StRoot  1
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17 void NNLoad()
18 {
19  gSystem->Load("$ROOTSYS/lib/");
20  gSystem->Load("$ROOTSYS/lib/");
21  gSystem->Load("$ROOTSYS/lib/");
22  gSystem->Load("$ROOTSYS/lib/");
23  gSystem->Load("St_base");
24  gSystem->Load("StarClassLibrary");
25  gSystem->Load("St_Tables");
26  gSystem->Load("StChain");
27  gSystem->Load("StEvent");
28  gSystem->Load("StEmcUtil");
29 }
36 void NNTrain()
37 {
38  // instantiate the neural net
39  StEmcNeuralNet *n = new StEmcNeuralNet();
40  // set the file that contains the signal events
41  n->setSignalFile("NNsignal_less1GeV.root");
42  // set the file that contains the background events
43  n->setBackFile("NNbackg_less1GeV.root");
44  // set the number of parameters
45  n->setNParameters(6);
46  // set the neural net formula
47  n->setFormula("v1:v2:v3:v5:v6:v7");
48  // initializes the neural net for training
49  n->initNNet(0,48);
50  // train the neural net. If second parameter is set to 0, no evolution graph is displayed.
51  n->train(6000,200);
52  // saves the neural net kernel
53  n->saveKernel("kernel.dat");
54  // draw QA histograms
55  n->drawNNetHists();
56 }
63 void NNUse()
64 {
65  // instantiante neuralnet
66  StEmcNeuralNet *n = new StEmcNeuralNet();
67  // set number of parameters
68  n->setNParameters(6);
69  // set the neural net formula
70  n->setFormula("v1:v2:v3:v5:v6:v7");
71  // initializes the neural net (if no parameters are entered, neural net is not supposed to be trained)
72  n->initNNet();
73  // loads the neural net kernel
74  n->loadKernel("kernel.dat");
76  // this just creates an histogram to write the output of the
77  // neural net.
78  //
79  // to use the neural net, just put the parameters in a float
80  // array (x[] in this example) and just ask for the neural
81  // net output for this set of parameters by using the
82  // method getNNGuess(x), as seen in this example
83  //
84  TH1F *h=new TH1F("test","test",100,0,1);
85  TFile f("test.root");
86  TTree *nn = (TTree*)f.Get("Scaled_Electrons;1");
87  double xx[15];
88  float x[6];
89  nn->SetBranchAddress("Scaled_Electrons_Branch",&xx[0]);
90  for(int i=0;i<40;i++)
91  {
92  nn->GetEntry(i+1);
93  x[0]=xx[1];x[1]=xx[2];x[2]=xx[3];x[3]=xx[5];x[4]=xx[6];x[5]=xx[7];
94  float o = n->getNNGuess(x);
95  h->Fill(o);
96  }
97  h->Draw();
98 }