dmawxc's blog - Update 07.31.2018 -- Run 9 pp: Systematic Errors, Prior (R = 0.5) - July 31., 2018
- Update 07.27.2018 -- Run 9 pp: R = 0.5 charged jets unfolding (binned according to JER) - July 27., 2018
- Update 07.26.2018 -- Run 9 pp: Weird SVD Behavior - July 26., 2018
- Update 07.26.2018 -- Run 9 pp: Systematic Errors, Prior (R = 0.2) - July 26., 2018
- Collaboration Meeting Follow-Up [07.18.2018] -- EtTrg = (9, 15) Response vs. EtTrg = (9, 20) Response - July 25., 2018
- Collaboration Meeting Follow-Up [07.18.2018] -- Variable Binning According To Jet Energy Resolution - July 23., 2018
- Update 07.19.2018 -- Run 9 data: comparing different binning schemes for unfolded R = 0.2 charged spectra - July 19., 2018
- Update 07.19.2018 -- Run 9 data: unfolded R = 0.2 and R = 0.5 charged recoil jet spectra (pi0) - July 19., 2018
- Update 07.19.2018 -- Run 9 data: gamma-rich purity (proper binning) - July 19., 2018
- Update 07.19.2018 -- Run 9 data: charged recoil jet spectra vs. eTtrg (R = 0.2) - July 19., 2018
- Update 07.19.2018 -- Run 9 data: charged recoil jet spectra vs. eTtrg (R = 0.2) - July 19., 2018
- Collaboration Meeting Slides -- July 18th, 2018 - July 18., 2018
- Update 07.11.2018 -- Run 9 embedding: jet energy resolution, corrected response matrix - July 11., 2018
- Update 07.11.2018 -- Run 9 embedding: unfolding binning check - July 11., 2018
- Update 07.10.2018 -- Run 9 embedding: match candidate qT distribution - July 10., 2018
- Update 07.10.2018 -- Run 9 embedding: our efficiency vs. h-jet efficiency - July 10., 2018
- Update 07.09.2018 -- Run 9 embedding: response matrix before vs. after correcting reconstruction efficiency - July 9., 2018
- Update 07.09.2018 -- Run 9 embedding: qT comparisons - July 9., 2018
- Update 07.09.2018 -- Run 9 data: 1st stab at unfolding R = 0.3 charged pi0 recoil jets - July 9., 2018
- Update 07.09.2018 -- Run 9 embedding: closure tests using corrected reconstruction efficiency - July 9., 2018
- Update 07.05.2018 -- Run 9 embedding: corrected reconstruction efficiency - July 5., 2018