Au+Au 200GeV
Last BUR under the assumption of 22 cryo-weeks for Au+Au 200 and pp510.
run period of Au+Au collisions at at √sNN = 200 GeV, integrating 10 nb-1 of luminosity with rare triggers for Upsilon states, gamma-jet correlations, B->J/ψ and J/ψ production, and 2 billion minbias events for Λc and differential studies of charm flow and correlations. A total integrated luminosity of over 20nb-1 with the combination of run14 and run16 provides the necessary statistics for a measurement of each of the three Upsilon states. We also request to collect 2 billion minimum-bias Au+Au collision events at √sNN = 200 GeV in Run16. A new set of the inner HFT (PXL layers) with Aluminum cables will be installed for run16 with significantly reduced multiple-scattering. We have also proposed to improve the effectiveness of online vertex selection of collisions within the HFT fiducial coverage. The effective figure of merit in terms of statistics for the signal increases by about a factor of 6 for low pT D0 in comparison to the dataset taken in run14 due to reduced cabling material and improved online vertex selection. This significant improvement will allow us to perform differential studies on the charmed hadron yields, flow and correlations in several centralities. More importantly, the high statistics and the improved pointing resolution for low momentum tracks will make the Λc measurement feasible (cτ of Λc ~ 60 μm).
The file discussion issues on the HI running for run-16 is attached in this page.
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