6 #include "StPhysicalHelixD.hh"
7 #include "StThreeVectorF.hh"
10 #include "TLorentzVector.h"
25 unsigned short nHits()
56 double globalPt()
57 double globalPhi()
58 double globalEta()
59 TLorentzVector globalP()
71 void setId(
short aId) {mId = aId;}
72 void setFlag(
short aFlag) {mFlag = aFlag;}
74 void setVertexIndex(
int aVertexIndex) {mVertexIndex = aVertexIndex;}
77 void setNHits(
unsigned short aNHits) {mNHits = aNHits;}
78 void setNHitsPoss(
unsigned short aNHitsPoss) {mNHitsPoss = aNHitsPoss;}
79 void setNHitsDedx(
unsigned short aNHitsDedx) {mNHitsDedx = aNHitsDedx;}
80 void setNHitsFit(
unsigned short aNHitsFit) {mNHitsFit = aNHitsFit;}
82 void setNSigmaElectron(
float aNSigmaElectron) {mNSigmaElectron = aNSigmaElectron;}
83 void setNSigmaPion(
float aNSigmaPion) {mNSigmaPion = aNSigmaPion;}
84 void setNSigmaKaon(
float aNSigmaKaon) {mNSigmaKaon = aNSigmaKaon;}
85 void setNSigmaProton(
float aNSigmaProton) {mNSigmaProton = aNSigmaProton;}
86 void setDedx(
float aDedx) {mdEdx = aDedx;}
88 void setChi2(
float aChi2) {mChi2 = aChi2;}
89 void setChi2prob(
float aChi2Prob) {mChi2Prob = aChi2Prob;}
91 void setPtEtaPhi(
float aPt,
float aEta,
float aPhi);
92 void setPt(
float aPt);
93 void setPhi(
float aPhi);
94 void setEta(
float aEta);
96 void setCharge(
short aCharge) {mCharge = aCharge;}
97 void setB(
double aMagneticField) {mB = aMagneticField;}
99 void setGlobalLastPoint(
StThreeVectorF aLastPoint) {mGlobalLastPoint = aLastPoint;}
115 Float_t mNSigmaElectron;
118 Float_t mNSigmaProton;
StThreeVector< double > globalFirstPoint() const
Returns positions of first measured point on global track.
float nSigmaElectron() const
Returns Craig's distance to the calculated dE/dx band for electrons in units of sigma.
short charge() const
Returns charge.
StThreeVectorF vertex() const
Position of vertex for this track.
float nSigmaKaon() const
Returns Craig's distance to the calculated dE/dx band for kaons in units of sigma.
StThreeVectorF globalLastPoint() const
Returns positions of last measured point on global track.
StPhysicalHelixD globalHelix() const
Returns inner helix (first measured point on global track).
double lengthMeasured() const
Returns length of track (cm) from first to last measured point.
float phi() const
Returns phi at point of dca to primary vertex.
unsigned short nHitsDedx() const
Return number of hits used for dEdx.
float chi2prob() const
Returns probability of fit.
double length() const
Returns length of track (cm) from primary vertex to last measured point.
short flag() const
Returns flag, (see StEvent manual for type information)
double B() const
Returns signed magnetic field.
float nSigmaPion() const
Returns Craig's distance to the calculated dE/dx band for pions in units of sigma.
unsigned short nHits() const
Return total number of hits on track.
short id() const
Returns the track id(or key), is unique for a track node, i.e. global and primary tracks have the sam...
float pt() const
Returns pT at point of dca to primary vertex.
float eta() const
Returns pseudo rapidity at point of dca to primary vertex.
float dEdx() const
Returns measured dE/dx value.
const StThreeVector< double > & origin() const
unsigned short nHitsFit() const
Return total number of hits used in fit.
StThreeVectorF globalDca() const
Returns 3D distance of closest approach to primary vertex.
short vertexIndex() const
Returns index of associated primary vertex.
unsigned short nHitsPoss() const
Return number of possible hits on track.
float nSigmaProton() const
Returns Craig's distance to the calculated dE/dx band for protons in units of sigma.
float chi2() const
Returns chi2 of fit.