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Data Object Name
Each Data Object has a name, which is used in search. It is desirable that this name is unique. But it is not always possible. There are problems with the name search:
- The search strategy gives the wrong object with correct name;
- The name was changed, but requested name in maker still the old one. To modify the code is a bad idea. This maker could be used in other Maker Tree with this name;
- User creates a new maker, but he does not know which name of object will be used in a future application.
All these problems are solved by Logical Name approach. The method GetDataSet(name) actually use not real name but a logical one. By default, these names are the same. But this could be changed by.
StMaker::SetAlias(logName,actName); This method is called in steering part, where Makers are instantiated. So no need to change the code and all problems are solved.