MuDst information pages
General introduction
If you're new to Star or the MuDst, click
Some example macros can be
found in $STAR/StRoot/macros/mudst
(also in CVS)
Usage notes
All the Mudst code is available in CVS
and on dOxygen.
Search there for function names etc. Below is some more general
information on usage. Some background information on the file and class
layouts is provided on a separate page.
Tracks and vertices
The muDst contains lists of global tracks and primary tracks (fitted to
the primary vertex). Both are stored as StMuTrack.
Starting from software version SL05f, the MuDst allows for multiple
primary vertices, to deal with pile-up events. If you use the
StMuDstMaker to read files, no special care is needed in most cases,
since you will automatically be presented with the best primary vertex
and it's primary tracks. Be aware, however, that global tracks can
originate from pile-up vertices.
EMC information
For the calorimeters, the raw ADC information (after zero-suppression
for the SMDs) is stored on the MuDst. The reason for this is that
calibration constants and sometimes vene pedestal values only become
available after the run. For normal analysis, one needs to run the StEmcADCtoEMaker
to generate calibrated EMC signals, which are stored in StEmcCollection
(StMuDst::emcCollection()). In addition, makers can be run for
clustering, such as StPreEclMaker and StEpcMaker from the barrel
calorimeter. An example script for running this is exampleEmc.C.
To optimise your analysis,
please have a look at the instructions
for reading selected branches
from the MuDst.
These pages are maintained by Marco
van Leeuwen. If you have questions or comments, please contact me.