68 * Implemented new binning scheme: dEta stored in array with bin centered at zero, dPhi array has bins centered at zero and pi. Final DEtaDPhi has 25x25 bins with dPhi bin width of pi/12 so all major angles are centered in bins.
69 *
70 * Revision 1.3 2006/04/04 22:10:12 porter
71 * a handful of changes (specific to correlations)
72 * - added StEStructQAHists so that if NOT input frm Maker, each analysis has its own
73 * - used ability to get any max,min val from the cut class - or z-vertex binning
74 * - put z-vertex binning into 1 place
75 * - switched back 1st line of pair cut method to keep pair if good, not to reject if bad.
76 * - Pair cut object is now pointer in correlations
77 * - some diagnostic printouts available from macro
78 * - Duncan's delta-phi binning change
79 *
80 * Revision 1.2 2005/09/14 17:14:23 msd
81 * Large update, added new pair-cut system, added pair density plots for new analysis mode (4), added event mixing cuts (rewrote buffer for this)
82 *
83 * Revision 1.1 2003/10/15 18:20:46 porter
84 * initial check in of Estruct Analysis maker codes.