kikola's blog
- Simulations of Au+Au 200 GeV run 10 min-bias events - simple QA - November 28., 2009
- Bug #1617 - Crosscheck to MiniMc files production - August 14., 2009
- J/psi Au+Au run 7 embedding - QA for sample in /star/institutions/lbl/andrewar/embedding/data/P08if/Jpsi_100 - August 10., 2009
- Au+Au run 7 embedding - QA for sample with fixed bug 1568 (A dip of pseudorapidity distribution in embedding outputs) - August 7., 2009
- J/pis in Cu+Cu 200 GeV - the high pT contribution to dN/dy - June 24., 2009
- J/psi embedding in 200 GeV Au+Au - drift velocity check - April 28., 2009
- J/psi embedding - invariant mass and decay length issues - February 4., 2009