FMS pi0 TSSA paper with 2011+2015 pp data at 200 and 500 GeV
TITLE: Measurement of transverse single-spin asymmetries of $\pi^0$ and electromagnetic jets at forward rapidity in 200 and 500~GeV transversely polarized proton-proton collisions
Target journal: PRD
Paper now published in PRD:
Final version of analysis note:
Accepted by PRD, March 30, 2021.
Response to Referee's report (3.21, 2021), sent to PRD on March 27, 2021.
Updated version (3.27, 2021) (Note Fig. 3 & Fig. 9 updated with small change)
Update analysis note (3.27, 2021)
Referee report from PRD received Feb. 2, 2021.
Final version submitted to PRD on Dec. 21, 2020, with Nobert's final minor comments included.
Also appeared in arXiv: 2012.11428
Analysis Note: current version (v1209): ; old version: PSN0751 (v0923),
Paper draft:
Current draft v1209
Responses to institutional comments:
Reply to comments from NPI:
Reply to comments from UIC:
Reply to comments from Valparaiso:
Reply to comments from WayneState:
version for collaboration review (Oct.6)
HEPDATA table for the figures (Dec. 9)
Final eps figures (Dec.28)
GPC released on Oct. 3, author list included on Oct. 6
PA representative: Zhanwen Zhu
The STAR Collaboration reports measurements of the transverse single-spin asymmetry (TSSA) of inclusive $\pi^0$ at center-of-mass energies ($\sqrt s$) of 200~GeV and 500~GeV in transversely polarized proton-proton collisions in the pseudo-rapidity region 2.7 to 4.0. The results at the two different energies show a continuous increase of the TSSA with Feynman-$x$, and, when compared to previous measurements, no dependence on $\sqrt s$ from 19.4~GeV to 500~GeV is found. To investigate the underlying physics leading to this large TSSA, different topologies have been studied. $\pi^0$ with no nearby particles tend to have a higher TSSA than inclusive $\pi^0$. The TSSA for inclusive electromagnetic jets, sensitive to the Sivers effect in the initial state, is substantially smaller, but shows the same behavior as the inclusive $\pi^0$ asymmetry as a function of Feynman-$x$. To investigate final-state effects, the Collins asymmetry of $\pi^0$ inside electromagnetic jets has been measured. The Collins asymmetry is analyzed for its dependence on the $\pi^0$ momentum transverse to the jet thrust axis and its dependence on the fraction of jet energy carried by the $\pi^0$. The asymmetry was found to be small in each case for both center-of-mass energies. All the measurements are compared to QCD-based theoretical calculations for transverse-momentum-dependent parton distribution functions and fragmentation functions. Some discrepancies are found, which indicates new mechanisms might be involved.

Figure7: The transverse single spin asymmetry as function of Feynman-x for the isolated and non-isolated $\pi^{0}$ in transversely polarized p-p collisions at 200 and 500 GeV. The theory curves based on a latest global fit\cite{Cammarota:2020qcw} are drawn upon. The average transverse momentum of the $\pi^{0}$ for each $x_F$ bin is shown in the lower panel.

Figure 8: Fractions of isolated and non-isolated $\pi^{0}$ to the overall inclusive $\pi^{0}$ sample in the mass region 0-0.3 GeV, background subtraction being accounted for. The missing fraction includes the events between the isolated cuts: $0.9<z_{em}<0.98$ and the events whose decay photons belong to different jets.

Supporting Material Links:
Pwg meeting:
Jul Collabration meeting
Nov18 spin meeting
Paper proposal:
PWGC presentation on Dec 6
- qhxu's blog
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