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1 // This class has been automatically generated
3 // (Thu Nov 29 16:25:03 2001 by ROOT version3.02/01)
4 // from TTree Bichsel/H.Bichel Calculation Summary
5 // found on file: dEdx2T.root
9 #ifndef Bichsel_h
10 #define Bichsel_h
11 //#define P03ia
12 #include "TString.h"
13 #include "dEdxParameterization.h"
14 class tpcCorrection_st;
15 class Bichsel {
16  public:
17  enum EParTypes {kP10, kBichsel, kPAI, kTotal};
18  private:
19  static TString m_Tags[kTotal];
20  Int_t m_Type;
21  TString m_Tag;
22  static dEdxParameterization *m_dEdxParameterizations[kTotal];
23  dEdxParameterization *m_dEdxParameterization;
24  static Bichsel *fgBichsel;
25  public:
26  Bichsel(const Char_t *tag="P10", Int_t keep3D=0);
27  virtual ~Bichsel() {fgBichsel = 0;};
28  static Bichsel* Instance(const Char_t *tag="P10", Int_t keep3D=0);
29  static Double_t GetdEdxResolution(Int_t k=1, Double_t TrackLengthInTPC=60);
30  static Double_t GetdEdxResolution(Double_t *x, Double_t *p);
31  static Double_t CalcCorrection(const tpcCorrection_st *cor,const Double_t x);
32  static Double_t SumSeries(const Double_t &X,const Int_t &N,const Double_t *params);
33  static void Clean();
34  Double_t GetMostProbableZ(Double_t log10bg, Double_t log2dx = 1.) {
35  return m_dEdxParameterization->GetMostProbableZ(log10bg,log2dx);
36  }
37  Double_t GetMostProbableZM(Double_t log10bg, Double_t log2dx = 1.) {
38  return m_dEdxParameterization->GetMostProbableZM(log10bg,log2dx);
39  }
40  Double_t GetAverageZ(Double_t log10bg, Double_t log2dx = 1.) {
41  return m_dEdxParameterization->GetAverageZ(log10bg,log2dx);
42  }
43  Double_t GetAverageZM(Double_t log10bg, Double_t log2dx = 1.) {
44  return m_dEdxParameterization->GetAverageZM(log10bg,log2dx);
45  }
46  Double_t GetRmsZ(Double_t log10bg, Double_t log2dx = 1.) {
47  return m_dEdxParameterization->GetRmsZ(log10bg,log2dx);
48  }
49  Double_t GetI70(Double_t log10bg, Double_t log2dx = 1.) {
50  return m_dEdxParameterization->GetI70(log10bg,log2dx);
51  }
52  Double_t GetI70M(Double_t log10bg, Double_t log2dx = 1.) {
53  return m_dEdxParameterization->GetI70M(log10bg,log2dx);
54  }
55  Double_t GetI60(Double_t log10bg, Double_t log2dx = 1.) {
56  return m_dEdxParameterization->GetI60(log10bg,log2dx);
57  }
58  Double_t GetMostProbabledEdx(Double_t log10bg, Double_t log2dx = 1.) {
59  return m_dEdxParameterization->GetMostProbabledEdx(log10bg,log2dx);
60  }
61  Double_t GetdEdxWidth(Double_t log10bg, Double_t log2dx = 1.) {
62  return m_dEdxParameterization->GetdEdxWidth(log10bg,log2dx);
63  }
64  Double_t GetProbability(Double_t log10bg, Double_t log2dx, Double_t z) {
65  return m_dEdxParameterization->GetProbability(log10bg,log2dx,z);}
66  const dEdxParameterization *Parameterization() {return m_dEdxParameterization;}
67  virtual void Print();
68  const Char_t *Tag() const {return m_dEdxParameterization->Tag();}
69  const TProfile2D *P() const {return m_dEdxParameterization->P();}
70  const TProfile2D *A() const {return m_dEdxParameterization->A();}
71  const TProfile2D *I70() const {return m_dEdxParameterization->I70();}
72  const TProfile2D *I60() const {return m_dEdxParameterization->I60();}
73  const TProfile2D *D() const {return m_dEdxParameterization->D();}
74  const TProfile2D *Rms() const {return m_dEdxParameterization->Rms();}
75  const TProfile2D *W() const {return m_dEdxParameterization->W();}
76  const TH3D *Phi() const {return m_dEdxParameterization->Phi();}
77  const TH1D *I70Trs (Int_t part = KPidParticles) const {return m_dEdxParameterization->I70Trs( part);} // Estimation for I70 from TpcRS
78  const TH1D *I70TrsB (Int_t part = KPidParticles) const {return m_dEdxParameterization->I70TrsB(part);} // Estimation for I70 - Bichsel from TpcRS
79  const TH1D *I70TrsS (Int_t part = KPidParticles) const {return m_dEdxParameterization->I70TrsS(part);} // Estimation for relative sigma bg dependence for I70 from TpcRS normalized to MIP
80  const TH1D *IfitTrs (Int_t part = KPidParticles) const {return m_dEdxParameterization->IfitTrs(part);} // Estimation for Ifit from TpcRS
81  const TH1D *IfitTrsB(Int_t part = KPidParticles) const {return m_dEdxParameterization->IfitTrsB(part);} // Estimation for Ifit - Bichsel from TpcRS
82  const TH1D *IfitTrsS(Int_t part = KPidParticles) const {return m_dEdxParameterization->IfitTrsS(part);} // Estimation for relative sigma bg dependence for Ifit from TpcRS normalized to MIP
83  Double_t I70Trs (Int_t part, Double_t log10bg) const {return m_dEdxParameterization->Get(I70Trs (part), log10bg);} // Estimation for I70 from TpcRS
84  Double_t I70TrsB (Int_t part, Double_t log10bg) const {return m_dEdxParameterization->Get(I70TrsB (part), log10bg);} // Estimation for I70 - Bichsel from TpcRS
85  Double_t I70TrsS (Int_t part, Double_t log10bg) const {return m_dEdxParameterization->Get(I70TrsS (part), log10bg);} // Estimation for relative sigma beta*gamma dependence for I70 from TpcRS normalized to MIP
86  Double_t IfitTrs (Int_t part, Double_t log10bg) const {return m_dEdxParameterization->Get(IfitTrs (part), log10bg);} // Estimation for Ifit from TpcRS
87  Double_t IfitTrsB(Int_t part, Double_t log10bg) const {return m_dEdxParameterization->Get(IfitTrsB(part), log10bg);} // Estimation for Ifit - Bichsel from TpcRS
88  Double_t IfitTrsS(Int_t part, Double_t log10bg) const {return m_dEdxParameterization->Get(IfitTrsS(part), log10bg);} // Estimation for relative sigma beta*gamma dependence for Ifit from TpcRS normalized to MIP
89  Double_t MostProbableZShift() {return m_dEdxParameterization->MostProbableZShift();}
90  Double_t AverageZShift () {return m_dEdxParameterization->AverageZShift();}
91  Double_t I70Shift () {return m_dEdxParameterization->I70Shift();}
92  Double_t I60Shift () {return m_dEdxParameterization->I60Shift();}
94  ClassDef(Bichsel,0)
95 };
96 // $Id: Bichsel.h,v 1.15 2015/12/24 00:16:25 fisyak Exp $
97 // $Log: Bichsel.h,v $
98 // Revision 1.15 2015/12/24 00:16:25 fisyak
99 // Add TpcRS model and macros
100 //
101 #endif
Bichsel(const Char_t *tag="P10", Int_t keep3D=0)
last instance
Definition: Bichsel.cxx:10