Integration Status



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Official Area
StRoot/ StPxlClusterMaker/ Review complete Deployed
StPxlDbMaker/ Review complete Deployed
StPxlHitMaker/ Review complete Deployed
StPxlMonMaker/ StPxlQAMaker/ Under review. Non critical for data reconstruction chain  
StPxlRawHitMaker/ Review complete Deployed
StPxlSimMaker/ Review complete Deployed
StPxlUtil/ Review complete Deployed
StEvent/ XXX: List individual files for clarity Deployed. May benefit from changes as for IST. For example, there are constants defined multiple times
StiPxl/   Deployed but still may benefit from a review
StarDb/Geometry/pxl/ Currently we use the local tables in this directory. Not clear if we can run without them. Need to understand what is available in the official STAR DB tables DB tables initialized
StRoot/ StIstCalibrationMaker/ To be reviewed. Non critical for data reconstruction chain  
StIstClusterMaker/ Review complete Deployed
StIstDbMaker/ Review complete Deployed
Review complete Deployed
StIstHitMaker/ Review complete Deployed
StIstQAMaker/ To be reviewed. Non critical for data reconstruction chain. Should it be renamed to StIstMonMaker similar to StPxlMonMaker?  
StIstRawHitMaker/ Review complete Deployed
StIstUtil/ Review complete Deployed
StEvent/ Reviewed by Thomas. XXX: List individual files for clarity. There seems to be an issue with StIstFastSimMaker that depends on StEvent Deployed
StiIst   Deployed but still may benefit from a review
StarDb/Geometry/ist Currently we use the local tables in this directory. Not clear if we can run without them. Need to understand what is available in the official STAR DB tables DB tables initialized
StRoot/ StSsdClusterMaker/   Empty module. The code is in StSsdPointMaker/
StSsdDaqMaker/   Expect new code in StSstDaqMaker/
StSsdDbMaker/   Reuse existing code
StSsdMonMaker/ Updates available in Jonathan's private directory Updated existing module with SST related code
StSsdEvalMaker/   Empty module. Apparently not used
StSsdFastSimMaker/   Reuse existing code
StSsdPointMaker/ Updates available in Jonathan's private directory Updated existing module with SST related code
StSsdSimulationMaker/   Reuse existing code
StSsdUtil/   Reuse existing code
StSstDaqMaker/ Peer review in progress...  
StiSsd   Updated existing module with SST related code
StarDb/Geometry/ssd/   Directory exists but the content is ~3 years old

       — Implementation stage
       — Review stage
       — Code can be moved to $CVSROOT
       — Ready for extensive testing with production libraries