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7 #ifndef StEmcMicroTrack__h
8 #define StEmcMicroTrack__h
10 #include "TObject.h"
11 #include "math.h"
13 //-----------------------------------------------------------
15 class StEmcMicroTrack : public TObject
16 {
18 public:
22  virtual ~StEmcMicroTrack();
24  Float_t getPt() const { return mP*sin(2*atan(exp(-mEta))); }
25  Float_t getP() const { return mP; }
26  Float_t getEta() const { return mEta; }
27  Float_t getPhi() const { return mPhi; }
28  Float_t getOrigin(Int_t i) const { return mX[i]; }
29  Float_t getCurvature() const { return mCurvature; }
30  Short_t getCharge() const { return (Int_t)mCharge; }
31  Float_t getDca() const { return mDca; }
32  Float_t getDcaSigned() const { return mDcaSigned; }
33  Float_t getChi2() const { return (Float_t)mChi2/1000.; }
34  Int_t getFitPts() const { return (Int_t)mFitPts; }
35  Int_t getMaxPts() const { return (Int_t)mMaxPts; }
36  Int_t getNhits() const { return (Int_t)mNhits; }
37  Float_t getDedx() const { return mDedx; }
38  Float_t getDedxErr() const { return mDedxErr; }
39  Int_t getNdedxPts() const { return (Int_t)mNdedxPts; }
40  Float_t getTrackLength() const { return mTrackLength; }
41  Int_t getTrackNode() const { return mTrackNode; }
42  Int_t getFlag() const { return (Int_t)mFlag; }
44  void setP(Float_t p) { mP = p; }
45  void setEta(Float_t eta) { mEta = eta; }
46  void setPhi(Float_t phi) { mPhi = phi; }
47  void setCurvature(Float_t c) { mCurvature = c; }
48  void setOrigin(Float_t x,Float_t y,Float_t z) { mX[0]=x; mX[1]=y; mX[2]=z;}
49  void setCharge(Short_t charge) { mCharge = (Char_t)charge; }
50  void setDca(Float_t dca) { mDca = dca; }
51  void setDcaSigned(Float_t sdca) { mDcaSigned = sdca; }
52  void setChi2(Float_t chi2) { mChi2 = (Int_t)(chi2*1000.); }
53  void setFitPts(Int_t fitPts) { mFitPts = (Char_t)fitPts; }
54  void setMaxPts(Int_t maxPts) { mMaxPts = (Char_t)maxPts; }
55  void setNhits(Int_t nhits) { mNhits = (Char_t)nhits; }
56  void setDedx(Float_t Dedx) { mDedx = Dedx; }
57  void setDedxErr(Float_t err) { mDedxErr = err; }
58  void setNdedxPts(Int_t ndedxPts) { mNdedxPts = (Char_t)ndedxPts; }
59  void setTrackLength(Float_t tl) { mTrackLength = tl; }
60  void setTrackNodeNumber(Int_t n) { mTrackNode = n; }
61  void setFlag(Int_t n) { mFlag = (Char_t)n; }
62 private:
64  Float_t mP; // total momentum
65  Float_t mEta; // pseudorapidity
66  Float_t mPhi; // azimuthal angle
67  Float_t mCurvature; // track curvature
68  Float_t mX[3]; // track origin (needed for projection)
69  Char_t mCharge; // charge
70  Float_t mDca; // distance of closest approach (? track model)
71  Float_t mDcaSigned; // 2D dca with sign (circle fit)
72  Int_t mChi2; // chi squared
73  Char_t mFitPts; // number of hits used in fit
74  Char_t mMaxPts; // maximum possible number of hits
75  Char_t mNhits; // number of hits on the track
76  Float_t mDedx; // specific energy loss
77  Float_t mDedxErr; // dE/dX error on mean value
78  Char_t mNdedxPts; // number of hits use for dE/dx
79  Float_t mTrackLength; // lenght of the track (cm)
80  Int_t mTrackNode; // original track node
81  Char_t mFlag; // flag
82  ClassDef(StEmcMicroTrack,1)
83 };
85 #endif
Float_t getOrigin(Int_t i) const
Return Origin of the track (0=X, 1=Y, 2=Z)
Float_t getPt() const
Return PT of the track.
Float_t getChi2() const
Return ChiSquare of the track.
Float_t getPhi() const
Return Phi of the track.
Int_t getNhits() const
Return Number of hits of the track.
Float_t getDcaSigned() const
Return DCA signed of the track.
Short_t getCharge() const
Return Charge of the track.
Float_t getDca() const
Return DCA of the track.
Float_t getDedx() const
Return dE/dX of the track.
Int_t getFitPts() const
Return Number of fit points of the track.
Int_t getMaxPts() const
Return Max number of points of the track.
Float_t getDedxErr() const
Return dE/dX error on mean value.
Float_t getCurvature() const
Return Curvature of the track.
Int_t getNdedxPts() const
Return dE/dX number of points of the track.
Float_t getTrackLength() const
Return track length.
Float_t getP() const
Return P of the track.
Float_t getEta() const
Return Eta of the track.
Int_t getTrackNode() const
Return track node (useful for StEvent Reconstruction)
Int_t getFlag() const
Return flag of the track.