StRoot  1
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1 // macro to instantiate the Geant3 from within
2 // STAR C++ framework and get the starsim prompt
3 // To use it do
4 // root4star starsim.C
5 class St_geant_Maker;
6 void starsim() {
7  gROOT->Macro("Load.C");
8  gSystem->Load("libSt_g2t");
9  gSystem->Load("");
10  gSystem->Load("St_geant_Maker");
11  (new St_geant_Maker())->Init();
12  printf ("\n\n . . . . Switching to the starsim interactive session:\n");
13  TGiant3::Geant3()->GetKuipPrompt();
14  printf ("\n----------\nRestore the ROOT interactive session\n");
15 }