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1 // Matt.Dobbs@Cern.CH, October 2002
3 // Herwig 6.400 IO class
6 #include "HepMC/IO_HERWIG.h"
7 #include "HepMC/GenEvent.h"
8 #include <cstdio> // needed for formatted output using sprintf
10 namespace HepMC {
12  IO_HERWIG::IO_HERWIG() : m_trust_mothers_before_daughters(false),
13  m_trust_both_mothers_and_daughters(true),
14  m_print_inconsistency_errors(true),
15  m_no_gaps_in_barcodes(true),
16  m_herwig_to_pdg_id(100,0)
17  {
18  // These arrays are copied from Lynn Garren's stdhep 5.01-5.06.
19  // see
20  // Translation from HERWIG particle ID's to PDG particle ID's.
21  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[1] =1;
22  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[2] =2;
23  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[3] =3;
24  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[4] =4;
25  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[5] =5;
26  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[6] =6;
27  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[7] =7;
28  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[8] =8;
30  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[11] =11;
31  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[12] =12;
32  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[13] =13;
33  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[14] =14;
34  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[15] =15;
35  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[16] =16;
37  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[21] =21;
38  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[22] =22;
39  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[23] =23;
40  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[24] =24;
41  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[25] =25;
42  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[26] =51; // <-- H_L0 (redundant with h0(25))
44  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[32] =32;
45  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[35] =35;
46  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[36] =36;
47  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[37] =37;
48  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[39] =39;
50  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[40] =40; //Charybdis Black Hole
52  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[81] =81;
53  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[82] =82;
54  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[83] =83;
55  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[84] =84;
56  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[85] =85;
57  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[86] =86;
58  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[87] =87;
59  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[88] =88;
60  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[89] =89;
61  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[90] =90;
63  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[91] =91;
64  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[92] =92;
65  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[93] =93;
66  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[94] =94;
67  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[95] =95;
68  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[96] =96;
69  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[97] =97;
70  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[98] =9920022; // <-- remnant photon
71  m_herwig_to_pdg_id[99] =9922212; // <-- remnant nucleon
73  // These particle ID's have no antiparticle, so aren't allowed.
74  m_no_antiparticles.insert(-21);
75  m_no_antiparticles.insert(-22);
76  m_no_antiparticles.insert(-23);
77  m_no_antiparticles.insert(-25);
78  m_no_antiparticles.insert(-51);
79  m_no_antiparticles.insert(-35);
80  m_no_antiparticles.insert(-36);
81  }
85  void IO_HERWIG::print( std::ostream& ostr ) const {
86  ostr << "IO_HERWIG: reads an event from the FORTRAN Herwig HEPEVT "
87  << "common block. \n"
88  << " trust_mothers_before_daughters = "
89  << m_trust_mothers_before_daughters
90  << " trust_both_mothers_and_daughters = "
91  << m_trust_both_mothers_and_daughters
92  << " print_inconsistency_errors = "
93  << m_print_inconsistency_errors << std::endl;
94  }
99  //
100  // 0. Test that evt pointer is not null and set event number
101  if ( !evt ) {
102  std::cerr
103  << "IO_HERWIG::fill_next_event error - passed null event."
104  << std::endl;
105  return false;
106  }
108  // 1. First we have to fix the HEPEVT input, which is all mucked up for
109  // herwig.
110  repair_hepevt();
113  // Herwig units are GeV and mm
114  // It would be nice to set the units right here,
115  // but this could cause problems with existing code that
116  // might convert GeV to MeV without calling the appropriate HepMC method
118  //
119  // 2. create a particle instance for each HEPEVT entry and fill a map
120  // create a vector which maps from the HEPEVT particle index to the
121  // GenParticle address
122  // (+1 in size accounts for hepevt_particle[0] which is unfilled)
123  std::vector<GenParticle*> hepevt_particle(
125  hepevt_particle[0] = 0;
126  for ( int i1 = 1; i1 <= HEPEVT_Wrapper::number_entries(); ++i1 ) {
127  hepevt_particle[i1] = build_particle(i1);
128  }
129  std::set<GenVertex*> new_vertices;
130  //
131  // Here we assume that the first two particles in the list
132  // are the incoming beam particles.
133  // Best make sure this is done before any rearranging...
134  evt->set_beam_particles( hepevt_particle[1], hepevt_particle[2] );
135  //
136  // 3. We need to take special care with the hard process
137  // vertex. The problem we are trying to avoid is when the
138  // partons entering the hard process also have daughters from
139  // the parton shower. When this happens, each one can get its
140  // own decay vertex, making it difficult to join them
141  // later. We handle it by joining them together first, then
142  // the other daughters get added on later.
143  // Find the partons entering the hard vertex (status codes 121, 122).
144  int index_121 = 0;
145  int index_122 = 0;
146  for ( int i = 1; i <=HEPEVT_Wrapper::number_entries(); i++ ) {
147  if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::status(i)==121 ) index_121=i;
148  if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::status(i)==122 ) index_122=i;
149  if ( index_121!=0 && index_122!=0 ) break;
150  }
151  if ( index_121 && index_122 ) {
152  GenVertex* hard_vtx = new GenVertex();
153  hard_vtx->add_particle_in( hepevt_particle[index_121] );
154  hard_vtx->add_particle_in( hepevt_particle[index_122] );
155  // evt->add_vertex( hard_vtx ); // not necessary, its done in
156  // set_signal_process_vertex
157  //BPK - Atlas -> index_hard retained if it is a boson
158  int index_hard = 0;
159  for ( int i = 1; i <=HEPEVT_Wrapper::number_entries(); i++ ) {
160  if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::status(i)==120 ) index_hard=i;
161  if ( index_hard!=0 ) break;
162  }
164  if ( index_hard!=0) {
165  hard_vtx->add_particle_out( hepevt_particle[index_hard] );
166  GenVertex* hard_vtx2 = new GenVertex();
167  hard_vtx2->add_particle_in( hepevt_particle[index_hard] );
168  for ( int i = 1; i <= HEPEVT_Wrapper::number_entries(); ++i ) {
169  if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_parent(i)==index_hard ) {
170  hard_vtx2->add_particle_out( hepevt_particle[i] );
171  }
172  }
173  evt->set_signal_process_vertex( hard_vtx );
174  evt->set_signal_process_vertex( hard_vtx2 );
175  }
176  else {
177  evt->set_signal_process_vertex( hard_vtx );
178  }
179  //BPK - Atlas -<
180  }
181  //
182  // 4. loop over HEPEVT particles AGAIN, this time creating vertices
183  for ( int i = 1; i <= HEPEVT_Wrapper::number_entries(); ++i ) {
184  // We go through and build EITHER the production or decay
185  // vertex for each entry in hepevt, depending on the switch
186  // m_trust_mothers_before_daughters (new 2001-02-28)
187  // Note: since the HEPEVT pointers are bi-directional, it is
189  //
190  // 3. Build the production_vertex (if necessary)
191  if ( m_trust_mothers_before_daughters ||
192  m_trust_both_mothers_and_daughters ) {
193  build_production_vertex( i, hepevt_particle, evt );
194  }
195  //
196  // 4. Build the end_vertex (if necessary)
197  // Identical steps as for production vertex
198  if ( !m_trust_mothers_before_daughters ||
199  m_trust_both_mothers_and_daughters ) {
200  build_end_vertex( i, hepevt_particle, evt );
201  }
202  }
203  // 5. 01.02.2000
204  // handle the case of particles in HEPEVT which come from nowhere -
205  // i.e. particles without mothers or daughters.
206  // These particles need to be attached to a vertex, or else they
207  // will never become part of the event. check for this situation.
208  for ( int i3 = 1; i3 <= HEPEVT_Wrapper::number_entries(); ++i3 ) {
209  // Herwig also has some non-physical entries in HEPEVT
210  // like CMS, HARD, and CONE. These are flagged by
211  // repair_hepevt by making their status and id zero. We
212  // delete those particles here.
213  if ( hepevt_particle[i3] && !hepevt_particle[i3]->parent_event()
214  && !hepevt_particle[i3]->pdg_id()
215  && !hepevt_particle[i3]->status() ) {
216  //std::cout << "IO_HERWIG::fill_next_event is deleting null "
217  // << "particle" << std::endl;
218  //hepevt_particle[i3]->print();
219  delete hepevt_particle[i3];
220  } else if ( hepevt_particle[i3] &&
221  !hepevt_particle[i3]->end_vertex() &&
222  !hepevt_particle[i3]->production_vertex() ) {
223  GenVertex* prod_vtx = new GenVertex();
224  prod_vtx->add_particle_out( hepevt_particle[i3] );
225  evt->add_vertex( prod_vtx );
226  }
227  }
228  return true;
229  }
232  std::vector<GenParticle*>&
233  hepevt_particle,
234  GenEvent* evt ) {
238  GenParticle* p = hepevt_particle[i];
239  // a. search to see if a production vertex already exists
240  int mother = HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_parent(i);
241  GenVertex* prod_vtx = p->production_vertex();
242  while ( !prod_vtx && mother > 0 ) {
243  prod_vtx = hepevt_particle[mother]->end_vertex();
244  if ( prod_vtx ) prod_vtx->add_particle_out( p );
245  // increment mother for next iteration
246  if ( ++mother > HEPEVT_Wrapper::last_parent(i) ) mother = 0;
247  }
248  // b. if no suitable production vertex exists - and the particle
249  // has atleast one mother or position information to store -
250  // make one
253  );
254  if ( !prod_vtx && (HEPEVT_Wrapper::number_parents(i)>0
255  || prod_pos!=FourVector(0,0,0,0)) )
256  {
257  prod_vtx = new GenVertex();
258  prod_vtx->add_particle_out( p );
259  evt->add_vertex( prod_vtx );
260  }
261  // c. if prod_vtx doesn't already have position specified, fill it
262  if ( prod_vtx && prod_vtx->position()==FourVector(0,0,0,0) ) {
263  prod_vtx->set_position( prod_pos );
264  }
265  // d. loop over mothers to make sure their end_vertices are
266  // consistent
267  mother = HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_parent(i);
268  while ( prod_vtx && mother > 0 ) {
269  if ( !hepevt_particle[mother]->end_vertex() ) {
270  // if end vertex of the mother isn't specified, do it now
271  prod_vtx->add_particle_in( hepevt_particle[mother] );
272  } else if (hepevt_particle[mother]->end_vertex() != prod_vtx ) {
273  // problem scenario --- the mother already has a decay
274  // vertex which differs from the daughter's produciton
275  // vertex. This means there is internal
276  // inconsistency in the HEPEVT event record. Print an
277  // error
278  // Note: we could provide a fix by joining the two
279  // vertices with a dummy particle if the problem
280  // arrises often with any particular generator.
281  if ( m_print_inconsistency_errors ) {
282  std::cerr
283  << "HepMC::IO_HERWIG: inconsistent mother/daugher "
284  << "information in HEPEVT event "
286  << ". \n I recommend you try "
287  << "inspecting the event first with "
288  << "\n\tHEPEVT_Wrapper::check_hepevt_consistency()"
289  << "\n This warning can be turned off with the "
290  << "IO_HERWIG::print_inconsistency_errors switch."
291  << std::endl;
292  hepevt_particle[mother]->print(std::cerr);
293  std::cerr
294  << "problem vertices are: (prod_vtx, mother)" << std::endl;
295  if ( prod_vtx ) prod_vtx->print(std::cerr);
296  hepevt_particle[mother]->end_vertex()->print(std::cerr);
297  }
298  }
299  if ( ++mother > HEPEVT_Wrapper::last_parent(i) ) mother = 0;
300  }
301  }
304  ( int i, std::vector<GenParticle*>& hepevt_particle, GenEvent* evt )
305  {
309  // Identical steps as for build_production_vertex
310  GenParticle* p = hepevt_particle[i];
311  // a.
312  int daughter = HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_child(i);
313  GenVertex* end_vtx = p->end_vertex();
314  while ( !end_vtx && daughter > 0 ) {
315  end_vtx = hepevt_particle[daughter]->production_vertex();
316  if ( end_vtx ) end_vtx->add_particle_in( p );
317  if ( ++daughter > HEPEVT_Wrapper::last_child(i) ) daughter = 0;
318  }
319  // b. (different from 3c. because HEPEVT particle can not know its
320  // decay position )
321  if ( !end_vtx && HEPEVT_Wrapper::number_children(i)>0 ) {
322  end_vtx = new GenVertex();
323  end_vtx->add_particle_in( p );
324  evt->add_vertex( end_vtx );
325  }
326  // c+d. loop over daughters to make sure their production vertices
327  // point back to the current vertex.
328  // We get the vertex position from the daughter as well.
329  daughter = HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_child(i);
330  while ( end_vtx && daughter > 0 ) {
331  if ( !hepevt_particle[daughter]->production_vertex() ) {
332  // if end vertex of the mother isn't specified, do it now
333  end_vtx->add_particle_out( hepevt_particle[daughter] );
334  //
335  // 2001-03-29 M.Dobbs, fill vertex the position.
336  if ( end_vtx->position()==FourVector(0,0,0,0) ) {
337  FourVector prod_pos( HEPEVT_Wrapper::x(daughter),
338  HEPEVT_Wrapper::y(daughter),
339  HEPEVT_Wrapper::z(daughter),
340  HEPEVT_Wrapper::t(daughter)
341  );
342  if ( prod_pos != FourVector(0,0,0,0) ) {
343  end_vtx->set_position( prod_pos );
344  }
345  }
346  } else if (hepevt_particle[daughter]->production_vertex()
347  != end_vtx){
348  // problem scenario --- the daughter already has a prod
349  // vertex which differs from the mother's end
350  // vertex. This means there is internal
351  // inconsistency in the HEPEVT event record. Print an
352  // error
353  if ( m_print_inconsistency_errors ) std::cerr
354  << "HepMC::IO_HERWIG: inconsistent mother/daugher "
355  << "information in HEPEVT event "
357  << ". \n I recommend you try "
358  << "inspecting the event first with "
359  << "\n\tHEPEVT_Wrapper::check_hepevt_consistency()"
360  << "\n This warning can be turned off with the "
361  << "IO_HERWIG::print_inconsistency_errors switch."
362  << std::endl;
363  }
364  if ( ++daughter > HEPEVT_Wrapper::last_child(i) ) daughter = 0;
365  }
366  if ( !p->end_vertex() && !p->production_vertex() ) {
367  // Added 2001-11-04, to try and handle Isajet problems.
368  build_production_vertex( i, hepevt_particle, evt );
369  }
370  }
374  //
375  GenParticle* p
376  = new GenParticle( FourVector( HEPEVT_Wrapper::px(index),
377  HEPEVT_Wrapper::py(index),
378  HEPEVT_Wrapper::pz(index),
379  HEPEVT_Wrapper::e(index) ),
380  HEPEVT_Wrapper::id(index),
381  HEPEVT_Wrapper::status(index) );
382  p->setGeneratedMass( HEPEVT_Wrapper::m(index) );
383  p->suggest_barcode( index );
384  return p;
385  }
387  int IO_HERWIG::find_in_map( const std::map<GenParticle*,int>& m,
388  GenParticle* p) const {
389  std::map<GenParticle*,int>::const_iterator iter = m.find(p);
390  if ( iter == m.end() ) return 0;
391  return iter->second;
392  }
418  // Make sure hepvt isn't empty.
419  if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::number_entries() <= 0 ) return;
421  // Find the index of the beam-beam collision and of the hard subprocess
422  // Later we will assume that
423  // 101 ---> 121 \.
424  // X Hard subprocess
425  // 102 ---> 122 /
426  //
427  int index_collision = 0;
428  int index_hard = 0;
429  int index_101 = 0;
430  int index_102 = 0;
431  int index_121 = 0;
432  int index_122 = 0;
434  for ( int i = 1; i <=HEPEVT_Wrapper::number_entries(); i++ ) {
435  if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::status(i)==101 ) index_101=i;
436  if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::status(i)==102 ) index_102=i;
437  if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::status(i)==103 ) index_collision=i;
438  if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::status(i)==120 ) index_hard=i;
439  if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::status(i)==121 ) index_121=i;
440  if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::status(i)==122 ) index_122=i;
441  if ( index_collision!=0 && index_hard!=0 && index_101!=0 &&
442  index_102!=0 && index_121!=0 && index_122!=0 ) break;
443  }
445  // The mother daughter information for the hard subprocess entry (120)
446  // IS correct, whereas the information for the particles participating
447  // in the hard subprocess contains instead the color flow relationships
448  // Transfer the hard subprocess info onto the other particles
449  // in the hard subprocess.
450  //
451  // We cannot specify daughters of the incoming hard process particles
452  // because they have some daughters (their showered versions) which
453  // are not adjacent in the particle record, so we cannot properly
454  // set the daughter indices in hepevt.
455  //
456  if (index_121) HEPEVT_Wrapper::set_parents(index_121, index_101, 0 );
457  if (index_121) HEPEVT_Wrapper::set_children( index_121, 0, 0 );
458  if (index_122) HEPEVT_Wrapper::set_parents(index_122, index_102, 0 );
459  if (index_122) HEPEVT_Wrapper::set_children( index_122, 0, 0 );
461  for ( int i = HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_child(index_hard);
462  i <= HEPEVT_Wrapper::last_child(index_hard); i++ ) {
463  //BPK - Atlas ->
464  if (index_hard && HEPEVT_Wrapper::id(index_hard) == 0 ) {
466  i, HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_parent(index_hard),
467  HEPEVT_Wrapper::last_parent(index_hard) );
468  //BPK -> inconsistency in HWHGUP, desc from hard vert should point to it.
469  } else if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_parent(i)!=index_hard) {
471  }
472  //BPK - Atlas -<
474  // When the direct descendants of the hard process are hadrons,
475  // then the 2nd child contains color flow information, and so
476  // we zero it.
477  // However, if the direct descendant is status=195, then it is
478  // a non-hadron, and so the 2nd child does contain real mother
479  // daughter relationships. ( particularly relevant for H->WW,
480  // April 18, 2003 )
481  // BPK - part of the inconsistency in HWHGUP problem
482  if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::status(i) != 195 && HEPEVT_Wrapper::status(i) != 155 ) {
484  }
485  }
487  // now zero the collision and hard entries.
488  //BPK - Atlas ->
489  if (index_hard && HEPEVT_Wrapper::id(index_hard) == 0 ) zero_hepevt_entry(index_hard);
490  if (index_hard && HEPEVT_Wrapper::id(index_collision) == 0 ) zero_hepevt_entry(index_collision);
491  //BPK - Atlas -<
493  // Loop over the particles individually and handle oddities
494  for ( int i=1; i <=HEPEVT_Wrapper::number_entries(); i++ ) {
496  // ----------- Fix ID codes ----------
497  // particles with ID=94 are mirror images of their mothers:
498  if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::id(i)==94 ) {
501  }
503  // ----------- fix STATUS codes ------
504  // status=100 particles are "cones" which carry only color info
505  // throw them away
506  if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::status(i)==100 ) zero_hepevt_entry(i);
509  // NOTE: status 101,102 particles are the beam particles.
510  // status 121,129 particles are the hard subprocess particles
511  // we choose to allow the herwig particles to have herwig
512  // specific codes, and so we don't bother to change these
513  // to status =3.
518  // ----------- fix some MOTHER/DAUGHTER relationships
519  // Whenever the mother points to the hard process, it is referring
520  // to a color flow, so we zero it.
521  if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::last_parent(i)==index_hard ) {
523  i, HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_parent(i), 0 );
524  }
526  // It makes no sense to have a mother that is younger than you are!
528  if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_parent(i) >= i ) {
529  HEPEVT_Wrapper::set_parents( i, 0, 0 );
530  }
531  if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::last_parent(i) >= i ) {
533  i, HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_parent(i), 0 );
534  }
536  // Whenever the second mother/daughter has a lower index than the
537  // first, it means the second mother/daughter contains color
538  // info. Purge it.
539  if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::last_parent(i) <=
542  i, HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_parent(i), 0 );
543  }
545  if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::last_child(i) <=
548  i, HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_child(i), 0 );
549  }
551  // The mothers & daughters of a soft centre of mass (stat=170) seem
552  // to be correct, but they are out of sequence. The information is
553  // elsewhere in the event record, so zero it.
554  //
555  if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::status(i) == 170 ) {
556  HEPEVT_Wrapper::set_parents( i, 0, 0 );
557  HEPEVT_Wrapper::set_children( i, 0, 0 );
558  }
560  // Recognise clusters.
561  // Case 1: cluster has particle parents.
562  // Clusters normally DO point to its two
563  // correct mothers, but those 2 mothers are rarely adjacent in the
564  // event record ... so the mother information might say something
565  // like 123,48 where index123 and index48 really are the correct
566  // mothers... however the hepevt standard states that the mother
567  // pointers should give the index range. So we would have to
568  // reorder the event record and add entries if we wanted to use
569  // it. Instead we just zero the mothers, since all of that
570  // information is contained in the daughter information of the
571  // mothers.
572  // Case 2: cluster has a soft process centre of mass (stat=170)
573  // as parent. This is ok, keep it.
574  //
575  // Note if we were going directly to HepMC, then we could
576  // use this information properly!
578  if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::id(i)==91 ) {
579  // if the cluster comes from a SOFT (id=0,stat=170)
581  == 170 ) {
582  ; // In this case the mothers are ok
583  } else {
584  HEPEVT_Wrapper::set_parents( i, 0, 0 );
585  }
586  }
587  }
589  // ---------- Loop over the particles individually and look
590  // for mother/daughter inconsistencies.
591  // We consider a mother daughter relationship to be valid
592  // ONLy when the mother points to the daughter AND the
593  // daughter points back (true valid bidirectional
594  // pointers) OR when a one thing points to the other, but
595  // the other points to zero. If this isn't true, we zero
596  // the offending relationship.
598  for ( int i=1; i <=HEPEVT_Wrapper::number_entries(); i++ ) {
599  // loop over parents
600  int ifirst = HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_parent(i);
601  int ilast = HEPEVT_Wrapper::last_parent(i);
602  if ( ilast == 0 ) ilast = HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_parent(i);
603  bool first_is_acceptable = true;
604  bool last_is_acceptable = true;
605  // check for out of range.
606  if ( ifirst>=i || ifirst<0 ) first_is_acceptable = false;
607  if ( ilast>=i || ilast<ifirst || ilast<0 )last_is_acceptable=false;
608  if ( first_is_acceptable ) {
609  for ( int j = ifirst; j<=ilast; j++ ) {
610  // these are the acceptable outcomes
611  if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_child(j)==i ) {;}
612  // watch out
613  else if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_child(j) <=i &&
614  HEPEVT_Wrapper::last_child(j) >=i ) {;}
615  else if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_child(j) ==0 &&
616  HEPEVT_Wrapper::last_child(j) ==0 ) {;}
618  // Error Condition:
619  // modified by April 21, 2003
620  // we distinguish between the first parent and all parents
621  // being incorrect
622  else if (j==ifirst) { first_is_acceptable = false; break; }
623  else { last_is_acceptable = false; break; }
624  }
625  }
626  // if any one of the mothers gave a bad outcome, zero all mothers
627  //BPK - Atlas ->
628  // do not disconnect photons (most probably from photos)
629  if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::id(i) == 22 && HEPEVT_Wrapper::status(i) == 1 )
630  { first_is_acceptable = true; }
631  //BPK - Atlas -<
632  if ( !first_is_acceptable ) {
633  HEPEVT_Wrapper::set_parents( i, 0, 0 );
634  } else if ( !last_is_acceptable ) {
636  }
637  }
638  // Note: it's important to finish the mother loop, before
639  // starting the daughter loop ... since many mother relations
640  // will be zero'd which will validate the daughters.... i.e.,
641  // we want relationships like:
643  // 27 TQRK 6 3 26 26 30 30
644  // 30 TQRK 6 155 26 11 31 32
645  // to come out right.
647  for ( int i=1; i <=HEPEVT_Wrapper::number_entries(); i++ ) {
648  // loop over daughters
649  int ifirst = HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_child(i);
650  int ilast = HEPEVT_Wrapper::last_child(i);
651  if ( ilast==0 ) ilast = HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_child(i);
652  bool is_acceptable = true;
653  // check for out of range.
654  if ( ifirst<=i || ifirst<0 ) is_acceptable = false;
655  if ( ilast<=i || ilast<ifirst || ilast<0 ) is_acceptable = false;
656  if ( is_acceptable ) {
657  for ( int j = ifirst; j<=ilast; j++ ) {
658  // these are the acceptable outcomes
659  if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_parent(j)==i ) {;}
660  else if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_parent(j) <=i &&
661  HEPEVT_Wrapper::last_parent(j) >=i ) {;}
662  else if ( HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_parent(j) ==0 &&
663  HEPEVT_Wrapper::last_parent(j) ==0 ) {;}
664  else { is_acceptable = false; } // error condition
665  }
666  }
667  // if any one of the children gave a bad outcome, zero all children
668  if ( !is_acceptable ) HEPEVT_Wrapper::set_children( i, 0, 0 );
669  }
671  // fixme
673  for ( int i=1; i <=HEPEVT_Wrapper::number_entries(); i++ ) {
676  }
679  if ( m_no_gaps_in_barcodes ) remove_gaps_in_hepevt();
680  }
688  std::vector<int> mymap(HEPEVT_Wrapper::number_entries()+1,0);
689  int ilast = 0;
690  for ( int i=1; i <=HEPEVT_Wrapper::number_entries(); i++ ) {
691  if (HEPEVT_Wrapper::status(i)==0 && HEPEVT_Wrapper::id(i)==0) {
692  // we remove all entries for which stat=0, id=0
693  mymap[i]=0;
694  } else {
695  ilast += 1;
696  if ( ilast != i ) {
701  ilast,
705  ilast,
709  ilast,
716  }
717  mymap[i]=ilast;
718  }
719  }
721  // M. Dobbs (from Borut) - April 26, to fix tauolo/herwig past
722  // the end problem with daughter pointers:
723  // HEPEVT_Wrapper::set_number_entries( ilast );
725  // Finally we need to re-map the mother/daughter pointers.
726  for ( int i=1; i <=ilast; i++ ) {
729  i,
731  mymap[HEPEVT_Wrapper::last_parent(i)] );
733  i,
734  mymap[HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_child(i)],
735  mymap[HEPEVT_Wrapper::last_child(i)] );
736  }
737  // M. Dobbs (from Borut, part B) - April 26, to fix tauolo/herwig past
738  // the end problem with daughter pointers:
740  }
742  void IO_HERWIG::zero_hepevt_entry( int i ) const {
743  if ( i <=0 || i > HepMC::HEPEVT_Wrapper::max_number_entries() ) return;
745  HEPEVT_Wrapper::set_id( i, 0 );
746  HEPEVT_Wrapper::set_parents( i, 0, 0 );
747  HEPEVT_Wrapper::set_children( i, 0, 0 );
748  HEPEVT_Wrapper::set_momentum( i, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
749  HEPEVT_Wrapper::set_mass( i, 0 );
750  HEPEVT_Wrapper::set_position( i, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
751  }
757  // example -9922212
758  int hwtran = id; // -9922212
759  int ida = abs(id); // 9922212
760  int j1 = ida%10; // 2
761  int i1 = (ida/10)%10; // 1
762  int i2 = (ida/100)%10; // 2
763  int i3 = (ida/1000)%10; // 2
764  //int i4 =(ida/10000)%10; // 2
765  //int i5 =(ida/100000)%10; // 9
766  //int k99 = (ida/100000)%100; // 9
767  int ksusy = (ida/1000000)%10; // 0
768  //int ku = (ida/10000000)%10; // 0
769  int kqn = (ida/1000000000)%10; // 0
771  if ( kqn==1 ) {
772  // ions not recognized
773  hwtran=0;
774  if ( m_print_inconsistency_errors ) {
775  std::cerr << "IO_HERWIG::translate_herwig_to_pdg_id " << id
776  << "nonallowed ion" << std::endl;
777  }
778  }
779  else if (ida < 100) {
780  // Higgs, etc.
781  hwtran = m_herwig_to_pdg_id[ida];
782  if ( id < 0 ) hwtran *= -1;
783  // check for illegal antiparticles
784  if ( id < 0 ) {
785  if ( hwtran>=-99 && hwtran<=-81) hwtran=0;
786  if ( m_no_antiparticles.count(hwtran) ) hwtran=0;
787  }
788  }
789  else if ( ksusy==1 || ksusy==2 ) { ; }
790  // SUSY
791  else if ( i1!=0 && i3!=0 && j1==2 ) {;}
792  // spin 1/2 baryons
793  else if ( i1!=0 && i3!=0 && j1==4 ) {;}
794  // spin 3/2 baryons
795  else if ( i1!=0 && i2!=0 && i3==0 ) {
796  // mesons
797  // check for illegal antiparticles
798  if ( i1==i2 && id<0) hwtran=0;
799  }
800  else if ( i2!=0 && i3!=0 && i1==0 ) {;}
801  // diquarks
802  else {
803  // undefined
804  hwtran=0;
805  }
807  // check for illegal anti KS, KL
808  if ( id==-130 || id==-310 ) hwtran=0;
810  if ( hwtran==0 && ida!=0 && m_print_inconsistency_errors ) {
811  std::cerr
812  << "IO_HERWIG::translate_herwig_to_pdg_id HERWIG particle "
813  << id << " translates to zero." << std::endl;
814  }
816  return hwtran;
817  }
819 } // HepMC
static void set_children(int index, int firstchild, int lastchild)
define children of a particle
static double y(int index)
Y Production vertex.
static void set_mass(int index, double mass)
set particle mass
static double z(int index)
Z Production vertex.
int translate_herwig_to_pdg_id(int i) const
translate particle ID
int find_in_map(const std::map< GenParticle *, int > &m, GenParticle *p) const
find this particle in the map
static int id(int index)
PDG particle id.
bool fill_next_event(GenEvent *)
get the next event
static int status(int index)
status code
static void set_number_entries(int noentries)
set number of entries in HEPEVT
static int first_parent(int index)
index of 1st mother
void repair_hepevt() const
make the HERWIG HEPEVT common block look like the standard
void print(std::ostream &ostr=std::cout) const
write to ostr
void set_signal_process_vertex(GenVertex *)
set pointer to the vertex containing the signal process
Definition: GenEvent.h:747
void print(std::ostream &ostr=std::cout) const
print vertex information
static int number_parents(int index)
number of parents
void add_particle_in(GenParticle *inparticle)
add incoming particle
static double x(int index)
X Production vertex.
static int event_number()
event number
static void set_momentum(int index, double px, double py, double pz, double e)
set particle momentum
void set_position(const FourVector &position=FourVector(0, 0, 0, 0))
set vertex position and time
Definition: GenVertex.h:424
void set_event_number(int eventno)
set event number
Definition: GenEvent.h:733
GenVertex * production_vertex() const
pointer to the production vertex
Definition: GenParticle.h:218
static double e(int index)
GenVertex contains information about decay vertices.
Definition: GenVertex.h:52
static int last_parent(int index)
index of last mother
bool suggest_barcode(int the_bar_code)
In general there is no reason to &quot;suggest_barcode&quot;.
GenParticle * build_particle(int index)
make a particle
The GenEvent class is the core of HepMC.
Definition: GenEvent.h:155
void remove_gaps_in_hepevt() const
deal with artifacts of repairing HEPEVT
static double px(int index)
X momentum.
void add_particle_out(GenParticle *outparticle)
add outgoing particle
bool add_vertex(GenVertex *vtx)
adds to evt and adopts
void build_end_vertex(int i, std::vector< GenParticle * > &hepevt_particle, GenEvent *evt)
make a decay vertex
static double t(int index)
production time
static int last_child(int index)
index of last daughter
bool set_beam_particles(GenParticle *, GenParticle *)
set incoming beam particles
static void set_parents(int index, int firstparent, int lastparent)
define parents of a particle
static void set_status(int index, int status)
set particle status
static int number_entries()
num entries in current evt
const FourVector & position() const
vertex position and time
Definition: GenVertex.h:406
static int first_child(int index)
index of 1st daughter
FourVector is a simple representation of a physics 4 vector.
Definition: SimpleVector.h:42
static double py(int index)
Y momentum.
GenVertex * end_vertex() const
pointer to the decay vertex
Definition: GenParticle.h:221
static double pz(int index)
Z momentum.
void setGeneratedMass(const double &m)
setGeneratedMass() is included for backwards compatibility with CLHEP HepMC
Definition: GenParticle.h:173
void build_production_vertex(int i, std::vector< GenParticle * > &hepevt_particle, GenEvent *evt)
make a production vertex
void zero_hepevt_entry(int i) const
zero out a HEPEVT pseudo particle
static int max_number_entries()
size of common block
static int number_children(int index)
number of children
static void set_id(int index, int id)
set particle ID
The GenParticle class contains information about generated particles.
Definition: GenParticle.h:60
static double m(int index)
generated mass
static void set_position(int index, double x, double y, double z, double t)
set particle production vertex