11 #include "St2011WMaker.h"
16 St2011WMaker::initEHistos(){
17 const float PI=TMath::Pi();
20 memset(hE,0,
21 TList *Lx; TLine *ln;TH1 *h;
22 char txt[1000], txt0[100];
24 hE[0]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap W-algo: event count, Jinlong-version",nCase,0,nCase);
25 h->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.4); h->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.06); h->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05); h->SetMinimum(0.8);
26 h->SetLineColor(kBlue);h->SetLineWidth(2);
29 char key[][200]={
30 "E-in",
31 for(
int i=0;i<19;i++) h->Fill(key[i],0.);
33 hE[1]=h=
new TH1F(
"mu Endcap W input triggers, WARN: scrambled if manyruns are combined by hadd.C; trigID (random order)",nCase,0,nCase);
34 h->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.06);
36 hE[2]=h=
new TH1F(
"L2WE-ET events vs. bXing; bXing= raw bx48",128,-0.5,127.5);
37 h->SetFillColor(kGreen);
39 hE[3]=h=
new TH1F(
"L2WE-ET events vs. bXing; bXing= raw bx7",128,-0.5,127.5);
40 h->SetFillColor(kBlue);
42 hE[4]=
new TH1F(
"L2WE-ET & primVertex vs. bXing; bXing= raw bx48",128,-0.5,127.5);
43 hE[5]=h=
new TH1F(
"L2WE-ET & primVertex; bXing= raw bx7",128,-0.5,127.5);
44 h->SetFillColor(kBlue);
47 hE[6]=h=
new TH1F(
"L2WE-ET events DMS spectrum; DSM value",64,-0.5,63.5);
49 hE[7]=h=
new TH1F(
"L2WE-Rnd events DMS spectrum; DSM value",64,-0.5,63.5);
51 sprintf(txt,
"L2WE-ET events w/ DMS>%d vs.ETOW TP ID bXing; Hanks' TP ID",parE_DsmThres);
52 hE[8]=
new TH1F(
53 sprintf(txt,
"L2WE-ET events w/ DMS>%d & primVertexvs.ETOW TP ID bXing; Hanks' TP ID",parE_DsmThres);
54 hE[9]=h=
new TH1F(
55 h->SetFillColor(kBlue); h->SetLineColor(kBlue);
59 hE[10]=h=
new TH1F(
"L2WE: PPV Vertex rank, funny X-axis; X=Log(rank)+offset", 150, -9,25);
60 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
61 ln=
new TLine(0,0,0,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
64 hE[11]=h=
new TH1F(
"L2WE: Z of any vertex w/ rank>0;Z-vertex (cm)",100,-200,200);
65 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
66 ln=
new TLine(par_vertexZ,0,par_vertexZ,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
67 ln=
new TLine(-par_vertexZ,0,-par_vertexZ,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
69 hE[12]=
new TH1F(
"L2WE: # vertices per event, (rank>0 or matched track to ETOW) && Z in range; # of vertices",10,0,10);
72 hE[20]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap W-algo: track count; cases",nCase,0,nCase);
73 h->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.4); h->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.06); h->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05); h->SetMinimum(0.8);
74 h->SetLineColor(kGreen); h->SetLineWidth(2);
75 char keyT[][200]={
76 "#Delta R",
78 for(
int i=0;i<16;i++) h->Fill(keyT[i],0.);
81 hE[21]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: primary track in-selection & vertexZ; nFitPoints",50,0,50);
82 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
83 ln=
new TLine(parE_nFitPts,0,parE_nFitPts,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
85 hE[22]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: primary track in-selection & vertexZ; nFit/nPoss ",50,0,1.1);
86 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
87 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
88 ln=
new TLine(parE_nHitFrac,0,parE_nHitFrac,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
90 hE[23]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: primary track first hit in-selection & vertexZ; Rxy (cm)",60,50,170.);
91 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
92 ln=
new TLine(parE_trackRin,0,parE_trackRin,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
94 hE[24]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: primary track last hit in-selection & vertexZ; Rxy (cm)",80,60,220.);
95 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
96 ln=
new TLine(parE_trackRout,0,parE_trackRout,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
98 hE[25]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: global track PT ; track PT (GeV/c)",80,0,80);
99 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
100 ln=
new TLine(parE_trackPt,0,parE_trackPt,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln); h->SetFillColor(kYellow);
103 hE[26]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap: lastHit on track; detector eta ; detector phi (rad)",100,-0.2,1.8,200,-3.2,3.2);
105 hE[27]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: global NEGATIVE track PT; track PT (GeV/c)",80,0,80);
108 hE[28]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap: dEdX vs. momentum; track P (GeV); dE/dx (keV)",20,0,10,100,0,10);
111 hE[29]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: primary track PT; track PT (GeV/c)",80,0,80);
112 hE[30]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: primary NEGATIVE track PT; track PT (GeV/c)",80,0,80);
117 hE[31]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: ETOW maxADC in event, in-selection; max tower ADC",200,0,4200);
118 hE[32]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: ETOW sum of ADC>thres , in-selection;ADC sum/event", 80,0,8000.);
120 hE[33]=h=
new TH1F(
"matched ETOW 2x2 cluster ET ;cluster ET (GeV)",100,0,100);
121 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
122 ln=
new TLine(parE_clustET,0,parE_clustET,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
124 hE[34]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap: matched TPC PT vs. ETOW 2x2 cluster ADC sum ; cluster (ADC sum);TPC PT (GeV)",50,0,5000,75,0,150);
125 h->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(4);
127 hE[35]=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: track glob chi2/dof X-Y",100,0,5);
128 hE[36]=
new TH2F(
"Endcap: track glob chi2/dof; chi2/dof X-Y; last hit eta",30,0,5.,30,-0.2,1.8);
132 hE[37]=h=
new TH1F(
"matched ETOW 4x4 cluster ET ;cluster 4x4 ET (GeV)",100,0,100);
133 hE[38]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap: Excess energy in ETOW 4x4 cluster vs. 2x2 cluster E;2x2 cluster E (GeV); E(4x4)-E(2x2) E (GeV)",60,0,120,30,0,30);
135 hE[39]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: ratio (2x2/4x4) cluster ET ; fraction: cluster ET 2x2/ 4x4 ET",100,0,1.2);
136 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
137 ln=
new TLine(parE_clustFrac24,0,parE_clustFrac24,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
141 hE[40]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: near 'EM jet' ET ; 'EM jet' ET (GeV)",100,0,100);
143 hE[41]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap: Excess nearCone ET vs. 2x2 E;2x2 cluster ET (GeV); ET(cone-2x2) (GeV)",50,0,80,50,0,60);
145 hE[42]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: ratio (2x2/nearCone) ET ; cluster ET/ near cone ET",100,0,1.2);
146 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
147 ln=
new TLine(parE_nearTotEtFrac,0,parE_nearTotEtFrac,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
150 hE[43]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap: X-Y Distance(track-ETOW cluster) vs. 2x2 E;2x2 cluster E (GeV); | distance | (cm)",40,0,120,40,0,25);
151 hE[44]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap: R#Delta #phi (track-ETOW cluster) vs.#phi-clust; .#phi-clust(rad) ;R#Delta #phi (cm)",100,-3.2,3.2,40,-20,20);
152 hE[45]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap: R#Delta #phi (track-ETOW cluster) vs. 2x2 E;2x2 cluster E (GeV); R#Delta #phi (cm)",40,0,120,40,-20,20);
153 hE[46]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: X-Y Distance(track-ETOW cluster) for 2x2 E;| X-Y distance | (cm)",100,0,50);
154 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
155 ln=
new TLine(parE_delR3D,0,parE_delR3D,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
158 hE[47]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: quenched near 'TPC jet' PT ; 'TPC jet' PT (GeV)",100,0,100);
159 hE[48]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap: quenched near 'TPC jet' vs. near 'EMC jet' ; EMC jet ET (GeV); TPC PT (GeV/c)",50,0,80,50,0,60);
160 hE[49]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: near 'TPC+EMC jet' ET ; jet ET (GeV), no double counting",100,0,100);
163 hE[50]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: TPC away-cone PT sum; PT (GeV)",100,0,100);
164 hE[51]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: BTOW away-cone ET sum; ET (GeV)",100,0,100);
165 hE[52]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap: away TPC+EMC ET sum vs. 2x2 ETOW cluster ET; 2x2 ET (GeV); away ET (GeV)",50,0,100,150,0,100);
166 hE[53]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap: away EMC ET sum vs. 2x2 ETOW cluster ET; 2x2 ET (GeV); away EMC ET (GeV)",50,0,100,80,0,80);
167 hE[54]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: away-cone TPC+EMC ET sum ; away ET (GeV)",200,0,100);
169 hE[55]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: ETOW away-cone ET sum; ET (GeV)",100,0,100);
171 hE[57]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap: lastHit on track (pt > 5); detector eta ; detector phi (rad)",100,-0.2,1.8,240,-PI,PI);
175 hE[60]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap: Awayside TPC PT vs. isolated ETOW 2x2 cluster ET, matched;2x2 cluster ET (GeV) ; Awayside TPC PT (GeV)",50,0,100,75,0,150);
177 hE[61]=
new TH1F(
"L2W-EHT-rnd events vs. bXing; bXing= raw bx7",128,-0.5,127.5);
178 hE[62]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: ETOW 2x2 cluster energy vs. detector eta, final selection; endcap eta bin; 2x2 Energy (GeV)",12,0,12,50,0,100);
181 hE[63]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: primary track in-muTr2Cl; nFitPoints",50,0,50);
182 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
183 ln=
new TLine(parE_nFitPts,0,parE_nFitPts,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
185 hE[64]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: primary track in-muTr2Cl; nFit/nPoss ",50,0,1.1);
186 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
187 ln=
new TLine(parE_nHitFrac,0,parE_nHitFrac,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
189 hE[65]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: primary track first hit in-muTr2Cl; Rxy (cm)",60,50,170.);
190 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
191 ln=
new TLine(parE_trackRin,0,parE_trackRin,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
193 hE[66]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: primary track last hit in-muTr2Cl; Rxy (cm)",80,60,220.);
194 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
195 ln=
new TLine(parE_trackRout,0,parE_trackRout,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
198 hE[69]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Projected track XY at SMD depth; X (cm); Y (cm)",100,-280,280,100,-280,280);
199 hE[70]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: ratio (2x2/nearEmcCone) ET ; cluster ET/ nearEmcCone ET",100,0,1.2);
200 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
201 ln=
new TLine(parE_nearTotEtFrac,0,parE_nearTotEtFrac,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
202 hE[71]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: ratio (2x2/nearEtowCone) ET ; cluster ET/ nearEtowCone ET",100,0,1.2);
203 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
204 ln=
new TLine(parE_nearTotEtFrac,0,parE_nearTotEtFrac,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
207 hE[90]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap W: Final selection; 2x2 ETOW cluster ET (GeV)", 100,0,100);
208 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
209 ln=
new TLine(parE_highET,0,parE_highET,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
211 sprintf(txt,
"Endcap W: Final selection, ET>%.0f GeV 'goldenW'; detector eta ; detector phi (rad)",parE_highET);
212 hE[91]=
new TH2F(
214 hE[92]=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Track dEdx, final W selection; 2x2 ET (GeV); dEdx (keV)",100,0,100,100,0,20);
215 hE[93]=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Track glob vertex abs(DCA), final selection ; 2x2 ET (GeV); |DCA| (cm)",100,0,100,100,0,5);
216 hE[94]=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Track prim POSITIVE glob signed DCA, final selection; 2x2 ET (GeV); sDCA (cm)",100,0,100,100,-5,5);
217 hE[95]=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Track prim NEGATIVE glob signed DCA, final selection ; 2x2 ET (GeV); sDCA (cm)",100,0,100,100,-5,5);
219 sprintf(txt,
"Endcap W: Vertex ID, final selection, 2x2 ET>%.0f GeV; vertex ID",parE_highET);
220 hE[96]=h=
new TH1F(
221 h->SetLineColor(kBlue);h->SetLineWidth(3);
223 sprintf(txt,
"Endcap W: Vertex 'funny' rank, final selection, 2x2 ET>%.0f GeV; X=Log(rank)+offset",parE_highET);
224 hE[97]=
new TH1F(
"muE_Wcar2",txt, 150, -9,25);
226 sprintf(txt,
"Vertex Z ,Endcap W: Vertex Z, final selection 2x2 ET>%.0f GeV; Z(cm)",parE_highET);
227 hE[98]=
new TH1F(
"muE_Wcar3",txt, 100, -200,200);
228 hE[99]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap W: Lepton eta, final selection ; lepton eta",400,-2.0,2.0);
229 hE[100]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Projected track XY at SMD depth, final selection; X (cm); Y (cm)",100,-280,280,100,-280,280);
231 hE[101]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: sPt-Bal vs 2x2/4x4 ratio, final selection ; 2x2/4x4 ratio; signed Pt-Balance",100,0,1.2,100,-100,100);
232 hE[102]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: sPt-Bal vs 2x2/nearCone ratio, final selection ; 2x2/nearCone ratio; signed Pt-Balance",100,0,1.2,100,-100,100);
233 hE[103]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: sPt-Bal vs 2x2/nearEmcCone ratio, final selection ; 2x2/nearEmcCone ratio; signed Pt-Balance",100,0,1.2,100,-100,100);
234 hE[104]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: sPt-Bal vs 2x2/nearEtowCone ratio, final selection ; 2x2/nearEtowCone ratio; signed Pt-Balance",100,0,1.2,100,-100,100);
236 hE[105]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: sPt-Bal vs dE/dx, final selection ; dE/dx (keV); signed Pt-Balance",100,0,20,100,-100,100);
239 hE[106]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Q*ET/PT vs primary #Chi^{2}, final selection ; primary #Chi^{2}; Q*ET/PT",100,0,5,160,-4,4);
240 hE[107]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Q*ET/PT vs global #Chi^{2}, final selection ; global #Chi^{2}; Q*ET/PT",100,0,5,160,-4,4);
241 hE[108]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Q*ET/PT vs FitFrac, final selection ; nFit/nPoss; Q*ET/PT",100,0,1.1,160,-4,4);
242 hE[109]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Q*ET/PT vs nHit, final selection ; nHit; Q*ET/PT",50,0,50,160,-4,4);
244 hE[120]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Q*ET/PT vs primary - global #Chi^{2}, final selection ; primary - global #Chi^{2}; Q*ET/PT",100,-5,5,160,-4,4);
245 hE[121]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Q*ET/PT vs sDCA, final selection ; sDCA; Q*ET/PT",100,-5,5,160,-4,4);
246 hE[122]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Q*ET/PT vs ESMDU #Delta strip, final selection; ESMDU #Delta strip; Q*ET/PT",11,-5.5,5.5,160,-4,4);
247 hE[123]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Q*ET/PT vs ESMDV #Delta strip, final selection; ESMDV #Delta strip; Q*ET/PT",11,-5.5,5.5,160,-4,4);
248 hE[124]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: ESMD #Delta strip U vs V, final selection; ESMDV #Delta strip; ESMDU #Delta strip",11,-5.5,5.5,11,-5.5,5.5);
249 hE[125]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Q*ET/PT vs Rin, final selection ; Rin; Q*ET/PT",60,50,170.,160,-4,4);
250 hE[126]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Q*ET/PT vs Rout, final selection ; Rout; Q*ET/PT",80,60,220.,160,-4,4);
251 hE[127]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Q*ET/PT vs dEdx, final selection ; dEdx; Q*ET/PT",100,0.,20.,160,-4,4);
252 hE[128]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Global track length vs zdcx rate; Global track length; Q*ET/PT",100,0.,200.,160,-4,4);
253 hE[129]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Global track radial length vs zdcx rate; Global track radial length; Q*ET/PT",100,0.,100.,160,-4,4);
254 hE[130]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Q*ET/PT vs ESMD #Delta#phi (centroid - track), final selection; ESMD #Delta#phi; Q*ET/PT",100,-0.5,0.5,160,-4,4);
255 hE[131]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Q*ET/PT vs Track #Delta#phi (primary - global), final selection; Track #Delta#phi; Q*ET/PT",100,-0.5,0.5,160,-4,4);
258 hE[150]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap Reco W+: Rout vs sDCA ; sDCA; Rout (cm)",160,-4,4,100,0.,200.);
259 hE[151]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap Reco W-: Rout vs sDCA ; sDCA; Rout (cm)",160,-4,4,100,0.,200.);
261 hE[152]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap Reco W+: Rout vs ESMD #Delta#phi (centroid - track); ESMD #Delta#phi; Rout (cm)",100,-0.5,0.5,100,0,200);
262 hE[153]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap Reco W-: Rout vs ESMD #Delta#phi (centroid - track); ESMD #Delta#phi; Rout (cm)",100,-0.5,0.5,100,0,200);
263 hE[154]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap Reco W+: global track radial length vs ESMD #Delta#phi (centroid - track); ESMD #Delta#phi ; global track radial length (cm)",100,-0.5,0.5,100,0.,100.);
264 hE[155]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap Reco W-: global track radial length vs ESMD #Delta#phi (centroid - track); ESMD #Delta#phi ; global track radial length (cm)",100,-0.5,0.5,100,0.,100.);
265 hE[156]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap Reco W+: global track radial length vs Track #Delta#phi (primary - global); Track #Delta#phi ; global track radial length (cm)",100,-0.5,0.5,100,0.,100.);
266 hE[157]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap Reco W-: global track radial length vs Track #Delta#phi (primary - global); Track #Delta#phi ; global track radial length (cm)",100,-0.5,0.5,100,0.,100.);
267 hE[158]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap Reco W+: primary #Chi^{2} vs Track #Delta#phi (primary - global); Track #Delta#phi ; primary #Chi^{2}",100,-0.5,0.5,100,0.,5.);
268 hE[159]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap Reco W-: primary #Chi^{2} vs Track #Delta#phi (primary - global); Track #Delta#phi ; primary #Chi^{2}",100,-0.5,0.5,100,0.,5.);
269 hE[160]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap Reco W+: primary #Chi^{2} vs ESMD #Delta#phi (centroid - track); ESMD #Delta#phi ; primary #Chi^{2}",100,-0.5,0.5,100,0.,5.);
270 hE[161]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap Reco W-: primary #Chi^{2} vs ESMD #Delta#phi (centroid - track); ESMD #Delta#phi ; primary #Chi^{2}",100,-0.5,0.5,100,0.,5.);
271 hE[162]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap Reco W+: primary #Chi^{2} vs global track radial length; global track radial length; primary #Chi^{2}",100,0.,100.,100,0.,5.);
272 hE[163]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap Reco W-: primary #Chi^{2} vs global track radial length; global track radial length; primary #Chi^{2}",100,0.,100.,100,0.,5.);
276 hE[170]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Q*ET/PT vs nHit, cut A selection; nHit; Q*ET/PT",35,0,35,160,-4,4);
277 hE[171]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Q*ET/PT vs nHit, cut B selection; nHit; Q*ET/PT",35,0,35,160,-4,4);
278 hE[172]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Q*ET/PT vs nHit, cut C selection; nHit; Q*ET/PT",35,0,35,160,-4,4);
279 hE[173]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Q*ET/PT vs nHit, cut D selection; nHit; Q*ET/PT",35,0,35,160,-4,4);
280 hE[174]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Q*ET/PT vs nHit, cut E selection; nHit; Q*ET/PT",35,0,35,160,-4,4);
281 hE[175]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Q*ET/PT vs nHit, cut F selection; nHit; Q*ET/PT",35,0,35,160,-4,4);
282 hE[176]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap W: Q*ET/PT vs nHit, cut G selection; nHit; Q*ET/PT",35,0,35,160,-4,4);
286 char tt2[][200]={
"max 2x2",
"track matched",
"no near ET",
"no away ET"};
287 for(
int i=0;i<5;i++){
288 sprintf(txt,
"Endcap electron candidate, cut=%s; 2x2 ET (GeV)",tt2[i]);
289 sprintf(txt0,
290 hE[110+i]=h=
new TH1F(txt0,txt, 100,0,100);
293 hE[132]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap: ptBalance vs cluster ET; 2x2 Cluster ET; ptBalance",100,0,100,100,0,100);
294 hE[133]=h=
new TH2F(
"ptBalance vs awayside PT; awayside PT; ptBalance",100,0,100,100,0,100);
296 hE[134]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap: sPtBalance vs cluster ET; 2x2 Cluster ET (GeV); signed Pt balance (GeV)",100,0,100,100,-100,100);
297 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
298 ln=
new TLine(0,parE_ptBalance,100,parE_ptBalance); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
300 hE[135]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap: sPtBalance vs awayside PT; awayside PT; sPtBalance",100,0,100,100,-100,100);
301 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
302 ln=
new TLine(0,parE_ptBalance,100,parE_ptBalance); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
305 hE[136]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: PT Balance > %.1f ; 2x2 Cluster ET",parE_ptBalance),100,0,100);
306 hE[137]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: PT Balance < %.1f ; 2x2 Cluster ET",parE_ptBalance),100,0,100);
307 hE[140]=h=
new TH1F(
"Endcap: sPT Balance > %.1f (EEMC not included); 2x2 Cluster ET",parE_ptBalance),100,0,100);
309 hE[141]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap:(sPtBalance - sPtBalance2) vs sPtBalance; sPtBalance; sPtBalance - sPtBalance2",100,-100,100,100,-50,50);
311 hE[184+2] =
new TH1F(
"Endcap: pos_muEclustpTbal_wE",100,0,100);
312 hE[184+1] =
new TH1F(
"Endcap: neg_muEclustpTbal_wE",100,0,100);
313 hE[184+4] =
new TH1F(
"Endcap: pos_muEclustpTbal_noE",100,0,100);
314 hE[184+3] =
new TH1F(
"Endcap: neg_muEclustpTbal_noE",100,0,100);
315 hE[184+6] =
new TH1F(
"Endcap: pos_muEclustpTbal_back",100,0,100);
316 hE[184+5] =
new TH1F(
"Endcap: neg_muEclustpTbal_back",100,0,100);
318 hE[190]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap Wp: 2x2 Cluster ET vs. lepton eta, final selection; lepton eta in LAB; lepton 2x2 Cluster ET (GeV)",32,-2.,2.,60,0.,60.);
319 hE[191]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap Wm: 2x2 Cluster ET vs. lepton eta, final selection; lepton eta in LAB; lepton 2x2 Cluster ET (GeV)",32,-2.,2.,60,0.,60.);
321 sprintf(txt,
"Endcap: TPC GLOB Q/PT ; ETOW 2x2 cluster ET (GeV); Q/PT");
322 hE[200]=h=
new TH2F(
"muEchRecPNg", txt,100,0.,100.,150,-0.15,0.15);
323 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
324 ln=
new TLine(0,0,100,0); ln->SetLineColor(kMagenta); Lx->Add(ln);
326 sprintf(txt,
"Endcap: TPC PRIM Q/PT ; ETOW 2x2 cluster ET (GeV); Q/PT");
327 hE[201]=h=
new TH2F(
"muEchRecPNp", txt,100,0.,100.,150,-0.15,0.15);
328 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
329 ln=
new TLine(0,0,100,0); ln->SetLineColor(kMagenta); Lx->Add(ln);
332 sprintf(txt,
"Endcap: TPC GLOB Charge Separation Hyperbola Corrected ; 2x2 cluster ET (GeV); Q*ET/PT");
333 hE[202]=h=
new TH2F(
"muEchRecHypCorrPNg", txt,100,0.,100.,160,-4,4);
334 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
335 ln=
new TLine(0,0,100,0); ln->SetLineColor(kMagenta); Lx->Add(ln);
337 sprintf(txt,
"Endcap: TPC PRIM Charge Separation Hyperbola Corrected ; 2x2 cluster ET (GeV); Q*ET/PT");
338 hE[203]=h=
new TH2F(
"muEchRecHypCorrPNp", txt,100,0.,100.,160,-4,4);
339 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
340 ln=
new TLine(0,0,100,0); ln->SetLineColor(kMagenta); Lx->Add(ln);
342 hE[211]=h=
new TH2F(
"Number of hit strips; U plane; V plane",50,0.,50.,50,0.,50.);
343 hE[212]=h=
new TH2F(
"Energy in SMD Planes; U plane; V plane",100,0.,500.,100,0.,500.);
344 hE[213]=h=
new TH2F(
"Number of hit strips vs Energy in SMD Planes; Nhit (U+V); Energy (U+V)",100,0.,100.,500,0.,1000.);
345 hE[214]=h=
new TH2F(
"Tower cluster E_{T} vs. Energy in SMD Planes; Tower cluster E_{T}; SMD Energy (U+V)",100,0.,100.,500,0.,1000.);
346 hE[215]=h=
new TH2F(
"Tower cluster E_{T} vs. Number of hit strips; Tower cluster E_{T}; Nhit (U+V)",100,0.,100.,100,0.,100.);
348 hE[217]=h=
new TH2F(
"Difference in SMD XP (track - SMD); X position; Y postion",50,-2.5,2.5,50,-2.5,2.5);
349 hE[218]=h=
new TH2F(
"Difference in SMD XP (track - SMD); Eta position; Phi postion",50,-.02,.02,50,-.02,.02);
350 hE[219]=h=
new TH2F(
"Ratio of 7 strip sum to 41 strip sum; U ratio ; V ratio",50,0.,1.,50,0.,1.);
351 hE[220]=h=
new TH2F(
"Tower cluster E_{T} vs. Ratio of 7 strip sum to 41 strip sum (U+V); Tower cluster E_{T} ; U+V ratio",100,0.,100.,50,0.,1.);
353 hE[221]=h=
new TH2F(
"Preshower 2 vs Preshower 1 Energy; Pre1 ene; Pre2 ene",50,0.,.02,50,0.,.05);
354 hE[222]=h=
new TH2F(
"Postshower vs Preshower 1+2; Pre1+2 ene; Post ene",50,0.,.1,60,0.,.03);
355 hE[223]=h=
new TH2F(
"Preshower 1+2 vs Tower cluster E_{T}; Tower cluster E_{T}; Pre1+2 ene",100,0.,100.,50,0.,.1);
356 hE[224]=h=
new TH2F(
" Postshower vs Tower cluster E_{T}; Tower cluster E_{T}; Post ene",100,0.,100.,60,0.,.03);
357 hE[225]=h=
new TH2F(
"SMD Energy vs Preshower 1+2; Pre1+2 ene; SMD energy",50.,0.,.1,100,0.,1000.);
358 hE[226]=h=
new TH2F(
"SMD Energy vs Postshower; Post ene; SMD energy",60.,0.,.03,500,0.,1000.);
359 hE[227]=h=
new TH2F(
"Tower cluster E_{T} vs. Energy in SMD Planes (7 strip sum); Tower cluster E_{T}; SMD Energy (U+V)",100,0.,100.,500,0.,1000.);
360 hE[228]=h=
new TH2F(
"Tower cluster E_{T} vs. ESMD Max ADC; Tower cluster E_{T}; SMD Max ADC",100,0.,100.,420,0.,4200.);
362 hE[230]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap: sPtBalance vs cluster ET (pass SMD ratio cut); 2x2 Cluster ET (GeV); signed Pt balance (GeV)",100,0,100,100,-100,100);
363 hE[231]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap: sPtBalance2 vs cluster ET (pass SMD ratio cut); 2x2 Cluster ET (GeV); signed Pt balance 2 (GeV)",100,0,100,100,-100,100);
365 hE[232]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap: sPtBalance vs cluster ET (fail SMD ratio cut); 2x2 Cluster ET (GeV); signed Pt balance (GeV)",100,0,100,100,-100,100);
366 hE[233]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap: sPtBalance2 vs cluster ET (fail SMD ratio cut); 2x2 Cluster ET (GeV); signed Pt balance 2 (GeV)",100,0,100,100,-100,100);
368 hE[235]=h=
new TH2F(
"Ratio of 7 strip sum to 41 strip sum; U ratio ; V ratio",100,0.,1.,100,0.,1.);
369 hE[236]=h=
new TH2F(
"Tower cluster E_{T} vs. Ratio of 7 strip sum to 41 strip sum (U+V); Tower cluster E_{T} ; U+V ratio",100,0.,100.,100,0.,1.);
371 hE[237]=h=
new TH2F(
"sPtBalance vs. Ratio of 7 strip sum to 41 strip sum (U+V); sPtBalance ; U+V ratio",100,-100.,100.,100,0.,1.);
372 hE[238]=h=
new TH2F(
"sPtBalance2 vs. Ratio of 7 strip sum to 41 strip sum (U+V); sPtBalance2 ; U+V ratio",100,-100.,100.,100,0.,1.);
374 hE[239]=h=
new TH2F(
"Endcap (ET > 25): sPtBalance vs awayside PT; awayside PT; sPtBalance",100,0,100,100,-100,100);
375 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
376 ln=
new TLine(0,parE_ptBalance,100,parE_ptBalance); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
379 char cPM[2]={
380 for(
int ipn=0;ipn<2;ipn++){
381 sprintf(txt0,
382 sprintf(txt,
"Final Endcap W glob Q=%c; 2x2 cluster ET ",cPM[ipn]);
383 hE[240+ipn]=h=
new TH1F(txt0, txt, 100,0,100);
384 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
385 ln=
new TLine(parE_highET,0,parE_highET,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
387 sprintf(txt0,
388 sprintf(txt,
"Final W Endcap prim Q=%c; 2x2 cluster ET ",cPM[ipn]);
389 hE[242+ipn]=h=
new TH1F(txt0, txt, 100,0,100);
390 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
391 ln=
new TLine(parE_highET,0,parE_highET,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
394 sprintf(txt0,
395 sprintf(txt,
"Endcap prim sign=%c flip after V-refit; 2x2 cluster ET ",cPM[ipn]);
396 hE[244+ipn]=h=
new TH1F(txt0, txt, 100,0,100);
399 hE[250]=h=
new TH2F(
"Q+ : sPtBalance2 vs. Ratio of 7 strip sum to 41 strip sum (U+V); sPtBalance2 ; U+V ratio",100,-100.,100.,100,0.,1.);
400 hE[251]=h=
new TH2F(
"Q- : sPtBalance2 vs. Ratio of 7 strip sum to 41 strip sum (U+V); sPtBalance2 ; U+V ratio",100,-100.,100.,100,0.,1.);
402 hE[252]=h=
new TH2F(
"ET>20: sPtBalance vs. Ratio of 7 strip sum to 41 strip sum (U+V); sPtBalance ; U+V ratio",100,-100.,100.,100,0.,1.);
403 hE[253]=h=
new TH2F(
"ET>20: sPtBalance2 vs. Ratio of 7 strip sum to 41 strip sum (U+V); sPtBalance2 ; U+V ratio",100,-100.,100.,100,0.,1.);
404 hE[254]=h=
new TH2F(
"Q+ ET>20: sPtBalance2 vs. Ratio of 7 strip sum to 41 strip sum (U+V); sPtBalance2 ; U+V ratio",100,-100.,100.,100,0.,1.);
405 hE[255]=h=
new TH2F(
"Q- ET>20: sPtBalance2 vs. Ratio of 7 strip sum to 41 strip sum (U+V); sPtBalance2 ; U+V ratio",100,-100.,100.,100,0.,1.);
407 hE[256]=h=
new TH2F(
"peak offset from track ESMD-U; track phi(rad); #Delta strip", 48,-PI,PI,11,-5.5,5.5);
408 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
409 int dd=parE_esmdWL-parE_esmdGL+0.5;
410 ln=
new TLine(-PI,-dd, PI, -dd); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
411 ln=
new TLine(-PI,dd, PI, dd); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
412 ln=
new TLine(-PI,0, PI, 0.); ln->SetLineColor(kBlue); Lx->Add(ln);
414 hE[257]=h=
new TH2F(
"peak offset from track ESMD-V; (4 bins per TPC sector) TPC track phi(rad); #Delta strip", 48,-PI,PI,11,-5.5,5.5);
415 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
416 ln=
new TLine(-PI,-dd, PI, -dd); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
417 ln=
new TLine(-PI,dd, PI, dd); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
418 ln=
new TLine(-PI,0, PI, 0.); ln->SetLineColor(kBlue); Lx->Add(ln);
422 for(
int i=0;i<mxHE;i++) {
423 if( hE[i]==0)
428 LOG_INFO<<Form(
"%s::initEHistos done",
virtual const char * GetName() const
special overload