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Monday January 23, 2017
Start: 2017-01-23 10:30
End: 2017-01-23 12:00
Start: 2017-01-23 10:30
End: 2017-01-23 12:30

1. CEP in run 15 paper proposal  - Rafal

2. QM talks preview

3. AOB

Start: 2017-01-23 14:00
End: 2017-01-23 15:30



Wednesday January 25, 2017
Start: 2017-01-25 11:30

- Meeting to discuss embedding progress and possible other production issues.

Start: 2017-01-25 13:30


Thursday January 26, 2017
Start: 2017-01-26 10:00
End: 2017-01-26 12:00
Friday January 27, 2017
Start: 2017-01-27 11:00
End: 2017-01-27 12:30
Monday January 30, 2017
Start: 2017-01-30 10:30
End: 2017-01-30 12:30


Start: 2017-01-30 10:30
End: 2017-01-30 12:00
Start: 2017-01-30 13:00

 - Machine, Detector Status
 - Trigger Request Summary

Start: 2017-01-30 14:00
End: 2017-01-30 15:30

1) QM presentations and preQM meeting 
    any issues with results or presentations 

Wednesday February 01, 2017
Start: 2017-02-01 08:00
Start: 2017-02-01 11:30
Start: 2017-02-01 13:30
Thursday February 02, 2017
Start: 2017-02-02 10:00
End: 2017-02-02 12:00
Friday February 03, 2017
Start: 2017-02-03 12:00
Saturday February 04, 2017
Start: 2017-02-01 08:00
End: 2017-02-04 12:00
Monday February 06, 2017
Start: 2017-02-06 10:30
End: 2017-02-06 12:00
Start: 2017-02-06 10:30
End: 2017-02-06 12:30
Start: 2017-02-06 14:00
End: 2017-02-06 15:30
Tuesday February 07, 2017
Start: 2017-02-07 10:00


- proposal is basically final version see at

Wednesday February 08, 2017
Start: 2017-02-08 11:30
Start: 2017-02-08 13:30
Thursday February 09, 2017
Start: 2017-02-09 10:00
End: 2017-02-09 12:00
Friday February 10, 2017
Start: 2017-02-10 12:00
Monday February 13, 2017
Start: 2017-02-13 10:30
End: 2017-02-13 12:00
Start: 2017-02-13 10:30
End: 2017-02-13 12:30
Start: 2017-02-13 14:00
End: 2017-02-13 15:30

1) run preparation and status 

2) QM2017 recap 

3) propose a monthly spokesperson+council chair meeting? 

Start: 2017-02-13 14:00
End: 2017-02-13 15:30
Wednesday February 15, 2017
Start: 2017-02-15 11:30
Start: 2017-02-15 13:30
Thursday February 16, 2017
Start: 2017-02-16 10:00
End: 2017-02-16 12:00
Start: 2017-02-16 16:00
End: 2017-02-16 17:00

SRN ID: 1096183

EVO Phone Bridge Telephone Numbers:
- USA (BNL, Upton, NY)
+1 631 344 6100

- USA (Caltech, Pasadena, CA)
+1 626 395 2112

Friday February 17, 2017
Start: 2017-02-17 11:00
End: 2017-02-17 12:30
Start: 2017-02-17 12:00
Monday February 20, 2017
Start: 2017-02-20 10:30
End: 2017-02-20 12:00
Start: 2017-02-20 10:30
End: 2017-02-20 12:30
Start: 2017-02-20 14:00
End: 2017-02-20 15:30