This is the complete list of members for StTofrGeometry, including all inherited members.
CalcCellId(const Int_t volumeId, const Double_t *local) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
CalcCellId(const Int_t volumeId, const Float_t *local) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
CalcCellId(const Int_t icell, const Int_t imodule, const Int_t itray=0) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
CalcSensorId(const Int_t imodule, const Int_t itray=0) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
CellIdPointIn(const StThreeVectorD &point) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
CellsInModule(const Int_t imodule=0, const Int_t itray=0) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | inline |
ContainOthers(TVolume *element) (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
DebugOff() (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | inlinestatic |
DebugOn() (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | inlinestatic |
DecodeCellId(const Int_t cellId, Int_t &icell, Int_t &imodule, Int_t &itray) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
DecodeSensorId(const Int_t sensorId, Int_t &imodule, Int_t &itray) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
DecodeVolumeId(const Int_t volumeId, Int_t &imodule, Int_t &itray) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
GeoRootFile() (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | inline |
GetAtOfTray(const Int_t itray=0) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
GetCellIndex(const Int_t cellId) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
GetGeomCell(const Int_t cellId) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
GetGeomSensor(const Int_t imodule, const Int_t itray=0) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
GetGeomTray(const Int_t itray=0) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
GetGeomTrayAt(const Int_t idx=0) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
GetTopNode() const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | inline |
HelixCross(const StHelixD &helix) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
HelixCross(const StHelixD &helix, IntVec validModuleVec, IntVec projTrayVec) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
HelixCrossCellIds(const StHelixD &helix, IntVec &idVec, DoubleVec &pathVec, PointVec &crossVec) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
HelixCrossCellIds(const StHelixD &helix, IntVec validModuleVec, IntVec projTrayVec, IntVec &idVec, DoubleVec &pathVec, PointVec &crossVec) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
Init(TVolume *starHall) (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
InitFromStar(TVolume *starHall) (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
IsBRMD(const TVolume *element) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | inline |
IsBSEC(const TVolume *element) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | inline |
IsBTRA(const TVolume *element) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | inline |
IsCellValid(const Int_t icell) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
IsDebugOn() (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | inlinestatic |
IsInitDone() const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | inline |
IsSensorValid(const Int_t imodule) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
IsTrayValid(const Int_t itray) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
LackThis(const char *fromWhere) (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | static |
mCellsInModule (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | protected |
mDebug (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | protectedstatic |
mInitFlag (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | protected |
mModulesInTray (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | protected |
mNValidModules (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | protected |
mNValidTrays (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | protected |
ModulesInTray(const Int_t itray=0) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | inline |
mRootFile (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | protected |
mSectorsInBTOH | StTofrGeometry | protected |
mStarHall (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | protected |
mTofrConf (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | protected |
mTofrSensor (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | protected |
mTofrTray (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | protected |
mTopNode (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | protected |
mTrays (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | protected |
mY03TrayIndex (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | protectedstatic |
NextCellId(const Int_t cellId) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
PrevCellId(const Int_t cellId) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
Print(Option_t *opt="") const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | virtual |
projTrayVector(const StHelixD &helix, IntVec &trayVec) const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
sectorPref | StTofrGeometry | protectedstatic |
senPref (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | protectedstatic |
StTofrGeometry(const char *name="tofrGeo", const char *title="Simplified Tofr Geometry") (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | |
trayPref (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | protectedstatic |
Trays() const (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry | inline |
~StTofrGeometry() (defined in StTofrGeometry) | StTofrGeometry |