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9 #ifndef STAR_StEventQAMaker
10 #define STAR_StEventQAMaker
12 #include "StQAMakerBase.h"
14 class StEvent;
15 class StPrimaryVertex;
16 class HitHistograms;
17 class StPmdGeom;
18 class StPmdMapUtil;
23 class StEventQAMaker : public StQAMakerBase {
24  private:
26  StEvent *event;
27  StPrimaryVertex *primVtx;
28  HitHistograms *mHitHist;
29  Int_t n_prim_good;
30  Int_t n_glob_good;
31  Int_t multiplicity; // multiplicity of current event
32  StPmdGeom* mPmdGeom;
33  StPmdMapUtil* maputil;
34  Int_t mRunNumber;
35  Bool_t silHists; // whether we're doing SVT,SSD hists
36  Bool_t ftpHists; // whether we're doing FTPC hists
37  Bool_t hitsAvail; // whether TPC hits are available
38  Float_t vertExists; // prim vertex : none/questionable/good
39  Bool_t printTpcHits; // mode to output TPC hit positions
40  Int_t qaEvents; // number of events looked at
41  Float_t runFreq; // clock frequency for current run
42  Float_t evtTime; // time since the start of the run [sec]
44  static const Int_t mNVPD = 19;
45  static const Int_t mEastVpdTrayId = 121;
46  static const Int_t mWestVpdTrayId = 122;
47  Float_t mEastVpdCorr[mNVPD];
48  Float_t mWestVpdCorr[mNVPD];
50  Int_t PCThits(StTrackDetectorInfo* detInfo);
52 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
54  public:
56  StEventQAMaker(const char *name="EventQA", const char *title="StEvent/QA");
57  virtual ~StEventQAMaker();
58  virtual Int_t Init();
59  virtual Int_t InitRun(int runnumber);
60  virtual Int_t Make();
62  virtual void MakeHistGlob();
63  virtual void MakeHistDE();
64  virtual void MakeHistPrim();
65  virtual void MakeHistPID();
66  virtual void MakeHistVertex();
67  virtual void MakeHistPoint();
68  virtual void MakeHistEMC();
69  virtual void MakeHistEval();
70  virtual void MakeHistBBC();
71  virtual void MakeHistFPD();
72  virtual void MakeHistPMD();
73  virtual void MakeHistTOF();
74  virtual void MakeHistFMS();
75  virtual void MakeHistMTD();
76  virtual void MakeHistHFT();
77  virtual void MakeHistPXL();
78  virtual void MakeHistIST();
79  virtual void MakeHistSST();
80  virtual void MakeHistRP();
81  virtual void MakeHistEPD();
82  virtual void MakeHistTPC();
83  virtual void MakeHistiTPC();
85  virtual void AllTriggers() { allTrigs = kTRUE; }
87  // virtual void SetPntrToHistUtil(StHistUtil *m1);
90  virtual const char *GetCVS() const
91  {static const char cvs[]="Tag $Name: $ $Id: StEventQAMaker.h,v 2.26 2019/05/22 21:24:31 genevb Exp $ built " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ ; return cvs;}
93  ClassDef(StEventQAMaker,0) //StAF chain virtual base class for Makers
94 };
96 #endif
98 // $Id: StEventQAMaker.h,v 2.26 2019/05/22 21:24:31 genevb Exp $
99 // $Log: StEventQAMaker.h,v $
100 // Revision 2.26 2019/05/22 21:24:31 genevb
101 // Add sDCA vs. time-in-run
102 //
103 // Revision 2.25 2019/03/14 02:31:53 genevb
104 // Introduce iTPC plots
105 //
106 // Revision 2.24 2018/07/03 21:33:34 genevb
107 // Introduce EPD (code provided by J. Ewigleben)
108 //
109 // Revision 2.23 2016/02/01 23:46:21 genevb
110 // Add a mode for printing out TPC hits
111 //
112 // Revision 2.22 2015/07/17 19:09:03 genevb
113 // SSD copied for SST, and HFT histogams use SST now too
114 //
115 // Revision 2.21 2015/03/18 21:43:17 genevb
116 // Introduce Roman Pots histograms (K. Yip)
117 //
118 // Revision 2.20 2015/01/16 21:08:28 genevb
119 // Initial versions of HFT histograms
120 //
121 // Revision 2.19 2014/08/06 11:43:53 jeromel
122 // Suffix on literals need to be space (later gcc compiler makes it an error) - first wave of fixes
123 //
124 // Revision 2.18 2014/07/22 20:39:28 genevb
125 // Add MTD to Offline QA
126 //
127 // Revision 2.17 2013/03/12 03:06:02 genevb
128 // Add FMS/FPD histograms for Run 13+
129 //
130 // Revision 2.16 2012/02/09 03:01:05 genevb
131 // No FTPC histograms for Run 12+
132 //
133 // Revision 2.15 2011/05/26 19:59:38 genevb
134 // Cleanup in destructors
135 //
136 // Revision 2.14 2011/02/19 02:20:46 genevb
137 // Pile-up cuts
138 //
139 // Revision 2.13 2009/11/19 20:34:38 genevb
140 // Remove Event Summary (using defunct old software monitors)
141 //
142 // Revision 2.12 2009/02/21 00:42:52 genevb
143 // TOF updates (BTOF classes), and single primVtx pointer
144 //
145 // Revision 2.11 2007/11/30 05:38:50 genevb
146 // Changes for Run8: mostly silicon removal, TOF addition
147 //
148 // Revision 2.10 2004/12/13 15:52:36 genevb
149 // Numerous updates: PMD, primtrk, FPD, QAShift lists
150 //
151 // Revision 2.9 2003/02/19 06:38:28 genevb
152 // Rework trigger and mult/event class sections
153 //
154 // Revision 2.8 2003/01/17 15:15:47 genevb
155 // Add AllTriggers() function to ignore trigger words
156 //
157 // Revision 2.7 2002/04/23 01:59:56 genevb
158 // Addition of BBC/FPD histos
159 //
160 // Revision 2.6 2002/02/10 16:48:28 jeromel
161 // Attempt to prevent re-creation of mHitHist.
162 //
163 // Revision 2.5 2002/02/05 22:27:30 jeromel
164 // Modifications from David H. Int() -> InitRun().
165 //
166 // Revision 2.4 2001/05/25 16:31:21 lansdell
167 // more updates to qa shift histograms
168 //
169 // Revision 2.3 2001/05/23 00:14:52 lansdell
170 // more changes for qa_shift histograms
171 //
172 // Revision 2.2 2001/05/16 20:57:03 lansdell
173 // new histograms added for qa_shift printlist; some histogram ranges changed; StMcEvent now used in StEventQA
174 //
175 // Revision 2.1 2001/04/28 22:05:13 genevb
176 // Added EMC histograms
177 //
178 // Revision 2.0 2000/08/25 16:02:40 genevb
179 // New revision: new structure, multiplicity classes
180 //
181 //
virtual void MakeHistTOF()
virtual const char * GetCVS() const
the following is a ROOT macro that is needed in all ROOT code
virtual void MakeHistDE()
histograms filled in MakeHistPID() method
virtual Int_t Make()
StEventQAMaker - Make; fill histograms.
virtual Int_t InitRun(int runnumber)
StEventQAMaker - InitRun; Book histograms, set defaults for member functions.