10 #include "St2011WMaker.h"
15 St2011WMaker::initHistos(){
16 const float PI=TMath::Pi();
19 memset(hA,0,
20 TList *Lx; TLine *ln;TH1 *h;
21 char txt[1000], txt0[100];
23 hA[0]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel W-algo: event count : %s",coreTitle.Data()),nCase,0,nCase);
24 h->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.4); h->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.06); h->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05); h->SetMinimum(0.8);
25 h->SetLineColor(kBlue);h->SetLineWidth(2);
28 char key[][200]={
29 "B-in",
30 for(
int i=0;i<19;i++) h->Fill(key[i],0.);
32 hA[1]=h=
new TH1F(
"mu Barrel W input triggers, WARN: scrambled if manyruns are combined by hadd.C; trigID (random order)",nCase,0,nCase);
33 h->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.06);
35 hA[2]=h=
new TH1F(
"L2WB-ET events vs. bXing; bXing= raw bx48",128,-0.5,127.5);
36 h->SetFillColor(kGreen);
38 hA[3]=h=
new TH1F(
"L2WB-ET events vs. bXing; bXing= raw bx7",128,-0.5,127.5);
39 h->SetFillColor(kBlue);
41 hA[4]=
new TH1F(
"L2WB-ET & primVertex vs. bXing; bXing= raw bx48",128,-0.5,127.5);
42 hA[5]=h=
new TH1F(
"L2WB-ET & primVertex; bXing= raw bx7",128,-0.5,127.5);
43 h->SetFillColor(kBlue);
46 hA[6]=h=
new TH1F(
"L2WB-ET events DMS spectrum; DSM value",64,-0.5,63.5);
48 hA[7]=h=
new TH1F(
"L2WB-Rnd events DMS spectrum; DSM value",64,-0.5,63.5);
50 sprintf(txt,
"L2WB-ET events w/ DMS>%d vs.BTOW TP ID bXing; Hanks' TP ID",par_DsmThres);
51 hA[8]=
new TH1F(
52 sprintf(txt,
"L2WB-ET events w/ DMS>%d & primVertexvs.BTOW TP ID bXing; Hanks' TP ID",par_DsmThres);
53 hA[9]=h=
new TH1F(
54 h->SetFillColor(kBlue); h->SetLineColor(kBlue);
58 hA[10]=h=
new TH1F(
"L2WB: PPV Vertex rank, funny X-axis; X=Log(rank)+offset", 150, -9,25);
59 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
60 ln=
new TLine(0,0,0,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
63 hA[11]=h=
new TH1F(
"L2WB: Z of any vertex w/ rank>0;Z-vertex (cm)",100,-200,200);
64 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
65 ln=
new TLine(par_vertexZ,0,par_vertexZ,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
66 ln=
new TLine(-par_vertexZ,0,-par_vertexZ,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
68 hA[12]=
new TH1F(
"L2WB: # vertices per event, rank>0 & Z in range; # of vertices",10,0,10);
69 hA[13]=h=
new TH1F(
"zdcx rate; zdcx rate (kHz)",500,0.,5e5);
72 hA[20]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel W-algo: track count; cases",nCase,0,nCase);
73 h->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.4); h->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.06); h->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05); h->SetMinimum(0.8);
74 h->SetLineColor(kGreen); h->SetLineWidth(2);
75 char keyT[][200]={
76 "#Delta R",
78 for(
int i=0;i<15;i++) h->Fill(keyT[i],0.);
81 hA[21]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: primary track in-selection & vertexZ; nFitPoints",50,0,50);
82 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
83 ln=
new TLine(par_nFitPts,0,par_nFitPts,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
85 hA[22]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: primary track in-selection & vertexZ; nFit/nPoss ",50,0,1.1);
86 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
87 ln=
new TLine(par_nHitFrac,0,par_nHitFrac,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
89 hA[23]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: primary track first hit in-selection & vertexZ; Rxy (cm)",60,50,170.);
90 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
91 ln=
new TLine(par_trackRin,0,par_trackRin,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
93 hA[24]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: primary track last hit in-selection & vertexZ; Rxy (cm)",60,100,220.);
94 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
95 ln=
new TLine(par_trackRout,0,par_trackRout,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
97 hA[25]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: global track PT ; track PT (GeV/c)",160,0,80);
98 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
99 ln=
new TLine(par_trackPt,0,par_trackPt,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln); h->SetFillColor(kYellow);
102 hA[26]=h=
new TH2F(
"Barrel: lastHit on track; detector eta ; detector phi (rad)",100,-1.1,1.1,200,-3.2,3.2);
104 hA[27]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: global NEGATIVE track PT; track PT (GeV/c)",160,0,80);
107 hA[28]=h=
new TH2F(
"Barrel: dEdX vs. momentum; track P (GeV); dE/dx (keV)",20,0,10,100,0,10);
110 hA[29]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: primary track PT; track PT (GeV/c)",160,0,80);
111 hA[30]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: primary NEGATIVE track PT; track PT (GeV/c)",160,0,80);
116 hA[31]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: BTOW maxADC in event, in-selection; max tower ADC",200,0,4500);
117 hA[32]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: BTOW sum of ADC>thres , in-selection;ADC sum/event", 120,0,12000.);
119 hA[33]=h=
new TH1F(
"matched BTOW 2x2 cluster ET ;cluster ET (GeV)",100,0,100);
120 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
121 ln=
new TLine(par_clustET,0,par_clustET,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
123 hA[34]=h=
new TH2F(
"Barrel: matched TPC PT vs. 2x2 cluster ADC sum ; cluster (ADC sum); TPC PT (GeV)",50,0,5000,75,0,150);
125 hA[35]=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: track glob chi2/dof X-Y",100,0,5);
126 hA[36]=
new TH2F(
"Barrel: track glob chi2/dof; chi2/dof X-Y; last hit eta",30,0,5.,30,-1,1);
130 hA[37]=h=
new TH1F(
"matched BTOW 4x4 cluster ET ;cluster 4x4 ET (GeV)",100,0,100);
131 hA[38]=h=
new TH2F(
"Barrel: Excess energy in 4x4 cluster vs. 2x2 E;2x2 cluster E (GeV); E(4x4)-E(2x2) E (GeV)",50,0,80,50,0,60);
133 hA[39]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: ratio (2x2/4x4) cluster ET ; fraction: cluster ET 2x2/ 4x4 ET",100,0,1.2);
134 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
135 ln=
new TLine(par_clustFrac24,0,par_clustFrac24,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
139 hA[40]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: near 'EM jet' ET ; 'EM jet' ET (GeV)",100,0,100);
141 hA[41]=h=
new TH2F(
"Barrel: Excess nearCone ET vs. 2x2 E;2x2 cluster ET (GeV); ET(cone-2x2) (GeV)",50,0,80,50,0,60);
143 hA[42]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: ratio (2x2/nearCone) ET ; cluster ET/ near cone ET",100,0,1.2);
144 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
145 ln=
new TLine(par_nearTotEtFrac,0,par_nearTotEtFrac,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
149 hA[43]=h=
new TH2F(
"Barrel: 3D Distance(track-cluster) vs. 2x2 E;2x2 cluster E (GeV); | distance | (cm)",50,0,80,50,0,25);
150 hA[44]=h=
new TH2F(
"Barrel: #Delta Z (track-cluster) vs.Z-clust; Z-cluster (cm); #Delta Z (cm)",100,-300,300,40,-20,20);
151 hA[45]=h=
new TH2F(
"Barrel: R#Delta #phi (track-cluster) vs. 2x2 E;2x2 cluster E (GeV); R#Delta #phi (cm)",50,0,80,80,-20,20);
152 hA[46]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: 3D Distance(track-cluster) vs. 2x2 E;| 3D distance | (cm)",100,0,50);
153 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
154 ln=
new TLine(par_delR3D,0,par_delR3D,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
157 hA[47]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: quenched near 'TPC jet' PT ; 'TPC jet' PT (GeV)",100,0,100);
158 hA[48]=h=
new TH2F(
"Barrel: quenched near 'TPC jet' vs. near 'EMC jet' ; EMC jet ET (GeV); TPC PT (GeV/c)",50,0,80,50,0,60);
159 hA[49]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: near 'TPC+EMC jet' ET ; jet ET (GeV), no double counting",100,0,100);
162 hA[50]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: TPC away-cone PT sum; PT (GeV)",100,0,100);
163 hA[51]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: BTOW away-cone ET sum; ET (GeV)",100,0,100);
164 hA[52]=h=
new TH2F(
"Barrel: away TPC+EMC ET sum vs. 2x2 cluster ET; 2x2 ET (GeV); away ET (GeV)",50,0,100,150,0,100);
167 hA[53]=h=
new TH2F(
"Barrel: away EMC ET sum vs. 2x2 cluster ET; 2x2 ET (GeV); away EMC ET (GeV)",50,0,100,80,0,80);
170 hA[54]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: away-cone TPC+EMC ET sum ; away ET (GeV)",200,0,100);
171 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
172 ln=
new TLine(par_awayET,0,par_awayET,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
174 hA[55]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: ETOW away-cone ET sum; ET (GeV)",100,0,100);
176 hA[57]=h=
new TH2F(
"Barrel: lastHit on track (pt > 5); detector eta ; detector phi (rad)",100,-1.1,1.1,240,-PI,PI);
179 hA[58]=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: track glob chi2/dof West TPC ; chi2/dof",100,0,5);
180 hA[59]=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: track glob chi2/dof East TPC ; chi2/dof",100,0,5);
184 hA[60]=h=
new TH2F(
"Barrel: Awayside TPC PT vs. isolated cluster 2x2 ET, matched;2x2 cluster ET (GeV) ; Awayside TPC PT (GeV)",50,0,100,75,0,150);
186 hA[61]=
new TH1F(
"L2BW-BHT-rnd events vs. bXing; bXing= raw bx7",128,-0.5,127.5);
187 hA[62]=h=
new TH2F(
"Barrel W: cluster energy vs. detector eta, final selection; barrel eta bin; 2x2 Energy (GeV)",40,0,40,50,0,100);
191 hA[63]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: primary track in-muTr2Cl; nFitPoints",50,0,50);
192 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
193 ln=
new TLine(par_nFitPts,0,par_nFitPts,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
195 hA[64]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: primary track in-muTr2Cl; nFit/nPoss ",50,0,1.1);
196 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
197 ln=
new TLine(par_nHitFrac,0,par_nHitFrac,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
199 hA[65]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: primary track first hit in-muTr2Cl; Rxy (cm)",60,50,170.);
200 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
201 ln=
new TLine(par_trackRin,0,par_trackRin,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
206 const char cPlane[ mxBSmd]={
207 for(
int iep=0;iep<mxBSmd;iep++){
208 sprintf(txt0,
209 sprintf(txt,
"BSMD-%c whole plane ADC; ADC",cPlane[iep]);
210 hA[70+10*iep]=h=
new TH1F(txt0,txt,275,0,1100);
214 hA[90]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel W: Final Selection : %s; 2x2 cluster ET (GeV)",coreTitle.Data()), 100,0,100);
215 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
216 ln=
new TLine(par_highET,0,par_highET,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
218 sprintf(txt,
"Barrel W: Final selection, ET>%.0f GeV 'goldenW'; detector eta ; detector phi (rad)",par_highET);
219 hA[91]=
new TH2F(
221 hA[92]=
new TH2F(
"Barrel W: Track dEdx, final selection; 2x2 ET (GeV); dEdx (keV)",100,0,100,100,0,20);
222 hA[93]=
new TH2F(
"Barrel W: Track glob vertex abs(DCA), final selection ; 2x2 ET (GeV); |DCA| (cm)",100,0,100,100,0,5);
223 hA[94]=
new TH2F(
"Barrel W: Track prim POSITIVE glob signed DCA, final selection; 2x2 ET (GeV); sDCA (cm)",100,0,100,100,-5,5);
224 hA[95]=
new TH2F(
"Barrel W: Track prim NEGATIVE glob signed DCA, final selection ; 2x2 ET (GeV); sDCA (cm)",100,0,100,100,-5,5);
226 sprintf(txt,
"Barrel W: Vertex ID, final selection, 2x2 ET>%.0f GeV; vertex ID",par_highET);
227 hA[96]=h=
new TH1F(
228 h->SetLineColor(kBlue);h->SetLineWidth(3);
230 sprintf(txt,
"Barrel W: Vertex 'funny' rank, final W selection, 2x2 ET>%.0f GeV; X=Log(rank)+offset",par_highET);
231 hA[97]=
new TH1F(
"muWcar2",txt, 150, -9,25);
233 sprintf(txt,
"Barrel W: Vertex Z, final selection, 2x2 ET>%.0f GeV; Z(cm)",par_highET);
234 hA[98]=
new TH1F(
"muWcar3",txt, 100, -200,200);
235 hA[99]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel W: lepton eta final selection %s ; lepton eta",coreTitle.Data()),400,-2.0,2.0);
238 sprintf(txt,
"TPC GLOB Q/PT ; 2x2 cluster ET (GeV); Q/PT");
239 hA[100]=h=
new TH2F(
"muChRecPNg", txt,100,0.,100.,100,-0.1,0.1);
240 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
241 ln=
new TLine(0,0,100,0); ln->SetLineColor(kMagenta); Lx->Add(ln);
243 sprintf(txt,
"TPC PRIM Q/PT ; 2x2 cluster ET (GeV); Q/PT");
244 hA[101]=h=
new TH2F(
"muChRecPNp", txt,100,0.,100.,100,-0.1,0.1);
245 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
246 ln=
new TLine(0,0,100,0); ln->SetLineColor(kMagenta); Lx->Add(ln);
249 sprintf(txt,
"TPC GLOB Charge Separation Hyperbola Corrected ; 2x2 cluster ET (GeV); Q*ET/PT");
250 hA[102]=h=
new TH2F(
"muChRecHypCorrPNg", txt,100,0.,100.,100,-4,4);
251 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
252 ln=
new TLine(0,0,100,0); ln->SetLineColor(kMagenta); Lx->Add(ln);
254 sprintf(txt,
"TPC PRIM Charge Separation Hyperbola Corrected ; 2x2 cluster ET (GeV); Q*ET/PT");
255 hA[103]=h=
new TH2F(
"muChRecHypCorrPNp", txt,100,0.,100.,100,-4,4);
256 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
257 ln=
new TLine(0,0,100,0); ln->SetLineColor(kMagenta); Lx->Add(ln);
259 hA[104]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel Golden W: unix time final selection %s 3/17/12 - 4/20/12; unixtime (bin = 10 min)",coreTitle.Data()),4896,1331942400,1334880000);
261 hA[105]=h=
new TH2F(
"reco charge vs. TPC dedx, golden W+; Q *ET/PT; dEdx (keV)",200,-5,5,100,0,20);
263 hA[106]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel Golden W: zdcx rate, final selection ; zdcx rate (kHz)",500,0.,5e5);
267 char tt2[][200]={
"max 2x2",
"track matched",
"no near ET",
"no away ET"};
268 for(
int i=0;i<4;i++){
269 sprintf(txt,
"Barrel electron candidate, cut=%s; 2x2 ET (GeV)",tt2[i]);
270 sprintf(txt0,
271 hA[110+i]=h=
new TH1F(txt0,txt, 100,0,100);
276 hA[114]=h=
new TH2F(
"sptBalance vs cluster Eta; eta; sptBalance",50,-3,3,100,-100,100);
277 hA[115]=h=
new TH2F(
"sptBalance vs cluster Phi; phi; sptBalance",63,-PI,PI,100,-100,100);
279 hA[117]=h=
new TH2F(
"Input Jet phi vs eta ; eta ; phi ",50,-3,3,63,-PI,PI);
280 hA[118]=h=
new TH1F(
"Input Jet pt; pt;",100,0,100);
283 hA[119]=h=
new TH1F(
"Number of Jets per event; ; counts", 10, 0,10);
284 hA[120]=h=
new TH2F(
"Eta Correlation: candidates vs jet; candidate #eta ; jet #eta", 50, -2.5,2.5, 50, -2.5,2.5);
285 hA[121]=h=
new TH2F(
"Phi Correlation: candidates vs jet; candidate #phi; jet #phi", 63, -PI,PI, 63, -PI, PI);
286 hA[122]=h=
new TH1F(
"Jet pt outside nearCone; jet pt;",100, 0, 100);
287 hA[123]=h=
new TH2F(
"Jet pt outside nearCone vs #Delta#phi;jet pt; #Delta#phi ",100, 0, 100, 63, -PI, PI);
288 hA[124]=h=
new TH2F(
"Jet pt outside nearCone vs #eta;jet pt; #eta ",100, 0, 100, 50, -2.5, 2.5);
291 hA[125]=h=
new TH1F(
"Number of Jets per event, final selection; ; counts", 10, 0,10);
292 hA[126]=h=
new TH2F(
"Eta Correlation: candidates vs jet, final selection; candidate #eta ; jet #eta", 50, -2.5,2.5, 50, -2.5,2.5);
293 hA[127]=h=
new TH2F(
"Phi Correlation: candidates vs jet, final selection; candidate #phi; jet #phi", 63, -PI,PI, 63, -PI, PI);
294 hA[128]=h=
new TH1F(
"Jet pt outside nearCone, final selection; jet pt;",100, 0, 100);
295 hA[129]=h=
new TH2F(
"Jet pt outside nearCone vs #Delta#phi, final selection;jet pt; #Delta#phi ",100, 0, 100, 63, -PI, PI);
296 hA[130]=h=
new TH2F(
"Jet pt outside nearCone vs #eta, final selection;jet pt; #eta ",100, 0, 100, 50, -2.5, 2.5);
299 hA[131]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: ratio (2x2/nearCone) ET w/o EEMC ; cluster ET/ near cone ET w/o eemc",100,0,1.2);
300 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
301 ln=
new TLine(par_nearTotEtFrac,0,par_nearTotEtFrac,1.e6); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
304 hA[132]=h=
new TH2F(
"ptBalance vs cluster ET; 2x2 Cluster ET; ptBalance",100,0,100,100,0,100);
305 hA[133]=h=
new TH2F(
"ptBalance vs awayside PT; awayside PT; ptBalance",100,0,100,100,0,100);
307 hA[134]=h=
new TH2F(
"Barrel: sPtBalance vs cluster ET; 2x2 Cluster ET (GeV); signed Pt balance (GeV)",100,0,100,200,-100,100);
308 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
309 ln=
new TLine(0,par_ptBalance,100,par_ptBalance); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
312 hA[138]=h=
new TH2F(
"Barrel W+: sPtBalance vs cluster ET; 2x2 Cluster ET (GeV); signed Pt balance (GeV)",100,0,100,200,-100,100);
313 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
314 ln=
new TLine(0,par_ptBalance,100,par_ptBalance); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
315 hA[139]=h=
new TH2F(
"Barrel W-: sPtBalance vs cluster ET; 2x2 Cluster ET (GeV); signed Pt balance (GeV)",100,0,100,200,-100,100);
316 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
317 ln=
new TLine(0,par_ptBalance,100,par_ptBalance); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
319 hA[135]=h=
new TH2F(
"Barrel: sPtBalance vs awayside PT; awayside PT; sPtBalance",100,0,100,100,-100,100);
320 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
321 ln=
new TLine(0,par_ptBalance,100,par_ptBalance); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
324 hA[136]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: PT Balance > %.1f ; 2x2 Cluster ET",par_ptBalance),nETbins,0,100);
325 hA[137]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: PT Balance < %.1f ; 2x2 Cluster ET",par_ptBalance),nETbins,0,100);
326 hA[140]=h=
new TH1F(
"Barrel: sPT Balance > %.1f (EEMC not included); 2x2 Cluster ET",par_ptBalance),nETbins,0,100);
330 for (
int i=0; i<=20; i++) {
331 sprintf(str,
332 hA[142+i] =
new TH2F(str,str,nETbins,0,100,81,0,81);
335 for (
int i=0; i<=20; i++) {
336 sprintf(str,
337 hA[163+i] =
new TH2F(str,str,nETbins,0,100,81,0,81);
340 hA[184+2] =
new TH1F(
"Barrel: pos_muclustpTbal_wE",nETbins,0,100);
341 hA[184+1] =
new TH1F(
"Barrel: neg_muclustpTbal_wE",nETbins,0,100);
342 hA[184+4] =
new TH1F(
"Barrel: pos_muclustpTbal_noE",nETbins,0,100);
343 hA[184+3] =
new TH1F(
"Barrel: neg_muclustpTbal_noE",nETbins,0,100);
344 hA[184+6] =
new TH1F(
"Barrel: pos_muclustpTbal_back",nETbins,0,100);
345 hA[184+5] =
new TH1F(
"Barrel: neg_muclustpTbal_back",nETbins,0,100);
348 hA[191]=h=
new TH2F(
"Barrel W+: 2x2 Cluster ET vs. lepton eta, final selection; lepton eta in LAB; lepton 2x2 Cluster ET (GeV)",32,-2.,2.,60,0.,60.);
349 hA[192]=h=
new TH2F(
"Barrel W-: 2x2 Cluster ET vs. lepton eta, final selection; lepton eta in LAB; lepton 2x2 Cluster ET (GeV)",32,-2.,2.,60,0.,60.);
352 hA[195]=h=
new TH1F(
"max tower ADC for eta < 0",4096,0,4096);
353 hA[196]=h=
new TH1F(
"max tower ADC for eta > 0",4096,0,4096);
354 hA[197]=h=
new TH2F(
"lastHit on track (pt > 10); detector eta ; detector phi (rad)",100,-1.1,1.1,240,-PI,PI);
355 hA[198]=h=
new TH2F(
"Track PT vs lastHit eta; detector eta ; prim track pt (GeV)",100,-1.1,1.1,100,0,100);
356 hA[199]=h=
new TH2F(
"Barrel: 3D Distance(track-cluster) vs. cluster eta; cluster eta; | distance | (cm)",100,-1.,1.,50,0,25);
357 hA[200]=h=
new TH2F(
"W: 2x2 cluster ET vs. cluster eta; cluster detector eta; 2x2 cluster ET",100,-1.,1.,60,0,60);
358 hA[201]=h=
new TH2F(
"W: Track PT vs. cluster eta; cluster detector eta; Track PT",100,-1.,1.,100,0,100);
359 hA[202]=h=
new TH2F(
"Background: Track PT vs. cluster eta; cluster detector eta; Track PT",100,-1.,1.,100,0,100);
360 hA[203]=h=
new TH2F(
"W: E/P vs. cluster eta; cluster detector eta; E/P",100,-1.,1.,15,0,3);
361 hA[204]=h=
new TH2F(
"Background: E/P vs. cluster eta; cluster detector eta; E/P",100,-1.,1.,15,0,3);
362 hA[205]=h=
new TH2F(
"lastHit on track (W candidate); detector eta ; detector phi (rad)",100,-1.1,1.1,240,-PI,PI);
363 hA[206]=h=
new TH2F(
"2x2 cluster ET vs. cluster eta (Cluster ET > 14); cluster detector eta; 2x2 cluster ET",100,-1.,1.,60,0,60);
364 hA[207]=h=
new TH2F(
"2x2 cluster ET vs. cluster eta (2x2/4x4 frac); cluster detector eta; 2x2 cluster ET",100,-1.,1.,60,0,60);
365 hA[208]=h=
new TH2F(
"2x2 cluster ET vs. cluster eta (track-clust match); cluster detector eta; 2x2 cluster ET",100,-1.,1.,60,0,60);
366 hA[209]=h=
new TH2F(
"2x2 cluster ET vs. cluster eta (2x2/near frac); cluster detector eta; 2x2 cluster ET",100,-1.,1.,60,0,60);
369 hA[210]=h=
new TH2F(
"ETOW near cone ET vs. cluster eta; cluster detector eta; ETOW near ET",100,-1.,1.,20,0,20);
370 hA[211]=h=
new TH2F(
"ETOW near cone ET vs. cluster phi (cluster eta > 0); cluster detector phi; ETOW near ET",240,-PI,PI,20,0,20);
371 hA[212]=h=
new TH2F(
"ETOW near cone ET vs. cluster phi (cluster eta < 0); cluster detector phi; ETOW near ET",240,-PI,PI,20,0,20);
373 hA[240]=h=
new TH2F(
"Barrel: 2x2 Cluster ET vs. lepton eta, final selection (no EEMC in veto); lepton eta in LAB; lepton 2x2 Cluster ET (GeV)",32,-2.,2.,60,0.,60.);
374 hA[241]=h=
new TH2F(
"Barrel: 2x2 Cluster ET vs. lepton eta, final selection; lepton eta in LAB; lepton 2x2 Cluster ET (GeV)",32,-2.,2.,60,0.,60.);
376 hA[250]=h=
new TH2F(
"ratio (2x2/nearCone) ET vs. 2x2 cluster ET; 2x2 cluster ET (GeV); ET(cone-2x2) (GeV)",100,0,100,100,0,1.2);
377 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
378 ln=
new TLine(0,par_nearTotEtFrac,1.e6,par_nearTotEtFrac); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
380 hA[251]=h=
new TH2F(
"Q+ Signed p_{T} Balance vs. 2x2/nearCone; 2x2/nearCone; Signed p_{T} Balance (GeV)",110,0,1.1,100,-100,100);
381 hA[252]=h=
new TH2F(
"Q- Signed p_{T} Balance vs. 2x2/nearCone; 2x2/nearCone; Signed p_{T} Balance (GeV)",110,0,1.1,100,-100,100);
383 hA[253]=h=
new TH2F(
"Barrel (ET > 25): sPtBalance vs awayside PT; awayside PT; sPtBalance",100,0,100,100,-100,100);
384 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
385 ln=
new TLine(0,par_ptBalance,100,par_ptBalance); ln->SetLineColor(kRed); Lx->Add(ln);
388 for(
int isec=0; isec<24; isec++){
389 sprintf(txt,
"TPC Sector %d : GLOB Q/PT ; 2x2 cluster ET (GeV); Q/PT",isec+1);
390 hA[260+isec]=h=
new TH2F(Form(
"muChRecPNgSec%d",isec+1), txt,100,0.,100.,100,-0.1,0.1);
391 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
392 ln=
new TLine(0,0,100,0); ln->SetLineColor(kMagenta); Lx->Add(ln);
394 sprintf(txt,
"TPC Sector %d : PRIM Q/PT ; 2x2 cluster ET (GeV); Q/PT",isec+1);
395 hA[284+isec]=h=
new TH2F(Form(
"muChRecPNpSec%d",isec+1), txt,100,0.,100.,100,-0.1,0.1);
396 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
397 ln=
new TLine(0,0,100,0); ln->SetLineColor(kMagenta); Lx->Add(ln);
399 sprintf(txt,
"Barrel W: TPC Sector %d Track prim POSITIVE glob signed DCA, final selection; 2x2 ET (GeV); sDCA (cm)",isec+1);
400 hA[308+isec]=h=
new TH2F(Form(
"muWglDcaSP_Sec%d",isec+1), txt,100,0.,100.,100,-5,5);
401 sprintf(txt,
"Barrel W: TPC Sector %d Track prim NEGATIVE glob signed DCA, final selection; 2x2 ET (GeV); sDCA (cm)",isec+1);
402 hA[332+isec]=h=
new TH2F(Form(
"muWglDcaSN_Sec%d",isec+1), txt,100,0.,100.,100,-5,5);
404 sprintf(txt,
"TPC Sector %d : PRIM Charge Separation Hyperbola Corrected ; 2x2 cluster ET (GeV); Q*ET/PT",isec+1);
405 hA[356+isec]=h=
new TH2F(Form(
"muChRecHypCorrPNpSec%d",isec+1), txt,100,0.,100.,100,-4,4);
406 Lx=h->GetListOfFunctions();
407 ln=
new TLine(0,0,100,0); ln->SetLineColor(kMagenta); Lx->Add(ln);
410 hA[390]=h=
new TH1F(
"btow ADC distribution; btow softID; ;",4800,0,4800);
411 hA[391]=h=
new TH2F(
"btow ADC 2D distibution; iphi; ieta;",120,0,120,40,0,40);
415 for(
int i=0;i<mxHA;i++) {
416 if( hA[i]==0)
421 LOG_INFO<<Form(
"%s::initHistos done",
virtual const char * GetName() const
special overload