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System Makers
STAR framework is a simple framework. All the work provided by makers only. So there are user Makers and system makers. System makers:
- StBFChain is a top maker for reconstruction. It creates a maker tree using set of flags.
- Set of I/O makers: StIOMaker,StTreeMaker, StDAQMaker. StIOMaker is a top I/O maker. Depending of the file type it calls appropriate I/O maker.
- StGeantMaker (St_geant_Maker) reads GEANT data. It can also to run real GEANT;
- StDBMaker(St_db_Maker) request data from MySql DB or from set of UNIX directories;
- StEventMaker: collects data objects and creates the basic STAR Data Object - StEvent.
With except of StBFChain and StGeantMaker, all these makers could have several instantiations in the maker Tree.