const char* cstring = outFile.c_str();
890  ofstream os(cstring);
892  // Iterate through the particle data table.
893  for (map<int, ParticleDataEntry>::iterator pdtEntry
894  = pdt.begin(); pdtEntry != pdt.end(); ++pdtEntry) {
895  particlePtr = &pdtEntry->second;
897  // Print particle properties.
898  os << "<particle id=\"" << particlePtr->id() << "\""
899  << " name=\"" << particlePtr->name() << "\"";
900  if (particlePtr->hasAnti())
901  os << " antiName=\"" << particlePtr->name(-1) << "\"";
902  os << " spinType=\"" << particlePtr->spinType() << "\""
903  << " chargeType=\"" << particlePtr->chargeType() << "\""
904  << " colType=\"" << particlePtr->colType() << "\"\n";
905  // Pick format for mass and width based on mass value.
906  double m0Now = particlePtr->m0();
907  if (m0Now == 0 || (m0Now > 0.1 && m0Now < 1000.))
908  os << fixed << setprecision(5);
909  else os << scientific << setprecision(3);
910  os << " m0=\"" << m0Now << "\"";
911  if (particlePtr->mWidth() > 0.)
912  os << " mWidth=\"" << particlePtr->mWidth() << "\""
913  << " mMin=\"" << particlePtr->mMin() << "\""
914  << " mMax=\"" << particlePtr->mMax() << "\"";
915  if (particlePtr->tau0() > 0.) os << scientific << setprecision(5)
916  << " tau0=\"" << particlePtr->tau0() << "\"";
917  os << ">\n";
919  // Loop through the decay channel table for each particle.
920  if (particlePtr->sizeChannels() > 0) {
921  for (int i = 0; i < particlePtr->sizeChannels(); ++i) {
922  const DecayChannel& channel = particlePtr->channel(i);
923  int mult = channel.multiplicity();
925  // Print decay channel properties.
926  os << " <channel onMode=\"" << channel.onMode() << "\""
927  << fixed << setprecision(7)
928  << " bRatio=\"" << channel.bRatio() << "\"";
929  if (channel.meMode() > 0)
930  os << " meMode=\"" << channel.meMode() << "\"";
931  os << " products=\"";
932  for (int j = 0; j < mult; ++j) {
933  os << channel.product(j);
934  if (j < mult - 1) os << " ";
935  }
937  // Finish off line and loop over allowed decay channels.
938  os << "\"/>\n";
939  }
940  }
942  // Finish off existing particle.
943  os << "</particle>\n\n";
945  }
947 }
949 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
951 // Read in database from specific free format file.
953 bool ParticleData::readFF(string inFile, bool reset) {
955  // Normally reset whole database before beginning.
956  if (reset) {pdt.clear(); isInit = false;}
958  // Open file for read and check that instream is OK.
959  const char* cstring = inFile.c_str();
960  ifstream is(cstring);
961  if (!is.good()) {
962  infoPtr->errorMsg("Error in ParticleData::readFF:"
963  " did not find file", inFile);
964  return false;
965  }
967  // Read in one line at a time.
968  particlePtr = 0;
969  string line;
970  bool readParticle = false;
971  while ( getline(is, line) ) {
973  // Empty lines begins new particle.
974  if (line.find_first_not_of(" \n\t\v\b\r\f\a") == string::npos) {
975  readParticle = true;
976  continue;
977  }
979  // Prepare to use standard read from line.
980  istringstream readLine(line);
982  // Read in a line with particle information.
983  if (readParticle) {
985  // Properties to be read.
986  int idTmp;
987  string nameTmp, antiNameTmp;
988  int spinTypeTmp, chargeTypeTmp, colTypeTmp;
989  double m0Tmp, mWidthTmp, mMinTmp, mMaxTmp, tau0Tmp;
990  string mayTmp;
992  // Do the reading.
993  readLine >> idTmp >> nameTmp >> antiNameTmp >> spinTypeTmp
994  >> chargeTypeTmp >> colTypeTmp >> m0Tmp >> mWidthTmp
995  >> mMinTmp >> mMaxTmp >> tau0Tmp;
997  // Error printout if something went wrong.
998  if (!readLine) {
999  infoPtr->errorMsg("Error in ParticleData::readFF:"
1000  " incomplete particle", line);
1001  return false;
1002  }
1004  // Erase if particle already exists.
1005  if (isParticle(idTmp)) pdt.erase(idTmp);
1007  // Store new particle. Save pointer, to be used for decay channels.
1008  addParticle( idTmp, nameTmp, antiNameTmp, spinTypeTmp, chargeTypeTmp,
1009  colTypeTmp, m0Tmp, mWidthTmp, mMinTmp, mMaxTmp, tau0Tmp);
1010  particlePtr = particleDataEntryPtr(idTmp);
1011  readParticle = false;
1013  // Read in a line with decay channel information.
1014  } else {
1016  // Properties to be read.
1017  int onMode = 0;
1018  double bRatio = 0.;
1019  int meMode = 0;
1020  int prod0 = 0; int prod1 = 0; int prod2 = 0; int prod3 = 0;
1021  int prod4 = 0; int prod5 = 0; int prod6 = 0; int prod7 = 0;
1023  // Read in data from stream. Need at least one decay product.
1024  readLine >> onMode >> bRatio >> meMode >> prod0;
1025  if (!readLine) {
1026  infoPtr->errorMsg("Error in ParticleData::readFF:"
1027  " incomplete decay channel", line);
1028  return false;
1029  }
1030  readLine >> prod1 >> prod2 >> prod3 >> prod4 >> prod5
1031  >> prod6 >> prod7;
1033  // Store new channel.
1034  if (particlePtr == 0) {
1035  infoPtr->errorMsg("Error in ParticleData::readFF:"
1036  " orphan decay channel", line);
1037  return false;
1038  }
1039  particlePtr->addChannel(onMode, bRatio, meMode, prod0, prod1,
1040  prod2, prod3, prod4, prod5, prod6, prod7);
1042  }
1044  // End of while loop over lines in the file.
1045  }
1048  // Done.
1049  isInit = true;
1050  return true;
1052 }
1054 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1056 // Print out complete database in numerical order as a free format file.
1058 void ParticleData::listFF(string outFile) {
1060  // Convert file name to ofstream.
1061  const char* cstring = outFile.c_str();
1062  ofstream os(cstring);
1064  // Iterate through the particle data table.
1065  for (map<int, ParticleDataEntry>::iterator pdtEntry
1066  = pdt.begin(); pdtEntry != pdt.end(); ++pdtEntry) {
1067  particlePtr = &pdtEntry->second;
1069  // Pick format for mass and width based on mass value.
1070  double m0Now = particlePtr->m0();
1071  if (m0Now == 0 || (m0Now > 0.1 && m0Now < 1000.))
1072  os << fixed << setprecision(5);
1073  else os << scientific << setprecision(3);
1075  // Print particle properties.
1076  os << "\n" << setw(8) << particlePtr->id() << " "
1077  << left << setw(16) << particlePtr->name() << " "
1078  << setw(16) << particlePtr->name(-1) << " "
1079  << right << setw(2) << particlePtr->spinType() << " "
1080  << setw(2) << particlePtr->chargeType() << " "
1081  << setw(2) << particlePtr->colType() << " "
1082  << setw(10) << particlePtr->m0() << " "
1083  << setw(10) << particlePtr->mWidth() << " "
1084  << setw(10) << particlePtr->mMin() << " "
1085  << setw(10) << particlePtr->mMax() << " "
1086  << scientific << setprecision(5)
1087  << setw(12) << particlePtr->tau0() << "\n";
1089  // Loop through the decay channel table for each particle.
1090  if (particlePtr->sizeChannels() > 0) {
1091  for (int i = 0; i < particlePtr->sizeChannels(); ++i) {
1092  const DecayChannel& channel = particlePtr->channel(i);
1093  os << " " << setw(6) << channel.onMode()
1094  << " " << fixed << setprecision(7) << setw(10)
1095  << channel.bRatio() << " "
1096  << setw(3) << channel.meMode() << " ";
1097  for (int j = 0; j < channel.multiplicity(); ++j)
1098  os << setw(8) << channel.product(j) << " ";
1099  os << "\n";
1100  }
1101  }
1103  }
1105 }
1107 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1109 // Read in updates from a character string, like a line of a file.
1110 // Is used by readString (and readFile) in Pythia.
1112  bool ParticleData::readString(string lineIn, bool warn, ostream& os) {
1114  // If empty line then done.
1115  if (lineIn.find_first_not_of(" \n\t\v\b\r\f\a") == string::npos) return true;
1117  // Take copy that will be modified.
1118  string line = lineIn;
1120  // If first character is not a digit then taken to be a comment.
1121  int firstChar = line.find_first_not_of(" \n\t\v\b\r\f\a");
1122  if (!isdigit(line[firstChar])) return true;
1124  // Replace colons and equal signs by blanks to make parsing simpler.
1125  for ( int j = 0; j < int(line.size()); ++ j)
1126  if (line[j] == ':' || line[j] == '=') line[j] = ' ';
1128  // Get particle id and property name.
1129  int idTmp;
1130  string property;
1131  istringstream getWord(line);
1132  getWord >> idTmp >> property;
1133  property = toLower(property);
1135  // Check that valid particle.
1136  if ( (!isParticle(idTmp) && property != "all" && property != "new")
1137  || idTmp <= 0) {
1138  if (warn) os << "\n Warning: input particle not found in Particle"
1139  << " Data Table; skip:\n " << lineIn << "\n";
1140  return false;
1141  }
1143  // Identify particle property and read + set its value, case by case.
1144  if (property == "name") {
1145  string nameTmp;
1146  getWord >> nameTmp;
1147  pdt[idTmp].setName(nameTmp);
1148  return true;
1149  }
1150  if (property == "antiname") {
1151  string antiNameTmp;
1152  getWord >> antiNameTmp;
1153  pdt[idTmp].setAntiName(antiNameTmp);
1154  return true;
1155  }
1156  if (property == "names") {
1157  string nameTmp, antiNameTmp;
1158  getWord >> nameTmp >> antiNameTmp;
1159  pdt[idTmp].setNames(nameTmp, antiNameTmp);
1160  return true;
1161  }
1162  if (property == "spintype") {
1163  int spinTypeTmp;
1164  getWord >> spinTypeTmp;
1165  pdt[idTmp].setSpinType(spinTypeTmp);
1166  return true;
1167  }
1168  if (property == "chargetype") {
1169  int chargeTypeTmp;
1170  getWord >> chargeTypeTmp;
1171  pdt[idTmp].setChargeType(chargeTypeTmp);
1172  return true;
1173  }
1174  if (property == "coltype") {
1175  int colTypeTmp;
1176  getWord >> colTypeTmp;
1177  pdt[idTmp].setColType(colTypeTmp);
1178  return true;
1179  }
1180  if (property == "m0") {
1181  double m0Tmp;
1182  getWord >> m0Tmp;
1183  pdt[idTmp].setM0(m0Tmp);
1184  return true;
1185  }
1186  if (property == "mwidth") {
1187  double mWidthTmp;
1188  getWord >> mWidthTmp;
1189  pdt[idTmp].setMWidth(mWidthTmp);
1190  return true;
1191  }
1192  if (property == "mmin") {
1193  double mMinTmp;
1194  getWord >> mMinTmp;
1195  pdt[idTmp].setMMin(mMinTmp);
1196  return true;
1197  }
1198  if (property == "mmax") {
1199  double mMaxTmp;
1200  getWord >> mMaxTmp;
1201  pdt[idTmp].setMMax(mMaxTmp);
1202  return true;
1203  }
1204  if (property == "tau0") {
1205  double tau0Tmp;
1206  getWord >> tau0Tmp;
1207  pdt[idTmp].setTau0(tau0Tmp);
1208  return true;
1209  }
1210  if (property == "isresonance") {
1211  string isresTmp;
1212  getWord >> isresTmp;
1213  bool isResonanceTmp = boolString(isresTmp);
1214  pdt[idTmp].setIsResonance(isResonanceTmp);
1215  return true;
1216  }
1217  if (property == "maydecay") {
1218  string mayTmp;
1219  getWord >> mayTmp;
1220  bool mayDecayTmp = boolString(mayTmp);
1221  pdt[idTmp].setMayDecay(mayDecayTmp);
1222  return true;
1223  }
1224  if (property == "doexternaldecay") {
1225  string extdecTmp;
1226  getWord >> extdecTmp;
1227  bool doExternalDecayTmp = boolString(extdecTmp);
1228  pdt[idTmp].setDoExternalDecay(doExternalDecayTmp);
1229  return true;
1230  }
1231  if (property == "isvisible") {
1232  string isvisTmp;
1233  getWord >> isvisTmp;
1234  bool isVisibleTmp = boolString(isvisTmp);
1235  pdt[idTmp].setIsVisible(isVisibleTmp);
1236  return true;
1237  }
1238  if (property == "doforcewidth") {
1239  string doforceTmp;
1240  getWord >> doforceTmp;
1241  bool doForceWidthTmp = boolString(doforceTmp);
1242  pdt[idTmp].setDoForceWidth(doForceWidthTmp);
1243  return true;
1244  }
1246  // Addition or complete replacement of a particle.
1247  if (property == "all" || property == "new") {
1249  // Default values for properties to be read.
1250  string nameTmp = "void";
1251  string antiNameTmp = "void";
1252  int spinTypeTmp = 0;
1253  int chargeTypeTmp = 0;
1254  int colTypeTmp = 0;
1255  double m0Tmp = 0.;
1256  double mWidthTmp = 0.;
1257  double mMinTmp = 0.;
1258  double mMaxTmp = 0.;
1259  double tau0Tmp = 0.;
1261  // Read in data from stream.
1262  getWord >> nameTmp >> antiNameTmp >> spinTypeTmp >> chargeTypeTmp
1263  >> colTypeTmp >> m0Tmp >> mWidthTmp >> mMinTmp >> mMaxTmp
1264  >> tau0Tmp;
1266  // To keep existing decay channels, only overwrite particle data.
1267  if (property == "all" && isParticle(idTmp)) {
1268  setAll( idTmp, nameTmp, antiNameTmp, spinTypeTmp, chargeTypeTmp,
1269  colTypeTmp, m0Tmp, mWidthTmp, mMinTmp, mMaxTmp, tau0Tmp);
1271  // Else start over completely from scratch.
1272  } else {
1273  if (isParticle(idTmp)) pdt.erase(idTmp);
1274  addParticle( idTmp, nameTmp, antiNameTmp, spinTypeTmp, chargeTypeTmp,
1275  colTypeTmp, m0Tmp, mWidthTmp, mMinTmp, mMaxTmp, tau0Tmp);
1276  }
1277  return true;
1278  }
1280  // Set onMode of all decay channels in one go.
1281  if (property == "onmode") {
1282  int onMode = 0;
1283  string onModeIn;
1284  getWord >> onModeIn;
1285  // For onMode allow the optional possibility of Bool input.
1286  if (isdigit(onModeIn[0])) {
1287  istringstream getOnMode(onModeIn);
1288  getOnMode >> onMode;
1289  } else onMode = (boolString(onModeIn)) ? 1 : 0;
1290  for (int i = 0; i < pdt[idTmp].sizeChannels(); ++i)
1291  pdt[idTmp].channel(i).onMode(onMode);
1292  return true;
1293  }
1295  // Selective search for matching decay channels.
1296  int matchKind = 0;
1297  if (property == "offifany" || property == "onifany" ||
1298  property == "onposifany" || property == "onnegifany") matchKind = 1;
1299  if (property == "offifall" || property == "onifall" ||
1300  property == "onposifall" || property == "onnegifall") matchKind = 2;
1301  if (property == "offifmatch" || property == "onifmatch" ||
1302  property == "onposifmatch" || property == "onnegifmatch") matchKind = 3;
1303  if (matchKind > 0) {
1304  int onMode = 0;
1305  if (property == "onifany" || property == "onifall"
1306  || property == "onifmatch") onMode = 1;
1307  if (property == "onposifany" || property == "onposifall"
1308  || property == "onposifmatch") onMode = 2;
1309  if (property == "onnegifany" || property == "onnegifall"
1310  || property == "onnegifmatch") onMode = 3;
1312  // Read in particles to match.
1313  vector<int> idToMatch;
1314  int idRead;
1315  for ( ; ; ) {
1316  getWord >> idRead;
1317  if (!getWord) break;
1318  idToMatch.push_back(abs(idRead));
1319  }
1320  int nToMatch = idToMatch.size();
1322  // Loop over all decay channels.
1323  for (int i = 0; i < pdt[idTmp].sizeChannels(); ++i) {
1324  int multi = pdt[idTmp].channel(i).multiplicity();
1326  // Look for any match at all.
1327  if (matchKind == 1) {
1328  bool foundMatch = false;
1329  for (int j = 0; j < multi; ++j) {
1330  int idNow = abs(pdt[idTmp].channel(i).product(j));
1331  for (int k = 0; k < nToMatch; ++k)
1332  if (idNow == idToMatch[k]) {foundMatch = true; break;}
1333  if (foundMatch) break;
1334  }
1335  if (foundMatch) pdt[idTmp].channel(i).onMode(onMode);
1337  // Look for match of all products provided.
1338  } else {
1339  int nUnmatched = nToMatch;
1340  if (multi < nToMatch);
1341  else if (multi > nToMatch && matchKind == 3);
1342  else {
1343  vector<int> idUnmatched;
1344  for (int k = 0; k < nToMatch; ++k)
1345  idUnmatched.push_back(idToMatch[k]);
1346  for (int j = 0; j < multi; ++j) {
1347  int idNow = abs(pdt[idTmp].channel(i).product(j));
1348  for (int k = 0; k < nUnmatched; ++k)
1349  if (idNow == idUnmatched[k]) {
1350  idUnmatched[k] = idUnmatched[--nUnmatched];
1351  break;
1352  }
1353  if (nUnmatched == 0) break;
1354  }
1355  }
1356  if (nUnmatched == 0) pdt[idTmp].channel(i).onMode(onMode);
1357  }
1358  }
1359  return true;
1360  }
1362  // Rescale all branching ratios by common factor.
1363  if (property == "rescalebr") {
1364  double factor;
1365  getWord >> factor;
1366  pdt[idTmp].rescaleBR(factor);
1367  return true;
1368  }
1370  // Reset decay table in preparation for new input.
1371  if (property == "onechannel") pdt[idTmp].clearChannels();
1373  // Add or change a decay channel: get channel number and new property.
1374  if (property == "addchannel" || property == "onechannel"
1375  || isdigit(property[0])) {
1376  int channel;
1377  if (property == "addchannel" || property == "onechannel") {
1378  pdt[idTmp].addChannel();
1379  channel = pdt[idTmp].sizeChannels() - 1;
1380  property = "all";
1381  } else{
1382  istringstream getChannel(property);
1383  getChannel >> channel;
1384  getWord >> property;
1385  property = toLower(property);
1386  }
1388  // Check that channel exists.
1389  if (channel < 0 || channel >= pdt[idTmp].sizeChannels()) return false;
1391  // Find decay channel property and value, case by case.
1392  // At same time also do case where all should be replaced.
1393  if (property == "onmode" || property == "all") {
1394  int onMode = 0;
1395  string onModeIn;
1396  getWord >> onModeIn;
1397  // For onMode allow the optional possibility of Bool input.
1398  if (isdigit(onModeIn[0])) {
1399  istringstream getOnMode(onModeIn);
1400  getOnMode >> onMode;
1401  } else onMode = (boolString(onModeIn)) ? 1 : 0;
1402  pdt[idTmp].channel(channel).onMode(onMode);
1403  if (property == "onmode") return true;
1404  }
1405  if (property == "bratio" || property == "all") {
1406  double bRatio;
1407  getWord >> bRatio;
1408  pdt[idTmp].channel(channel).bRatio(bRatio);
1409  if (property == "bratio") return true;
1410  }
1411  if (property == "memode" || property == "all") {
1412  int meMode;
1413  getWord >> meMode;
1414  pdt[idTmp].channel(channel).meMode(meMode);
1415  if (property == "memode") return true;
1416  }
1418  // Scan for products until end of line.
1419  if (property == "products" || property == "all") {
1420  int nProd = 0;
1421  for (int iProd = 0; iProd < 8; ++iProd) {
1422  int idProd;
1423  getWord >> idProd;
1424  if (!getWord) break;
1425  pdt[idTmp].channel(channel).product(iProd, idProd);
1426  ++nProd;
1427  }
1428  for (int iProd = nProd; iProd < 8; ++iProd)
1429  pdt[idTmp].channel(channel).product(iProd, 0);
1430  pdt[idTmp].channel(channel).multiplicity(nProd);
1431  return true;
1432  }
1434  // Rescale an existing branching ratio.
1435  if (property == "rescalebr") {
1436  double factor;
1437  getWord >> factor;
1438  pdt[idTmp].channel(channel).rescaleBR(factor);
1439  return true;
1440  }
1441  }
1443  // Return false if failed to recognize property.
1444  if (warn) os << "\n Warning: input property not found in Particle"
1445  << " Data Table; skip:\n " << lineIn << "\n";
1446  return false;
1448 }
1450 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1452 // Print out complete or changed table of database in numerical order.
1454 void ParticleData::list(bool changedOnly, bool changedRes, ostream& os) {
1456  // Table header; output for bool as off/on.
1457  if (!changedOnly) {
1458  os << "\n -------- PYTHIA Particle Data Table (complete) --------"
1459  << "------------------------------------------------------------"
1460  << "--------------\n \n";
1462  } else {
1463  os << "\n -------- PYTHIA Particle Data Table (changed only) ----"
1464  << "------------------------------------------------------------"
1465  << "--------------\n \n";
1466  }
1467  os << " id name antiName spn chg col m0"
1468  << " mWidth mMin mMax tau0 res dec ext "
1469  << "vis wid\n no onMode bRatio meMode products \n";
1471  // Iterate through the particle data table. Option to skip unchanged.
1472  int nList = 0;
1473  for (map<int, ParticleDataEntry>::iterator pdtEntry
1474  = pdt.begin(); pdtEntry != pdt.end(); ++pdtEntry) {
1475  particlePtr = &pdtEntry->second;
1476  if ( !changedOnly || particlePtr->hasChanged() ||
1477  ( changedRes && particlePtr->getResonancePtr() != 0 ) ) {
1479  // Pick format for mass and width based on mass value.
1480  double m0Now = particlePtr->m0();
1481  if (m0Now == 0 || (m0Now > 0.1 && m0Now < 1000.))
1482  os << fixed << setprecision(5);
1483  else os << scientific << setprecision(3);
1485  // Print particle properties.
1486  ++nList;
1487  string antiNameTmp = particlePtr->name(-1);
1488  if (antiNameTmp == "void") antiNameTmp = " ";
1489  os << "\n" << setw(8) << particlePtr->id() << " "
1490  << left << setw(16) << particlePtr->name() << " "
1491  << setw(16) << antiNameTmp << " "
1492  << right << setw(2) << particlePtr->spinType() << " "
1493  << setw(2) << particlePtr->chargeType() << " "
1494  << setw(2) << particlePtr->colType() << " "
1495  << setw(10) << particlePtr->m0() << " "
1496  << setw(10) << particlePtr->mWidth() << " "
1497  << setw(10) << particlePtr->mMin() << " "
1498  << setw(10) << particlePtr->mMax() << " "
1499  << scientific << setprecision(5)
1500  << setw(12) << particlePtr->tau0() << " " << setw(2)
1501  << particlePtr->isResonance() << " " << setw(2)
1502  << (particlePtr->mayDecay() && particlePtr->canDecay())
1503  << " " << setw(2) << particlePtr->doExternalDecay() << " "
1504  << setw(2) << particlePtr->isVisible()<< " "
1505  << setw(2) << particlePtr->doForceWidth() << "\n";
1507  // Loop through the decay channel table for each particle.
1508  if (particlePtr->sizeChannels() > 0) {
1509  for (int i = 0; i < int(particlePtr->sizeChannels()); ++i) {
1510  const DecayChannel& channel = particlePtr->channel(i);
1511  os << " " << setprecision(7)
1512  << setw(5) << i
1513  << setw(6) << channel.onMode()
1514  << fixed<< setw(12) << channel.bRatio()
1515  << setw(5) << channel.meMode() << " ";
1516  for (int j = 0; j < channel.multiplicity(); ++j)
1517  os << setw(8) << channel.product(j) << " ";
1518  os << "\n";
1519  }
1520  }
1521  }
1523  }
1525  // End of loop over database contents.
1526  if (changedOnly && nList == 0) os << "\n no particle data has been "
1527  << "changed from its default value \n";
1528  os << "\n -------- End PYTHIA Particle Data Table -----------------"
1529  << "--------------------------------------------------------------"
1530  << "----------\n" << endl;
1532 }
1534 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1536 // Print out partial table of database in input order.
1538 void ParticleData::list(vector<int> idList, ostream& os) {
1540  // Table header; output for bool as off/on.
1541  os << "\n -------- PYTHIA Particle Data Table (partial) ---------"
1542  << "------------------------------------------------------------"
1543  << "--------------\n \n";
1544  os << " id name antiName spn chg col m0"
1545  << " mWidth mMin mMax tau0 res dec ext "
1546  << "vis wid\n no onMode bRatio meMode products \n";
1548  // Iterate through the given list of input particles.
1549  for (int i = 0; i < int(idList.size()); ++i) {
1550  particlePtr = particleDataEntryPtr(idList[i]);
1552  // Pick format for mass and width based on mass value.
1553  double m0Now = particlePtr->m0();
1554  if (m0Now == 0 || (m0Now > 0.1 && m0Now < 1000.))
1555  os << fixed << setprecision(5);
1556  else os << scientific << setprecision(3);
1558  // Print particle properties.
1559  string antiNameTmp = particlePtr->name(-1);
1560  if (antiNameTmp == "void") antiNameTmp = " ";
1561  os << "\n" << setw(8) << particlePtr->id() << " "
1562  << left << setw(16) << particlePtr->name() << " "
1563  << setw(16) << antiNameTmp << " "
1564  << right << setw(2) << particlePtr->spinType() << " "
1565  << setw(2) << particlePtr->chargeType() << " "
1566  << setw(2) << particlePtr->colType() << " "
1567  << setw(10) << particlePtr->m0() << " "
1568  << setw(10) << particlePtr->mWidth() << " "
1569  << setw(10) << particlePtr->mMin() << " "
1570  << setw(10) << particlePtr->mMax() << " "
1571  << scientific << setprecision(5)
1572  << setw(12) << particlePtr->tau0() << " " << setw(2)
1573  << particlePtr->isResonance() << " " << setw(2)
1574  << (particlePtr->mayDecay() && particlePtr->canDecay())
1575  << " " << setw(2) << particlePtr->doExternalDecay() << " "
1576  << setw(2) << particlePtr->isVisible() << " "
1577  << setw(2) << particlePtr->doForceWidth() << "\n";
1579  // Loop through the decay channel table for each particle.
1580  if (particlePtr->sizeChannels() > 0) {
1581  for (int j = 0; j < int(particlePtr->sizeChannels()); ++j) {
1582  const DecayChannel& channel = particlePtr->channel(j);
1583  os << " " << setprecision(7)
1584  << setw(5) << j
1585  << setw(6) << channel.onMode()
1586  << fixed<< setw(12) << channel.bRatio()
1587  << setw(5) << channel.meMode() << " ";
1588  for (int k = 0; k < channel.multiplicity(); ++k)
1589  os << setw(8) << channel.product(k) << " ";
1590  os << "\n";
1591  }
1592  }
1594  }
1596  // End of loop over database contents.
1597  os << "\n -------- End PYTHIA Particle Data Table -----------------"
1598  << "--------------------------------------------------------------"
1599  << "----------\n" << endl;
1601 }
1603 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1605 // Check that table makes sense: e.g. consistent names and mass ranges,
1606 // that branching ratios sum to unity, that charge is conserved and
1607 // that phase space is open in each channel.
1608 // verbosity = 0: mimimal amount of checks, e.g. that no channels open.
1609 // = 1: further warning if individual channels closed
1610 // (except for resonances).
1611 // = 2: also print branching-ratio-averaged threshold mass.
1612 // = 11, 12: as 1, 2, but include resonances in detailed checks.
1614 void ParticleData::checkTable(int verbosity, ostream& os) {
1616  // Header.
1617  os << "\n -------- PYTHIA Check of Particle Data Table ------------"
1618  <<"------\n\n";
1619  int nErr = 0;
1621  // Loop through all particles.
1622  for (map<int, ParticleDataEntry>::iterator pdtEntry
1623  = pdt.begin(); pdtEntry != pdt.end(); ++pdtEntry) {
1624  particlePtr = &pdtEntry->second;
1626  // Extract some particle properties. Set some flags.
1627  int idNow = particlePtr->id();
1628  bool hasAntiNow = particlePtr->hasAnti();
1629  int spinTypeNow = particlePtr->spinType();
1630  int chargeTypeNow = particlePtr->chargeType();
1631  int baryonTypeNow = particlePtr->baryonNumberType();
1632  double m0Now = particlePtr->m0();
1633  double mMinNow = particlePtr->mMin();
1634  double mMaxNow = particlePtr->mMax();
1635  double mWidthNow = particlePtr->mWidth();
1636  double tau0Now = particlePtr->tau0();
1637  bool isResonanceNow = particlePtr->isResonance();
1638  bool hasPrinted = false;
1639  bool studyCloser = verbosity > 10 || !isResonanceNow;
1641  // Check that particle name consistent with charge information.
1642  string particleName = particlePtr->name(1);
1643  if (particleName.size() > 16) {
1644  os << " Warning: particle " << idNow << " has name " << particleName
1645  << " of length " << particleName.size() << "\n";
1646  hasPrinted = true;
1647  ++nErr;
1648  }
1649  int nPos = 0;
1650  int nNeg = 0;
1651  for (int i = 0; i < int(particleName.size()); ++i) {
1652  if (particleName[i] == '+') ++nPos;
1653  if (particleName[i] == '-') ++nNeg;
1654  }
1655  if ( (nPos > 0 && nNeg > 0) || ( nPos + nNeg > 0
1656  && 3 * (nPos - nNeg) != chargeTypeNow )) {
1657  os << " Warning: particle " << idNow << " has name " << particleName
1658  << " inconsistent with charge type " << chargeTypeNow << "\n";
1659  hasPrinted = true;
1660  ++nErr;
1661  }
1663  // Check that antiparticle name consistent with charge information.
1664  if (hasAntiNow) {
1665  particleName = particlePtr->name(-1);
1666  if (particleName.size() > 16) {
1667  os << " Warning: particle " << idNow << " has name " << particleName
1668  << " of length " << particleName.size() << "\n";
1669  hasPrinted = true;
1670  ++nErr;
1671  }
1672  nPos = 0;
1673  nNeg = 0;
1674  for (int i = 0; i < int(particleName.size()); ++i) {
1675  if (particleName[i] == '+') ++nPos;
1676  if (particleName[i] == '-') ++nNeg;
1677  }
1678  if ( (nPos > 0 && nNeg > 0) || ( nPos + nNeg > 0
1679  && 3 * (nPos - nNeg) != -chargeTypeNow )) {
1680  os << " Warning: particle " << -idNow << " has name "
1681  << particleName << " inconsistent with charge type "
1682  << -chargeTypeNow << "\n";
1683  hasPrinted = true;
1684  ++nErr;
1685  }
1686  }
1688  // Check that mass, mass range and width are consistent.
1689  if (particlePtr->useBreitWigner()) {
1690  if (mMinNow > m0Now) {
1691  os << " Error: particle " << idNow << " has mMin "
1692  << fixed << setprecision(5) << mMinNow
1693  << " larger than m0 " << m0Now << "\n";
1694  hasPrinted = true;
1695  ++nErr;
1696  }
1697  if (mMaxNow > mMinNow && mMaxNow < m0Now) {
1698  os << " Error: particle " << idNow << " has mMax "
1699  << fixed << setprecision(5) << mMaxNow
1700  << " smaller than m0 " << m0Now << "\n";
1701  hasPrinted = true;
1702  ++nErr;
1703  }
1704  if (mMaxNow > mMinNow && mMaxNow - mMinNow < mWidthNow) {
1705  os << " Warning: particle " << idNow << " has mMax - mMin "
1706  << fixed << setprecision(5) << mMaxNow - mMinNow
1707  << " smaller than mWidth " << mWidthNow << "\n";
1708  hasPrinted = true;
1709  ++nErr;
1710  }
1711  }
1713  // Check that particle does not both have width and lifetime.
1714  if (mWidthNow > 0. && tau0Now > 0.) {
1715  os << " Warning: particle " << idNow << " has both nonvanishing width "
1716  << scientific << setprecision(5) << mWidthNow << " and lifetime "
1717  << tau0Now << "\n";
1718  hasPrinted = true;
1719  ++nErr;
1720  }
1722  // Begin study decay channels.
1723  if (particlePtr->sizeChannels() > 0) {
1725  // Loop through all decay channels.
1726  double bRatioSum = 0.;
1727  double bRatioPos = 0.;
1728  double bRatioNeg = 0.;
1729  bool hasPosBR = false;
1730  bool hasNegBR = false;
1731  double threshMass = 0.;
1732  bool openChannel = false;
1733  for (int i = 0; i < particlePtr->sizeChannels(); ++i) {
1735  // Extract channel properties.
1736  int onMode = particlePtr->channel(i).onMode();
1737  double bRatio = particlePtr->channel(i).bRatio();
1738  int meMode = particlePtr->channel(i).meMode();
1739  int mult = particlePtr->channel(i).multiplicity();
1740  int prod[8];
1741  for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j)
1742  prod[j] = particlePtr->channel(i).product(j);
1744  // Sum branching ratios. Include off-channels.
1745  if (onMode == 0 || onMode == 1) bRatioSum += bRatio;
1746  else if (onMode == 2) {bRatioPos += bRatio; hasPosBR = true;}
1747  else if (onMode == 3) {bRatioNeg += bRatio; hasNegBR = true;}
1749  // Error printout when unknown decay product code.
1750  for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
1751  if ( prod[j] != 0 && !isParticle(prod[j]) ) {
1752  os << " Error: unknown decay product for " << idNow
1753  << " -> " << prod[j] << "\n";
1754  hasPrinted = true;
1755  ++nErr;
1756  continue;
1757  }
1758  }
1760  // Error printout when no decay products or 0 interspersed.
1761  int nLast = 0;
1762  for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j)
1763  if (prod[j] != 0) nLast = j + 1;
1764  if (mult == 0 || mult != nLast) {
1765  os << " Error: corrupted decay product list for "
1766  << particlePtr->id() << " -> ";
1767  for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) os << prod[j] << " ";
1768  os << "\n";
1769  hasPrinted = true;
1770  ++nErr;
1771  continue;
1772  }
1774  // Check charge conservation and open phase space in decay channel.
1775  int chargeTypeSum = -chargeTypeNow;
1776  int baryonTypeSum = -baryonTypeNow;
1777  double avgFinalMass = 0.;
1778  double minFinalMass = 0.;
1779  bool canHandle = true;
1780  for (int j = 0; j < mult; ++j) {
1781  chargeTypeSum += chargeType( prod[j] );
1782  baryonTypeSum += baryonNumberType( prod[j] );
1783  avgFinalMass += m0( prod[j] );
1784  minFinalMass += m0Min( prod[j] );
1785  if (prod[j] == 81 || prod[j] == 82 || prod[j] == 83)
1786  canHandle = false;
1787  }
1788  threshMass += bRatio * avgFinalMass;
1790  // Error printout when charge or baryon number not conserved.
1791  if (chargeTypeSum != 0 && canHandle) {
1792  os << " Error: 3*charge changed by " << chargeTypeSum
1793  << " in " << idNow << " -> ";
1794  for (int j = 0; j < mult; ++j) os << prod[j] << " ";
1795  os << "\n";
1796  hasPrinted = true;
1797  ++nErr;
1798  continue;
1799  }
1800  if ( baryonTypeSum != 0 && canHandle && particlePtr->isHadron() ) {
1801  os << " Error: 3*baryon number changed by " << baryonTypeSum
1802  << " in " << idNow << " -> ";
1803  for (int j = 0; j < mult; ++j) os << prod[j] << " ";
1804  os << "\n";
1805  hasPrinted = true;
1806  ++nErr;
1807  continue;
1808  }
1810  // Begin check that some matrix elements are used correctly.
1811  bool correctME = true;
1813  // Check matrix element mode 0: recommended not into partons.
1814  if (meMode == 0 && !isResonanceNow) {
1815  bool hasPartons = false;
1816  for (int j = 0; j < mult; ++j) {
1817  int idAbs = abs(prod[j]);
1818  if ( idAbs < 10 || idAbs == 21 || idAbs == 81 || idAbs == 82
1819  || idAbs == 83 || (idAbs > 1000 && idAbs < 10000
1820  && (idAbs/10)%10 == 0) ) hasPartons = true;
1821  }
1822  if (hasPartons) correctME = false;
1823  }
1825  // Check matrix element mode 1: rho/omega -> pi+ pi- pi0.
1826  bool useME1 = ( mult == 3 && spinTypeNow == 3 && idNow > 100
1827  && idNow < 1000
1828  && particlePtr->channel(i).contains(211, -211, 111) );
1829  if ( meMode == 1 && !useME1 ) correctME = false;
1830  if ( meMode != 1 && useME1 ) correctME = false;
1832  // Check matrix element mode 2: polarization in V -> PS + PS.
1833  bool useME2 = ( mult == 2 && spinTypeNow == 3 && idNow > 100
1834  && idNow < 1000 && spinType(prod[0]) == 1
1835  && spinType(prod[1]) == 1 );
1836  if ( meMode == 2 && !useME2 ) correctME = false;
1837  if ( meMode != 2 && useME2 ) correctME = false;
1839  // Check matrix element mode 11, 12 and 13: Dalitz decay with
1840  // one or more particles in addition to the lepton pair,
1841  // or double Dalitz decay.
1842  bool useME11 = ( mult == 3 && !isResonanceNow
1843  && (prod[1] == 11 || prod[1] == 13 || prod[1] == 15)
1844  && prod[2] == -prod[1] );
1845  bool useME12 = ( mult > 3 && !isResonanceNow
1846  && (prod[mult - 2] == 11 || prod[mult - 2] == 13
1847  || prod[mult - 2] == 15) && prod[mult - 1] == -prod[mult - 2] );
1848  bool useME13 = ( mult == 4 && !isResonanceNow
1849  && (prod[0] == 11 || prod[0] == 13) && prod[1] == -prod[0]
1850  && (prod[2] == 11 || prod[2] == 13) && prod[3] == -prod[2] );
1851  if (useME13) useME12 = false;
1852  if ( meMode == 11 && !useME11 ) correctME = false;
1853  if ( meMode != 11 && useME11 ) correctME = false;
1854  if ( meMode == 12 && !useME12 ) correctME = false;
1855  if ( meMode != 12 && useME12 ) correctME = false;
1856  if ( meMode == 13 && !useME13 ) correctME = false;
1857  if ( meMode != 13 && useME13 ) correctME = false;
1859  // Check matrix element mode 21: tau -> nu_tau hadrons.
1860  bool useME21 = (idNow == 15 && mult > 2 && prod[0] == 16
1861  && abs(prod[1]) > 100);
1862  if ( meMode == 21 && !useME21 ) correctME = false;
1863  if ( meMode != 21 && useME21 ) correctME = false;
1865  // Check matrix element mode 22, but only for semileptonic decay.
1866  // For a -> b c d require types u = 2, ubar = -2, d = 1, dbar = -1.
1867  if ( isLepton(prod[0]) && isLepton(prod[1]) ) {
1868  bool useME22 = false;
1869  int typeA = 0;
1870  int typeB = 0;
1871  int typeC = 0;
1872  if (particlePtr->isLepton()) {
1873  typeA = (idNow > 0) ? 1 + (idNow-1)%2 : -1 - (1-idNow)%2;
1874  } else if (particlePtr->isHadron()) {
1875  int hQ = particlePtr->heaviestQuark();
1876  // Special case: for B_c either bbar or c decays.
1877  if (idNow == 541 && heaviestQuark(prod[2]) == -5) hQ = 4;
1878  typeA = (hQ > 0) ? 1 + (hQ-1)%2 : -1 - (1-hQ)%2;
1879  }
1880  typeB = (prod[0] > 0) ? 1 + (prod[0]-1)%2 : -1 - (1-prod[0])%2;
1881  typeC = (prod[1] > 0) ? 1 + (prod[1]-1)%2 : -1 - (1-prod[1])%2;
1882  // Special cases.
1883  if ( (idNow == 130 || idNow == 310) && typeC * typeA < 0)
1884  typeA = -typeA;
1885  if (mult == 3 && idNow == 2112 && prod[2] == 2212)
1886  typeA = 3 - typeA;
1887  if (mult == 3 && idNow == 3222 && prod[2] == 3122)
1888  typeA = 3 - typeA;
1889  if (mult > 2 && typeC == typeA && typeB * typeC < 0
1890  && (typeB + typeC)%2 != 0) useME22 = true;
1891  if ( meMode == 22 && !useME22 ) correctME = false;
1892  if ( meMode != 22 && useME22 ) correctME = false;
1893  }
1895  // Check for matrix element mode 31.
1896  if (meMode == 31) {
1897  int nGamma = 0;
1898  for (int j = 0; j < mult; ++j) if (prod[j] == 22) ++nGamma;
1899  if (nGamma != 1) correctME = false;
1900  }
1902  // Check for unknown mode, or resonance-only mode.
1903  if ( !isResonanceNow && (meMode < 0 || (meMode > 2 && meMode <= 10)
1904  || (meMode > 13 && meMode <= 20) || (meMode > 23 && meMode <= 30)
1905  || (meMode > 31 && meMode <= 41) || meMode == 51 || meMode == 61
1906  || meMode == 71 || (meMode > 80 && meMode <= 90)
1907  || (!particlePtr->isOctetHadron() && meMode > 92) ) )
1908  correctME = false;
1910  // Print if incorrect matrix element mode.
1911  if ( !correctME ) {
1912  os << " Warning: meMode " << meMode << " used for "
1913  << idNow << " -> ";
1914  for (int j = 0; j < mult; ++j) os << prod[j] << " ";
1915  os << "\n";
1916  hasPrinted = true;
1917  ++nErr;
1918  }
1920  // Warning printout when no phase space for decay.
1921  if ( studyCloser && verbosity > 0 && canHandle && onMode > 0
1922  && particlePtr->m0Min() - minFinalMass < 0. ) {
1923  if (particlePtr->m0Max() - minFinalMass < 0.)
1924  os << " Error: decay never possible for ";
1925  else os << " Warning: decay sometimes not possible for ";
1926  os << idNow << " -> ";
1927  for (int j = 0; j < mult; ++j) os << prod[j] << " ";
1928  os << "\n";
1929  hasPrinted = true;
1930  ++nErr;
1931  }
1933  // End loop over decay channels.
1934  if (onMode > 0 && bRatio > 0.) openChannel = true;
1935  }
1937  // Optional printout of threshold.
1938  if (verbosity%10 > 1 && particlePtr->useBreitWigner()) {
1939  threshMass /= bRatioSum;
1940  os << " Info: particle " << idNow << fixed << setprecision(5)
1941  << " has average mass threshold " << threshMass
1942  << " while mMin is " << mMinNow << "\n";
1943  hasPrinted = true;
1944  }
1946  // Error printout when no acceptable decay channels found.
1947  if (studyCloser && !openChannel) {
1948  os << " Error: no acceptable decay channel found for particle "
1949  << idNow << "\n";
1950  hasPrinted = true;
1951  ++nErr;
1952  }
1954  // Warning printout when branching ratios do not sum to unity.
1955  if (studyCloser && (!hasAntiNow || (!hasPosBR && !hasNegBR))
1956  && abs(bRatioSum + bRatioPos - 1.) > 1e-8) {
1957  os << " Warning: particle " << idNow << fixed << setprecision(8)
1958  << " has branching ratio sum " << bRatioSum << "\n";
1959  hasPrinted = true;
1960  ++nErr;
1961  } else if (studyCloser && hasAntiNow
1962  && (abs(bRatioSum + bRatioPos - 1.) > 1e-8
1963  || abs(bRatioSum + bRatioNeg - 1.) > 1e-8)) {
1964  os << " Warning: particle " << idNow << fixed << setprecision(8)
1965  << " has branching ratio sum " << bRatioSum + bRatioPos
1966  << " while its antiparticle has " << bRatioSum + bRatioNeg
1967  << "\n";
1968  hasPrinted = true;
1969  ++nErr;
1970  }
1972  // End study of decay channels and loop over particles.
1973  }
1974  if (hasPrinted) os << "\n";
1975  }
1977  // Final output. Done.
1978  os << " Total number of errors and warnings is " << nErr << "\n";
1979  os << "\n -------- End PYTHIA Check of Particle Data Table --------"
1980  << "------\n" << endl;
1982 }
1984 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1986 // Return the id of the sequentially next particle stored in table.
1988 int ParticleData::nextId(int idIn) {
1990  // Return 0 for negative or unknown codes. Return first for 0.
1991  if (idIn < 0 || (idIn > 0 && !isParticle(idIn))) return 0;
1992  if (idIn == 0) return pdt.begin()->first;
1994  // Find pointer to current particle and step up. Return 0 if impossible.
1995  map<int, ParticleDataEntry>::const_iterator pdtIn = pdt.find(idIn);
1996  if (pdtIn == pdt.end()) return 0;
1997  return (++pdtIn)->first;
1999 }
2001 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2003 // Fractional width associated with open channels of one or two resonances.
2005 double ParticleData::resOpenFrac(int id1In, int id2In, int id3In) {
2007  // Default value.
2008  double answer = 1.;
2010  // First resonance.
2011  if (isParticle(id1In)) answer = pdt[abs(id1In)].resOpenFrac(id1In);
2013  // Possibly second resonance.
2014  if (isParticle(id2In)) answer *= pdt[abs(id2In)].resOpenFrac(id2In);
2016  // Possibly third resonance.
2017  if (isParticle(id3In)) answer *= pdt[abs(id2In)].resOpenFrac(id3In);
2019  // Done.
2020  return answer;
2022 }
2024 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2026 // Convert string to lowercase for case-insensitive comparisons.
2028 string ParticleData::toLower(const string& nameConv) {
2030  string temp(nameConv);
2031  for (int i = 0; i < int(temp.length()); ++i)
2032  temp[i] = std::tolower(temp[i]);
2033  return temp;
2035 }
2037 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2039 // Allow several alternative inputs for true/false.
2041 bool ParticleData::boolString(string tag) {
2043  string tagLow = toLower(tag);
2044  return ( tagLow == "true" || tagLow == "1" || tagLow == "on"
2045  || tagLow == "yes" || tagLow == "ok" );
2047 }
2049 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2051 // Extract XML value string following XML attribute.
2053 string ParticleData::attributeValue(string line, string attribute) {
2055  if (line.find(attribute) == string::npos) return "";
2056  int iBegAttri = line.find(attribute);
2057  int iBegQuote = line.find("\"", iBegAttri + 1);
2058  int iEndQuote = line.find("\"", iBegQuote + 1);
2059  return line.substr(iBegQuote + 1, iEndQuote - iBegQuote - 1);
2061 }
2063 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2065 // Extract XML bool value following XML attribute.
2067 bool ParticleData::boolAttributeValue(string line, string attribute) {
2069  string valString = attributeValue(line, attribute);
2070  if (valString == "") return false;
2071  return boolString(valString);
2073 }
2075 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2077 // Extract XML int value following XML attribute.
2079 int ParticleData::intAttributeValue(string line, string attribute) {
2080  string valString = attributeValue(line, attribute);
2081  if (valString == "") return 0;
2082  istringstream valStream(valString);
2083  int intVal;
2084  valStream >> intVal;
2085  return intVal;
2087 }
2089 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2091 // Extract XML double value following XML attribute.
2093 double ParticleData::doubleAttributeValue(string line, string attribute) {
2094  string valString = attributeValue(line, attribute);
2095  if (valString == "") return 0.;
2096  istringstream valStream(valString);
2097  double doubleVal;
2098  valStream >> doubleVal;
2099  return doubleVal;
2101 }
2103 //==========================================================================
2105 } // end namespace Pythia8