StRoot  1
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1 #include <assert.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include "StArray.h"
4 #include "TDatime.h"
5 #include "TBrowser.h"
6 #include "StMkDeb.h"
8 enum {kBelongs = BIT(22)};
9 //______________________________________________________________________________
10 ClassImp(StObjLink)
11 //______________________________________________________________________________
12 void StObjLink::Browse(TBrowser* b) {b->Add(fLink);}
13 //______________________________________________________________________________
14 void StObjLink::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
15 {
17  if (R__b.IsReading()) {
18  fLink = 0;
19  UInt_t ubj;
20  R__b >> ubj ;
21  if (!ubj) return;
22  StProxyUrr *urr = new StProxyUrr(&fLink);
23  urr->push_back(ubj);
24  StXRefManager::fgManager->AddColl(urr);
26  } else {
27 const static UInt_t kMustBeOne = kIsOnHeap | kNotDeleted;
28 const static UInt_t kMustBeZero = kCanDelete | kObjInCanvas | kHasUUID
29  | kCannotPick| kNoContextMenu| kZombie;
30  if (!fLink || fLink->TestBits(kMustBeZero|kMustBeOne) !=(int)kMustBeOne)
31  fLink = 0;
32  if (!fLink) R__b << UInt_t(0);
33  else fLink->Ztreamer(R__b);
34  }
35 }
37 //______________________________________________________________________________
39 ClassImp(StObjArray)
40 //______________________________________________________________________________
41 Int_t StObjArray::getEntries() const
42 {
43  int sz = size();
44  int en = 0;
45  for (int i=0;i<sz;i++)
46  {
47  TObject *to = fV[i];
48  if (!to) continue;
49  if (to->IsZombie()) continue;
50  en++;
51  }
52  return en;
53 }
54 //______________________________________________________________________________
55 TObject** StObjArray::Erase(TObject** it,int del)
56 {
57  int i = it-&fV[0];
58  if (del) {delete fV[i]; fV[i]=0;}
59  return &(*(fV.erase(fV.begin()+i)));
60 }
61 //______________________________________________________________________________
62 TObject** StObjArray::Erase(TObject** fst,TObject** lst,int del)
63 {
64  int ifst = fst-&fV[0];
65  int ilst = lst-&fV[0];
66  if (del) {for (int i=ifst;i<ilst;i++) {delete fV[i];fV[i]=0;}}
67  return &(*(fV.erase(fV.begin()+ifst,fV.begin()+ilst)));
68 }
69 //______________________________________________________________________________
70 TObject* StObjArray::find(const char *name) const
71 {
72  int n = fV.size();
73  for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {
74  if (!fV[i]) continue;
75  if (!strcmp(name,fV[i]->GetName())) return (TObject*)fV[i];
76  }
77  return 0;
78 }
79 //______________________________________________________________________________
80 void StObjArray::Streamer(TBuffer &b)
81 {
83  // Stream all objects in the array to or from the I/O buffer.
85  Int_t nobjects;
86  if (b.IsReading()) {
87  Version_t v = b.ReadVersion(); if (v){/*touch*/}
88  clear();
89  b >> nobjects;
90  if (!nobjects) return;
91  resize(nobjects);
92  TObject *obj;
93  for (Int_t i = 0; i < nobjects; i++) {
94  b >> obj; fV[i] =(obj);}
95  } else {
96  b.WriteVersion(Class());
97  nobjects = getEntries();
98  b << nobjects;
100  for (Int_t i = 0; nobjects; i++) {
101  TObject *to = at(i);
102  if (to && !to->IsZombie()) {b << to; nobjects--;}
103  }
104  }
105 }
109 //______________________________________________________________________________
110 void StObjArray::Browse(TBrowser *b)
111 {
112  enum { maxBrowsable = 5000};
114  // Browse this collection (called by TBrowser).
115  // If b=0, there is no Browse call TObject::Browse(0) instead.
116  // This means TObject::Inspect() will be invoked indirectly
118  if (!b) return;
119  TObject *obj=0;
121  Int_t counter = 0;
122  Int_t totalSize = size();
123  for (int i=0; i<totalSize && ++counter < maxBrowsable ; i++) {
124  obj = at(i); if (!obj || ((ULong_t)obj)&1) continue;
125  TString browseName(obj->GetName());
126  if (browseName.IsNull()) browseName = obj->ClassName();
127  char buffer[100];
128  sprintf(buffer,"_%d(%d)",counter,totalSize);
129  browseName += buffer;
130  b->Add(obj,browseName.Data());
131  }
132 }
133 //______________________________________________________________________________
134 Bool_t StObjArray::IsFolder() const
135 { return size();}
137 //______________________________________________________________________________
138 void StObjArray::random_shuffle(int start,int end)
139 {
141  int lst = size();
142  if (start >= lst) return;
143  if (end > lst) end = lst;
144  ::random_shuffle(begin()+start,begin()+end);
146 }
147 //______________________________________________________________________________
148 void StObjArray::ls(const char *tit) const
149 {
150  if (!tit) tit ="";
151  int n = fV.size();
152  Info("ls","%s(%s)[%d]",ClassName(),tit,n);
153  for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {
154  TObject *to = fV[i]; if (!to) continue;
155  printf("%4d - %p %s(%s)\n",i, (void*)to,to->ClassName(),to->GetName());
156  }
157 }
159 //______________________________________________________________________________
160 ClassImp(StRefArray)
161 StRefArray::StRefArray(Int_t sz):StObjArray(sz){};
162 StRefArray::StRefArray(const StRefArray &from):StObjArray(from){};
164 //______________________________________________________________________________
165 void StRefArray::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
166 {
168  // Stream all objects in the array to or from the I/O buffer.
170  Int_t nobjects;
171  if (R__b.IsReading()) {
172  Version_t v = R__b.ReadVersion(); if (v){/*touch*/}
173  clear();
174  R__b >> nobjects;
175  if (!nobjects) return;
176  if (v <=2 || nobjects>0) { //OLD non split format
177  TObject *obj;
178  for (Int_t i = 0; i < nobjects; i++) {
179  R__b >> obj; push_back(obj);}
180  } else { //SPLIT format
181  UInt_t ubj;
182  nobjects = -nobjects;
183  StProxyUrr *urr = new StProxyUrr(this);
184  for (Int_t i = 0; i < nobjects; i++) {
185  R__b >> ubj ; urr->push_back(ubj);
186  }
187  StXRefManager::fgManager->AddColl(urr);
188  }
190  } else {
191  R__b.WriteVersion(Class());
192  int nobjs = nobjects = getEntries();
193  if (StObject::fgTally) nobjs=-nobjs;
194  R__b << nobjs;
195  if (!nobjects) return;
196  TObject *to;
197  for (Int_t i = 0; nobjects; i++) {
198  to = at(i);
199  if (!to) continue;
200  if (to->IsZombie()) continue;
201  nobjects--;
202  if (nobjs<0) {((StObject*)to)->Ztreamer(R__b);}
203  else { R__b << to; }
204  }
205  }
206 }
208 //______________________________________________________________________________
209 ClassImp(StStrArray)
210 //______________________________________________________________________________
211 StStrArray::StStrArray(Int_t sz):StObjArray(sz){}
212 //______________________________________________________________________________
213  void StStrArray::operator=(const StStrArray &a)
214 {
215  int n,i; TObject *sto;
217  clear();
218  n = a.size();
219  resize(n);
220  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
221  {
222  sto = a[i];
223  if (sto) sto = ((StObject*)sto)->clone();
224  sto->ResetBit(kBelongs);
225  put_at(sto,i);
226  }
227 }
228 //______________________________________________________________________________
229 StStrArray::StStrArray(const StStrArray &from){ *this = from;}
230 //______________________________________________________________________________
231  void StStrArray::clear()
232 {
233  assert(!fV.size() || !fV[0] || ((TObject*)fV[0])->TestBit(TObject::kNotDeleted));
234  int n,i;
236  n = fV.size();
237  for (i=0; i<n; i++){
238  TObject *to = fV[i];
239  if (!to) continue;
240  if (to->TObject::TestBit(TObject::kNotDeleted)) {
241  delete fV[i];
242  } else {
243  Warning("clear","Object[%d]=%p is already deleted",i,to);
244 #if 0
245  const char *mk=0;
246  mk = StMkDeb::GetName(StMkDeb::GetCurrent());
247  if (mk && *mk) printf("*** Now we are in %s ***\n",mk);
248  mk = StMkDeb::GetUser(to);
249  if (mk && *mk) printf("*** It was deleted in maker %s ***\n",mk);
250 #endif
251 // assert(0);
252  }
253  fV[i]=0;
254  }
255  fV.clear();
256 }
257 StStrArray::~StStrArray()
258 {
259  clear();
260 }
261 //______________________________________________________________________________
262 void StStrArray::put_at(TObject *obj,int i)
263 {
264  assert(i>=0 && i<int(size()));
265  if (obj) {
266  if (fV[i]==obj) return;
267  assert(!obj->TestBit(kBelongs) && obj->TestBit(TObject::kNotDeleted));
268  obj->SetBit(kBelongs);
269  }
270  fV[i]=obj;}
271 //______________________________________________________________________________
272 void StStrArray::push_back(const TObject * const to)
273 {
274  TObject* obj = (TObject*)to;
275  if (obj) {
276  assert(!obj->TestBit(kBelongs) && obj->TestBit(TObject::kNotDeleted));
277  obj->SetBit(kBelongs);
278  }
280  fV.push_back(obj);
281 }
283 //______________________________________________________________________________
284 void StStrArray::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
285 {
286  // Stream an object of class StStrArray.
287  if (R__b.IsReading()) {
288  Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(); if (R__v) { }
289  StObjArray::Streamer(R__b);
290  if (R__v >=3)
291  StXRefManager::fgManager->AddColl(this);
292  } else {
293  R__b.WriteVersion(Class());
294  StObjArray::Streamer(R__b);
295  }
297 }
298 //______________________________________________________________________________
299 void StStrArray::makeZombie(int flg)
300 {
301  StObject::makeZombie(flg);
302  int n = size();
303  for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
304  { StObject *o = (StObject*)at(i); if (o) o->makeZombie(flg);}
305 }
306 //______________________________________________________________________________