Check out the software you want to change or work with, eg.
cvs co StRoot/StTrsMaker
Now edit files as needed.
Compile & Make Library
Software modules are incorporated into root4star by
dynamically loading shared libraries. Incorporating your
own changes to a module involves building your own
shared library for the module.
Make shared libraries for all of your checked out software:
> makel (from your working directory) OR
> makel -C StRoot/StTrsMaker (to build a particular package)
Or using the new cons build tool,
> cons (from your working directory) OR
> cons +StTrsMaker
(See 'man cons' and see
the cons
If you change a table and have to rebuild the table library,
you need to check out pams/tables and do cons +tables.
If you mess it up and have to do it again, you might need to do:
> makel clean (or cons -r)
If it's *really* messed up, or as a first attempt at a fix
any time you're getting build problems you don't understand,
you should delete autogenerated files and redo the make:
> rm -rf .share .$STAR_SYS
> makel (or cons)
Run your version of the software
> root4star myMacro.C
When a shared library is loaded, the first location checked in
the search path to find the library is your local area, so
any software components that you have built will be loaded in
preference to the central library versions.