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1 #ifndef __StKFTrack_h__
2 #define __StKFTrack_h__
3 // $Id: StKFTrack.h,v 2.2 2012/06/11 15:33:41 fisyak Exp $
4 #include "Riostream.h"
5 #include "TObject.h"
6 #include "KFParticle.h"
7 #include "TRSymMatrix.h"
8 #include "StAnneling.h"
9 #include "TString.h"
10 class StKFTrack;
11 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const StKFTrack& p);
12 class StKFTrack : public TObject {
13 public:
14  StKFTrack(Int_t k = -1, KFParticle *particle = 0, Double_t chi2=-1, Int_t iWE = 0);
15  virtual ~StKFTrack() {}
16  void SetChi2(Double_t chi2=-1);
17  void Reset() {fParticle = KFParticle(*fOrigKFParticle);}
18  Int_t K() const {return fK;} // index in particle array
19  Double_t Weight() const {return fWeight;} // adaptive weight
20  Double_t W() const {return fW;} // adaptive weigth for multi vertices
21  Double_t Chi2() const {return fChi2;}
22  KFParticle Particle()const {return fParticle;}// particle with modified covariance matrix accourdingly to weight
23  KFParticle &Particle(){return *&fParticle;}// particle with modified covariance matrix accourdingly to weight
25  Double_t &Weight() {return *&fWeight;} // adaptive weight
26  Double_t &W() {return *&fW;} // adaptive weigth for multi vertices
27  Double_t &Chi2() {return *&fChi2;}
28  KFParticle *OrigParticle() const {return fOrigKFParticle;} //
29  Bool_t IsWest() {return fWestOrEast > 0;}
30  Bool_t IsEast() {return fWestOrEast < 0;}
31  void Print(Option_t *option="") const {if (option) {}; std::cout << *this << std::endl;}
32  static Int_t CorrectGePid(Int_t gePid);
33 private:
34  const Int_t fK; // index in particle array
35  Double_t fWeight; // adaptive weight
36  Double_t fW; // adaptive weigth for multi vertices
37  Double_t fChi2;
38  KFParticle fParticle;// particle with modified covariance matrix accourdingly to weight
39  KFParticle *fOrigKFParticle; //
40  Int_t fWestOrEast;
41  ClassDef(StKFTrack,0)
42 };
43 // $Log: StKFTrack.h,v $
44 // Revision 2.2 2012/06/11 15:33:41 fisyak
45 // std namespace
46 //
47 // Revision 2.1 2012/05/07 14:56:14 fisyak
48 // Add StKFVertexMaker
49 //
50 // Revision 1.2 2012/02/07 19:38:26 fisyak
51 // Repackage
52 //
53 #endif