This is the complete list of members for TxLogging::TxUCMCollector, including all inherited members.
ACTIVE enum value (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
CLEANUP enum value (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
DONE enum value (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
END enum value (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
FAILED enum value (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
fillEventList(StUcmEvents &event, int limit=0, int offset=0, const StRecord *job=0) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | |
fillFields(FieldList &fields) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | |
fillJobList(StUcmJobs &jobs, int limit=0, int offset=0) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | |
fillJobList(StUcmJobs &jobs, int limit, int offset, const StRecord *task) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | |
fillTaskList(StUcmTasks &tasks, int limit=0, int offset=0) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | |
fillUcmList(const char *type, RecordList &records, int limit=0, int offset=0) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | |
getEventList() (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
getEventList(StRecord *job) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
getEventList(StRecord *job, int limit) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
getEventList(int limit) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
getEventList(int limit, int offset) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
getEventList(StRecord *job, int limit, int offset) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
getJobId(const char *reqName, const char *taskBrokerId, int jobBrokerId) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
getJobList() (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
getJobList(StRecord *task) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
getJobList(StRecord *task, int limit) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
getJobList(int limit) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
getJobList(int limit, int offset) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
getJobList(StRecord *task, int limit, int offset) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
getTaskList() | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
getTaskList(int limit) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
getTaskList(int limit, int offset) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
initDb() | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | |
Level enum name (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
LEVEL_ALERT enum value (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
LEVEL_CRITICAL enum value (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
LEVEL_DEBUG enum value (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
LEVEL_ERROR enum value (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
LEVEL_FATAL enum value (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
LEVEL_INFO enum value (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
LEVEL_NOTICE enum value (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
LEVEL_TRACE enum value (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
LEVEL_UNKNOWN enum value (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
LEVEL_WARNING enum value (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
logEnd(const std::string &key, const std::string &value) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
logEnd(const char *key=TxUCMConstants::appEnd, const char *value="application ended") (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
logEvent(const std::string &logMsg, Level level=LEVEL_INFO, Stage stage=STATUS, const std::string &msgContext=TxUCMConstants::defaultContext) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
logEvent(const std::string &userKey, const std::string &userValue, Level level=LEVEL_INFO, Stage stage=STATUS, const std::string &msgContext=TxUCMConstants::defaultContext) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
logEvent(const char *logMsg, Level level=LEVEL_INFO, Stage stage=STATUS, const char *msgContext=TxUCMConstants::defaultContext) (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
logEvent(const char *userKey, const char *userValue, Level level=LEVEL_INFO, Stage stage=STATUS, const char *msgContext=TxUCMConstants::defaultContext) (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
logJobAttribute(const std::string &key, const std::string &value) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
logJobAttribute(const char *key, const char *value) (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
logJobSubmitID(const std::string &ID) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
logJobSubmitID(const char *ID) (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
logJobSubmitLocation(const std::string &url) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
logJobSubmitLocation(const char *url) (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
logJobSubmitState(State state) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
logStart(const std::string &key, const std::string &value) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
logStart(const char *key=TxUCMConstants::appStart, const char *value="application started") (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
logTask(unsigned int size=1) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
logTask(const std::string &taskAttributes) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
logTask(const char *taskAttributes) (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
main(const char *args[]) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | static |
PENDING enum value (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
processMessage(const std::string &message) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | |
processMessage(const char *message) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | |
queryEventTable(int limit=0, int offset=0) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | |
queryEventTable(const char *jobID, int limit=0, int offset=0) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | |
queryJobTable(int limit=0, int offset=0) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | |
queryJobTable(const char *taskID, int limit=0, int offset=0) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | |
queryTable(const char *tableName, int limit=0, int offset=0, const char *where=0) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | |
queryTableSize(const char *tableName) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
queryTableSize(const char *tableName, const char *where) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
queryTableSize(const char *tableName, const StRecord *where) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
queryTaskTable(int limit=0, int offset=0) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | |
setBrokerJobID(int brokerJobID) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
setBrokerTaskID(const std::string &brokerTaskID) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
setBrokerTaskID(const char *brokerTaskID) (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
setContext(const std::string &context) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
setContext(const char *context) (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
setDbJobID(int dbJobID) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
setEnvBrokerJobID(const std::string &envBrokerJobID) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
setEnvBrokerJobID(const char *envBrokerJobID) (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
setEnvBrokerTaskID(const std::string &envBrokerTaskID) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
setEnvBrokerTaskID(const char *envBrokerTaskID) (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
setJobSubmitID(const std::string &ID) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
setJobSubmitID(const char *ID) (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
setJobSubmitLocation(const std::string &url) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
setJobSubmitLocation(const char *url) (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
setJobSubmitState(State state) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
setRequesterName(const std::string &requester) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |
setRequesterName(const char *requester) (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
Stage enum name (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
STAGEIN enum value (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
STAGEOUT enum value (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
START enum value (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
startProcess() | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | |
State enum name (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
STATUS enum value (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
SUSPENDED enum value (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
TOTAL_LEVELS enum value (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
TOTAL_STATES enum value (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
TxEventLog() | TxLogging::TxEventLog | protected |
TxUCMCollector() | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | |
UNKNOWN enum value (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
UNSUBMITTED enum value (defined in TxLogging::TxEventLog) | TxLogging::TxEventLog | |
writeDown(const std::string &message) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | protectedvirtual |
writeDown(const char *message) (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | protectedvirtual |
~TxEventLog() | TxLogging::TxEventLog | virtual |
~TxUCMCollector() (defined in TxLogging::TxUCMCollector) | TxLogging::TxUCMCollector | virtual |