27 #include "StEEmcIUCluster.h"
28 #include "StEvent/StEmcCluster.h"
35 StEEmcIUCluster::StEEmcIUCluster()
48 if ( weight * tower.
energy() <= 0. )
91 std::cout <<
"cluster key: " <<
mKey << std::endl;
92 std::cout <<
"seed tower: " <<
mTowers[0].name() << std::endl;
93 std::cout <<
"ntowers: " <<
mTowers.size() << std::endl;
94 std::cout <<
"eta: " <<
mMomentum.Eta() << std::endl;
95 std::cout <<
"phi: " <<
mMomentum.Phi() << std::endl;
96 std::cout <<
"energy: " <<
mEnergy << std::endl;
97 std::cout <<
"pt: " <<
mMomentum.Perp() << std::endl;
98 for ( UInt_t i=0;i<
mTowers.size();i++ )
100 mTowers[i].printLine(); std::cout <<
" W=" <<
mWeights[i] << std::endl;
void print()
Prints cluster data.
TVector3 momentum()
Get the momentum of this cluster.
std::vector< Float_t > mWeights
Vector of tower weights.
void add(StEEmcTower, Float_t weight=1.0)
A base class for describing clusters of EEMC towers.
StEmcCluster * mEmcCluster
Pointer to EMC cluster.
StEEmcTowerVec_t mTowers
Vector of towers.
Base class for representing tower, preshower and postshower elements.
Int_t mKey
Unique cluster ID.
Int_t numberOfTowers()
Get the number of towers in cluster.
TVector3 mMomentum
Float_t energy()
Get energy of this cluster.
void energy(Float_t e)
Set the energy (adc-ped+0.5)/gain for this element.