STAR Protected

Expected Resource needs from STAR Operations for Upgrades in FY09

Speaker : Zhangbu Xu ( BNL )

Talk time : 09:00, Duration : 00:20

2008.11.11 Yields vs. analysis cuts

Ilya Selyuzhenkov November 11, 2008

Data sets:

STAR Management Meeting

2008-11-12 10:00
2008-11-12 11:00
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
BNL, 50-I-189, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

Conference Phone Number: 510 486 7333

   Time:  10 - 11 am EDT

 * --===================================--*


    1)    FY09 R&D and Capital Funds -         All
    2)    Report from the Shifts Committee -        Olga
    3)    Run8 p+p data production status -         Bedanga/Jerome
    4)    Progress with the difficult manuscripts –     Helen and Jamie
    5)    Rotation of PWG conveners: UPC and HF -     All
    6)    QM09 abstract deadline for PWG: 1st Dec. -        Bedanga
* --===================================--*

    Brief Summary:

   1) Attending: Bill, Zhangbu, Jamie, Nu, Olga, Bedanga

   2) Rotation of PWG conveners: UPC and HF: Nu discussed with Janet (UPC) and Manuel& Alex.

     Janet: agreed to proceed. She will provide the list of the active members soon.

     Manuel: agreed to proceed. More discussion between Nu and Alex on when to happen. Alex already send in a list of the active members.



    1) STAR Regional meeting at VECC: Nov. 24 - 25

    2) QM09 abstract deadline: Dec. 15th

    3) BES meeting: Dec. 17-18 at BNL: summarise goals and next steps in BES


11 Nov

November 2008 posts


2008.11.06 Gamma-jet reconstruction with the Endcap EMC (Analysis status update)

Ilya Selyuzhenkov November 06, 2008

2008.10.30 Distance to cut line from sided residual

Figure 1: Case A

2008.10.30 Sided residual

Figure 1: Case A

2008.10.30 Smd emergy for right tail (3 to 30 strips)

Figure 1: Case A

2008.10.30 Smd emergy for left tail (-3 to -30 strips)

Figure 1: Case A

2008.10.30 Smd energy for 25 central strips

Figure 1: Case A

2008.10.30 Smd energy for 5 central strips

Figure 1: Case A

2008.10.30 SMD shower shapes: data, raw, and data-driven MC (12 strips)

Figure 1: Case A

2008.10.30 SMD shower shapes: data, raw, and data-driven MC (30 strips)

Figure 1: Case A

2008.10.30 Various cuts study (pt, Esmd, 8 strips replaced)

Ilya Selyuzhenkov October 30, 2008

STAR Management Meeting

2008-10-29 10:00
2008-10-29 11:00
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
BNL, 50-I-189, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

Conference Phone Number: 510 486 7333

   Time:  10 - 11 am EDT

 * --===================================--*


    0) Requests of captial funds for FY09 - Bill

    1) Requests  of R&D funds for FY09 - Helen/Zhangbu

    2) Run07 issues - Jerome/Bedanga

   3) AOB

* --===================================--*

    Brief Summary:

   1) Will have a special Management meeting to discuss the funding problems, next Monday, 130pm EST.

   2) Next Coll. meeting: in the week of Sept. 14th, Yale or Berkeley / Next analysis meeting: in the week of July 6th, at MIT.


Bulk Correlations Physics Working Group EVO meeting

2008-10-29 11:00
2008-10-29 12:30
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
EVO, STAR Community, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 01:30
Meeting is locked (you cannot add new talks anymore)

Please upload agenda items, or links to agenda items

2008.10.27 SMD-based shower shape scaling: 25 strips cluster energy, raw vs. data-driven MC

Ilya Selyuzhenkov October 27, 2008

Data sets:

STAR Management Meeting

2008-10-22 10:00
2008-10-22 11:00
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
BNL, 50-I-189, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

Conference Phone Number: 510 486 7333

   Time:  10 - 11 am EDT

 * --===================================--*


    0) Joule targets for FY09 - Bill

    1) QM09 speaker discussions - Nu

    2) STAR computing plan - Jerome

* --===================================--*

    Brief Summary:

    0) Performance Goal for FY09: # of events to be recorded, 4 weeks at 500 GeV p+p collisions, 11 weeks at 200 GeV p+p collisions.

       - 150Hz, 50hr/week, HT/jet patch trigger for W I.D.+M.B., ~120M events for 500 GeV p+p collisions.

       - 400+Hz, 63hr/week,  ~ 900M events for 200 GeV p+p collisions.

         Bernd will discuss this in Spin group for discussions.

2008.10.21 Shower shapes, 5/25 strips cluster energy, raw vs. data-driven MC

Ilya Selyuzhenkov October 21, 2008

Data sets:

2008.10.15 Purity vs. efficiency from gamma-filtered events: R_cluster > 0.9 vs. R_cluster > 0.98

Ilya Selyuzhenkov October 15, 2008

Data sets: