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StGmtGeom Class Reference


struct  StGmtGeomData

Static Public Member Functions

static Double_t getModuleZ (int iModule=-999)
static Double_t getModulePhi (int iModule=-999)
static Int_t getNaiveMapping (Int_t idx)
static Int_t encodeGeoId (Int_t rdo=-999, Int_t arm=-999, Int_t apv=-999, Int_t channel=-999)
static Int_t decodeGeoId (Int_t geoId, Short_t &module, Int_t &layer, Short_t &strip)
static std::string encodeGeoName (Int_t module=-999, Char_t layer=-120, Int_t strip=-999)
static Int_t decodeGeoName (const std::string &geoName, Short_t &module, Int_t &layer, Short_t &strip)
static std::string translateGeoIdToGeoName (Int_t geoId=-999)
static Int_t getPhysicalCoordinate (Int_t geoId, Short_t &module, Int_t &layer)
static Int_t getPhysicalCoordinate (const std::string &geoName, Short_t &module, Int_t &layer)
static Int_t getGlobalPhysicalCoordinate (Int_t geoId, Short_t &module, Int_t &layer)
static Int_t getGlobalPhysicalCoordinate (const std::string &geoName, Short_t &module, Int_t &layer)
static Int_t getCoordNumFromElecCoord (Int_t rdo=-999, Int_t arm=-999, Int_t apv=-999, Int_t channel=-999)
static Double_t getPositionFromElecCoord (Int_t rdo=-999, Int_t arm=-999, Int_t apv=-999, Int_t channel=-999)
static Int_t encodeElectronicId (Int_t rdo=-999, Int_t arm=-999, Int_t apv=-999, Int_t channel=-999)
static Int_t decodeElectronicId (Int_t elecId, Int_t &rdo, Int_t &arm, Int_t &apv, Int_t &channel)
static Int_t getElectIdFromElecCoord (Int_t rdo=-999, Int_t arm=-999, Int_t apv=-999, Int_t ch=-999)
static Int_t getElecCoordFromElectId (Int_t eID, Int_t &rdo, Int_t &arm, Int_t &apv, Int_t &ch)
static Short_t getModuleIdFromElecCoord (Int_t rdo=-999, Int_t arm=-999, Int_t apv=-999)
static Char_t getOctant (Char_t layer=-120, Int_t strip=-999)
static Char_t getOctant (Int_t apv=-999)
static Int_t getOctant (Double_t phi=0.)
static Int_t getNaiveGeoIdFromElecCoord (Int_t rdo=-999, Int_t arm=-999, Int_t apv=-999, Int_t channel=-999)
static Int_t getNaiveElecCoordFromGeoId (Int_t geoId, Int_t &rdo, Int_t &arm, Int_t &apv, Int_t &channel)
static std::string getNaiveGeoNameFromElecCoord (Int_t rdo=-999, Int_t arm=-999, Int_t apv=-999, Int_t channel=-999)
static Int_t getNaivePhysCoordFromElecCoord (Int_t rdo, Int_t arm, Int_t apv, Int_t channel, Short_t &module, Char_t &layer)
static Double_t getNaiveMapping (Int_t rdo=-999, Int_t arm=-999, Int_t apv=-999, Int_t channel=-999)
static bool isNaiveR (Int_t rdo=-999, Int_t arm=-999, Int_t apv=-999, Int_t channel=-999)
static double sFirst ()
static double sLast ()
static double pFirst ()
static double pLast ()
static double xStrip_pitch ()
static double yStrip_pitch ()
static bool inModule (TVector3 rLab)
static int rad2LocalStripId (double rad=0., double phi=0., double *binFrac=0)
static int phi2LocalStripId (double rad=0., double phi=0., double *binFrac=0)

Static Protected Member Functions

static void makeReverseNaiveMappingValid ()

Static Protected Attributes

static double mPi = TMath::Pi()
static double mHalfPi = TMath::PiOver2()
static StGmtGeomData mStrips [kGmtNumStripsPerModule]
static Int_t mNaiveMapping [kGmtNumStripsPerModule]
static Bool_t mReverseNaiveMappingValid = 0
static Int_t mReverseNaiveMapping [kGmtNumStripsPerModule]


class StGmtDbFileMaker

Detailed Description

Definition at line 25 of file StGmtGeom.h.

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