STAR Protected
STAR Management Meeting
BNL, 50-I-189, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
Conference Phone Number: 510 486 7333
Time: 10 - 11 am EDT
* --===================================--*
1) Upgrade Issues - Helen/Zhangbu
2) Activities at WAH - Bill
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Brief Summary:
* --===================================--*
News and Other Meetings:
1) STAR Reginal Meeting and QGP Meeting, Nov. 24-28, 2008, VECC, Kolkata, India
Contact: Subhasis Chattopadhyay,
2) List of student's thesis topics in STAR
3) QM09 STAR highlight tals (2), parallel talks, individual invited talks
RP detection at low energies using the BBC
Updated on Fri, 2008-09-26 09:09 by ypandit. Originally created by barannik on 2008-09-10 12:41.Reference
Speaker : Yadav Pandit
Talk time : 17:15, Duration : 00:20
2008.09.09 Maximum sided residual with shower shapes sorted by uv- and pre-shower bins
Ilya Selyuzhenkov September 09, 2008
Data sets:
STAR Management Meeting
BNL, 50-I-189, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
Conference Phone Number: 510 486 7333
Time: 10- 11 am EDT
* --===================================--*
1) STAR PWG regrouping report feedback - Nu
2) FGT Upgrade Status and Issues
3) Upgrade Issues - Helen/Zhangbu
* --===================================--*
Brief Summary:
* --===================================--*
News and Other Meetings:
1) STAR Reginal Meeting and QGP Meeting, Nov. 24-28, 2008, VECC, Kolkata, India
Contact: Subhasis Chattopadhyay,
2) List of student's thesis topics in STAR
09 Sep
September 2008 posts
STAR Management Meeting
BNL, 50-I-189, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 00:59
Conference Phone Number: 510 486 7333
Time: 10- 11 am EDT
* --===================================--*
1) STAR PWG regrouping report - Jamie
2) FY09 upgrade calls - Nu
3) AOB
* --===================================--*
Brief Summary:
PWG regrouping: 1) forward the report to PWGC/STAR; 2) talk to relevant people; 3) start to consider co-conveners (charge)
paper preview:
PWG webpage should be kept in good shape:
Upgrade: Helen/ZHangbu will pdate the upgrade webpage and make a draft of the FY09 R&D call
* --===================================--*
News and Other Meetings:
1) In response to DoE's call on better management for upgrade projects at RHIC, we had a meeting last Friday about STAR upgrade issues. Zhangbu, Flemming, Bill, Jamie, Nu were at the meeting. We discussed several issues. One of them is the protocal for proposal. In the future, we decide to take the following path:
Step 1: STAR internal review
Step 2: Advisory board comments/suggestions
Step 3: Spokeperson/Management office
Step 4: Seek comments from STAR Council
Step 5: send to BNL and DoE
2) Last Friday, Aug. 29, we had a meeting regarding to STAR computing plan. Steve, Tom, Hans Georg, Tim, Jerome, Jamie and Nu were at the meeting. We agreed that STAR willl prepare its computing plan by the end of Sept. and LBNL colleagues will use the info to prepare a proposal to DoE for the future STAR computing avtivities at PDSF.
3) QM09 abstract submisson deadline: Dec. 15, 2008
2008.08.27 Gamma-jet candidates detector position for different pre-shower conditions
Ilya Selyuzhenkov August 27, 2008
Data sets:
2008.08.26 Shower shape: more constrains for pre1>4E-3 bin
Ilya Selyuzhenkov August 26, 2008
Data sets:
A_LL Details
Details on the A_LL result and the systematic studies:
The result in numbers:
Bin | <p_T> [GeV]
Neutral Pion Paper: 2005 ALL & <z>Neutral Pion Paper for 2005 data: Final Results. There are two spin plots planned for the paper, one with the 2005 A_LL and one with the <z>. 2008.08.25 di-jets from pp2008 vs pp2006 dataIlya Selyuzhenkov August 25, 2008 Data sets: STAR Management Meeting 2008-08-27 10:00
2008-08-27 10:59
Wednesday, 27 August 2008 BNL, 50-I-189, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 00:59 Conference Phone Number: 510 486 7333 Time: 10- 11 am EDT * --===================================--* Agenda: 1) FY07 / FY08 data production and QA - Bedanaga 2) QM09 physics topics - All 3) Analyss meeting agena - Bedanga 4) AOB --===================================--* Brief Summary: 1) dAu production 28M done (46 M total). See for status. 2) Need specific info on the rquested 1M pp events. Bedanga will contact Spin PWG. 3) QA: (a) dAu: from Spectra PWG: (b) dAu: from HF PWG: (c) AuAu (FY07) from Hipt PWG: (d) E-by-E and strangeness PWG has started QA for FY07. 4) Meeting of QA, includ all conveners, update QA plots. The same is for embedding. Starts during the Friday and Analysis meeting. 5) QM09 physics topics: (i) high pt J/psi (spectra); (ii) CGC info from FMS (continue discusson for details); (iii) Upsilon from dAu (HF); (iv) non-photonic electrons (spectra); (v) jet-reconstruction (hipT) 6) Analysis Agenda and Collaboration meeting data (March xxx, 2009)
* --===================================--* News and Other Meetings: 1) The paper on "Systematic Measurements of Identified Particle Spectra in $pp$, d+Au and Au+Au Collisions from STAR " has been submitted to PRC. The arXiv is 0808.2041. Since the paper contains the new corrected results for the charged pion data from 130 GeV Au+Au collisions, we have send a withdraw note to the unpublished paper arXiv: The comment reads: "Please note that the charged pion results from Au+Au collisions at sqrt{s_{NN}}=130 GeV at RHIC presented in this manuscript are superseded by the new results in a more comprehensive analysis. The paper reference is arXiv:0808.2041" 2) Friday, Aug. 29th, we will have an meeting discuss future upgrade issues in STAR Meeting room: 50, I-189 Meeting time: 10 am - 12 noon 3) Friday, Aug. 29th, we will have an meeting discuss STAR computing plan and issues with PDSF. Meeting room: 50, small Orange room Meeting time: 13.30 - 14:30 pm 2008.08.19 Shower shape from pp2008 vs pp2006 dataIlya Selyuzhenkov August 19, 2008 Data sets: Update on PWG restructuring - Committee ReportUpdated on Mon, 2008-08-18 17:10. Originally created by bedanga on 2008-08-18 17:10.08 AugAugust 2008 posts
Status of SPIN 2008 TalksUpdated on Fri, 2008-09-05 09:21. Originally created by bedanga on 2008-08-09 11:11.
Status of SQM2008 talksUpdated on Wed, 2008-09-17 11:52. Originally created by bedanga on 2008-08-09 11:09.